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I never realized libC++ had so much of C++1y done.
I am dying
But heck it was a nice show
@BartekBanachewicz What is causing you to die?
Around 13k people
you been to some music festival or something?
@TonyTheLion lack of sleep an being tired after the trip
@TonyTheLion SOAD concert
Oh woah, SOAD. I'm jealz
Q: How to generate a standalone console application from .NET

mousomerI wrote a small cpp program (console application), and used some statistical libraries from .NET These are the only includes I use: #include "stdafx.h" #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> I need to deploy the executable on a machine without .NET framework, where I canno...

oh right
I think you could make the entire thing into a small COM interface and make a C++ program to use that. Good luck with that.
@JerryCoffin oh! the cheek of it! Sir, pistols at dusk!
@BartekBanachewicz oh great, now I remember missing out on that (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@TonyTheLion 'jealz' doesn't quite cut it.
hahah. COM
@ScottW Hehe - even if you could do it, cpp program 10K, .NET runtime, 54 MB. Bloat or what?
@thecoshman For a true gentleman, the only choice for dueling is an Épée.
@JerryCoffin can wire them up to fireworks rather than a silly beeper?
@thecoshman Fireworks? Beeper? What is this nonsense of which you speak, knave?
@JerryCoffin I'm sorry, the thought of explosions got me sidetracked, what's going on?
@ScottW will you be my hero?
huh... 'niche' ... you say that like 'nitch' or 'neesh'
@TonyTheLion My apologies -- I sidetracked things. He really meant to send this reply.
@JerryCoffin Hehe
@ScottW What's that?
@JerryCoffin this is a cool death metal album you might like tony
seeing as missdirected response is the thing these days ¬_¬
@thecoshman Tony might. Me -- not so much into death metal (at my age, anything with "death" in it strikes much too close to home, so to speak).
I don't know how people can enjoy death metal
@JerryCoffin I listen to some death metal, if that was the question.
Niche is neesh
@JerryCoffin black metal then?
@Ell Quite easily, just like you enjoy <insert your music genre>, so can I enjoy Death Metal.
@ScottW Oh baby. <3
@ScottW what do you know, you're american!
@ScottW Nah -- Dustin really deserves to be a bigger crook. youtube.com/watch?v=kszzy3MGg0A
@TonyTheLion "but it's just noise" yes... let' totally ignore the fact that all music is technically just noise.
@thecoshman Sure, I'm into BLack metal.
@JerryCoffin dat pun
@TonyTheLion Have to take any opportunity I can to mention a plane that cool.
Actually you can change the "this" pointer, please check out my answer. You just need to "const_cast" it first. — kol 1 min ago
@JerryCoffin 'X' series?
const_cast<A*>(this) = other; EEEK
@TonyTheLion In case you care: that's not paint on the skin either -- it really is black metal (Inconel-X, to be exact).
A: change 'this' pointer of an object to point different object

kolAs others have already explained, you cannot modify the this pointer by simple assignment. However, you can modify it after const_cast-ing it first, but this modification will only change its meaning inside the method where you changed it: #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace ...

