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@VermillionAzure It's 2am, m8
Don't pull people in if they need to sleep
@ScottW Hoy girl
Gosh. That's. MS level braindead
@sehe are you just watching this? :P
They borked their implementation of shit, so now they propose their inconsistent view of things?!
@Borgleader Oh. Rejogging never hurts.
Goes well with the porn
@sehe Oh I thought you were watching it for the first time
Nah it's old hat. But you do find new gems like the screenshot ^
Time to play some GW2 :D
@CatPlusPlus Dude, I'm a gold C++ user
That should already be proof
The only thing you really need to get a gold badge are: 1) patience 2) know when to say "use std::string" and "use std::vector".
@Jefffrey Tehres quite a bit of truth in this statement
Do you guys know much about domain names?
I know everything
@ScottW bleh
I got nothing to mumble about :c
Also today I found out that I suck at speaking italian
Mumble about this "nothing" thing, then!
@Jefffrey the most important part is, you deserve to be a gold badger there, because badges are a community appreciation thing. And if you have the patience to repeat basic c++ truths, that's a public service in it's own sense
So now I suck at both speaking italian and english, which is quite impressive
@Jefffrey I want to buy my name as a domain name, but it's taken by some person who's not even using the site but just. Keeping it from 2004 to now. Is there any way zi could get it ? Because it's my name , do I have some right? If he doesn't have the same name too
> "some person who's not even using the site but just."
@TheArtist You have no right. Ask the guy to free it (he'll probably ask for money).
@Jefffrey COME IN SENOR!
@TheArtist You have to buy it, like anyone else
> gold badger
Who don't give no shit?
@VermillionAzure Geebus. If you're that bored, lemme give you my porn links get some booze
Some agencies specifically buy most used domains and then resel them at some huge cost.
@ScottW Phew. That was close :)
@sehe Don't worry. I probably ***** **** **** ***.
* ******* ***
Not to mention that fucking mumble takes 80% of my CPU for some fucking reason
@sehe ? ***** **** ***
@sehe If you're gonna mumble, COME ON MUMBLE! LET'S GO POLAR BEAR!
@Jefffrey @sehe Its not for sale :/ I wish I could register it .....and but shouldn't he just give it up so that I can buy it from a registrar? Because he doesn't use it. And WHOIS lookup clearly says he's just being renewing the domain name for the past 11 years.
He bought, it's his. The fact that he doesn't use it is irrelevant.
@TheArtist He uses it!
@Jefffrey Agree. Even if you don't use it for 20 years that doesn't mean you just chop it off. It wants some love too!
It's like if a guy buys a car and doesn't use it. It's still his. It's not like you have more rights just because you need to go to school.
He uses it to keep others from creating a site by that name
he can't refuse
indecent proposal
blackmail him
if the offer doesn't work
I did email asking whether he's willing to sell it ....let's see if he replies
*blackmailing might be illegal in some states
@TheArtist Then w8 m8, wait to abdic8 and take a br8k, maybe procre8
I understand that when someone buys a car....I understand if it was some random name then I don't have the right to say why he's not using it.....but this is my PERSONAL LEGAL name. So don't I have some rights?
@TheArtist wow
It's a string of unicode characters
DUDE have you ever considered that your name is shared by other people besides just you?
@TheArtist lol
@TheArtist Do all John Smiths have a right to exclusive ownership of a domain name with their own name?
@TheArtist gosh; What if it's also his (grandma's) L E G A L N A M E (add screamy voice)
QUICK i need more SO train wrecks to look at NAO!
@jaggedSpire no but atleast the owner should be John smith . Look , if it was owned by someone who has my name then that's acceptable, but it's not his name
@TheArtist Dude wtf who cares.
@nabijaczleweli Calm down
Nobody cares if it has your name on it. You don't have a right to it.
@Jefffrey Calm down
Do I have a right to Austin, Texas because it has my name on it? inb4 yes NOOO!
@ScottW I have a headache
@TheArtist No. That is not how property works. Domain names are like internet land.
I'm not ready yet
@VermillionAzure okay look , let's say my name is John, and he is John...then you are correct ! That people share same names, so it's both of our legal names so the first person to buy Owns it......but why can't you understand that this is not whats happening here, it's not like he's John. He's Tom , Tom is owning John.com for no reason and not allowing the real John to use it
You understand right?
And still love me
Just because a plot of land has water the same color as your name does not mean you own it. The same applies here.
And not mumble with other people
We are done
You betrayed me
Oh wait, no that was a dream
@TheArtist Go here
I love you baby
@TheArtist No.
Legal names have no bearing on "rights" to own something.
See? Women are actually simple.
