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@BartekBanachewicz :P Does your GPU support 4.3?
@MooingDuck they all get mad since ": ISO C++ forbids initialization of member ‘assign’ - " error: invalid in-class initialization of static data member of non-integral type ‘void (*)(long unsigned int, float)’". i'm trying to alias a member function
@Tuntuni aye. Even 4.4 :P
@BartekBanachewicz Nice. I got 3.3 only. :/
@Tuntuni what are you going to code? :3
@BartekBanachewicz I'm just getting started but I wanted the debug extension to be in the core so I don't have to mess with them. Oh well.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf oh! (void)(&foo::blahalias)(size_t, int) = blah or maybe (void)(foo::&blahalias)(size_t, int) = blah
@Tuntuni check if your GPU supports KHR_debug_output before AMD_debug_output
also make sure you have newest drivers obviously
@MooingDuck surprise it's a templated class which means even more fun; let me try that though
@BartekBanachewicz What's GL_ARB_debug_output then?
@BartekBanachewicz Just installed them.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf sadly I don't recall the specifics of this horrendous language feature
> A friend for life is what you are to me
Equestria Girls has such cheesy music
@Tuntuni damn crap, there's 3 of them already?
@BartekBanachewicz This is what I'm reading.
@EtiennedeMartel weren't you guys fan-boy/girling over it yesterday?
@Tuntuni ok, I found it. ARB one is pretty much the same as AMD, and you want the KHR one if possible
that makes sense? :)
Ugh not really lol, why are there 3 different ones. :o
in order: Core > KHR > ARB > AMD
@Tuntuni do you really want to know why? :F
Ok bye @MooingDuck @sehe @ all
@BartekBanachewicz I'd like to. I don't like coding without understanding what's going on behind the scenes.
@gx_ cheers
I'd say the AMD extension is AMD GPU only, but I don't know what the other ones are for.
@MooingDuck nope :L
@StackedCrooked: Past couple days when I hit compile sometimes the page never "unlocks". Sometimes the background remains yellow, sometimes it's still white.
KHR and ARB are organizations, not manufacturers, right?
@Tuntuni basically AMD is a vendor extension, like INTEL, NV, APPLE, etc. ARB and KHR are special in a sense that there's more than one vendor actively supporting them. It doesn't mean that AMD extension will never work or be implemented on NV card; it basically means that ARB or khronos maintains the extension itself.
No reference to member functions. Only pointers
@Tuntuni normally, there's no much difference between ARB and KHR (or any other vendor), however in this case (debug output) KHR one is more featured, and it's the KHR version that's actually in the core now.
Which are not pointers anyway
@Tuntuni At least if it followed the usual way of things: AMD proposed one extension. KHR proposed another. ARB was a standardized version of those. That was (with some possible modifications) later rolled into the core.
@JerryCoffin nope. not right here.
ARB incorporated the AMD version, and KHR made their own which was improved
@DeadMG yeah
oh also
it's called KHR_debug, without the "output" @Tuntuni
@StackedCrooked: Can you put in some sort of "timeout"? I am looking at a page of code that I can no longer highlight, copy, or do anything with. The only thing I can think of is to manually copy/retype, or close/restore the tab and hope it comes back
@BartekBanachewicz Oh. Damn, I think someone does this shit on purpose to fuck with the people getting started. :F
@Tuntuni KHR is (presumably) Khronos. "ARB" is (was) the "Architecture Review Board". Before control of OpenGL was turned over to Khronos, the ARB was the committee that guided OpenGL development.
@StackedCrooked: I'd tried to click random things a while back. Just now the "default keyboard shortcuts" window opened, and the page refreshed losing all my code
@Tuntuni when you are a beginner, you don't use much extensions usually
@JerryCoffin Woah, I knew something. :D
that's why ES2 sucks BTW, it's an extension hell
I demand a refund
@BartekBanachewicz True, but this debugging thing seems like it's going to ease the job.
Rather than staring at the code myself, I can catch stupid errors and what not.
@Tuntuni I'd recommend using a dedicated debugger like gDebugger anyway (it's free)
it will be easier to set up and will give you more information anyway
@MooingDuck i darn say good sir I think you've got it void (writer<A>::*assign)(size_t, A) = &writer<A>::setobj;
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, didn't know it's better. So gDebugger > *_debug?
