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well, presumably either you pick one, or it's pre-set.
it's complicated by the fact that all of these are designed to plug into eachother and form a chain. So there's lots of random functions I'm not supposed to touch
so basically it's shit.
@not-rightfold boost::asio?
yeah it is
Well, what fucking type is it, some fucked-up enum, or what?
Virtually every function begins the same way
somethingtype* thing = new thing(member1, member2);
if (thing)
//and 90% of these could have been on the stack.
they'd probably try to check for it's existence anyway
I'd have to see all of the code to establish a level of fuckedUpNess.
it's like Dwarf Fortess
you lose = FUN
@MartinJames and he's super proud of himself
@DeadMG I've confirmed I must set them both manually, and a comment says they must both be a PCM encoding at the same sampling rate with a wave header
or at least, you have to tell it there's a wave header, since it never actually sees any header
@DeadMG standard telephone format I think
no wait, telephones use uLaw and aLaw.
hmm, I see a function that tells it to report progress to me, but I see no obvious mechanism for the progress to be reported
oh, you set the callback in a seperate function. of course
I don't want to do this :(
I'd rather rewrite it and use that
but management would be upset, and it would hurt his feelings :/ And his code usually works really well. It's just... awkward. But he's really good at testing his code.
@MooingDuck uLaw/aLaw... I thought all that shite had long ago died... So many nightmares..
@StackedCrooked I see you have connected :/
Yes, I haven't really done anything though.
<username> pts/3        xx.xxx.xxx.103   Thu Aug 29 21:41 - 21:43  (00:02)
I'd be amazed, in two minutes :)
One can do a lot of damage in that timespan.
Anyways, glad that works. You're in sudo, so - I guess you won't need me (unless you need (for some reason?) to reimage the thing
@StackedCrooked True
Btw, I got a feature request from cppreference guy.
> The current Coliru API is a bit unwieldy to use since it returns
combined output from all commands. This problem could be solved by
accepting an array of strings identifying the commands to be executed
and returning an array of strings identifying output from each command.
An example of a request: { 'cmd': [ '<cmd1>', '<cmd2>', '<cmd3>', <...> ], 'src': '<src>' }
An example of a response: { 'o_shell': '<output from the shell, e.g. Segmentation Fault, etc.>', 'o_cmd': [ '<output of 1st command>', <...> ] }
I think most of this is possible with shell magic though.
And I'm off to bed. Haskell is painful for my brain. I've achieved this tonight: paste.ubuntu.com/6042308
@StackedCrooked It is, but I'd sure employ Ruby for this in your context.
I could post a ruby script to the archive and call it from the command line :)
@StackedCrooked It's quite messy. I'm really struggling along. And I'm afraid the performance is gonna ... suck. It's a coding challenge from here and I've already solved it in C++
@StackedCrooked Mmm? I don't see how that would help in splitting the output. Or is this to "be inside the sandbox" with the ruby?
No that can't be done.
But the desired thing should not really require an API change imo.
Well. It sounds rather non-trivial to me. Consider scripts that start with set -e or scripts that have [ -x ./a.out ] || on a single line, and echo oops on the next
Array of commands = list of command lines
Arrray of outputs = list of output lines
list of output 'blocks'? (a single command line will result in n lines of output)
Blocks then.
newlines would need to be escaped
A bash while loop should work I think. while read line ; do echo "$($line) | perl -pe 's,\n,\\n,g')" ; done <commands
Or something.
interesting regex format
shouldnt that be s/\n/\\n/g ?
or do they use , these days?
command line?
@MattD Better not, or I'll have to abuse the comma operator as well.
I wouldn't know, I'm too nooby to use all the cool and awesome UNIX tools.
at one point in a previous life i could write regex's in perl without consulting the documentation.
thats also known as "writing perl" i guess ;)
Sigh. Apparently I cannot tell VS that "event" isn't a keyword.
it is a pretty damn common keyword. i tend to use evt
Common in what?
@MattD You can use any character.
@StackedCrooked Interesting, is there a reason everyone uses /?
I dunno.
/ was what you had to use back in perl4 and earlier
I find , to be clearer.
i guess unless you're trying to find a , character ;)
printf "ls\npwd\ndate\n" >commands
while read line ; do printf "$line => $(eval $line | perl -pe 's,\n,\\\\n,g')\n" ; done <commands
Needs four backslashes..
what are you trying to do?
Good question.
I suck a design. It makes me sad.
archictecture design?
Any programming related design I guess :D
the only way to get better at that is practice, and trying new things
Thats what they tell me.
As far as new things go, this was not the correct design :D
at least you know that you suck, that puts you in the top 1%
well you dont learn anything unless you fuck things up
Anyway, I am trying to make a text input form (singleline), but... it just seems ugly.
god php :(
Functionality > Beauty
its a terrible language :)
Given how often I hear that, I hesitate to touch it.
