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@BartekBanachewicz What are you going to do next?
@Morwenn I might stay in Austria for a while and help the other team get into the project
and right here there's a research team forming which I'd most probably join
@Shoe dunno, the whole platform and language is shitty
Joining a new research team doesn't sound too bad.
@Morwenn no, not at all
Hence I'm not that terribly sad/mad about losing this project
well, a bit.
Let's hope the next one will be interesting.
it's gonna involve python
I don't really know python, so that's kind of nice
@BartekBanachewicz Welcome to the club.
I've been doing some small things on codewars in python and the more I use it the less I like it
it's inconsistent and sloppy
sure, has all those bells and whistles and [:-1] and whatnot
I'd need to use it in something more real-world though
it's been a while since I did serious dev in python
One of its strength is that, whatever you need, there's a library to do it and you just have to type one line to install it.
all reasonable modern languages satisfy that
C++ is reasonable
Node.js and Ruby are examples that satisfy that
and doesn't have it
@ScarletAmaranth clearly not
How is C++ modern?
@ScarletAmaranth hence
I mean: I sometimes had to deal with some statistics stuff I never heard about, and there were already libraries to do that. The range of libraries for scientific computing in Python is just incredible.
@Shoe Lua, Haskell, Go, Rust... goes on and on
Serious question
@BartekBanachewicz Not sure if "Whatever you need" part is satisfied to be honest
@Shoe not much
Not as well as in Python at least
@Shoe npm has much more packages than python repos tho
might be
> whatever you need
@Shoe like an order of magnitude more
I don't think there's this huge ecosystem around Haskell, Go and Rust
@BartekBanachewicz Yup
quality over quantity vOv
that is open-ended
but yeah, Hackage could use more libs, surely
Eh, not so sure about the quality either
Point is, there isn't a library for everything you need in Haskell
I like Haskell I write Haskell and can confirm there is not a library for everything I need in haskell
I wouldn't be writing Hate if there were, huh? ;)
there are relatively few libraries and very few great libraries
which I'm incidentally doing now
Or better put: you generally satisfy more needs with the set of python libraries than with the set of haskell or rust or go libraries.
@BartekBanachewicz Exactly
oh look it compiled
@BartekBanachewicz is hate your language?
@JohanLarsson framework
..sometimes languages are used as a syntax preference and are parsed\compiled by a completely different thing that is not related at all to it. Like how you code in game development engines.
the language project was Turnip and that was a Lua VM
@BartekBanachewicz is it a wip name?
@JohanLarsson nah, it's the 2nd name this project has and it's staying
ok could be a problem googling for it
I'm not going to sacrifice the impact of the name for an absurd, yet googleable blob of letters if that's what you mean.
nowadays whenever I google
I usually add the rough area after the keyword Im looking for
"hate Haskell"
"division game"
@ScarletAmaranth sadly 6th result
top 10 is ok
"hate game framework" is top hit
@ScarletAmaranth it's second result on duckduckgo
3 words I am lazy to type
it's either 2 words or I give up searching
I once checked every result google gave me, iirc it was 78 pages of results
Don't remember what I was looking for
@BartekBanachewicz Wot
@CatPlusPlus [].append() vs len([])
That's not an inconsistency
static T* ptr() noexcept { return new T; }
@CatPlusPlus I guess you can see a pattern if you squint hard enough
why do they have an example and make it noexcept when new may throw
28 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
I'd need to use it in something more real-world though
Generic protocols are __methods__ and corresponding free functions
I.e. len, next
oh also the ideology in the community seems to be fucked up in places
> how do I make a constant
> you don't, just don't change it
as if constants and private methods were "walls" or "obstacles"
There are no access specifiers either
They're not terribly necessary
but the religious opposition to them is plain silly
Uh there's not really any religious opposition
I mean say Lua gives you tools to engineer those if you need it.
Python just says up front "we don't think they are useful/good/necessary so nope"
Opinionated design is nothing new and nothing wrong
Yeah, I didn't say it was a bad language. I just said I don't like it.
But I must warn you that Python is literally the worst thing in the universe because time.time returns a float
for games that's usually everything you need
A: usort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function

