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@jalf more like "Look at me I am so nice and I never insult anyone and I will plonk someone that just said something even slightly non politically-correct to prove that"
also @DeadMG, fyi @BartekBanachewicz said he wouldn't do it again. :)
@BartekBanachewicz Hypocrites will be hypocritical
What about Hippocrates?
He's out of the equation
@BartekBanachewicz are you seriously whining that someone got upset by you spouting sexist garbage?
grow... up. Take it like a man
@jalf FTR I really thought the person in question was joking about being a girl.
@BartekBanachewicz maybe he/she was. I have no idea
@jalf I hate that statement more than anything else FYI
@jalf I told him to do that before, but he prefers to waste time getting his hot water thingy to work.
but even if he was, saying "boobs or gtfo" to him might validate others in saying the same to actual girls
Meh - I'm going back to my uncode shit - the lounge is in self-destruct mode again :(
What about politically correct?
@jalf no, I am angry at this pathetic attempt of clearing himself of his flaws.
even if you in that specific case said it to a male
@BartekBanachewicz ... which he hasn't, in any way attempted to do
@jalf not that I really said it to David.
It is perfectly possible to object to some forms of "being a dick", while practicing others yourself. I'm not sure if that makes you a hypocrite, but IMO it's better than not objecting to people being a dick at all.
@BartekBanachewicz the point remains.
I thought I explicitely stated that I did not use such phrase because there are a lot of things fundamentally wrong with it.
Should be "boobs or gt*o".
I'll note that.
@BartekBanachewicz ... and yet we all read it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Last time I used "f*ck" i was automatically corrected by at least 3 people
(Oh, he's taking me seriously; I should take the opportunity and troll the hell out of him)
@jalf there's a fundamental difference between saying "I would call you an idiot (... but I won't)" and "you are an idiot"
Anyway, I really cbf having a big argument about this. My point was very simple: a request that we skip that in the future, whether or not you were going to say it jokingly or ironically. That is all, as far as I'm concerned. Anyone want to fight anyone else over who got the most butthurt, that's your problem, and if you drag it in here I'll (temporarily) plonk you
@BartekBanachewicz sure. But there is also a fundamental equivalence between the two
In both cases you express "you are an idiot". In the former you just add onto it a statement that "but I am too good a person to tell you this"
Namely, the fact that at least one person involved in the conversation is an idiot.
you should date the Russian cat lady with 136 cats, it would be fun (for us to watch)
sigh aight. no biggie.
@Ell Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad joke
Ahem, so, exciting news
@BartekBanachewicz That's what she said.
I've kinda sorta been offered a job
and I have no fucking clue what to do about it
Make love to it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't know what kind of job you're usually offered, but I'm pretty sure it's not that kind :p
@jalf you can, erm, take it, or, hm, not take it.
a small startup making the database/data structure to end all databases/data structures
if ( offer.InterestingProblems() && offer.MakesMoney() && offer.GetsBitches() ) goto offer;
@jalf ^
@jalf Ahem. That sounds... ambitious.
@jalf are they web 2.0 and webscale?
Without knowing more, I'd say it sounds way too ambitious (i.e. I'd consider it a turn-off).
well, they didn't use that exact wording, but that was pretty much the message I got
that sounds like a perfect topic for next TDWTF IMHO
@ThePhD He said it's not the kind of the third condition.
way too many buzzwords.
@BartekBanachewicz I... don't see any. It's about 20 years too late for SQL to be a buzzword, and I don't think linq is one either :p
back it by ... backed by ...
I heard you like cover, so I got a back to cover your back so we can cover your back while you cover your back.
maybe I shouldn't go into too much detail about what they're doing :)
i don't know, you gotta be extra-careful with companies and ideas like this
Well, as long as their development plan is at least 1-2 years for this... massive file-system based database,
anyway, yes, it sounds ambitious, and I'm not sure they can achieve all their goals, but after questioning them a bit, I'm starting to think they can achieve at least a bunch of them, which might still result in something really good
you could probably safely accept. I mean, if your job isn't that interesting right now and this really intrigues you, you should go for it.
