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> instantly
also... which parts? all parts
@Griwes partially depends on scope
I wish there was a way to plonk by topic
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ I'm not familiar with that term.. what does it mean?
It means "ignore".
@sehe Seems quite interesting
@MarcoA. When you click on one of the user avatars, there is an option to ignore them.
got it, thanks
Still talking about "ambiguity"?
@SimonKraemer I'm trying to develop the concept more
@VermillionAzure are you Cinch?
god dammit, I fell for it again.
@slaphappy yes
@slaphappy Yes.
@jaggedSpire you mean you're not good at tracking alts?
@SimonKraemer They are talking about ambiguity, VermillionAzure and sehe.
Who, me?
@slaphappy Nah, I was talking about elyse's Rebecca Black-Friday link on the startboard.
I fell for the one two weeks or so ago too.
You monster :-P
You mastermind
Well, maybe it's more useful to start at "How can I figure out what caused by undefined behavior"
You monstermind
"There is a method that exists for determining the exact code statements that cause undesired behavior."
@jaggedSpire lol
@sehe Pex is not fuzzing.
It doesn't use random data.
They have something for that too, I just remembered this name as "possibly related/of interest"
It uses Z3 and code coverage to find the interesting values.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ahhh, they told me to ping you about this topic
Z3 is a very nice library.
Interested in listening?
Wait? Is slaphappy Cicada? Or someone new?
@VermillionAzure Simply stating the desired outcome doesn't make it true.
Have you thought about pointer/reference aliasing? Static analysis tools are important, but they have limits.
@VermillionAzure I think you need to be more specific what you are talking about: "undefined beahviour" vs "undefined/random data"
@Lalaland Someone else old. I forgot
@SimonKraemer Basically, anything that we cannot statically reason about given a scope that provides the guarantee of knowing certain inputs for a function
@elyse Are you using it? Or just drooling over it?
I have used it once.
e.g. having the scope of main guarantees that all values are in scope. We should be able to execute the rest of the program with the values known from the scope of main. But that's not true, as some values are external to the program
What for?
@VermillionAzure What I am talking about is that there is no undefined behaviour. The behaviour is well defined for the input data by the implementation. It must be. So there is only "random data".
@SimonKraemer But there is undefined behavior even with defined input data.
a/b is probably the best known case where b = 0.
@Lalaland no
Furthermore, "ambiguous" is relative to scope, which tells you which values you "know" and which values you do not "know"
Values which you do not "know" can be external values, values outside of immediate scope, data read in from an external file, information sent over a network, or even noise I suppose.
Well. You're doing a fine job of demonstrating "ambiguous"
@SimonKraemer "It must" nothing.
@VermillionAzure I disagree. Using the same compiler on the same machine will behave the same way when evaluating a/b
@SimonKraemer No, it won't.
@SimonKraemer [citation needed]
UB is UB
@SimonKraemer But we are talking about the language--dividing by 0 is defined as undefined behavior by the standard.
This conversation turned into turd
So according to the C++ standard, it's just undefined.
just saying.
@SimonKraemer What about UB such as out of memory access? (Pretend that there is no memory protection between programs and no virtual memory). The result would depend on the state of all programs running on the machine.
@ThePhD Oh you're here too!
@TonyTheLion Well, it was Cinched.
Cinch is STILL debating magical definitions...?
@TonyTheLion Yeah. All it takes is two PHP minds less critical thinkers
I had time to fucking pass out.
@ThePhD I'm trying to propose an idea
@Lalaland That's exactly what I am saying. The data is random.
Oh wait maybe you were there
Guess I should read what I miss and get caught up...
@SimonKraemer ? Pretend one of those other programs was a nuclear launch controller. Your UB just launched a nuke.
Replace with any arbitrary task you want it to do.
Sven Kraemer
@SimonKraemer It doesn't matter. All that matters is that we cannot determine the value of the data if we isolate the function to be just the function and whatever is defined in the enclosing scope.
@VermillionAzure what does that mean? You're done proposing it, it seems. You're wishfully pushing the idea until someone tells you "yeah, brilliant"
@sehe Well let's try this.
Is Sven Kramer cross-eyed?
@elyse Uyt Kraemer
Suppose we have a function F such that it maps bool --> bool
@SimonKraemer Literally anything could happen.
@VermillionAzure I'm not stopping you. But I'm not "trying"
It will simply echo the input value.
There are only two possible inputs and two possible outputs
The standard doesn't really identify any undefined behavior by just copying a Boolean value and returning it, so we can reason that T -> T and F -> F.
No input results in undefined behavior, and we make no reference to external state outside the scope of the function.
So we have 0 ambiguity in F at the function scope.
@Lalaland Not in C++. Unless you forget about any libraries etc. And then it would hardly be "C++" code anymore
@VermillionAzure is correct. You can formally prove that certain parts of a program do not result in undefined behavior.
And if you are careful enough, probably the entire program.