I have it on my PC. Will have to download it on my laptop too.
@Tuntuni it's not really ">". It's !=, but in your case (just starting) I'd opt for using a dedicated debugger
@DeadMG also, here is my directory layout. I'm not asking you to read this (cos it's feckin big) but if you do need to see my exact layout, here it is: gist.github.com/elliotpotts/6115355 That is all in a root "deadmg" folder
@Tuntuni what matters is the time of setup, the amount of information you can get, and the reliability.
@BartekBanachewicz Mhhm.
@BartekBanachewicz Does gDebugger provide the same amount of information that the extension does?
@Tuntuni all of that + way more
@BartekBanachewicz Awesome then.
Does it catch errors like passing in an address instead of an offset to glVertexAttribPointer e.g.? (I think that was the function).
Like really stupid errors that are hard to spot.
@MooingDuck though unfortunately a function reference still seems to be out there :L
@Tuntuni you can't catch everything. Best debugger is the common sense.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf A function is a value, a reference, and a pointer, all at the same time. Don't worry about it.
@BartekBanachewicz And what about the example I gave? (That happened to me before so just want to check if I could avoid staring at the code again.)
@MooingDuck how do i call it though :L structure.object->blah is giving me a function* as expected now to find out how to dereference it ... -.-
@Tuntuni you can't assume you won't have to stare at black screen again. And that one case you should already remember to get right, no? :)
@EiyrioüvonKauyf ah, that's because it's a member function, not because it's a pointer. I don't recall, give me a secon
Q: calling member function pointer c++

Nayana AdassuriyaI'm trying to do some testing with member function pointer. What is wrong with this code. this giving compile error for bigCat.*pcat(); class cat{ public: void walk(){ printf("cat is walking \n"); } } int main(){ cat bigCat; void (cat::*pc...

@BartekBanachewicz Haha, yeah, you're right. :)
@MooingDuck "some testing"
@MooingDuck You can always refresh.
@Tuntuni c'mon, show us a triangle
@Ell You can start by deleting the "source" folder- cut some of the crap
@BartekBanachewicz Will soon. Getting ready. :D
@StackedCrooked I'd worked on other code in the meantime, I figured a refresh might give me that other code :/ And I didn't want to lose the ability to look at it, just in case
can chrome "duplicate" a tab?
If you hit compile then the current code is saved in your local storage.
So refreshing will restore the most recently clicked-for-compile code.
@MooingDuck err ......
  tester.cc:119:9: error: indirection requires pointer operand ('void (writer<float>::*)(size_t, float)' invalid)
@Ell You didn't put a slash on the end of your paths. You should have ../llvm/ as opposed to ../llvm
@StackedCrooked couldn't hit the compile button, page was frozen. Maybe a chrome bug?
Dunno about that.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf did you read the link I posted about how to call a member function pointer?
error C2451: conditional expression of type 'const Renderer::Voxel' is illegal
what the fuck. I gave you operator bool dammit.
@DeadMG Of course
that should really not be a problem >.<
@MooingDuck yup... dereferencing ... isn't working even with all those pointers.. hmm
@Ell Er, I could have coded the script to simply add a slash if necessary, but I didn't. I will fix that. But the path arguments should have slashes on the end, for now.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf no, you didn't read the page I linked, because the code on the page I linked says "(bigCat.*pcat)();"
If the freeze is triggered by a compile then the code is saved. If the page randomly freezes (never happened to me), then the most recently compiled code will be restored when refreshing.
@DeadMG Okay. And fyi, I didn't mean it was your fault it was a problem
have any of you used explicit operator bool in MSVS2013 already?
I mean generally a build system should be working with directories, not just strings which may or may not have slashes (IMHO)
Premake has path functions, but in this case I did not use them.
@MooingDuck that doesn't work because c is a struct with shared_ptr<box> and box has the pointer to assign/blahalias hmmm .. ->* might work
Most recent feedback on Coliru:
@StackedCrooked I had code A, I hit compile, and switched to another tab, with code B, hit compile, went back to code A, A was still frozen. :(
> Please include GCC's version somewhere in the page. Please. :-)
@StackedCrooked what's wrong in gcc -v?
@MooingDuck B will be saved probably.
@StackedCrooked right, that's why I was afraid to refresh
@BartekBanachewicz The funny thing is that the default program output GCC's version.