@BartekBanachewicz yep. Problem is, I have to be careful with the company I'm in too. It's not doing too hot financially
Plus, since you'll be around at the start, you'll be able to control how the API goes. Which means... ahmigawd an API that doesn't SUCK.
also, it's always interesting when people say stuff like "expression templates" or "vectorization" :p
Uh oh
euh my eyes are bleeding ;A; someguy imported a library in every function. like at the beginning ..... (python) not just once at the beginning of the program
Expression templates?
They actually sound...
.... modern.
They actually sound modern.
Holy titty jesus christ, they sound modern!
They are quite primitive.
GCC 4.8, ahmigewrrrd.
a wild goto Y U NO USE LOOP
@Borgleader just burn him alive now
i am wondering.
I need outer opinion.
@BartekBanachewicz Are you plinking me because you want to talk? <3
Is it about cowboy_cast? <3
@ThePhD i gonna regret it yes.
@BartekBanachewicz "outer" as in "outer space"?
Or maybe stack_cast ?? <33
@ThePhD never ever ever.
@Xeo pretty much. He's the only one that digs graphics there as it seems.
@ThePhD Negotiations aborted.
@ThePhD Oh noo
I only kid.
@ThePhD wat dafuq is that
I wanted to ask what stack_cast is for a second.
... Ohooo, so there's intereest? <33
@DeadMG UB heaven. You don't want to know.
I'm a big man, I can handle some UB if I want to
@ThePhD so, you in? I'd like to know your opinion on storing irradiance in voxels
See? @DeadMG's got the right idea!
@BartekBanachewicz Not a clue. :D
I haven't done voxel anyhing, but I'm about to get into Poxel stuff soon.
that's fucking identical
Yeaaah, but in 2D.
doesn't really matter
thing is: Do we really need whole 180 degrees of dense normal coverage for irradiance?
Hm. Well, if you're storing irradiance per voxel, it's just a memory consideration: can you afford to store the material's / voxel's irradiance on a per-voxel basis? And after you do that, what effect does it afford you? If you mean baking in a pre-computed irradiance, that's just stuff that is part of what most people would consider a "Light Map", and that would also include static lights.
I still have no idea what you're talking about, though. :D
Hmm. The github “Your Contributions” time sheet doesn’t seem to be very up to date …
I’m committing like crazy and it shows “no activities” for today
@ThePhD a normal map is usually a 2D texture right?
so it doesn't take the place you are looking from into account
@KonradRudolph maybe they're rating your commits, and deciding that the don't qualify as "contributions"?
@BartekBanachewicz Normals are independent of view.
"this isn't a contribution, it's sabotage!"
@jalf Do they do that? Anyway, in that case the heuristic is wrong
(I know, I know, joke)
@KonradRudolph It's probably a daily update or something.
@ThePhD but there are 4 factors if you look at the whole picture: light position, fragment position, fragment normal and eye position
Did I mention Cassini is awesome.
@KonradRudolph of course not :)
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah. Those stuff are computed later, depending on those 4 things.
@ThePhD but using a lightmap essentially means you are losing light position, no?
@BartekBanachewicz Yes. Which is why it's usually only done for static lights -- e.g., lights that never ever move.
The same would go for irradiance. If you have a fixed light, and you need to get the scattering effect, that can be precomputed and stored.
For a moving light, you'd have no such luck (without it looking weird).
if it's dynamic, it can also be precomputed in the first rendering pass
first is scatter, second is gather.
I don't know what those terms mean, but if you say so. :D (scatter/gather)
well first pass is "for each light, send rays from it and set irradiance on voxels you hit"
second would be "for each fragment you want to color, send rays and gather irradiance from the voxels you hit"
of course first pass can also handle reflections.
@MartinJames uncode? How do you do that? (And for what purpose?)
@BartekBanachewicz The first thought in my head was "Deferred Irradiance", lulz.
@ThePhD I like that :)
Well, get to making it!
I hereby name this rendering technique DI.
