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like what?
@sbi interesting answer
look at my blog, I posted about something new I've come up with
@sbi So you're posting it here to get some sympathy votes, huh? ;)
@MartinhoFernandes Is there any other reasons to post links to your answers here?
@dead Like @sbi said compiler failures should bark at you.
@DeadMG link? not on my own machine
@Xaade In "DeadMG++" you can throw compile-time exceptions and make the compiler cry at you
@DeadMG oh a crying compiler; I was really missing such a feature
originally, I was going to phrase it as "the compiler making YOU cry like a little girl"
I'm eagerly waiting for my NullReferenceCompilationErrors.
but then I changed it to "the compiler crying like a little girl"
@sbi would tell him to mess with processing to get into algorithmic thinking, then oop or something..
Joel recommends to start coding in C
@hexa Did you read what Atwood wrote about self-help books and websites?
"95% of self-help books are complete bullshit."
So Joel Spolsky is complete bullshit :)
@DeadMG My compiler cries at my code... on the inside.
So, can we expect tools to debug those NullReferenceCompilationErrors?
it'd just be an exception
and if you write compile-time code that throws unexpected exceptions, you've written it much too complex
@hexa C is hard for a beginner.
and yes, you can run the debugger on your compile-time code, as all compile-time code is also run-time code
That's why I need to debug it.
How can I draw something on the screen with C?
but I thought the motto was no exceptions
@Nils by calling a DrawSomething() function?
With OpenGL, duh.
Well I mean that's what clueless people ask if you try to teach them C.
It's hardly C-specific.
How can I draw something on the screen with <language>? Well, with OpenGL, duh.
and then you tell them "don't worry, you'll get to that soon enough, it's nothing special", and then they think you're an idiot and ignore anything else you try to teach them
@CatPlusPlus WPF??
@TonyTheTiger C# and VB.NET.
problem is peoplee are far too used to he GUI interface
@TonyTheTiger It took me several seconds to notice that that was "WPF" and not "WTF"
@TonyTheTiger Oh noes, how could people get used to usability?
Screen s = ScreenManagerFactory.getInstance().createScreenManager().getCurrentScreen();
Something = AbstractSomethingProxyFactory.getInstance().getProxy().getConcreteSomething();
they have no idea, most of them that some things also work without GUI
That's how you draw something in Java.
@MartinhoFernandes is that supposed to be an abstraction using GOF?? :P
@TonyTheTiger What about it?
Notice the use of singletons.
WPF uses DirectX or GDI underneath, most likely.
@CatPlusPlus you can draw to he screen with it
I wonder if there are IOS/ Android apps which teach u the basics of programming.
@CatPlusPlus It's DirectX
@CatPlusPlus DirectX.
Damn you all.
@MartinhoFernandes you disgust me
It draws stuff by rendering triangles.
@TonyTheTiger And it has a ton of syntax errors :(
Just notice them. Too late now.
@EtiennedeMartel hmmm thats how lot of stuff is drawn, no?
wonder if that counts as programming
@MartinhoFernandes nice job bro
Something you_forgot_a_variable
@TonyTheTiger No, GDI draws pixels.
@EtiennedeMartel oh wow
DirectX doesn't draw anything, let's start with that.
@CatPlusPlus Yes.
Direct3D does.
what does it do then?
@CatPlusPlus Well, at least I got the enterprisey parts right.
No, GPU does. :P
hey but that game is nicely done :)
Remember, it's only enterprisey once you start raping the Law of Demeter.
Okay, now. Let's dwarf it up.
@EtiennedeMartel Did I?
I don't see the Law of Demeter as a dot counting exercise.
@MartinhoFernandes Considering the amount of dots, yes.
But I might have crossed the line above. After all, I was trying to write nasty code.
@MartinhoFernandes I think you did too well.
I remember laughing at JUNG API.
		RenderContext<City, Road> ctx = server.getRenderContext();
		//ctx.setEdgeShapeTransformer(new EdgeShape.Line<TreeNode<Integer>, Integer>());
		ctx.setEdgeShapeTransformer(new EdgeShape.BentLine<City, Road>());
		ctx.setVertexShapeTransformer(new VertexShape());
		ctx.setVertexLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller<City>());
		//ctx.setVertexFillPaintTransformer(new Transformer<TreeNode<Integer>, Paint>() {
		Renderer.VertexLabel<City, Road> vlr = server.getRenderer().getVertexLabelRenderer();
Is that like the Java bindings for the DUNG API? They always put a J somewhere.
@CatPlusPlus Why laugh? This is so beautiful! Look at all the abstraction!
grr the @CatPlusPlus, is flooding the chat room with c++ source code.
Not a right place to do so :P
@CatPlusPlus No singletons in sight.
Nope, it's Java.
We don't do C++ here
@Als It's Java. Notice the use of wrapper classes because primitive types are not first class citizens.
woops! Oh then its allowed. Anything but C++ :P
'Sides, I'm a room god, I can do whatever I want!
Martinho Fernandes has removed Cat Plus Plus from the list of this room's owners.
What did you say?
@CatPlusPlus: er, you mean Goddess?
@MartinhoFernandes: Lol
Martinho Fernandes has added Cat Plus Plus to the list of this room's owners.
But please post your C++ stuff in the PHP room.
@MartinhoFernandes: Did the grumpy old man @sbi, handed you the controls to his place? :P
Shared, not handed.
@MartinhoFernandes: That's because you are always here!
I heard that was a criterion, yes.
Wow that robot game is quite amazing, it even teaches u about recursion.
Does it teach pointers?
Or singletons?
Just noticed I see the online member list there and i see a variety of animals a cat, a tiger, a eagle, a puppy and a dame!
What's a dame?
oh a penguin & a fox too!
@MartinhoFernandes French for "lady"
A Dame may be: * Dame (title), a female title of rank, equivalent to 'Sir' used as the title of a knight * A title of respect for certain Benedictine nuns equivalent to the male "Dom" * A pantomime dame * An old word for the game pieces in the game of draughts (checkers) * Slang term for any woman * "Dame" (song), the second single from RBD's third studio album Celestial * DaME, another name for Dark Avenger's viral polymorphic engine, MtE.
Oh, I thought it was some weird animal.
hola we have a zoo here, the gorilla ain't here though
And I hope I didn't offend any ladies with that last message.
Is there any lady in here, in fact?
We're the weird ones.
@Als Sshhh, it's a bonobo. Don't anger him.
@MartinhoFernandes: Well a animal no man can understand completely
that was about the weird animal comment not the grumpy man!
I head @CatPlusPlus is a female
or someone said so
@Als Ouh la la
Someone's been spreading rumours again, I guess.
oh boy:
A: Can't find implementation for struct tiff