@StackedCrooked In terms of visual appearance, or the code? (if this is for the text input)
visual appearance
i think half the battle is the shitty code people write in it. i have this theory that the "easier" the language makes for people to do stuff in it, the less thought people put into what they're doing.
you can make it prettier, but it would be a lot of extra effort
Ah. I haven't even gotten to visual appearance yet. When I made this before, it was basically just.. a black rectangle, and some black text. Not exactly pretty, but I guess it works.
Nowhere near.. themed things, though.
I also have a theory that scripting language code trends to infinite complexity, and there's a point where the code written in the scripting language is more complicated than the code which implements the scripting language, at which point you need to work out if thats actually a useful thing
@Pawnguy7 Making a GUI library?
Um... just barely. And very unresuable outside this.
I just wanted some input things (text, slider), so I was making some.
My first GUI library looked pretty (at least I think so) but the internals were really messy so I always wish I could remake it.
there is an open source, half finished SWF runtime
i've written a bunch of GUI's for games
i keep meaning to write one for indie use.
but with proliferation of SWF runtimes, its pretty pointless exercise
That is what I mean by themed.
use a 9 grid for everything, makes that easy
Here is what I had in asteroids.
I don't think I am destined to make GUI libraries.
these days, i'd be trying to use js + html, as sad as it is
I don't seem to think in terms of web things.
All the elements and enclosing elements and divs and whatnot.
@Rapptz you have made games with SFML before, you said?
I can't make actual games for shit.
I made Pong, Snake, Minesweeper, Hangman, and other silly games.
Neither can I, but I am pretty sure you do better than me.
thats more than most people manage ;)
I have only completed one of those, and it sucked internally.
Like, only one file kind of suck.
you learnt alot tho right?
I learned to never do it again :D
Pong, Breakout and Hangman were a single file.
I don't think I had any functions either.
Not sure why...
I made console hangman, if it counts.
You can apply the same logic of a console game to a graphical one really
That's what I did with hangman
kind of, games get complex fast
Anyway. For this, I have a static class for resources - basically, I load it all at the start, and it can be accessed anywhere. Is that a bad idea?
for anything remotely complicate you'll end up in dependency hell
It just feels... too connected.
I think your right.
Not positive how to do it.
Thanks Matt. I've learnt that I need to think more about dependency. — Paul yesterday
err scroll up and read my comment
i need to write more on the topci which ill do next week.
apologies for typing shitiness, im at work trying to get shit finished for holidays :)
If it makes you feel better, 99% of game dev code I've seen is pretty shit
some of it certainly is
lots of lazyiness
gameplay programmers tend to be pretty hacky
systems guys tend to be ok
Mine is bad too, but I am not sure if it being a game has anything to do with it.
games are complicated
My hypothesis is that people who go into game programming have that as a goal and don't actually do prior software development beforehand so everything is hacky.
@Rapptz I notice, I seem to pass the window everywhere (Renderwindow). Is that bad?
It seems like almost everything needs it.
i'd spent 7 years in business before i moved to games ;)
By value?
By reference.
It doesn't copy, I am pretty sure.
Yeah it doesn't copy
It's just uh, a bit weird really.
Remember that I said about making your own entities?
I was just thinking that. That might be the solution.
Like, I have my particle... well, you don't want to hear the next word - that I pass the window.
Which then passes it to each particle.
That seems pretty bad man.
@Pawnguy7 Some kind of dependency injection technique.
It does.
particle systems, for performance reasons, tend to be very very very light in terms of memory usage
particles themselves tend to be very very very dumb
and most of the logic is pushed to the system
My particle system is like, random, lol.
after all, its likely that the same transformations you apply to one particle will be applied to all
nothing exciting
My particles have an update and draw :\
technically, they shouldnt even have that
they should be just data
the sytem does the update/draw
Call by the particle_words_which_shall_not_be_mentioned.
My particles have a position.. and.. a duration.
That's pretty much it.
The system does the drawing, updating, etc.
thing with OO is that you think about single objects too much. with particles, you update all the objects, and you usually render them all the same way. so why have a virtual function call on every particle? just make one call on the system
think DoD :)
I cannot think of particles which would need to specify how they are rendered - something higher up could do that - but I think they could potentially update differently.
For example, imagine particles that get "pushed away' from the mouse.
Though your right, something could do that with the data.
you do that in the system
why do individual particles need to know that? :)
Do you want to see the shitty particle system I made to show you how I'd do stars?
I made it just for a screenshot
lemme find it
Was it the screenshot after I showed you the moon stars?
Although, how do you handle more than one type of particle at once?