@BartekBanachewicz Should I use a debug context when debugging?
@Tuntuni yes.
@StackedCrooked Is it possible to embed coliru?
@Tuntuni typical
@DeadMG I guess so.
@DeadMG why would you? Just link
If you want to embed it into another website you might run into cross-site scripting constraints.
@BartekBanachewicz Mhhm. :) I thought I wouldn't need it since I'm using gDebugger but I guess that's what actually provides gDebugger witht he information it needs?
@StackedCrooked Let me rephrase that. Since I'm a user, how about you do all the work so that I can embed Coliru with some trivial copy and paste or something like that with no effort :P
@Tuntuni debug output without debug context can be significantly worse
also come on
2 mins ago, by Tuntuni
@BartekBanachewicz Should I use a debug context when debugging?
that's a pretty dumb question, agreed? :)
@DeadMG I feel like my job is done having provided the JSON API.
@MooingDuck Because it's a lot more natural and less effort for anyone viewing my website.
I only work with professional users.
@StackedCrooked But in order to use it, I'd have to actually know JavaScript... :P
@StackedCrooked ahahahahaha :D
@BartekBanachewicz When you're starting out, no question is dumb. :D I have to confirm everything and hear it from someone who's been using it for a while to be absolutely sure. ;)
wait, what JSON API?
@MooingDuck ....
tester.cc:119:24: error: called object type 'void (writer<float>::*)(size_t, float)' is not a function or function pointer

this is definitely a lot of nested o_o. and i did try .* ->* and a combination
@Ell Did adding a slash help/solve the problem?
I needed more than one account becasue there is a limitation that you can post limited number of questions in a day. — Ferhan Jamal 40 secs ago
^^ lol
@EiyrioüvonKauyf make me an SSCCE and I'll start paying attention again
@DeadMG Actually, REST api with JSON encoding. That's actually the only way to use Coliru. The website is implemented on top of it.
@MooingDuck kk
@BartekBanachewicz Also, I meant when debugging with gDebugger since I thought gDebugger gathers its own info somehow but then I realized the debug context is actually what it uses to gather the info (right?).
@Tuntuni not only that
IIRC it injects a middle-man dll
@DeadMG it solved some of the problem. Atm, Lexer & Parser pass the build stage
Oh, cool.
but Semantic erros with another include problem
@Ell Those ones I would expect to, since they have no external dependencies.
../../../llvm/include/llvm/Support/type_traits.h:20:36: fatal error: llvm/Support/DataTypes.h: No such file or directory - those ../../../ make me feel like something else is wrong
oh, that.
I have no idea what the deal is with that header, but you always have to do ... something ... with it.
LLVM builds it somewhere and not in the normal place.
add /build/include to the list of llvmincludes in Premake and you should be fine.
@Mysticial lol
    DataTypes.h:48:3: error: #error "Must #define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS before #including Support/DataTypes.h"
DataTypes.h:52:3: error: #error "Must #define __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS before " "#including Support/DataTypes.h"
That error I have encountered before, but it's GCC-specific (something to do with C99 and C++11 incompatibilities) and I honestly have no idea.
hmm okay
er, just add the#define to the build options, I will do the same here.
it's -D for GCC, right?
It's not just that macro, I think
@DeadMG yeah
You need the "INT_MAX" stuff, is what it seems like
@Xeo AFAIK, LLVM copes just fine once the macro is defined.
"-D __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS" should do it
int*& i - this is a reference to a pointer right?
how's it going now?
@Tuntuni yes
lol this guy is in full rep farming mode. 3 questions about operator return types in the last hour
@DeadMG well, you have #include <llvm/ir/DerivedTypes.h> in MetaTypes.cpp, it should be IR. Also there is a compile error, let me just copy it
@Ell Ah, damn, I thought I had all the capitalization and backslashes kind of stuff.
@DeadMG I currently have version 4.7.2, maybe it's better if I upgrade to 4.8 before reporting compiler errors, or do you want to see them anyway?
@Ell Shouldn't make a difference. Since I target VS2012 CTP, GCC 4.7 should be fine. Post them
@Borgleader all of them
@Tuntuni what are you doing? o.O
probably, I'm guessing, an incomplete Clang type.
@BartekBanachewicz Lets close them :P
@BartekBanachewicz Passing a pointer to a function.
