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@elyse Yup
Making it either a or Nothing would not allow you to have Maybe (Maybe a).
Oh hey, rightfold is right!
Never said it's either a or Nothing
Also optional<T> and Maybe a are the same thing in different programming languages.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ No - you can "dereference" optional<T>, you can't "dereference" Maybe t.
Derefererencing Maybe a is called fromJust in Haskell.
Oh hey, rightfold is right!
Oy vey, rightfold is right!
Does optional<T>::op* throw?
Oy vey, rigytfold is rigvt!
@Griwes dunno, but doesn't matter here.
@Griwes It's irrelevant
Pretty sure it doesn't, but Boost does have an assertion in it.
> Technology changes everything. Specifically, it upends long-standing societal balances around issues like security and privacy. When a capability becomes possible, or cheaper, or more common, the changes can be far-reaching. Rebalancing security and privacy after technology changes capabilities can be very difficult, and take years. And we're not very good at it.
I like the way Bruce words this
Invariants are important.
20 mins ago, by Griwes
Maybe and optional are not really much alike.
Point is, this is wrong.
Also, fromJust is not necessary for Maybe to work.
I guess there's a checking way to pull a value from optional with checks... vOv
And if you really want, you can implement fromJust in C++ with throwing semantics.
Maybe is a variant, optional is not.
So there's that.
@Griwes You can see both as such.
Oh, right, Griwes being annoying and wrong all the time is why I had plonked him in the first place.
I should undo the unplonking.
@Griwes They're both the same kind of type
Interface differences are really not important
Interfaces adapt to the language they are put in.
Meh, it's Friday.
great answer, a subtle bug which I could surely stumble upon: stackoverflow.com/a/32510343/1938163
@elyse you know what to do
Oh, that's right.
It's A+1 sum type if I remember the notation right
what?? srsly??
FUCK YOU @elyse!!!
I clicked the damn link
And now your life is ruined
@CatPlusPlus well, ignoring bottom it is.
@TonyTheLion that means you're having a funoverflow
Bottom is not very interesting
> Why does errno contain ENOTTY after a call to printf?

Because stdout is not a mammal.
stdout is indeed not a mammal.
> Collier is accused of walking into her son's middle school in March, 2013 and hitting a sick child she mistook for her son. She then allegedly apologized to the child and then started slapping her own son, according to a Spartanburg County, South Carolina sheriff's office arrest report.
@MarcoA. if you could stumble upon that, then you don't use auto enough and are therefore a terrible C++ programmer.
@elyse I think it's strange they host the press release at such a strange domain name
@elyse mea culpa
@elyse It's not a very rigorous joke; not all mammals have tits.
@Mr.kbok Took me way too long. "Hah"
@MarcoA. I don't know what that means.
@Mr.kbok but like half of them do.
@MarcoA. you are the culprit.
Dec 22 '13 at 21:48, by Cat Plus Plus
I've got 99 problems and being terrible at everything is like half of them
that it's my fault
@MarcoA. lel. what a setup
@elyse And since the half that does usually has 2 or more, it's safe to say the vast majority of mammals has tits, on average
cool /cc @Puppy
spoons work just like that
Q: Is there an fast harley transform c++ implementation (pls no alglib)

Tonydo you have an Idea if there is an harley transformation? I just only found alglib... but cant use it (cause of many reasons) regards, Tony

> (pls no alglib)
algebra linear? algorithm library?
> cause of many reasons
> Austin Davis is accused of beating his three children with a belt because one of his kids had passed gas in the car.
Well. In fairness, that's pretty dangerous in a driving car
algebra library?
@Morwenn lol.
Yo momma is the cause of many raisins
@MarcoA. No, it's all glib. No friction
You guys have no idea how many times I got the iterative postorder of a BST wrong..
way to go I'd say
Not sure what to think of this stackoverflow.com/questions/32522959/…
@sehe Yo, hey, can I talk to you about my proposal?
I can't wait for that snackdoc thingy.
I'm so hyped about that
@sehe No, it's not.
Although you can say that each mammal has at least one tit on average.
why do humans have two tits
why not one. isn't that sufficient?
I think I've read that the number of tits is related to the maximum amount of children the mammal can have in the same deliver.
We have had cases of 3 twins, so it's not perfect, but it's related.
Let's say that the number of tits is supposed to cover all born in the same deliver 90% of the cases
Tell that to octomom.
It makes sense though
Can you imagine if the 2 cocks guy spreads his semen all over and in about 10 generations 50% of all males have 2 penises?
Why is the constant function not a one-way function
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ He's already spreading his semen all over.
A: Ambiguous overload with array passed as pointer

