Fuck, CUDA and Matlab are giving different results for an FFT. Qualitatively similar, but too different to be rounding error. Anybody have this happen?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Yes, I took a 512x512 image and fft it then did a diff on the values, they are different. In the frequency domain they are different by 1/100, when you take them back in the spatial domain they are different by about 1/10000
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Certainly, but the difference asks the important question of 'Which is right?' . The difference in the frequency domain is a serious one... This guy had a similiar issue... mathworks.com/matlabcentral/newsreader/view_thread/276282
My question is, Can I publish a paid app that provide a password crack to excel(Eg. MS Excel)?
I am trying to make an application that would help user to crack the passwords of password protected excel sheets. Is it fine to provide such solutions on any app Market? Or Can there be some legal iss...
I tried 4 different FFT libraries, Matlab CPU and FFTW give same result. All others differ with Matlab's GPU being the worst... This is 2013, why can we have an fft that works (on a gpu)?
Meh, you can maintain as (additional) state a tuple of the size mismatches. Then when you pop_back you decrement the mismatch, when going over or actually pop_back. Or something like that, that sounds prone to off-by-lots and similar :D
@Xeo I already require that to find from which range to start backwards from.
Object instantiation and object-oriented features are blazing fast to use (faster than C++ in many cases) because they're designed in from the beginning. and Collections are fast. Standard Java beats standard C/C++ in this area, even for most optimized C code. are wild claims unsupported by any evidence linked here. — SjoerdAug 20 '11 at 12:15
some idiot demanding I provide a reference backing up the claim that "the JVM GCjust updates pointers to an object when it moves the object, instead of implementing every pointer in the language as a pointer to a pointer so it can instead update the in-between pointer"
@jalf I'm pretty sure you're right. What he's talking about was called an object table. It was fairly popular for a short time around the early to mid-1980's, but it was become obsolete almost as it was invented. As CPU speeds rose compared to main memory speed, it started to add quite a bit of overhead, and fairly quickly died out.
@Xeo That was the idea, but it turns out that the number of pointers to any one object is typically low enough that you don't really save all that much time, and the pointer updating is a fairly small percentage of the overall time anyway.
make is terrible, CMake is beyond terrible, SCons is... strange? I dunno, Ninja is supposed to work okay, MSBuild is Microsoft-Only, but wordy as fuck and hard to figure out (plus XML, yech) (and not cross-platform, so meh),
@TonyTheLion Are you sure you want to enter the room right now? We haven't really be discussing women or titties. D:
I don't know many other build systems.
MacPorts is Mac-Only package manager, and does some build rules and stuff on its own I guess.
@chris Having been around for a while and having seen a thing or two helps with that. Unlike most of you, I was around when OO was the latest and hippest thing, and OS/2 was celebrated as an object-oriented OS.
(In reality it's just that IO had a coffee this morning. I usually don't do this, so it boosts me beyond reasonable thinking.)
I will have a hell of a day today. May I do some whining here?
I'll leave work shortly after lunch, because at 2pm we have an appointment at Berlin's Senator for City Development's secretary, where four of us are expected to explain why the contract between the senate and the state-owned housing companies, devised to protect renters, is a paper tiger, looking ferocious on the outside, while being a weak and puny little thing.
At 7pm some local politician will visit one of my neighbors to talk about the progress in our fight. They all think I should show up there, too.
I'll leave at 7:30pm, though, because at 8pm I am expected to speak to the inhabitants of a house owned by the housing company we're all up and in arms against, in order to convince them to join us.
The appointment at the senator's secretary is the farthest up on the political ladder we have come so far. That guy is considered the mind behind the contract that was meant to protect us, and so utterly failed. We must make a very good impression today. (I'm not sure why they want me to go then, and I am very nervous about it.)
@Telkitty猫咪咪 @jalf I am not that nervous. In the last half a year, I have given several speeches to politicians, this secretary among them (this is one of the reasons we got today's invitation in the first place), and have met way more for private talking. I have been interviewed for newspapers, radio, and TV channels. I'm not shy at all, but this today goes beyond the common "we better make a good impression".
@thecoshman That's the problem. We have to explain to him that what he created is worth nothing, without him getting the feeling we think what he created is worth nothing. Sigh.
But when you stand in front of the cave your children are sleeping in, an ax in your hand, facing a horde of predators, you don't get to pick your allies. You have to make do with whoever announces they'll fight on your side.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 That's because I am desperate. If I lose this apartment (and with the announced rent increase I would lose it), the only places I could pay for are way out, requiring a 45mins public transport trip to where my kids live with their mothers, go to school, have their friends. Should that happen, there's no need to struggle for me anymore. The level of contact to my kids (which now I care for half the time) I could maintain from there I can have while living on social welfare.
@sbi sorry I was joking, I thought you needed to talk to the enator's secretary because some national security contract. You know how well I read this chat :p
@sbi "Good sir, we are not proclaiming your work to be oh low standard. We are, with all due respect informing you that the fecal matter has substantially more merit than what you have thus far managed to produce." more like it?
@thecoshman Yeah, except the "good sir" is a cool and nonchalant guy in his mid-30s, wearing khaki colored jeans an a beige shirt, and trying to come across as a friend so close he barely manages to address you by your last name. Those are the worst among politicians.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 All the big cities have seen a tremendous increase in rent prices in the last half a decade. Especially Berlin has seen hundreds of thousands people moving to the city, creating incredible pressure on the housing market. And while some of you, hearing what we have to pay, might laugh at the figures, you have to see this in the light of the wages not having had any time to catch up with this development.
Would I work in Munich or Frankfurt, I could easily pay the rent they want and I'd still have more left than I have now.
@thecoshman Basically, that's what they wanted to do. Half the apartments in this house (19 of 40) are already empty. There's no pensioners living in the house anymore, and beside me there's only one single parent left. All the others are either singles without kids or couples where both have jobs. All the others have been driven out.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 The house has been neglected for decades, and is in bad need of repair. Instead of just repairing it, though, they do what's called "modernization" in German landlording law. You can add 11% of your modernization costs to your renter's monthly pay, so the modernization pays off after 9 years (while the renters will have to pay those 11% forever).
But those "modernizations" consists in giving us new windows, instead of repairing the existing ones, replacing the well-working per-apartment gas heating systems by a central heating (which has no advantage for us), and having us pay for thermo-insulating the old plumbing, rather than just fix it at their own expense.
What is so enraging about this is that we're talking a state-owned company. Those were created to remove the pressure from the housing market. Instead they behave like housing locusts, adding to that pressure, driving the very people from their homes they were charged with protecting.
or you can just live in a place with everything new and move out when you find something more suitable? you know you don't have to live there forever right? :p
@TonyTheLion The thing is that every cent they earn goes to the state treasure — where it is mainly used to subside the costs of living of the poor. (Berlin is a city of poor people, pouring incredible amounts of money into social welfare.) So basically it's one big machinery to keep employed the state's employees who decide of who gets welfare...
Anyway. This was my morning at work. Damn, I didn't write a single line of code. I'm way too excited to think about C++.
I'll have some lunch now, and I'm on my way in 50mins. Have a great day, everyone, and spare me a good wish in 3.5hrs. If this goes well, the rest of the day is a walk in the park. A long walk in a huge and dangerously wild park. But this first thing on my list is putting my head right into the (paper) tiger's mouth.