I don't want a global GLFWwindow* so I'll create one in main and pass it to the init function.
@Ell puppy is too lazy to check his code under conformant compiler, so that will probably hurt anyway. VS is way too permissive.
@Ell Yeah. I use forward declarations of Clang stuff often because their headers take forever to include, but GCC is less tolerant of using forward declarations in many places.
@Borgleader the one with UB is not a dupe
I bought myself an airfan, finally.
@Tuntuni use smart pointers.
@BartekBanachewicz Which one is that? the << one?
@CatPlusPlus i finally bought a new iPad cable
@Borgleader aye
@BartekBanachewicz Oh yeah, I should.
ah yes, I see what you mean.
resolving it should simply be an issue of adding the appropriate Clang include to that header.
@BartekBanachewicz how much did it cost? 3000 Euros?
@BartekBanachewicz aight, well i VTCed the other 2
@Borgleader same here
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <clang/AST/Type.h>
@bamboon um, no? it's just a fucking cable
in ClangTU.h, should resolve the issue.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf this is harder than I thought :/
@BartekBanachewicz well its an apple cable
@BartekBanachewicz and apple cables are exxxxxpensive
@BartekBanachewicz What should I typedef std::unique_ptr<GLFWwindow, decltype(&glfwDestroyWindow)> as? Can't decide on a name. :F
@BartekBanachewicz I'm guessing there was a hint of sarcasm intended there.
I'll be back in a couple of minutes
@JerryCoffin Got it Sherlock!
@JerryCoffin seriously, hating aple mindlessly is as stupid as loving it mindlessly
How do you know it's an original quality Apple product if it's not horrendously overpriced?
@DeadMG working so far. Apart from another case issue in Util.cpp: #include <Codegen/CodeGenModule.h>, should be CodeGen
@EiyrioüvonKauyf I seriously cannot figure out how to invoke a member function pointer that is itself a member, from outside of the class :/.
@Tuntuni UniGLFWwindowPtr? dunno.
@Tuntuni WindowPtr? But I feel like that shouldn't be typedef'd
@MooingDuck ((class.ptr)->*obj) or somethin'.
@Ell It's going to be a parameter. Don't want to type it out constantly. :P
I feel as with the new vote to close reasons, things have been being closed way too often.
I'll do GLFWwindowPtr.
@BartekBanachewicz that's probably true for everything.
@BartekBanachewicz Thinking some of their products seem overpriced doesn't seem mindless to me.
@CatPlusPlus haha
@JerryCoffin which ones exactly? I think that most of them is reasonably priced.
Cables, for example.
@CatPlusPlus (bigCat->*pcat)(); doesn't seem to work if pcat is a member of Cat, only works if pcat is local to the function.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hm, I agree on that one. Original cables are a tad expensive.
@R.MartinhoFernandes OMG file a defect report :(
@MooingDuck Why?
@DeadMG ../../../llvm/include/llvm/Support/Compiler.h:18:37: fatal error: llvm/Config/llvm-config.h: No such file or directory - this could be an error on my part, I only have llvm-config.h.in. This happens with other headers too, I only have versions suffixed with .in
The ptmf is a member, so you need to access it as any other member.
Don't use member pointers, problem solved.
std::mem_fn(bigCat.pcat)(bigCat, args...)
You can't expect it to magically be available in the outer scope.
@R.MartinhoFernandes wtf is wrong with cfoo.b->aliasf(5) syntax, other than the spec says it's wrong? Is it ambiguous?
@MooingDuck What is the this object on that call?
@R.MartinhoFernandes cfoo.b->
No, it is not.
@R.MartinhoFernandes why not?
C++ core doesn't have bound member pointers.
@MooingDuck Think auto ptmf = cfoo.b->aliasf; ptmf(5);
@R.MartinhoFernandes .... that's a good argument
@MooingDuck cfoo.b is one access, yielding the object, b->aliasf is the other, yielding the member function pointer. How do you invoke ptmfs again? (obj.*ptmf)() - translated to those names, (cfoo.b->*(cfoo.b->aliasf))(5) should be right.
(I seriously hope I didn't typo there)
Really, the only truly annoying bit there is the lack of overloaded ->* on the smart pointer.