I think this guy is wrong
@MartinJames X-15, to be exact.
Its maximum speed was 4,520 miles per hour (7,274 km/h) (Mach 6.72)
@JerryCoffin Thought so, just could not remember any external fuel tanks.
holy crap
So. A bunch of C++ enthusiasts write a chat. In C#.
Wow. Just a few years ago, you'd been whipped from the room. With barbed wire.
@TonyTheLion I think it's UB, which means it could work the way he says.
@JerryCoffin Ugh.
@sbi lol.
@TonyTheLion Now you see what I mean about it being a cool plane.
@JerryCoffin Yes, I see. Damn. That was one mean machine.
@sbi Writing it in C++ would be tremendously painful, I'm sure you could agree to that.
@TonyTheLion There's nothing bad about pain. I'm a C++ developer myself.
I'm putting that thing firmly in the 'find another way to achieve what you want, XY' category.
What thing?
@TonyTheLion The nasty 'this' pointer-bodging.
That guy's code is UB.
@TonyTheLion They'd carry it up to ~50,000 feet under the wing of a B-52, then launch it from there. Minor oddity: Air Force loaned a B-52A to NASA for the project. Years later, I got to see that B-52 -- the oldest, since everything else older than B-52H was destroyed. At the same time, the youngest -- far fewer flying hours than any other left.
Flying machines are fascinating
@TonyTheLion Not really sure that X-15 could be classed as an aeroplane.
@chris std::vector is overkill in my particular use case - using a direct array is faster, too. — Thomas Tempelmann 7 mins ago
@MartinJames Sure it was -- it flew on lift generated by wings, so it was a plane.
@JerryCoffin Did it not also have a RCS?
@MartinJames Yes -- he's basically looking for move assignment.
@MartinJames RCS? No, it was fast enough to travel through time and use git.
@JerryCoffin or.. a copy constructor..
@Kevin You are right. I want to copy whatever is in b to current object. — Utkrist Adhikari 1 hour ago
@Rapptz Possibly -- but move constructor would probably be closer.
@JerryCoffin LOL!
@Rapptz I fuckin' hate em.
@Xeo People with that mindset?
C programmers
Why can't people use the search box >.>
The same reason people don't use Google
@chris Dunno. Prob. same reason that they don't use debuggers.
@TonyTheLion You are right! I updated my answer. — kol 2 mins ago
The real question is how did Richard get shortened to Dick.
I've wondered that about that too.
It feels like it's been a long day already at 7 in the morning.
Then again, I was about to sleep when the internet started working again, so yeah.
why hello friends
@ScottW hahah
@ScottW c-can we be... more than friends?
alright. Take your clothes off. Just so you know, I like to roleplay as being a crow and you can be the scarecrow
I'm about to... CAW
Look, a wild puppy appeared
Can't wait till these two weeks are over
woof woof
I actually managed to wake up in such a time period that I might eat more than one meal today
What's happening in the job department?
pretty much the usual really
Meh - just been for a walk with dog. We went down to the club where I left my car last night, parked in my usual spot. Some wag has pinned a notice on the fence behind my motor: 'RESERVED for Martin James when he's too pissed to drive home'.
It's hand-written, so that narrows it down to the computer-illiterate members, but correctly spelt and punctuated, so not a complete moron. That filters it down to one. Now to plan my revenge...
@MartinJames maybe it was hand written to throw you off the smell ?
oh, dyndns via ovh domain, nice :D
@MartinJames haahahahahaha
@A.H. I'll just go with the highest probability :) I'm sure it's not the gravitationally-challenged SQL developer, though not sure whether he's excluded from the set because he's computer-savvy or because he's a moron for specialising in SQL :)
OH GOD! It's like I've got a pulse jet going of in my ears
that's it lads! I've finally gone deaf
@thecoshman Are you on an airport apron or at a model-aircraft meet? If so, try walking away from the engines.
@MartinJames I didn;t know there was something in SQL to specialize in
@A.H. Heh, LOL!
@MartinJames no, it's like I was hearing my own heart beat, but with epic feed back
Meh, I spewed garbage again in answering a C++ question
I deleted my answer, but meh. I hate being wrong.
Can't learn without being wrong vOv
Yea, that's true, unfortunately
@thecoshman Oh. Were you, by any remote chance, pissed up last night too?
@TonyTheLion Used to be on lots of youtube videos quite a while ago :<
@TonyTheLion Oh - I'm printing that out, for sure. Reminds me of someone I know:)
oh I see
@MartinJames hahaha
@MartinJames hey! I only live in Ireland!
@TonyTheLion Dude, being wrong is awesome.
@DeadMG orly
well, think about it this way
I'll have to come to grips with that then.
you used to be wrong, and now you know the truth
hmmm, that's an interesting way to look at it
virtually everything I learned came from being wrong, and a lot of that wrong was on SO to boot.
The best way to learn on SO is to jsut post what you think is correct.
Either people will upvote you and confirm your knowledge
or they downvote you and correct it.
or downvote you into oblivion and explain what's wrong
either way, you win.
James Kanze's answer here is definitely the best.
@DeadMG upvoted.
not only does he not screw up the const vs rvalue deal, but he also shows how ridiculous it would be if it was possible.
also, nice upvote stack there Tony
upvote stack?
you got a whole bunch of upvotes for a really simple answer.
oh yea
Q: Working of Logical OR ( || ) in C?

user2399649I am a beginner C programmer.......... was working with Logical Operators recently. The logical OR (||) is zero whenever both operands are zero. Or the working is somewhat different. How does it work ? Can someone please explain in detail!

This should be closed, imho
Easy case of go read a reference.
The dupe is about &&.
Becoming so angry with somebody that you beg for their pardon
I can so imagine some Brit doing that.
fuck, outlook server is dead
when you need to use it, for just once, but emergency, and it's just soo unreliable
ergh ¬_¬ anyone mind working on a chat extension for me? something that can hide one boxed images, but show them in a floaty box when I hover the link
what is it for?
in what language?
Good morning everyone
@Telkitty猫咪咪 that poor dog
@thecoshman £500
C developers:
Each time l reaches 10 the line df[k][l][2]=sqrt(df[k][l][1]+df[k][l][0]-m2*fm[k][l][2]*fm[k][l][2]); appears to no longer be implemented. By this I mean the debugger shows that the value of df[k][l][2] is not changed from zero to the sum correctly. Also, df[k][l][0 and 1] remain fixed regardless of k and l, just as long as l>=10.
Q: C code inside a loop not being implemented

bailey_989Background: the overall program is designed to carry out 2D DIC between a refference image and 1800 target images, (for tomographic reconstruction) In my code, there is this for loop block for (k=0; k<kmax; k++) { K=nm12+(k*(h-n+1))/(kmax-1); printf("\nk=%d\nL= ", K); for (l=0; l<lm...