BarryI believe this is a gcc bug. The code compiles on clang. First, both candidates are viable. From [conv]: A standard conversion sequence is a sequence of standard conversions in the following order: — Zero or one conversion from the following set: lvalue-to-rvalue conversion, array-to-poin...

woah I thought that conversions wouldn't make sense here, cause that C array isn't really a polymorphic type
@elyse Amount of nipples = 2*(amount of expected children from one litter)
@VermillionAzure please be more cryptic
Natural selection: if you don't have enough tits, you can't feed every child at once, more of them die and the ones that had more tits have more living children contributing to the specy.
@набиячлевэлиь so that you can alternate cc @elyse
They changed my interest rate from .9% to .8%.
All those cents/yr!
You don't seem to be less interesting
So you seem to be more interesting?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Not less != more
I get the pun, but your kind-of-double negation makes little sense in the context
I was expecting something like "You seem to be less interesting"
Which would make sense because he got less interests now.
But the opposite of that, OTOH, just doesn't fit.
@VermillionAzure Are you getting married?
I want an interest rate of 1000%.
@elyse Don't worry, you'll always be interesting.
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ Well, I intended to contradict her statement and disprove it
Why so low, what happened
I should invest.
@elyse Yes it's not. Redundancy, SPOF etc. Symmetry, balance etc. too
@sehe CS idea
You should ask telkitty for some investment tips @elyse. Also maybe do the exact contrary
@sehe Metrics to evaluate code and designs objectively
@VermillionAzure "CS idea" - [computer] science doesn't really take proposals
@slaphappy So I should invest in setting up a company from which you can buy followers on Twitter?
Here we go with the sleepiness
@sehe The core statement is that there is a real number N such that N is a measure of ambiguity in a C++ function F in a scope of evaluation S.
@elyse why this in particular?
@ʎǝɹɟɟɟǝſ "3 twins" ? How does that work. (did you mean triplets)
@VermillionAzure Hahaha. That language. Just say "I think you can quantify ambiguity in a function". I think you cannot unless your function has UB
@VermillionAzure Impossible
My terminology with regards to childbirth is not as keen as it should be
Then let me try.
Suppose there is a function F that takes in a bool and spits out a Boolean.
ITT Chinch Cunninghan, round 2. /cc @Griwes
It is the identity function, so it will spit out T if true and F if false
I'm here.
There's no fucking silver bullet
There is, by definition, no ambiguity unless (a) you take external state into account (b) have UB (c) there's a defect in the standard specifications
No need to call me again.
Here we go again...
@slaphappy because Telkitty bought Twitter followers.
@sehe Oh good, you got a and b.
Then I'm not interested
That's the point--ambiguity is where we take in values from outside our defined scope or get undefined behavior
@elyse omg lol
@VermillionAzure Ping robot or mysticial. They might be interested
"ambiguity" is about measuring risk of UB on a scale of [small mammals grow pointy haired beards] to [erath destruction]?
Why would you do that
@VermillionAzure So, you just want to track values and mark them tainted. That exists in some languages
@sehe That's true.
@VermillionAzure Also, google "Fuzz testing"
But the point is that we can manipulate the domain of the input and the scope in order to pinpoint points in the program where we have all ambiguous behavior
There is no (useful) way to quantify it by static analysis. But you can do pretty impressive fuzzing nonetheless
What's MS's tool for that again. I forget
@sehe If we were to evaluate the measure of ambiguity where it's the fraction of ambiguous (undefined or involved with super-scoped variables or values) values over the total possible values, we could instantly be able to tell which parts of the program are not tainted and which are possibly tainted

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