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Or I'm gonna punch you in the face so many times that your consciousness will get UB
shit I left my rubik's cube downstairs
Let it walk up
@AndyProwl Unless it is :P
@AndyProwl 1.0 / 0 is equal to inf.
k i need to get back to work
@Rapptz really?
@AndyProwl IEEE754 is not not-maths, for instance.
@AndyProwl yeah it's defined for floating points
@Rapptz TIL
@R.MartinhoFernandes not overflow
I'm probably remembering wrong
lemme check
@Rapptz that's not C++ directly defining it though is it? It's deferred to whatever IEEE754 defines it as?
nah seems you're right
All fp operations are defined, no?
Even if the result is NaN, that's defined.
I thought it behaved like integer division
What about decimal(1) / 0?
yeah I'm wrong
it's NaN
Standard-wise it is undefined
not inf
@AndyProwl Implementation-defined, I bet.
but that's 1/0.0
1.0/0 is always an exception
@R.MartinhoFernandes probably yeah
@R.MartinhoFernandes ugh, seems not
I like how we are debating how defined a non-senseiscal operation is
> If the second operand of / or % is zero the behavior is undefined
@thecoshman It's not nonsensical.
zero (i.e. 0) is different from 0.0
well then I just don't understand
@Rapptz lolwut why?
I never manage to figure out where the Standard specifies something
Everywhere there is text, usually.
@R.MartinhoFernandes because 0 is integral and 0.0 isn't
@Rapptz That's stupid. Where does the standard draw a distinction?
@AndyProwl You can't just divide a section by 4
No mention of integral in the text Andy quoted.
2 mins ago, by Andy Prowl
It just says "zero".
0.0 is "zero".
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva hahaha
Yeah you're right.
But 1/-0.0 is well defined and same with 1/0.0.
I don't get why it has an overreaching clause for it
@Rapptz Where is that specified?
@AndyProwl Hey Andy, do you by any chance have that virtual concept proposal link somewhere accessible?
TIL it's legal to call main from your program in C but not in C++.
I'm talking in IEEE 754
integral 0 throws a division by zero exception but floating-point 0 doesn't
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Sure, here: github.com/andyprowl/virtual-concepts. There are PDFs in the "draft" folder
But C++ just makes it all undefined.
@Rapptz oh. But we were talking C++
That's stupid though
@Morwenn that's... interesting... and odd...
Stop agreeing you're killing the debate
I'm deeply sorry
The standard acknowledges that IEEE754 arithmetic exists and is important for implementations to report their support, and then spits in the face of it.
> The function main shall not be used within a program.
What do you make of that?
Sep 7 at 20:44, by Luc Danton
First level of C++ lawyery is to stick to the wording of the Standard. Second level is to stick to the intent of the Standard.
Third level is LRiO
> Treatment of division by zero, forming a remainder using a zero divisor, and all
floating point exceptions vary among machines, and is usually adjustable by a library function.
Second level is hard to reach for me
what the hell
@AndyProwl now tell her to fuck off...
"This is UB [Note: I think I mean it might be IB, not sure -- end note]"
the wording sometimes just does not express the intent well enough
or rather I fail to extract it
@Morwenn Oh wait, I read "legal" as "illegal", woops
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ :p
That's indeed odd
anyway rip
Not really, there's probably the C++ "that's dumb" here, and the C "why not?" playing a part in it.
@AndyProwl It’s easy. Since the intent is not always carefully written down, you just have to claim whichever version suits your needs best. Then praise/blame the actual wording accordingly.
This is my favorite example of incomprehensible intent:
Q: What is the meaning of this piece of Standardese about shared_ptr's use_count()?

Andy ProwlWhile trying to wrap my head around the problem shown in this question I found myself stuck on the following sentence from [util.smartptr.shared]/4: [...] Changes in use_count() do not reflect modifications that can introduce data races. I don't understand how I should read that, and what c...