Everything else is just normal, and a consequence of the weird design of having a member pointer to the same class as a data member (i.e. it's almost all your fault :P).
it's kinda meh to write, but you only need to write it once for all the smart pointers in the world :s
that was o_o.. i was really not expecting that
What's the value of a value-initialized pointer? nullptr?
thank you everyone ._.
@BartekBanachewicz I wasn't attempting to confirm their being overpriced, merely pointing to the fact that thinking a company produces overpriced products doesn't sound to me like mindless hatred. It could as easily apply to Apple, HP, Toyota, or whomever (with equally wide variations in products).
My dad says Toyotas are ok.
@JerryCoffin alright.
@Ell Ok cheers.
My dad likes Toyotas too.
@Ell LLVM builds the real thing as part of the build process, or should do.
Q: std::string::find() not working with std::string as argument

user2597676I've run across something that does not make much sense to me when using std::string::find() I'm hoping that someone here is able to spot my error: std::string testString = "PFAIL" std::string response = "PFAIL\n" if( response.find(testString) != std::string::npos ) { //do something } Thi...

Hmm, I got NIPPLE SALADS on the starboard. My work here is done.
@DeadMG I'll try building it again
@Ell More likely, the include directories just aren't quite correct. Edit: Which other headers?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Liking something doesn't mean I can't criticize it.
DataTypes.h, but I just realised, those are in /build/include/ I think. I thought I already added that
let me check
@EtiennedeMartel mmk
@Ell Yeah, they should be in /build/include/.
local llvmincludes = {
is the list you should have, I believe.
yeah, that's what I've got
still can't isn't finding it
Sorry for being so nooby at this :O
Hiii :333
@Ell Did you re-run Premake?
@Ell That's OK, I was expecting a bunch of trouble.
@DeadMG Yeach
try looking at the generated Makefiles, and see if the include paths are what we expect, namely ../llvm/tools/clang/include, ../llvm/build/include, etc.
could be that Premake simply didn't re-run because it didn't realize the makefiles were dirty
@DeadMG For some reason it hadn't generated -I../../../llvm/build/include on codegen, it did for others. So I added manually to makefile. I also added those defines again, and also had to add #include <stdexcept> to Statement.cpp in codegen
@Ell Yes, I'm seeing the need for <stdexcept> there.
what's up next?
@DeadMG fatal error: ../DebugUtilities.h: No such file or directory
And locate DebugUtilities.h gives me nothing here :S
huh, it's not in the repo.
I think I must have accidentally set my hgignore to ignore it.
anyways, this is the entire contents, so it should be pretty trivial for you to add it.
@DeadMG okay, now I get this: gist.github.com/elliotpotts/6115996
unable to deduce ‘auto’ from ‘<expression error>’
IMO, the rule for when an rvalue reference is an lvalue should instead be "if the expression referred to an object instead of an rvalue reference, then: if it would be an lvalue, the expression that refers to the rvalue reference is an lvalue. otherwise the expression is an rvalue."
ohhh yeah, GCC's std::hash won't take enumeration values.
and a load of other shiz
gimme a sec.
parser.h 902, GCC is right that there should be a typename there that there is not.
, so RvalueReferenceType(whatever) -> always rvalue
RvalueReferenceType r = whatever; r -> always lvalue
typedef std::decay<decltype(*lex())>::type token_type; where does it go? :3
between typedef and std.
I still haven't read that SO answer about where typename goes :P
typedef typename std::decay<decltype(*lex())>::type token_type;
Okay, that's done, now just std::hash is not specialized for this type and GetDefaultTargetTriple is not a member of llvm::sys
New Humble Bundle.
the first one is a pretty trivial fix- just add a std::hash spec that hashes the enum value as an integer. Insert this after the bottom of the Warning enum,
the second one, I am not sure why LLVM does not seem to provide that function, it is in their list.
@Ell Oh, they seem to have changed the capitalization recently. Try simply lowercasing the g.
@CatPlusPlus How many do you own?
I got #2 and #3 last summer, IIRC.
@DeadMG too few template-parameter-lists apparently :S
Don't know if it was the last one or the one before that.
This one's pretty cool I guess.
@Tuntuni Most of them.
Was hoping for some indie games to play that don't suck.
I liked Machinarium.
The artwork is pretty darn nice.
@Ell Oh, I'm dumb. Just add template<> before struct. I noticed that but forgot to fix it.
Q: Why do we let hostile users dictate the perception of stack overflow?