@VermillionAzure okay fine :) I won't bring This up again
@TheArtist You have no right to buy something simply because of your name. Even between families, the last name is not what makes you family. It's intent by post-mortem will, blood, and relationship.
> Tom is owning John.com for no the precise reason and of not allowing the real John to use it // FTFY
This one is a weird and awesome version of "Another Brick in the wall"
And it's worth the investment, as far as I can tell
@sehe Ouch
@Jefffrey Do you like Radiohead?
@VermillionAzure I see. So he can be Tom and start a company named John that means (if he decides to use it).
@TheArtist Uhhhh yeah. That's how it works. Names mean nothing--they're just names.
@TheArtist One has no rights to a string of Unicode code points
Okay :(
@TheArtist He can even start a company called "Jane Austen" and host it on "John3v16.com".
@TheArtist Are you young?
@VermillionAzure ikr
@sehe John117 best john
@Jefffrey OH MY GOD
This is easy to transcribe to solo acoustic too!
Okay fine. The thing is that it pisses me off that he's not even using it, if he's making use then it would be fine :/ no idea why he's doing that
@VermillionAzure I'm a teen
@TheArtist Well, for you to not know this, this isn't good :(
@VermillionAzure yes young , why?
Yeah. It was clear from the get-go this was just about "I'm pissed off". And that, as ScottW hinted, doesn't hold water
@TheArtist He clearly is using it
@TheArtist Hm... I think it's easier to think of the world as having no rights, only privilages.
12 mins ago, by sehe
He uses it to keep others from creating a site by that name
> This video is not available.
> Sorry about that.
Oh I see....Thanks guys :)
My favorite songs are still "Chinese video game OSTs" and Radiohead
@Jefffrey OH MY GOD THERE'S A PART 2?!
So many trainwrecks today
@VermillionAzure That's part 2
There are always 3 parts for Another Brick in The Wall, and they are all different stylistically
Part 2 is the one you listened on spotify too
@Jefffrey I like Dark Side of the Moon!!! :)
I retract my recommendation for more booze
@sehe Need you use the sleep?
Want to hear a song that will make you heargasm?
@Jefffrey yes
It was rethorical
Give a sec that I search for it
@Jefffrey Oh I know this one already; it's so good!
Carl's Jr. needs to go lighter on the America
The mortality prelude is awesome too
@ScottW MURICA is not sustainable when people start giving less fucks to pay with.
"I'm not freightned of dying, ..., there's no reason for it, you gotta go sometimes..."
@Jefffrey Lyrics:
bla bla bla
Bla bla bla
beat you to it
@sehe bla is not the right syllable
It's more like:
Ah? Ah! Ah. Ah. Ah! Ah? Ah? Ah! Ah. Ah. Ah! Ah. Ah. Ah!
> And I am not frightened of dying. Any time will do, I don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There's no reason for it – you've got to go sometime. I never said I was frightened of dying.
@ScottW This song is so interesting. I like it. The horns could've been better though
Clare Torry (born 29 November 1947) is a British singer best known for performing the wordless vocals on the song "The Great Gig in the Sky" by the group Pink Floyd on their 1973 album The Dark Side of the Moon. == Career == By the end of the 1960s, Clare Torry managed to start a career as a performer, mainly based on covers of popular songs. Alan Parsons asked her to take part in Pink Floyd's recording of the album The Dark Side of the Moon, on the instrumental song penned by Richard Wright going under the name of "The Great Gig in the Sky". Since then, Torry has also performed as a session singer...
Oh it's getting good!
4:30 is where the guitar starts!
Just imagine if Pink Floyd was alive today and was able to make use of the more sophisticated synth.
Some of those are alive
@ScottW I think it's the music
@VermillionAzure It gets weird after that
The composing today isn't as good.
I thought I was listening to some religious radio
i just finished a class called history of rock and roll so i'm an expert on all this
I've never seen this video before.
I like Paranoid Android but sadly I think Radiohead is about half of what Pink Floyd was at this point.
But the instrumentation and style is updated, so the music is just as good but a different flavor. They're just not as coherent.
Someone needs to make a movie out of Kid A.
@VermillionAzure I like the rythm
Like 10 years?
what did you just say about me m8?
Never saw them live
Didn't even know they had a face until now
I thought they were lost souls
Oh my god
This reminds me so much of Cayce and stuff.
@ScottW get on my level, noob :)
I'll have to do some maths here
@ScottW Bronze age ;)
I wasnt even born >.>
ITT ScottW is old
What? Highschool?
more maths +6 ~=1994/1995
so you skipped a year?