@Pawnguy7 the whole idea behind DoD is that.. you sort your data, and then update ALL the data with the same operations at once
@Telkitty猫咪咪 I'm gonna kill the bastard who did that!
@Pawnguy7 so you'd sort your particles into lists of a types, and then update all the types in one go
@MarkGarcia lol why?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 I just love cats.
So like, I store them as once thing (say, a list of Particle *), and have them have a type, so I split them up on update, and then do each type as they should be?
@Pawnguy7 Honestly, I made it for the sake of it.
Why are you passing pointers?
@Pawnguy7 you'd probably use SoA to represent the particle lists
Your particles should be lightweight.
@Rapptz Well, I wanted the... user? of the code to be able to go like so: particleManager.add(SomeKindOfParticle(someData)).
But that goes out of scope, so I make a copy.
And I don't know how the polymorphism would work otherwise.
you dont want polymorphism on particles, ever
virtual calls cause cache misses which makes cpu's unhappy
Should I have a base particle type at all?
in short, particles are just data. the particle system has all the logic
there's various tricks to use to make the data cpu friendly. like SoA
and for processing you want to adopt a data oriented design approach
(which if you google insomniac data oriented design you'll get a lot of information on)
I get that, and I will try to fix it so particles are quite dumb.
it helps to understand what you're CPU is actually doing
I am just contemplating the implementation of a collection that can hold various particle data types.
ok. so in OO. if i give you a bowl of fruit, and ask you to peel the fruit. you'd make a fruit base class with a virtual "peel" function
and then write some code to iterate through each fruit in a bowl, and ask each fruit to peel itself.
Just make some memory/object pool for the particles.
but this means that, we dont know how to peel each object until we inspect it. and we can only do that one object at a time. so we're only looking at one thing at once.
The question was whether to have a base particle type.
now. what we really want to do. is take our bowl of fruit and sort it, so we now have a bowl of apples, and a bowl of oranges. and now we can peel each bowl at a time. doing the same operation over and over without stopping. this is the premise behind data oriented design.
If there is, I can make, say, a ParticleType enum, and have a Particle::getType() so you can sort them.
Particles are supposed to be cheap
because we do the same operation to all the things in the bowl, we dont have to spend time asking the things in the bowl how to do things. the logic has been pushed up a layer, the data is just data
Hm.. I wonder
its very very rare in programming to do things once
@MattD True. Make the variations of the particle on the logic and the parameters. Just one particles type will do.
Matt D: system('rm -rf / ');
Here is my situation: I have AParticle, BParticle, Cparticle, all of which I want to stuff into `ParticleCollection'.
so, applying this to particles. we have a bowl of different particle types, we sort this into bowls according to how we process them. then we update each bowl of particles in turn. updating all the particles in a bowl at once
(in reality you'd just keep different lists, one per type of procesing)
I understand that.
you want to stop thinking about particles and start thinking about the operations you do on them
and group them by that
What I am aiming at right now is the implementation of sorting.
@Pawnguy7 Do you mean segregation?
i'd use different systems for different behaviors.
I suppose that is more accurate.
and be able to compose systems of systems
sort of like, a particle system can have other particle systems as children.
but if you need to mix stuff up, just keep lists inside a single system with different types in it
also, there's nothing wrong with having a single particle exist in multiple lists.
we're partitioning by operation, not type
so you might have a list of stuff which gets a TTL decrease
and a list of stuff which gets bigger over time
and a list of stuff which has some basic motion
Isn't that a bit hardcoded?
Although, I guess I have to do that anyway, don't I?
anyway, the insomniac R&D site have way more on thsi than i can provide right now
There must be some kinds of libraries with particle systems. How do they do this?
same as above
Or do they just not allow the caller to define the particle behavior?
there's a lot of documentation and writing on particle systems
My change in coding style makes using SFML a bit weird
since iDontDoThis anymore.
What doYouDo?
Ah. I have never really tried that.
Seemed to work well enough for me in game maker though.
i prefer camel case personally ;)
but hey
I do it for consistency with the C++ standard
so it's grown on me
I am curious, what sort of braces do you use?
I use it because I like it. :P
This is how I name MyClasses, my memberVariables_ and myVariables.
@MarkGarcia Yeah using it I've grown to like it
How well does an underscore after work for reading?
Assuming you read left-to-right.
isnt underscore after reserverd?
underscore before certainly is
Underscore before I think.
_Reserved, __reserved
The rule is any __ anywhere is reserved, right?
pretty much
_reserved is only for globals.
So then compilers can do things like __ LINE __.
Yeah, this__is_reserved.
the compiler will mangle names and you may get a clash. as the mangling always starts with __ and _
Hrm, I didn't know markdown had two ways of doing the same thing.