Deferred Irradiance, go go go go
i have to modify my tree to allow me store the data first
@BartekBanachewicz Taken.
@R.MartinhoFernandes for fucks sake
Dependency Injection.
Get trolled.
no, it backfired.
That's why I said that I am a noob compared to pros like Florian.
realtime global illumination in WebGL.
I should now stop programming and go learn how to flip burgers.
> In mathematics, spherical harmonics are the angular portion of a set of solutions to Laplace's equation. Represented in a system of spherical coordinates, Laplace's spherical harmonics Y_\ell^m are a specific set of spherical harmonics that forms an orthogonal system
I am very close to getting into the corner and crying now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes because there's such an awful lot of things I don't know.
By scrolling this article I basically get how dumb I am.
Total Perspective Vortex, heh?
Just eat the cake and it will go away.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I saw a similar article a few days ago. Quite hilarious.
T_T my compiler version doesn't have the new C++0x lambda syntax ;A;
@EiyrioüvonKauyf update it
@BartekBanachewicz it's kept old to support other code bases. shitty places write questionable code
@BartekBanachewicz Laplace spherical harmonics?
@TonyTheLion oooohh i like that word. now to go find out what it's used for
@R.MartinhoFernandes but theree so much of stuff I have to learn, and my university is starting soon (which means I won't be able to learn anything)
Suck it up, read more books.
That's the part where I stop trying to help.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf C++0x? That is indeed old.
@EtiennedeMartel mhmm GCC 4.4
@EiyrioüvonKauyf ... you mean it has an old lambda syntax? :p
@EiyrioüvonKauyf Time tu update.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that kinda worked like a cold shower. Time to stop whining indeed.
@ThePhD I don't think there are many books on that level.
hm, actually
@BartekBanachewicz what level ...? do you mean math specifically like @Tony or graphics ....? i have tons of math books :3 / know of
So my next step is finding a flat in London.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf both.
@BartekBanachewicz what math subject do you want. as you can guess i have little clue in graphics besides the big red opengl book and some random web stuff... which i have 2 copies of accidentally
@TonyTheLion Where everything is gray.
I could probably buy an Orange Book.
@EtiennedeMartel and raining
@EtiennedeMartel oh you. Just because I didn't apply to your place.
@BartekBanachewicz what's the orange book o-o, oh cool. i didn't know about this one
@BartekBanachewicz Isn't that just about GLSL?
@R.MartinhoFernandes and rendering techniques, which means more math
@BartekBanachewicz again what math do you want?
@EiyrioüvonKauyf When the Queen visits Canada, it's always raining around her. It's like she's bringing up the weather with her.
@EiyrioüvonKauyf the problem is it's hard to tell. If I were to jump at arbitrary math book, it would take me years to gather knowledge I need.
@EtiennedeMartel Her power is invested by God Himself and she uses it to command the weather.
@BartekBanachewicz why not learn it as you need it? would you like a pdf or an actual book. this horrible book is a ton of math: amazon.com/Mathematical-Methods-Physicists-Seventh-Edition/dp/… and includes everything at least a little -.-
BTW @ThePhD Irradiance Volumes are used by CryEngine too
> CryEngine
Ooooh, got my daily dose of ego-stroking.
@martinfernandes I just shared your "rule of zero" blog post with my team. Precise and correct! :-)
The queen needs to visit the desert more
@R.MartinhoFernandes :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes :D
@EiyrioüvonKauyf I am learning as I need. I just got kinda stumped by the fact how much stuff I have to read
@TonyTheLion what
One day, people will tweet about cowboy_cast.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Seriously, Rule of Zero is one of the defining articles on C++11, IMHO
@BartekBanachewicz Makes me cry.
@ThePhD Twitter has a policy against spam.
@TonyTheLion lol
@BartekBanachewicz lol :3. be happy you're not a biologist ... for many reasons
@R.MartinhoFernandes s/ego/penis/
and the fact that uni classes are starting soon is really not helping
@ThePhD But not in the way you like.
@EtiennedeMartel Erm, no, not that.

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