I somehow thought you had been to the Netherlands. I don't know when
probably 1: good job son 2: you can do better 3: why am i feeding you 4: you are disowned
elementary, gymnasium, high school
gymnasium? never heard that one before
everyone does that
in merica it's senior year
just 6th (of highschool)
@ScottW whoops, my plonks are showing
5th can be "senior" too (if you're in HAVO)
@ScottW 3-8 (primary) 1-[56] highschool
@ScottW nope
fun fact: the only person I've met who didn't know what 12th grade was was my grandpa
@sehe 56 years of highscool, wtf
had to use "4th year of high school" with him
@AlexM. here, if you suggest you've ever been in 12th grade we'll assume you had to repeat years many times
i heard you can buy weed in cafes in netherlands
there are 12 grades until college and then in college there are phases of not giving a fuck
Hey C++stas
god damn i missed all 3
trying to multitask, isn't working because my brain is single threaded
> Stiftsgymnasium Melk
holy shit that place is huge
Is "puppy love" really used?
@sehe how did you get 160k :O
As in a short intense love interest for someone?
@nick you are lying. You are just looking at the "conscious stream of thought" part, and even that is vastly fuzzy and multi-process
i've heard it i forgot what it means
@TheArtist bribery
@sehe tell that to my brain
@sehe thats so cool man. did you answer so many questions because you wanted to help or for the reputations?
He sells the rep for fat cash
@nabijaczleweli phat cash
@TheArtist well. I'm tempted to answer that. But let me ask what you think (since you asked)
he shows his SO profile to ladies at the bar
And then I ask my friend how they reacted
(hint: what is a bar? I assume that's when foo was already taken?)
@sehe no its where you make a foo of yourself by drinking
Ah. I suspected it might have to do with those "shared, commercial living rooms gone wrong"
@Borgleader well played
I see that since I finished school
they introduced "0th grade"
which is uh was I mean the last year of kindergarten
@sehe no clue :)
but now is in schools
as 0th grade
@sehe i think it should be one of those two reasons i mentioned :P
Nov 26 '12 at 2:54, by sehe
@Moshe Thx you too. I love the finger exercise
@AlexM. you mean preschool
Jun 20 at 13:15, by Borgleader
yesterday, by Borgleader
Jun 13 at 21:18, by sehe
Jul 6 '14 at 18:58, by Borgleader
@AaronKyleKilleen Public service announcement
We need to go deeper
@nabijaczleweli "That's what" -She
Apr 2 '12 at 8:02, by sehe
@Mysticial It was good exercise though, and I learned an awful lot. I can honestly say it was time well spent.
Did I ever mention GW2 is a really good looking game?
also, the asura sure know how to party:
I'm considering un-privating my compiler repo so loungers can suggest improvements have a solid laugh at my expense
Do you have insuracne?
@sehe insur-acne? is that some sort of super acne?
I quite liked that typo. So I kept it
And no, I havent insured my code for flame related damages
Oh, it's the 25th anniversary of the start of the Oka Crisis today.
@Borgleader is that ratchet and clank
the moment when you realize you replied 2 hours late and you're the only one in the room
@Borgleader oh
u changed your profile pic
and u too nick
5 messages moved to bin
Please start over, this time a little bit less obnoxious.
You're not really trying.
Which animal should I sacrifice to reduce compiles times during my next refactoring run?
@Mikhail A goat.
@EtiennedeMartel He has 266 Questions 4 Answers
thats impressive
ok time for bed
i am weak
I am doomed to be a fattie :'( going for an 3-4 hours bushwalking but missed the express train, so I ended up having 2 boxes of sushi as afternoon tea ... That's after having bacon cheese sandwich for lunch >_<
^ 'afternoon tea'
Anyways .. Off to do my 3 hr bushwalking now ... Hills, cliffs, rivers, beasts, murderers. There is nothing that could stop me being a 1337 (albeit fat) bush walker!
I just don't know anymore lol
@orlp What's wrong?
@Mysticial that's a vector object as template parameter?
Oh I see. Intuitively, it's not supposed to the work since the vector is mutating.
I can see how it can work since the vector is in a static location so the linker knows what goes where
but I'm surprised it actually works
I think the logic why it works is that a pointer to a statically allocated object is constexpr, thus a reference to a statically allocated object is too
however, if you'd put this in a quiz and ask 'does this compile', I would've failed the quiz
fun trick question
why do we std::get<1>(foo) when we could instead foo[1]
we can't do foo[1] within the way C++ works right now
operator[] must have one return type
a tuple can have mixed types
you could of course make an exception in the core language, but since std::tuple is not a built-in type I can understand they didn't want to do that
if you don't like languages in which these things are impossible without compiler support - go learn lisp :P
maybe something with variants
@Mikhail variants are runtime typed
tuple is all compile-time
1 hour later…
hi sorry no mumble
you don't have to leave!

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