AchronosThere is a PHP bug that can cause this warning, even if you don't change the array. Short version, if any PHP debug functions examine the sort array, they will change the reference count and trick usort() into thinking you've changed the data. So you will get that warning by doing any of the fo...

but I do remember having some silly issues with Date.Date years ago
fuck me again
so the major refactor of Hate that I've planned to do in a few weeks is more or less finished
took like an hour
not sure if I actually did what I wanted to though
Almost every project of that scale has subtle bugs nobody wants to fix.
@Shoe You nymphomaniac.
Working with MySQL and PHP I just want to get fucked in the ass
Sounds less painful
@fredoverflow +1
It's so frustrating because you have to solve problem X and: 1) You try to use the PHP framework tools to solve it, but it's not possible without a MySQL work around; 2) You spend hours figuring out how to write the work around in stupid MySQL and you find out that MySQL doesn't allow recursive functions; 3) You ask a question on SO about it and the two that answer ask you if they did the same thing you did in 1 and 2 even if you explicitly said so in the question body;
4) You understand that it's not possible, so you set your goal lower: just implement X where it's strictly necessary at the expense of consistence; 5) You implement the functionality in stupid PHP, but you encounter a bug in PHP.
@fredoverflow I see you. Have you done your homework? :)
I've found PHP SO community quite bad, so I've ignored the tag
tl;dr: Tries and tries while hitting on walls of PHP frameworks being bad, MySQL being retarded and PHP being full of stupid bugs.
Don't use MySQL.
what if Renderer had IOC
@Zoidberg I'm working on a project someone else wrote.
as in, had its own thread and asked the main logic for what it should draw
PHP is a 10-level tall building made of wood, with leaky ceilings and a foundation made of fluffy poof
alternatively, it could establish a common place where the main thread would put data
@BartekBanachewicz Internet Of Crap?
@milleniumbug You are describing literally every piece of non trivial software out there
@JerryCoffin Irresistible Obsessive Compulsion
@JerryCoffin Pleonasm.
so like the renderer could be spawned on its own or not at all
you'd write your logic code
Ion Orbital Cannon
@BartekBanachewicz Really dude
and say in headless environments you just wouldn't spawn the renderer
@JohanLarsson I told you I don't have time for this right now ;)
You have an acronym problem
I'm telling you as a friend
Go see a therapist or something
@fredoverflow public static <R, T> R with(T x, Function<T, R> f) { return f(x); }
Go see the rapist
@Shoe While somewhat true, I'd have a hard time thinking of anything else that goes (nearly) as far this direction as PHP.
I'm just wondering what are the drawbacks of shared transactional memory vs callback (IOC) model
Like IOC is Inversion of Control in a computer science context
@fredoverflow I did not listen :)
when would shared memory be preferred over IOC and vice versa?
or Input Output Controller
@Shoe I explained what I mean literally in my following message
or If you write anOther acronym i'll Choke you to death ;)
4 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@JerryCoffin Irresistible Obsessive Compulsion
too similar to OCD
@JohanLarsson fred.addProcrastinationListener(Johan);
@Shoe I can promise not to use any more acronyms tonight if you answer my question :P
Does anyone knows why cppreference has an example with noexcept on this function (since new can throw)
template<typename T>
static T* ptr() noexcept
return new T;
@José not without link
@fredoverflow i'll start a nag poller
@José completely no idea but you can fix it
@BartekBanachewicz I'm not qualified for answering that
It's on "Built-in member access operators"
I guess having a TVar would be nice in that it would always guarantee there's something to draw
@fredoverflow you should at least be reg lurking in wpf, does not even cost a browser tab
the window is necessary to receive input which sucks
@José Well, speaking out of my butt, it looks like a good example of code that potentially just terminates the application...
IIRC it std::terminate()s it, yes
Speaking out of my butt w.r.t. the context it was shown in originally.
I know that it does terminate it.

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