0A0DYou aren't going to find it because it is simply typedef'ing struct tiff to TIFF. As it says in the code comments, /* * TIFF is defined as an incomplete type to hide the * library's internal data structures from clients. */ typedef struct tiff TIFF;

@EtiennedeMartel: Ask her/him..I don't know I heard it in here
Speaking of which, I haven't seen @Xeo for a while.
@Als Nope.
@MartinhoFernandes Lol.
@MartinhoFernandes: h was the rumor about @CatPlusPlus or @xeo, now I am confused
i think it was @Xeo, sorry @CatPlusPlus
There aren't any rumours about me, because I'm boring.
Hm, I've spawned near alligators.
@CatPlusPlus No you're not, since you're potentially female.
oh anyways off i go, I need to take off
have a good time folks
@Als In outer space?
@CatPlusPlus Capture and toss them into a pit with goblins!
Hey all.
Aaaaanyway, see ya!
@EtiennedeMartel Nope, I only know 16 colours.
@Moshe Damn, another animal.
@EtiennedeMartel: In ZzZz land :D
Anyone here know any Objective-C or plain ol' C?
It's a frog this time!
@EtiennedeMartel :P
@Moshe C, yes, Objective-C, somewhat.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: The zoo of style Nazis
A: How to convert text to camel case in Objective-C?

Evan Mulawski- (NSString *)camelCaseFromString:(NSString *)input { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"k%", [[input capitializedString]stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:NSWhitespaceCharacterSet]]; }

Looks like I got some answers already, that was fast.
But thanks.
I'll be gone now.
@CatPlusPlus Hmm?
Meh, default colour scheme in DF is crap.
I can't read blue stuff.
Two by two, hands of blue.
I'm a leaf on the wind.
Watch how I soar.
Q: where can i find documentation on the 834 standard and Cloverleaf

Duane DennyI have been asked to find a website that discusses how to create an 834 file using cloverleaf.