Now, suppose we have the function G(x) but which reads in a global Boolean b. It's still the same function, except that if b == true, it will always return false.
@VermillionAzure data race
But, since we're examining this only at the function scope, we are incapable of knowing what value b is. It wouldn't make sense. If G were to be run outside of a scope that includes b, it would fail.
So, therefore, is b true or false?
You're seriously
It's unknown, or ambiguous. Therefore, I propose A for ambiguous as the superposition of all possible values a variable may take on or unknown value
Still going on about this....?
Get a room. Cinch. We've been here before
Maybe it's time to step away from using YAML for representing bytecode.
Global mutable state can pollute functions outputs. We get it. I swear we do.
@VermillionAzure Ok, when I was here several hours ago the discussion seemed not to refer to the standard in any point. So what exactly are you trying to prove/evaluate than?
@ThePhD But the point is that we can measure how much it pollutes it.
@VermillionAzure No, no you can't, because the function is a goddamn black box.
There is no measurement.
@ThePhD But there is.
Maybe you should considering posting the actual question, instead of trickling in more constraints one at a time. I'll consider this question closed for now — sehe just now
There are only 4 possible combinations of inputs, 2 input values, and 4 possible outputs
I already played 38 hours of MGS V and I'm still at 32% of the story.
But since b is eliminated, there are only 2 possible inputs where b = A ad a = true or false
@VermillionAzure And what if b isn't the only global variable involved? What if it's the output of a random device, or the movement of the mouse?
@VermillionAzure Wrong. And even if you come up with a cop-out formula, how useful would that be?
@VermillionAzure Show don't tell. Where's your discussion chat room? Should someone else create it for you?
bool b;

bool G(bool x) {
  if (x && b) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
I'm so tempted to flag by now
@VermillionAzure Looks like buggy code
At which point you can just MEASURE IT DIRECTLY.
YOu can't 'analyze' it any other way than with your fucking eyeballs.
@SimonKraemer Looks like noob code. return x && b; too difficult I guess
This is a goddamn waste of time.
@ThePhD This becomes unsustainable once the domain becomes too large
@sehe Okay, but we no longer know b
Is there a case where the function only knows about x and still knows its answer regardless of b? Yes.
Half of the time, where x == false
@VermillionAzure That's the point. The code is just not ok.
@VermillionAzure Then implement an LLVM / clang thing that goes through and gets every single possible output value from every single possible input value plus its global state after parsing the internal of a function....?????????
What use does this serve?
What's the point?
@ThePhD That's obviously also not true. Because compilers and static analysis tools read code just fine (and much more accurate than your eyeballs).
@ThePhD There's now a fraction, 0.5, which is the percent of cases that are ambiguous.
The point is, this all focuses on artificially trivial cases
@VermillionAzure Of course we do. It's just true or false.
@sehe But you don't know from inside of your scope. If b was from another computer in China, do you really know?
@VermillionAzure No, not if b is initialized before G(b) is called
@sehe You would have to prove each of the libraries themselves.
It would be a long thankless process.
@SimonKraemer Exactly. So we cannot reason about it.
@VermillionAzure Ah. So you're actually only wanting to measure the correlation of inputs with output? Do a neural classifier. Job done!
And what if your proof is incorrect?
@Lalaland That's a timeless problem.
@VermillionAzure Still true or false. It's static typing.
@Lalaland Which part of it?
@VermillionAzure And now? b is true or false. Let's call it Schrödinger's b
@sehe Yes, but the thing is that your function cannot finish evaluating if x == true. It can if x == false.
I'll be Schrodinger's bitch any day.
See you later
The funniest part is that a proof, even a formal one, is still a social process.
@VermillionAzure "cannot finish evaluating" - wth
@sehe if c = a && b, if you don't have b, you can't find c. But you'll know c if a or b is false.
That's just dependency analysis.
@VermillionAzure docdroid.net/pEiyNYH/p64-tanenbaum.pdf.html does a good job of explaining the sort of thing I am talking about
@VermillionAzure That has well-defined behaviour. Nothing is ambiguous anywhere.
@R.MartinhoFernandes If a is true, we cannot truly know the final value of c if we do not take b into consideration. it's still in flux.
No, it's not.
@R.MartinhoFernandes He's using "ambiguous" to mean whatever makes his point
3 mins ago, by sehe
@VermillionAzure Ah. So you're actually only wanting to measure the correlation of inputs with output? Do a neural classifier. Job done!
There's no randomness there. It's completely deterministic.
@sehe Now, say we limit our domain of x to just true.
That's the problem with your example above. The behaviour of G is well defined. The value of b is not.
This lady kept on chucking other birds eggs under her broody hen, in one stage the broody hen was sitting on a abandoned baby pigeon & a couple of abandoned duck babies ...
Now, all the cases are ambiguous or unable to be evaluated without b
The same way people keep redefining « God » to whatever abstract thing whose lack of existence is harder to prove than the previous one.
So, now we have pinpointed the case in which we encounter ambiguous behavior.