@Telkitty猫咪咪 for this fucking chat you muppet
all the arrays and double pointers
@Telkitty猫咪咪 JS presumably, I care little for developing extensions
OMG. what gobbledygook
I just looked at it in amazement. OK, it's C but I just had to post it here:)
Thanks for reporting this issue. I've resolved it as By Design because if you use the debugger to skip an object's constructor, its destructor cannot possibly be expected to succeed.
says it all, really.
dunno why STL says "Thanks for reporting this issue"
rather than simply skipping to the "fuck off, moron" part
that's why MS is doomed to fail- too hung up on corporate shenanigans
@TonyTheLion LOL! I didn't make it and now I can't get rid of it :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah sure, you can keep the money made from selling it, I just want a free copy for coming up with the idea.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Because manners.
@thecoshman Then I shall refund you the £500 upon the first five successful resales
also he's representing MS there, so he may get fired for saying "Fuck off" to a customer
@TonyTheLion Oh please. There's no "issue" to thank the OP for.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yea well, maybe you should go work at MS and teach them how its done.
@TonyTheLion good idea
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I've already invested £500 in time spent investigating the problem
@thecoshman I did not receive those funds; could you try to send them again?
Customer Service per Lightness: Fuck off cunts, you're all wrong.
@Jon, the questioner didn't asked for that, he asked for another problem. You are giving downvotes for no reasons here and Karma will hit you... — Jeffrey Mar 9 '11 at 18:25
Karma will it you
I was funnier back then
@TonyTheLion I didn't suggest he needed to tell him to "fuck off". I said he should skip to the part he already wrote which is functionally equivalent.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit right.
Though I could totally imagine you doing the thing I wrote above. :P
You'd have to come out of orbit though.
@TonyTheLion I do get snippy in issue report follow-ups, but I usually specify that the text should not be delivered verbatim to customers.
ah ok
sometimes moronic people do it anyway
which can be amusing
omg. support raising issues via email. they need to be on bugzilla. are we saying "raise this on bugzilla please"? no. we're saying "might be worth raising on bugzilla" which is promptly ignored
people are too nice
@TonyTheLion - would have liked to see the 'Lightness' version of your comment :) — Martin James 2 mins ago
You're needed @LightnessRacesinOrbit
Surely, it's not too difficult for an outgoing filter to quarantine support emails containing 'moron', 'idiot', 'fuckwit' etc?
yea, but morons in the IT dept prolly can't do it
@TonyTheLion :)
@TonyTheLion done
@MartinJames sure, but Mr Project Manager is too fucking lazy to care or bother or even realise that it would be a good idea
incompetence survives for many years at my firm
Yea, not only your firm
'Holy frak' - quite reserved, really :)
I had to start using my mouse with my left hand, cause my right arm/shoulder hurts too much (remnants of my neck pain a few days ago)
@TonyTheLion Today is International Left-Handers' Day.
Oh good. Well, then I've joined them.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit, thanks for the edit :)
@MartinJames heh
@Jeffrey :)
@Jeffrey we already have revision history, so no need for revision spam in answers
Anyway, I've done my bit for left-handers. Many of my recent apps can have their 'control pane' flippped from the RHS of the form to the LHS.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit 2011 man, I was pretty stupid at the time :P
In fact, I can log in to the config server of most of my Delphi apps and change the public properties of the components remotely. There was a short, gravitationally-challenged tester at Nortel and, when he opened my test app, I would log in to it and, with a telnet script, incrementally reduce the height of the form and increase the width :)
I'm taking five computer science classes next semester ;_;
pls no.
only 5? :D
what kind of classes :)
Analysis of Algorithms, Assembly Language, and Co-Op
ITT, guy who consistently gives up when faced with anything that requires effort decides to do something he hates. That's gonna go really well, I can feel it.
@Crowz Co-Op?
@melak47 It means working at a company and receiving credits for it towards computer science.
not playing co-op games? :(
@Crowz so...like an internship or something?
@melak47 yeah, except you get class credit.. probably unpaid?
@melak47 yeah, that's basically what it is but it's paid
maybe unpaid
good, all internships should be paid
I wish I got paid for anything at uni :p
Only five more classes to graduation after next semester, then go to get a master's degree yay!
@Crowz ThePhD Mk II...
@melak47 Oh! Not seen that one before.
PISS OFF WINDOWS, using 3.5 of 16GB RAM, and 20% of the CPU does not qualify as "performance is slow"
I never want to see this stupid thing again, but it always comes back, no matter how often I tell it to shut up and never ask again
performance can't be slow, anyway
performance can be poor or low-rated
your computer and actions that it performs can be slow
it's like saying "you have a fast speed" OMG REALLY? It's ACCELERATING! :D
Why does it not offer to uninstall Ruby and PHP?
Perhaps it's short of non-paged RAM, or some other Windows auto-leak resource.
there's 12+ GB RAM free, why does it want to page crap
Its always paging stuff

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