JaredParThis question is a great example of why stackoverflow is getting a reputation for being a hostile environment these days Possible to convert C# get,set code to C++ This is clearly a developer used to C# who is trying to apply existing concepts to C++ and failing. You can see from his comm...

lol deadmg sparked a shitstorm
that's his day-to-day job on questions which are not to his liking
@DeadMG Okay, I also changed it from std::hash to just enclosing the whole bit in namespace std {
@Ell Eh, should all be the same.
Now it compiles fine, but I get a shit ton of linking errors, which I'll try fix now
@DeadMG well, g++ complained when I did it your way, idk why
error: specialization of ‘template<class _Tp> struct std::hash’ in different namespace
Loungers, pick up your weapons. Tonight WE FIGHT ON META!!!! :P
huh, I thought that it would only have to be at namespace scope, not in the same namespace, but whatever floats GCC's boat.
what's up next?
Are you opening namespace std in a subnamespace or something?
@Xeo No.
@Borgleader what are we fighting for today? For or against asshole behavior?
> Does anyone seriously think the OP is going to post here again?
@Rapptz the question was terrible
@DeadMG When linking driver, I get "skipping incompatible ..." for everything
wait. I'm building x86
I need to build x86_64
dern. I think that means I need to generate makefiles again
@jalf Neither
@jalf Apparently the "read a good book" comments are offensive and seen as RTFM.
@Ell Er, I don't think so. The premake should generate makefiles that can build for x86 and x64.
Meh. The answer to every basic C++ question is "RTFM"
A mod erased by "C++ doesn't have properties comment" <.>
@Xeo I don't think so.
however, to ask a good C++ question you need substantial knowledge
His profile says he's been around for 11 days. He may have been shocked by the bluntness of the comment responses he got, but we are talking about programmers here. C++ programmers, no less. I'd rather people be straight with me rather than sugar-coat it, so long as they're not being abusive. — Robert Harvey 2 mins ago
@Bart yes your later comments were very good and constructive. I would have loved to see them from the start — JaredPar 5 mins ago
Maybe he got up with the wrong foot.
@RobertHarvey i disagree and I'm really sad to see that feedback from a mod. — JaredPar 1 min ago
that's too fucking bad, eh?
The internet is a harsh place. Deal with it...
Even DeadMG's answer wasn't well it was rough but not overly mean.
Seriously what the fuck is that complaint about
That question was complete shit.
"Oh hey, C# doesn't compile as C++, WAHT DO I DO TELL ME"
Now that's just bullshit.
@CatPlusPlus Yeah the question is extremely shitty
TIL, StackOverflow is designed for whiny elitist longtime users to play power games.
@JohannesSchaub-litb And I just rolled it right back.
DeadMG is right, answering shit questions like this is counter-productive.
@DeadMG that's alright.
He won't learn shit, except that this bit of C# should look like this in C++.
So he'll go to the next bit of C# and what, new question?
@jalf whose side you're on?
for the record, i am on no one's "side"
Because Lounge is a whiny elitist longtime user group.
just wanted to help bring the rage down. of course you can do whatever you want
meh, only cat is really raging
@BartekBanachewicz Is that a question? Because yes, of course it is. What else would you call it?
@BartekBanachewicz "Whose side"?
@CatPlusPlus Which is why nobody here's doing it, eh? :P
I'm on the side of "there is something seriously wrong with your head if you throw a hissy fit when people suggest we try being nice to each others for a change"
@jalf +1
i am on your side!
@jalf that's an interesting PoV and kind of answer I wanted to hear.
@CatPlusPlus what if, hypothetically speaking, someone answered the question with something that put him on the right track, helped him learn a tiny little bit of C++? How is that counter-productive?
Delicate Flower Overflow
Can we give you a flamethrower and you go into the C++ lounge and take care of those guys for all of us? — Won't 2 mins ago
Get ready to run guys.
@jalf that being said, if not for harsh community moderation, SO would quickly degenerate
@Tuntuni urlplz
@BartekBanachewicz i debate this. there's been a few mods that have quit because they don't like policies
good that litb is among us
@Tuntuni any url
I have no problem with people posting harsh comments from time to time. We all do that. But if others call them out, and suggest that maybe we think about the impression we're giving others, and your response is "well tough luck", then maybe it's not the question that's counter-productive. Maybe it's you

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