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Okay, I change my question.. Can anybody here know how to compile a C++ program with Vim on Windows?
Is it now valid?
emacs is better (or so I've heard)
2 mins ago, by DeadMG
dude, go away
@FredOverflow Meh. It's different. Both are good.
I use neither. But I love how people get all religious over the editor debate :)
Install Gentoo. Use Vim. Use Haskell.
No further upgrade possible.
Just remember to install Haskell last.
can you install gallbladder surgery
@FredOverflow Why Haskell last?
@DeadMG $ emerge surgery/gallbladder
@not-rightfold Have you tried Gentoo?
@DmitryPoroh Because Haskell doesn't allow changes, at least not easily ;-)
@Tuntuni Of course.
It was an orgasm.
What is the topic?
@not-rightfold Is there a noticeable difference in speed (I've heard it's fast because you compile everything for your machine)?
what topic?
@Tuntuni No.
That said, I only use Vim, Z shell and Chromium, so yeah a difference in speed wouldn't be noticeable unless your old machine was incredibly ancient.
Aug 26 at 10:08, by Cat Plus Plus
Congratulations on being our 1000th visitor, click here for your wildest dreams to come true! Also, acronyms.
Anybody, what is your favorite editor including your OS? And why?
If I have template <template <typename> class[1] SomeTemplatedClass> then [1] absolutely must be class and not typename?
Vim and Gentoo because they don't suck.
@Tuntuni Yep.
emacs and debian because they don't suck too
(insert personal preference, which no one should care about because it's a personal preference)
@not-rightfold So you mean Notepad++ suck?
Notepad++ is absolutely horrible.
@DeadMG Alrighty. Will it later support typename too or is there a bigger technical detail involved that prevents it from being typename instead of class?
My colleague uses it. :puke:
@Tuntuni Nobody cared enough to change it.
@DeadMG Oh. Thx.
@not-rightfold Because it's not Vim? :D
I thought Notepad++ was good before I switched to Sublime.
Why when I Googled "Best Free Text Editor", there are many people want Notepad++?
Because it has those little annoyances.
@not-rightfold Like?
@Tuntuni backspace didn't remove four spaces last time I checked.
@not-rightfold Erm.
@not-rightfold Ahh! Finally found that page again, thanks. Gonna bookmark it now. :D
brb; food
I use Notepad++, sundry GUI editors and Windows. I can't be bothered with editors that mimic ancient shit like vi and OS that cannot run any of my GUI apps.
@not-rightfold No idea. I have it installed but don't really use it that much when coding. I try to use Vim as much as possible but sometimes I switch to an IDE because of its ease of use.
@not-rightfold You are a Vim user and then you don't want to help me about my issue?
@EtiennedeMartel same here, but still only usable as text editor and not as IDE
@Darklighter Yeah.
I use VS anyway.
> And please, for the love of all that is nice and fluffy, don't act like we owe you something. You'll get flamed to death.
@MartinJames Use QT
@Servant He doesn't want to help anyone about any issue.
@EtiennedeMartel I tried to use QtCreator more
@FredOverflow Ha, I remember that. I wrote it.
Can we stop the pointless "debate"? Trying to convince text editor X is better than text editor Y is like trying to convince your friend he should eat chocolate ice cream because vanilla ice cream is terrible.
@DmitryPoroh ..and rebuild/redesign all my existing apps? I don't think so.
@Borgleader vanilla is sooo much better
@Borgleader Yeah, but Radek is a fanboy at heart.
He's never gonna shut up.
@not-rightfold What is your OS? It is Linux?
@Servant Gentoo is a Linux distro. But IIRC, he was an OS X user before.
That said, he has a tendency to fall in love with anything he encounters.
So take what he says with a grain of salt.
@Borgleader "becuase vanilla ice cream is terrible." - now you did it! D:
What is the hardest editor to use and why?
I don't think anybody would release a text editor that is intentionally hard to use.
No, I mean in your opinion.
@FredOverflow sed
Notepad displays Unix files in one looooong line :(
@FredOverflow omg this. i hate that so much.
inb4 this whole thing gets binned
@MartinJames I will search those two!
Too many stars in here.
@FredOverflow OK, you win...
Someone is going full retard with the stars
I admit I didn't expect stars for lising two of the most primitive and essentially useless 'editors' ever.
holy fucking shit
want: gallstone surgery
i really bad for you man =/
i know it doesn't help but... anyway
Yeah - this stomachpocalype thingy is not really funny any more.
@MartinJames Sublime is awesome
@MartinJames What are the useless editors?
@MartinJames Implying it was ever funny :P
@MartinJames It hasn't been since I started having it- two years and nine months ago.
Something is squeaking..
@DeadMG Yeah, I can imagine :(
@StackedCrooked what is that?
@A.H. See the title :)
@StackedCrooked You mean "gratuitous".
@DeadMG It just randomly started or did it gradually "sink in" ?
is it really english ?
Some annoying device is beeping every 30 seconds, somewhere in my piles of boxes of stuff.
@Borgleader It just started up one day.
