I wrote a small cpp program (console application), and used some statistical libraries from .NET
These are the only includes I use:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
I need to deploy the executable on a machine without .NET framework, where I canno...
As others have already explained, you cannot modify the this pointer by simple assignment. However, you can modify it after const_cast-ing it first, but this modification will only change its meaning inside the method where you changed it:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace ...
@TonyTheLion They'd carry it up to ~50,000 feet under the wing of a B-52, then launch it from there. Minor oddity: Air Force loaned a B-52A to NASA for the project. Years later, I got to see that B-52 -- the oldest, since everything else older than B-52H was destroyed. At the same time, the youngest -- far fewer flying hours than any other left.
Meh - just been for a walk with dog. We went down to the club where I left my car last night, parked in my usual spot. Some wag has pinned a notice on the fence behind my motor: 'RESERVED for Martin James when he's too pissed to drive home'.
It's hand-written, so that narrows it down to the computer-illiterate members, but correctly spelt and punctuated, so not a complete moron. That filters it down to one. Now to plan my revenge...
@A.H. I'll just go with the highest probability :) I'm sure it's not the gravitationally-challenged SQL developer, though not sure whether he's excluded from the set because he's computer-savvy or because he's a moron for specialising in SQL :)
I am a beginner C programmer.......... was working with Logical Operators recently.
The logical OR (||) is zero whenever both operands are zero. Or the working is somewhat different.
How does it work ? Can someone please explain in detail!
C developers: Each time l reaches 10 the line df[k][l][2]=sqrt(df[k][l][1]+df[k][l][0]-m2*fm[k][l][2]*fm[k][l][2]); appears to no longer be implemented. By this I mean the debugger shows that the value of df[k][l][2] is not changed from zero to the sum correctly. Also, df[k][l][0 and 1] remain fixed regardless of k and l, just as long as l>=10.
Background: the overall program is designed to carry out 2D DIC between a refference image and 1800 target images, (for tomographic reconstruction) In my code, there is this for loop block
for (k=0; k<kmax; k++)
printf("\nk=%d\nL= ", K);
for (l=0; l<lm...
Thanks for reporting this issue. I've resolved it as By Design because if you use the debugger to skip an object's constructor, its destructor cannot possibly be expected to succeed.
@Jon, the questioner didn't asked for that, he asked for another problem. You are giving downvotes for no reasons here and Karma will hit you... — JeffreyMar 9 '11 at 18:25
@TonyTheLion I didn't suggest he needed to tell him to "fuck off". I said he should skip to the part he already wrote which is functionally equivalent.
omg. support raising issues via email. they need to be on bugzilla. are we saying "raise this on bugzilla please"? no. we're saying "might be worth raising on bugzilla" which is promptly ignored
In fact, I can log in to the config server of most of my Delphi apps and change the public properties of the components remotely. There was a short, gravitationally-challenged tester at Nortel and, when he opened my test app, I would log in to it and, with a telnet script, incrementally reduce the height of the form and increase the width :)
ITT, guy who consistently gives up when faced with anything that requires effort decides to do something he hates. That's gonna go really well, I can feel it.