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9:02 PM
@Puppy hehe
@nwp I'm criticizing the process and not the result. Britain is definitely a nation strong enough to manage itself outside of the EU, so it's not a poor result. It's the poor decision-making process that I criticize because it implies other poor decision-making.
@Abyx lol, there's a link to Edith Piaf.
one could imaging a system of 0-1/3 leave, 1/3-2/3 do nothing, 2/3-1 stay, but that would alway bias towards inaction, which doesn't seem good
Flanders is the second most beautiful country in the world.
That's true. I think they just needed to establish a clear threshold for the decision before placing the vote. I haven't seen much to indicate that they had evidence sufficient to make the decision on that margin, though I'd support such a low margin if their statisticians had established that as significant
9:11 PM
@nwp there is no difference between do nothing and stay
because it doesn't change the state
It was voted by the stupid people so it should be disregarded.
Less stupid than the people who were elected.
50% of people are of below-average intelligence, but among politicians it's 100%.
Hm, politics seems like a crafty business to me.
9:14 PM
No, you just go to work, check in, then leave and get €300.
@Aaron3468 I don't understand what statistics has to do with anything. There are no probabilities involved, they didn't draw 10% of the population to cast a vote. Every vote should be considered as exactly what that person wanted and since you asked everyone you get a perfectly accurate result without any error margin.
In the Politic Factory?
@rightfold I call confirmation bias ;) Politicians get much more scrutiny as individuals than most of the people you meet
projectForm :: Form Project
projectForm =
  invmap (uncurry Project)
         (projectID &&& projectSummary)
         (projectIDForm <~> textForm)

projectIDForm :: Form ProjectID
projectIDForm = textForm' mkProjectID unProjectID
This is great.
9:15 PM
@nwp That assumes all votes are made with certainty. You wouldn't expect the result to shift terribly much each time you made a sample, but then it seems that shift could easily be 2/100 people...
Referenda are not binding. So you don't need to talk about thresholds etc.
Sometimes they are.
Elections are like binding referenda.
You ask the people who should reign represent them.
Oh God I got chewing gum on my chest hair.
It hurst when I try to peel it off.
9:19 PM
Watch Philippe Geubels.
Shave chest.
In the wake of Brexit I want new, patriotic, slightly crap british cars in the style of Reliant Robin to come back
maybe it can be applied to regular voting too
and solve some of the problems without that bias towards inaction
@Borgleader I so desperately want to use just my pseudonym. :<
@nwp That looks like it would be applicable. It would also allow quantification of how much unwavering support each option has (rather than just yes or no). Each person would only be allowed one ballot, but multiple choices. Naturally, there'd need to be a way to ensure choices aren't added to the ballots afterwards in order to avoid tampering.
9:32 PM
Having a broken CTRL key is driving me absolutely mad.
Get a new keyboard
9:49 PM
Yeah, it's out of control.
@набиячлэвэли Laptop. ;~;
@StackedCrooked ... Please. /cc @Borgleader
@ThePhD Nihil ad rem
Exception: log/access.log: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
Exception: log/error.log: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
Logging to stderr instead. **THIS IS BAD, YOU OUGHT TO FIX THIS**
Logging to stderr instead. **THIS IS BAD, YOU OUGHT TO FIX THIS**
10:07 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes but if there weren't PHP, women wouldn't even be in CMS!
Or something like that, I presume
I'd have to say this syntactic sugar might rot your project's teeth. This would not make a Python: the good parts book. — boatcoder Feb 1 '15 at 17:10
^ that
@sehe Combine women, PHP and CMS, and all you get is PMS.
@sehe Sorry, but no; PMS, not CHP.
10:25 PM
Buh. Filling out my LinkedIn is still kind've depressing.
Fuck, I'm freaking out because I can't figure out whats in these python data structures. How do you guys cope with dynamic typing?
Its like somebody invented structures, but nobody knows whats in them...
@Mikhail I find Python annoying for larger programs than, let's say, 200 lines
due to dynamic typing
I wrote a few thousand a couple months back, and now I'm freaking out...
oh good god what have I done
10:33 PM
I'm so happy.
My abstractions are great.
@Mikhail you write a function that prints an understandable textual representation of any object
@Mikhail If you didn't know about static typing you wouldn't have this problem. So static typing is to blame.
I did that in a basic form, relatively easy to do with I think __dict__
@StackedCrooked If people didn't know about Germoney they wouldn't have a problem with concentration camps, so geography education is to blame.
10:40 PM
@набиячлэвэли exactly
Use __slots__ (also namedtuple). Fuck __dict__.
Don't fuck __dict__ unless you want paper cuts
@Mikhail You don't. Instead, you generate Python from PureScript.
Which was made much more easy in 0.10 because of the new --dump-corefn feature.
"Instead, you generate <bearable language> from <9000% WTF language>"
In terms of readability, Python is to PureScript what English is to Chinese; the latter only alienates you because you decided to learn the former instead.
This works for every pair of languages.
Except for two languages that are basically identical, such as C# and Java.
Well the problem is dynamic typing
@rightfold "Python is to PureScript what English is to Chinese" obv not
10:44 PM
Dynamic typing is retarded.
on at least 3 levels
I have a weighted keyboard for that
@sehe (>>= id) the dark side
11:23 PM
And this is why I named the religion I founded in Civ V "Butts". #IAmTwelve https://t.co/ApV0xTxVgH
/cc @CatPlusPlus
@Mikhail isinstance(), unit testing, or strict validation + exceptions
lol unit test, (or testing in general)
Testing is good when types are insufficient.
Which they are in Python, since there is only one type.
Honestly python isn't ideal for bug free code. Python's much better for quick iterations and relatively small glue scripts
11:28 PM
They should add strict typing to python, maybe the form of decorators
There is a tool called mypy
then I don't have to rewrite my code
it is a type checker for Python.
It is obviously utter shit, but it's better than not using it.
Also IDE support
11:30 PM
The only IDE I need is a type checker with typed holes.
@Mikhail They have type labels, in other words little-to-no typing. Python just isn't for write-once-run-perfectly without a full linter and static typing
There are no easy answers for me, I'm just sad
Compile from PureScript for new code. PS FFI is dead simple.
11:58 PM
How is purescript in relation to the other languages you've used? Sounds like a tempting one to have in my repertoirre

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