@EtiennedeMartel It's not really gratuitous because the words do form real sentences. It's just that they are very hard to understand.
@MartinJames you have a container of containers of stuff ?
Now, what's the easiest editor for you? What is your OS? And why?
@A.H. It's an excellent anime actually. I would definitely recommend it.
@A.H. Yeah, sorta recursive... and one is beeping.
which one has batteries?
@Servant nano
@StackedCrooked never watched anime before
@MartinJames But what's equally important to me is that I need to be declared as unfit for work.
@A.H. I don't know! One has and, presumably, it's batteries are dying and it does not know that I do not care.
I personally find it difficult to imagine anyone that would hire me in my current state.
@DeadMG How you could possibly be expected to work in that state I just don't know.
@Servant My favorite editor is
@A.H. In that case: anime is excellent and I definitely recommend it :D
@MartinJames Well, my previous doctor signed off on me because I said that if I only ate the good stuff, I didn't experience too many symptoms.
but that no longer appears to be true.
I'm on Windows 7 and, because windows 8 sucks
@DeadMG do they at least allow you to work from home ?
I've eaten basically nothing for the last month and I'm still shit.
@Borgleader uninstall it
@A.H. Who's "they"?
@Borgleader What do you mean?
@DeadMG employer's , those expecting you to work
@A.H. I'm unemployed.
@Servant I use Gentoo and OS X.
@Servant No, of course not.
but I doubt that anyone would hire an employee who's like "Er, yeah, had to be awake all night and sleep 9-5 because crippling stomach pains for weeks on end, which recurs repeatedly for the indefinite future".
@not-rightfold What?
Unless you pay me a lot of money.
@not-rightfold Gentoo and OS X are the easiest for you?
@DeadMG and what did your doctor do ?
I'm too used to Unix-like systems to use Windows.
@FredOverflow I see a programming assignment for week 3. Do you not have it?
On the rare ocassion I use Windows, I use Vim too. :V
@A.H. Told me I was fit to work and to piss off, essentially.
@Borgleader is it too late to start that course now ?
@not-rightfold That's why your favorite editor is Vim because you're not on Windows.
@Servant I saw that! Bastard!
@Borgleader I clicked "Exercises", stupid me...
@Servant Sublime Text is pretty good, so is QT creator for some people...
hi guys
@A.H. No, the due date for the first assignment is Sep 9, and the hard deadline is Oct 9.
@A.H. idk, you could check. But you'd have 3 weeks of backlog. coursera.org/course/algs4partI
And since this course offers no certificate, you can submit even later if you want to.
@Borgleader I hope I can catch up, looks like a nice course but I still have exams this week
actually I have one tommorow
@A.H. I don't have a plan to use Sublime Text yet, but I think it is the best editor.
@user2713461 hey
@Servant I don't think such a thing exists
@A.H. how are you?
@DeadMG did you try exaggerating your pain ?
@A.H. i wanted to convert the product of 2 integers into string!!
@A.H. No. But right now, there's no exaggeration needed- the strategy of only eating stuff that should be safe to eat is no longer functioning.
For me the popular editor that's hardest to use is no other than Vim! Is there anybody want to dare?
@user2713461 look up stringstream
@Servant emacs
@Servant I have no idea what you're at. If you want to learn how to use Vim, just go through vimtutor.
but TBH hard to use is not a feature
@A.H. Well Emacs is the competitor.
@user2713461 as FredOverflow suggested look that up or post a question on Stack Overflow, or well just google it
@FredOverflow and @A.H. Thank you
@not-rightfold If you want to see what my issue is, then please check this: stackoverflow.com/questions/18674226/…
@user2713461 Oh wait, in C++11 you can just say auto s = std::to_string(123*456);
@not-rightfold That is hard..
@FredOverflow auto is storage class, right??
@FredOverflow hopefully this time i wont misread the damn requirements and waste 4 hours -.-;
Are there any c++ libraries focused only on object managment? I always have to reinvent the wheel whenever i make a game. Creating a baseobject with virtual functions for "updating" the object etc, then make a manager calling these etc.
In C++11, auto means "the type of whatever I assign to you", basically
@DavidKron you shouldn't have said manager
Which in this case is std::string
@DavidStone thank you.. can u give link for further expansion?
@Borgleader Do you have any better words for abbreviating what i explained?
@DavidKron No I mean a lot of people here hate manager classes :P
@Borgleader I know, i do also, whenever i use c++ for anything thats not a game. But when having a collection of game objects, its the only way.
@DavidKron so you want a baseobject with a virtual function ?
I guess i might as-well use the words, "object collection"
@A.H. No i want a object collection that sorts objects by type in an hierarchical structure, focused for game development.
can you actually sort by type?
map j gj
map k gk
Heh, this is neat.
@not-rightfold What is that?
Q: Pathetic Closing of questions by Idiots (Yes Idiots!)