Now, let's get a real undefined case:
unsigned char div(unsigned char a, unsigned char b) {
  return a/b;
I'm sorry to inform you but "I want to download a file in C for speed" is ... ridiculous. You need to measure your bottlenecks before optimizing. — sehe just now
If you want to discuss, stop appropriating terms to mean "whatever would make sense in this part of the sentence".
@R.MartinhoFernandes (What word would be better than ambiguous?)
You had interest in teaching people.
@chmod711telkitty Cool video.
Do Communication 101 first.
@VermillionAzure Just create one and define it once for all.
@VermillionAzure "Carries value dependency" or whatever.
@VermillionAzure "sdfdagdfjhgrn" would be better if you described it first.
@VermillionAzure Nothing undefined yet. Passing b=0 triggers one undefined case. But in any case you will get an unsigned char
@SimonKraemer But that's the point: there is at least one undefined case, and we know what it is.
@VermillionAzure Yes, but it is undefined by the data and not by the code itself.
Words are a powerful communication tool as long as you don't abuse them to mean whatever else they didn't mean at first.
@SimonKraemer It's defined by both the data and when you apply the operation to it.
@EtiennedeMartel No.
@Morwenn Sieg heil!
It's a specific case, and having knowledge of it, we can say that there is at least (1 ambiguous or undefined case / number of possible cases)
@VermillionAzure indeterminate
@sehe I thought about that too
@wilx Seriously though, his flow is really impressive.
I mean, you never need three wishes if you simply define a word that encompasses all your wishes and wish for that word.
okay, let's use I for indeterminate instead
oh noes... Statements aren't just words. You can't throw them away and use a random pair you found.
@Lalaland then you probably would enjoying watching the 2nd one in the series too ... apparently the mother hen was worried about her babies (duckings) feet, she kept on pecking at them ...
So to remedy that indeterminate case, we simply need to code around it. But in C++, there are a few options for doing that, right?
We can 1) throw an exception, 2) check outside of the function, or 3) use another type or function entirely.
It's just a function of multiple inputs.
@ThePhD Yes?
Should memory_stream reference an existing buffer,
or hold a copy of what its referencing?
Or should I abstract that detail into the constructor/template arguments and let someone pick?
@ThePhD parameterise over buffer type
@ThePhD Copy on write?
@Lalaland Expensive, maybe
Let the user pick, but the default should be reference
Then you can pass std::vector<char> for internal buffer, or array_ref<char> for external buffer.
@elyse memory_stream<container_t> ?
@chmod711telkitty That's cute :3
@ThePhD Yes.
Kinky. Will do.
@ThePhD Similar to what I do with file descriptors: github.com/rightfold/io/blob/master/include/io/fd.hpp
@ThePhD buffer, not container. If you say "container" you imply ownership, IMO. Buffer could be a "reference abstraction"
@slaphappy No, default should be by value, since that's safer.
Continuing: If we use #1, we can't be sure that an exception will be caught outside of the scope. #1 is out. So we're left with #3 or forced to leave the possibility of indeterminism if we forget to have the check.
Please stop continuing.
@elyse The default should be by value, but the type could abstract away an indirection. WIN WIN
I should implement buffer<T>::write in my library.
Pas de brakes après le train.
@VermillionAzure I think the summary is that we agree with you, it's possible to prove what you are trying to prove. But the result isn't worth the work.
And also writing files.
@Lalaland I've shopped the idea around and I think there might be some possible interest and great utility in it.
@VermillionAzure Yeah, people have already done it.
Sell it. Don't harass us
g++ seems to always define NOMINMAX on Windows.
Also, it would have a nice parallel to other data-driven fields like bioinformatics where these use existing data to create conclusions.
I'm trying to set some preprocessor macros in my visual studio project (just the repository root and the root of another project)
ITT we're Cinch's external co-processors for when he's lost [he thinks]
@sehe his what now?
@VermillionAzure exists.
I had it compiling before I started this, but now that I've modified the include directories, I can't seem to get it to compile anymore
i'm using /DMyMacroName=MyValue
and also trying to drop the /D
@Lalaland Thanks, I wanted to find papers like this
@sehe I need a new project.
@sehe Sounds good to me. I'll do it like that.
@elyse yeah, you're probably right
@MillieSmith try dropping the /B instead
wub wub
i didn't put a /B on there? do you mean /D?\
@elyse Prove, that you can make moonshine from sawdust
My preprocessor defs look like this:
Should I make a C++ API documentation extraction tool?
@MillieSmith Post a SO question and visit this page
@elyse Not a bad idea
So let's first write an indexing tool then.
With SQLite!
@elyse you'll drive cat crazy
He hates sqlite
I don't. I love it.
@slaphappy Nobody cares about Katt's preferences, except Katt
I <3 sqlite too. Nice API, simple system, fast as fuck, tooling
But you know cat, he hates things
Ships with Python.
Anyway elyse I think someone here is already working on a c++ docgen

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