from time to time I go back thinking to my idea for an annotated standard project
but I suck at web and at having time
/s/having time/taking the time
probably yeah
I'm using libclang to parse C++ tokens
this is one hell of a low level API :smirk:
oh yeah no shitposting emojis
@Morwenn deep man, real deep
"not having time" tends to be a bad justification when you spend most of the day slacking off in the lounge
I'd answer to that but no time
@AndyProwl I love it more and more
What do you people use for indentation or code formatting, in general? Tabs for indent and space for alignment? Other way around?
Another key advantage of tabs is that when your file is mostly composed of indentation (as with all industrial-strength JavaScript code), it takes much less space on disk and on the network.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ glad to hear that
But with spaces you can more finely indent accolades (or other characters), for example. I really am torn!
@AndyProwl You are stuck with implementation though, right?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ that's the thing that threw me off yes, but it's not just implementation. Not everything is clear and I realized I needed implementation to understand it better
I think I even lost track of all the doubts I had but there were many
So unfortunately it's not just "I can't submit the proposal because I have no implementation"
Hey, I also developed a tool to address problems to the ones described in your paper :p
it's more like "I need to be able to play with it in order to understand it"
another thing is that I wanted the syntax to be similar to regular concepts syntax but I found that nearly impossible without losing practicality
I actually think Concepts TS is lacking fundamental features in this respect but in that context it's not a tragedy
while in the type erasure context it is
The JavaScript room bites much easier than you guys.
A polymorphic vector that supported reference semantics. It allows to store polymorphic types by default (you give a base class and can store derived ones) but there is an adapter mechanism to use concept-based polymorphism.
I guess I used type erasure for that.
I'm finally done.
for instance:
Ambiguity and evaluation of measure of ambiguity for a function given a scope can be used to find the precise point in a program where ambiguous (undefined!) behavior is caused! The definition of non-ambiguous is both defined AND pure.
Ahahaha, @BartekBanachewicz what did I say?
I was right about him making another tutorial chapter
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by thecoshman
Head's up guys, @AnastasiyaAsadullayeva is just trying to troll you. And I just want to spoil her fun :D
ah ha ha ha!
I guess no one is listening
template<typename T>
concept bool C = requires(T x)
    { f(x) } -> int;
@AndyProwl Does that make it so T must have a function F such that F(x) evaluates to a value of type int?
A type T here will model concept C if there is a function f() that can take an lvalue of type T. If you want to specify that the function should be able to take both an lvalue and an rvalue, you have to add a second requirement
template<typename T>
concept bool C = requires(T x)
    { f(x) } -> int;
    { f(T{}) } -> int;
this leads to the same kind of combinatorial explosion that forwarding reference are meant to address, but there's no such equivalent for concepts
the thing is that if C is used for constraining a template that doesn't matter much, while for type erasure it does
Oh concepts
Isn't this getting closer to logic and sets already?
We're now defining a sort of set-y construct that classes can subscribe to in order to develop consistency based on the concept? (Is that right?)
@AndyProwl Long story short, your proposal looks really cool.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva troll him away or something
@Morwenn Thank you
@AndyProwl I see
@VermillionAzure Yes, more or less, with the key distinction that concepts are homoiconic.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva If only we could have generic paradigms or something like that and just apply it to a function mapped over variables/values.
@VermillionAzure Those are called (meta) functions.
e.g. get(val) would just generate the function for you
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva (Do we have those?)
@AndyProwl On the other hand, you will probably need to make your paper known prior to proposing it since it's big and addresses things in a way that might not be easy to get for anyone at first sight. Blog posts, and stuff... and try to have it shared by big names :p
I thought C# has those as well.
@VermillionAzure In C++ you mean?
> Our technology center in X goes in the right direction: to the cloud
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva yes
@VermillionAzure Yeah at template level.
@Morwenn I posted to std-proposals some time ago, Andrew Sutton wrote me that he plans to work on the same thing
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva But we can't just take a function design and apply it to a new object, right?
If I want to have a getter for Foo and Bar where both are unrelated... I'd guess concepts would try to fill in for that?
I hope he'll be at CppCon so I can discuss it
I hope too then. Your draft seems quite comprehensive already.