Damn alligator already killed my dorf.
Rage world delete.
of all the things about DF's UI you could be complaining about, you chose the color scheme? ;)
also, if I ever said anything nice about HP laptops, I'd like to retroactively withdraw it
that fucking robot game is addictive
@CatPlusPlus So, you're a sore loser?
@MartinhoFernandes He's sore?
@MartinhoFernandes Quiet, you.
Alligators kill dorfs for a living. I once tried to wrestle with one in adventurer mode.
At least while I had arms.
Oh hey, Java 7 just came out.
Still no support for closures.
All the nice features were dropped.
Yeah, it's like the JCP is allergic to nice things.
ouhh java7
and what's new about it?
The second most important change, according to the OpenJDK site was "Small language enhancements"
new file system
im bac
Yeah, the 3rd I/O API.
my boss likes that switch statements can use strings now....
Asynchronous I/O...
ZIP file system support
There's I/O, New I/O and New I/O 2
@Collecter Yeah, that's very object-oriented.
Which is something Java users think highly of.
@MartinhoFernandes Lol.
Half my instructors have tried to drill into us never use switch statements, the other half say it is fine. I lean toward do not use them.
They're fine.
In the right hands. Like most everything.
ah there are some new annotations or something
No one ever really bothered to explain their like or dislike. I guess I just don't understand why not use if statements if you are going to do a switch. What are the advantages?
hmm, Microsoft pushes their exchange server as the email solution but does not use it in Windows Live mail as the backend
@MartinhoFernandes I remember reading one of the C++0x proposals which pointedly noted that "back in 1998 we were concerned about how bad we'd look if we ended up having to deprecate part of our standard library later on. But compared to Java, we never really had anything to worry about"
Did I mention the date-handling APIs?
how many are there of those?
There's Date which sucks balls, there's Calendar that sucks balls, and I thought they had a new in planned for this release.
But I can't find a reference to it.
maybe they realized in time that it sucked balls
This one was supposed to be decent, because it was based on JodaTime which is the third-party library that anyone with half a brain ends up using.
And suddenly, I can't pick an anvil when embarking.
They even had Stephen Colebourne, the author of JodaTime designing.
@CatPlusPlus No iron for your civ?
@0A0D what do they use then? Linux?
Maybe I've stopped worldgen before anvils were invented.
@TonyTheTiger SQL Server clusters
Try changing civ.
It was originally written in C++ and Perl running on Unix
That happened to me before, and it was because my dorfs were on a stupid civ with no iron.
@0A0D wow! interesting
Ah it was that design-by-contract blah blah slideshare.net/gal.marder/whats-expected-in-java-7-1116123
ah no more JARs.. that's interesting
@MartinhoFernandes I must've missed that feature.
I bet people are not using these annotations consistently, in C++ const is also often forgotten.
@Nils how can you when stuff is deprecated constantly?
Ah, found the new Date and Time API: sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/threeten/…
Not on Java 7.
Still stuck with stupid Date and Calendar.
Ah null-safe dereference.. just add a question mark!
@0A0D Not added.
Aquifier, aquifier, aquifier...
humm IIRC you could use that to declare input unchecked and then make sure that only checked input is processed.
In a webapp for example.
Date is so painful that I never understood why anyone thought it was a decent API.
The months are numbered 0-11.
:1116611 Like currentCompany?.getCEO()?.getAddress()?.getStreet()
The current year in the Date API is 111.
I wonder if I have to do Java work in the future anyways..
@0A0D And what happens if one of those is null?
JavaScript took two things from Java: the name, and the stupid Date object.
Which surprises me to no end.
@0A0D Wait no more JARs?
They couldn't have picked worse feature.
@Collecter Reduced...
Just look at these slides and you'll see the pain in its full glory: freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/threeten/presentations/…
It compiles to List.isEmptyNullSafe(list); from list?.isEmpty().

Sample null-check function:

private static boolean isEmptyNullSafe(List _this) {
if (_this == null) return true;
return _this.isEmpty();
It wouldn't throw NPE
Somebody should port rails to go then I would probably want to do webdev again.
but they didn't include it apparently.
Java's got some horrendous date classes.
@0A0D Probably because then stupid people would just never write . again, and use .? everywhere, so their applications don't crash.
yeah it was also developed in a hurry
The fact that you have to get an external lib (Joda) to get decent date and time support says a lot.
So I'm off studying, bye
...aquifier, aquifier, aquifier...
@0A0D I don't know where you're seeing these features but neither the Elvis (.?) nor the modularization ("no-jars") were introduced.
@MartinhoFernandes It was in a proposed slideshow
Like I said, the nice features were all dropped.
@CatPlusPlus You can disable aquifers you know?
@CatPlusPlus I always check for aquifers before embarking
Or try to pierce them and instead flood everything.
@jalf Well, I'm still on embark screen. :P
Can't find flux stone anywhere.
Everytime I man up and say "Ah, screw it, I'm going to pierce this one" I either flood the fortress or give up when I realize the aquifer has one more level than my piercing machinery can handle.
@CatPlusPlus I think the new site finder can look for flux.
yeah, it can
It's was a long due improvement.
The old finder was useless.
btw, did you see the df article in NY Times?
The NY Times?
Yeah, someone linked me to it on GC channel.
Do you follow Toady's devlog?
those are quite funny
This next release will be awesome.
Q: What is the type of a named rvalue reference?