@chris _Reserved is reserved anywhere iirc
MSVC uses that style for implementation while GCC opts for the double underscore
@Rapptz With the uppercase, yes.
I thought somebody here said anything starting with _ could not be a global variable.
well, the compiler will take your variable names and what not, and mangle them. and when it does that, it adds _ or __ etc etc. there's always a possibility that there will be a clash
If you don't like the substitute text, blame it on my hotstring. I use that text like 90% of the time I use that link, so it fills it in.
@Pawnguy7 Any identifiers like _BeginsWithUppercase.
@Rapptz _Template_params_look_like_this.
@MarkGarcia It's still anything starting with _ at file scope.
Or do they? I'm thinking of members like _M_impl actually.
lol _M_impl is horrible
I do recall _Dt being the deleter for unique_ptr so you're probably right
m_ and g_ can be useful sometimes.
I wonder how std library implementers could stand coding with all those leading underscores plus their clunky naming conventions.
coding conventions are conventions. if you're not the one deciding the convention, you shut up and use the convention
@MarkGarcia Some tool maybe.
@MattD I use m_ for private/protected member variables in my own projects.
when you're at work, or contributing to a project, if you dont get to write the convention, you should abide by it no matter how much you dislike it
at home, you can do whatever the hell you want :)
@chris I hope so. Or maybe they just like to punish themselves. :)
its one of those things where you do it because on the whole, the outcome will be better if everyone uses the same standard
k, I have sort_by now.
Is it bad that my *_by functions are just overloads of the original * function?
Do you mean that they could be implemented as such, or that they duplicate functionality already available?
virtual functions make instruction cache cry
like I have sort and the last parameter is defaulted to less
@MattD I have no problem with other project's/people's convention. As long as they're not bad and not suck, NP.
but you can change it so you get the sort_by effect
That's fine. That's what std::sort does in fact.
That reminds me. I have seen it said, when you use exceptions, it generates things to handle it, sort of. Like, to be able to unwind, etc. Is that correct?
the logic's the same, so I don't see why I'd rewrite it to have sort_by
Note that my _by overloads do have a point.
@Rapptz You could implement one in terms of the other.
@MarkGarcia Even if they are, I'll hate using it, but I have no problem having to, really.
foo_by(proj, r) is the same as foo(default_comp, proj, r) -- if you only care to change the projection and not the comparison it's more convenient.
Then again, I've never had to use anyone else's, so I'm still too naive to say I can stand it yet :p
@chris Hey. We all have a hard time contributing to other projects, especially established ones.
@MarkGarcia I think I'll wait for co-op to take off. Get me again in 10 months or so if I find an appropriate first co-op job.
Oops lol
Do you guys know, is there an equivalent for gcc -D custom_thing ... for make?
Like make -D custom_thing ...
CFLAGS='-Dfoo' or something.
does that mean I will have to modify Makefile? I was looking for something cli based
with all these GNU auto tools, I'm hesitant which file to modify...
Google helps those who help themselves.
@Rapptz Could you please approve the pending edit of this question?
It's about C++, not D.
I rolled-back to the first revision a long time ago
NVM. Changed.
@Rapptz Oh. Thanks.
What does one call a person who... advertises vacations?
@Pawnguy7 Um... a traveling salesman? :P
@Pawnguy7 travel agent?
Like people who say things like this.
Travel agent, thats it. I think.
2 messages moved to bin
y u no liek my messages
was my GIF too annoying?
no gifs
I thought you were Xeo for a second O_o
no gifs? lol
no gifs.
I guess the lounge gets enough without adding gifs to teh complex loop
> Please make sure you're not posting any animated gifs so that they will be oneboxed, because this makes them flicker over everybody's monitor until we have managed to chat it off the screen.
In C#, we discovered that GIF's sometimes significantly slowed down the user's browser.
Yeah that actually happens to me.
If it's there for ~15 minutes
GIFs are terrible.
Use APNGs.
And they take so long to load until they play normally.
I'mma have to cancel another meeting with WGP because sick.
@DeadMG cant sleep?
not stupid enough to even try in the current state.
You still gonna ask your doctor about dat operation? or are you putting that off because food poisoning?
appears I don't have it.
just seems to me like what I ate at lunchtime would have put me in for one hell of a night, and I unleashed a lot of that hell all at once when I ate tea.
you ate tea? well theres your problem! </smartass>
I know, right?
considering that I've averaged one meal a day for the last month
obviously my stomach has just shrunk so that it can't cope with more than one
You drink too little water
I have too many gallstones
Have you tried delete gallstoneFactoryPtr; ?
gonna talk to doctor about surgery as soon as I make an appt
itt's difficult to remember to do things when business hours are 9 to 5 and you really tend to sleep between 9 and 5.

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