JawadJust joined meta. Never did. The only reason is this. Question Don't care about rep. You can down vote me - infinity. My ass don't care. "closed as not constructive by Andrew Barber♦ Mar 14 at 18:53" Stupid and mother of stupid. If this question is not constructive, than there is not a singl...

Allows you to decently navigate in long, wrapping lines.
@DavidKron cool
hi guys is there any one that can help me finding an answer for this question
Q: SVM multi class classification: how to make class decision?

Ross i'm working on a facial expression rocognition programm in c++ so far this is what i did: Use opencv to detect the face in the image Use ASM and stasm to get the facial feature point i want to use SVM to classify the facial expression (Happiness ,Sadness ,Fear, Disgust, Surprise, Anger) happin...

@not-rightfold That is not my issue.
Uh, so what?
It's not like helping you is the only reason for my existence.
@not-rightfold Did you check my question?
No. I'm not interested in it.
My plonk list, however, is.
@not-rightfold No, my issue is my query.
if i declare as auto p = std::to_string(99*98);
im getting the error as
p was not declared in this scope
@user2713461 -std=c++11
@Mysticial thanks for the laugh :)
@user2713461 Are you compiling in C++11 mode?
You need -std=c++11 for gcc 4.7 and above, std=c++0x for older gcc
@user2713461 Please don't spam pings.
Can anyone give me some motivating words in doing my java exercises for school?
@DavidKron "Singleton"
@DavidKron Factory
Piss off guys
@A.H. how to find out my compiler
im workin in ubuntu
Maybe i can make a c++ interpreter in java and use it on all exercises instead.
How do you compile stuff?
@A.H. Or a "Singleton Factory"!
c++ <filename>.cpp
@Mysticial SingletonAbstractFactory
@user2713461 c++ -v
@Mysticial Factory Factory
Is there new comers that's a Vim expert?
@A.H. ISingleFactoryManager
@Servant what?
@DavidStone gcc version 4.6.3
@DavidKron mine is a singleton factory
@DavidKron ISingleAbstreactBeanFactorymanager
that happens to be abstract
@A.H. Do you know how to use Vim?
so is there any answer???
@Servant no because I am not a sadist
@Ross if someone knew it they will post it as an answer to your question
@Borgleader ISingleAbstreactBeanFactorymanager : singletonInterface , virtual BeanBase , ManagerBase, JavaBaseClassForEverythingIAlwaysUse
@DavidStone how to proceed in c++ 4.6.3??
@not-rightfold where does one get a plonk list?
Everyone has one.
@Borgleader IBeanSingletonFactoryAbstract
Also, nore @ :perldo s/. :|
@A.H. this is the kind of answers i was waiting for ^^
@user2713461 Have you tried c++ -std=c++0x myfile.cpp?
I meant to post that a few minutes ago

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