FredOverflowConsider the following code: int&& x = 42; static_assert(std::is_same<decltype( x ), int&&>::value, "&&"); static_assert(std::is_same<decltype((x)), int& >::value, "&" ); So, what is the type of x? Is it an int&& or an int&? (I asked mys...

hmm, linky? I read bits of it, but don't seem to have it bookmarked
do they charge for it? I know that's how the minecraft guy made tons of money
@0A0D No, DF is free.
they take donations, and make a living off of that
"I've heard of batch scripts..." - Downhill from here
Q: How do I periodically check if a program is running in Windows?

john2xI've heard of batch scripts, but couldn't find any official documentation on it. Is this possible with batch scripts? Also, can it send emails?

Q: How can std::runtime_error::runtime_error(const std::string&) meet std::exception's requirement of throw()?

Billy ONealstd::exception requires that its constructor be throw(). Yet std::runtime_error accepts a std::string as its argument, which indicates that it's storing a std::string somewhere. Therefore, an assignment or copy construction has to be going on somewhere. And for std::string, that's not a nothrow o...

@0A0D Seems like there's a duplicate.
@MartinhoFernandes oh, that one. I had a recollection there was some other one with more dev-ey stuff. Guess not
but yeah, that one is entertaining too
@EtiennedeMartel @jalf @0A0D hey
How's it going?
I've just been to the gym
Now I'm watching family guy on tv
> “We didn’t know that carp were going to eat dwarves,” Zach says. “But we’d written them as carnivorous and roughly the same size as dwarves, so that just happened, and it was great.”
what about you?
lol @ "... it was great."
Still at work.
@EtiennedeMartel working hard here in the chat ! ;)
It's 2:45 pm here.
Of course.
Gotta do something while my code compiles.
@MartinhoFernandes How'd they not know that? They designed the software
slow computer?
WPF project.
is that the crappy windows graphical thing?
@0A0D I think he meant they didn't plan it. When they added carp, it was to be just another animal.
@ManofOneWay It's not crappy.
It turned out to be a vicious fortress destroyer.
@EtiennedeMartel Okey =) Actually I haven't done anything in it, I've just seen others at work doing stuff
@EtiennedeMartel And I must say Cocoa seems way better ;)
Well, let's just say that it's actually the best way to do GUI in .NET.
In fact it's probably one of the best way to do GUI.
what exactly are you working on?
@0A0D because DF is a nice example of emergent behavior. Things just happen. They added carps, defined them as carnivorous, and assigned them a size, and the game logic deduced that these things would be perfectly capable of eating dwarves
so that's what they did
My dorfs are called The Canyon of Joy.
@ManofOneWay Some sort of development environment for our artists and data managers.
And the fortress is Seizurecloister.
And thirsty dwarves sometimes go drink by carp infested rivers.
@jalf so it's a bug :)
And when they die, their socks are left around.
@EtiennedeMartel as long as it's not the cannon of joy. That'd just sound wrong
And other dwarves go and collect the socks.
And the carps eat them.
@EtiennedeMartel I see, and what do they create?
@0A0D It's been fixed :)
@ManofOneWay Assets for our games.
@0A0D Lol, at first I thought "Why would anyone check if a program is running under windows periodically ? It's not going to magically change platforms"
@EtiennedeMartel cool =) which company ?
@ManofOneWay ludia.com
The Serpent of Joy.
Apparently dorfs have no word for cannon.
No gunpowder.
@EtiennedeMartel So you're in the games industry ? It sounds cool
@kbok Well, I'm still an intern, so I can't say I'm "in" the industry.
> Tarn said he seldom touches [the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 games] because “most of them suck.”
Although, "Bachelor, the video game" does not sound that cool. :)
@kbok It was a mess, from what I've heard.
Anyway, since I'm in Montreal, I don't think it will be hard to find a job in the games industry.
@EtiennedeMartel All of those 40 y/o women probably love that game
@EtiennedeMartel What do you mean ? Buggy/Crufty ? Or it did not sell ?
> “Water’s not doing it for me these days,” he said. “I know it’s bad, but the sugar goes right into programming the game. If I don’t drink soda now, I get a headache and can’t do any work.”
@0A0D You know, I'm looking at the Family Feud and The Price is Right games and I'm thinking "even though they look awful, they're going to sell pretty well"
@kbok The development was... rocky.
@EtiennedeMartel Yea people eat that stuff up
apps are the new thing
@EtiennedeMartel Hehe, I see
@MartinhoFernandes yeah, doesn't sound super healthy
Still, I'm an engine team developer, so I don't really know what's happening in the other departments.
Apple basically took shareware/freeware and made it cool
@0A0D Yeah , people are crazy about apps. I'm developing apps right now for GE
@0A0D It's all about "freemium" now.
@EtiennedeMartel yep
> At about 1:30 a.m., a family of hippos, represented by light gray H’s, swam into the tunnels from a nearby river. Their arrival was an unintended development born entirely of the game’s internal logic. Tarn was pleased. “The hippos like the sewers!” he said. He took a celebratory swig of Dr. Pepper and rocked back and forth.
I'm loving that article. Thanks @jalf

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