There's lot of stuff missing
Coming next: a brand new tutorial from Cinch Cunningham
Andrew will most surely be at CppCon.
Like, the planned skeleton contained 11 or 12 chapters, the draft on github has 4 I think
I can't imagine it being different really.
What's fun with the Shape example is that it's something that I tried to do, but my solution used a virtual base class to represent the concept.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ I guess nobody's going to read the gist.
@Griwes he's not giving talks though is he?
@VermillionAzure Yeah
@AndyProwl Just checked - nope.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Except that there is that edge case where the concept works but the meaning doesn't
@VermillionAzure Explain
Would be cool if I could get to discuss it with Bjarne
but I doubt he'll be that reachable
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva something like functions with the same name and arguments but have different meanings
@AndyProwl How would you handle emplace functions in std::vector<virtual Any>?
But then again, he isn't listed in Attendees on the program sites... hmm.
but that's a dumb possibility
@VermillionAzure Yeah that's an issue but usually you don't implement a concept by accident
@Morwenn Good question
do you guys know what the override final noexcept const volatile&& part of member functions is called?
@Rapptz The boilerplate.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva It would be much easier to have a centralized database of universal concepts and terms such that we can just apply them to objects as we like using types and values.
@Rapptz It's called the can't-get-it-through-libclang part
But that's too centralized and meta for C++.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I'm using the lowest of the low APIs.
@VermillionAzure I think this is one of the cases where MongoDB makes perfect sense
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I thought MongoDB couldn't superscale?
I know. I'm dying a little inside every time.
@Rapptz I don't think there's a collective name
But does anyone see the utility of being able to isolate undefined behavior or ambiguous behavior in a program?
@VermillionAzure That's not relevant (and it's an meme, anyway, mongodb can superscale easily), the important part being that you can store any concept with it
In the grammar for instance override and final are virt-specifier
@Rapptz qualifiers
well my variable name atm is called annoying_qualifiers
then there is the cv-qualifier-seq
And virtual is not a virt-specifier?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I thought MongoDB had some problems on it; I remember reading r/programming articles on why MongoDB wasn't good for speed and such
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ lol, nope
Maybe I should take this over to CS
override and final (virt-specifiers) are a different group from cv-qualifiers and a different group from ref-qualifiers (I think that's the name?)
So Andy, how would you deal with that vector problem?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ it's a function-specifier
they actually hardcoded virtual
oh wrong grammar
they hardcoded virtual for inheritance
it doesn't have a special name, it's just there
I'll go with other_specifiers.
or maybe miscellaneous_garbage
@Morwenn That does not make sense if you think about it. The constructor is erased. What arguments would an Any be constructed with? /cc @ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ
Any would probably only require CopyConstructible, CopyAssignable, etc
worst proposal 2016
kill me this code
@AndyProwl In my polymorphic::vector, emplace functions take an additional template parameter to specify the type to construct (which has to satisfy the concept), but I hardly see how it could work everywhere.
@VermillionAzure Those are from the haters, MongoDB has great potential for many types of applications
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Hm, I wouldn't know :D I dont' use any database yet
I use CSV and TXT and R object files
@Morwenn This really does not apply to my proposal, Any erases the type and in order to construct the object you need to know the type
so unless the Any concept specifies a requirement on constructor signature you just can't create Any objects "polymorphically"
Most users of MongoDB use it for wrong reasons.
That's why it's getting hatred from all directions.
(I'm not sure I'm explaining this with the right words, hopefully it's understandable)
Things MongoDB is good at:
pussy keyboard warriors
@chmod711telkitty Hey weren't you a CS guy?
@chmod711telkitty Can I get your input on something?
inb4 "say no"
you can try
@chmod711telkitty So I was trying to come up with a formal way to reason about C++ functions and ambiguity and undefined behavior
@AndyProwl Yeah, that's the problem. When you don't know a type, you have to provide it somehow... It becomes a library problem though, not a language one.
I mean, it's good to be able to know when your behavior is defined or undefined or even just understood, right?

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