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It's the UK so I don't care.
We'll just use Pig Latin. It'll work. Ightray uysgay?
Yes he is
@R.MartinhoFernandes If you ever happen to have to fly a plane :P
Why would I? I don't get it.
@рытфолд That's wrong on so many levels.
A shy person's guide to making yourself heard in a group conversation: http://lifehac.kr/OPZlB4t
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's 'cause he made that message on an elevator. Ba-dum-tss!
OK, so I'm in teh sports bar with large beers. It's a reall shame about Loungers who had to turn in to work today. I really feel for you lusers:)
:20935991 He looks like he enjoyed my funny joke.
He did. Really. No joke.
Show the relevant code. Reduce your code sample until you understand it. (See also Nobody Writes Testcases Anymore and Solve your problem by almost asking a question on Stackoverflow.) — sehe 15 secs ago
Already used the macro twice today
Airports are full of cops with Sigs and MP5's Doesn't make me feel much safer:(
(in fact it's not a macro, but an Opera Note i.imgur.com/EzlBsnT.png) /cc @LucDanton
I <3 Lunch
Q: Is this textbook written in LaTeX?

GausslerConsider the extract from Young & Freedman's University Physics below. The design does not immediately look very TeX-like. However, since it is written by physicists, you would think this was the natural program for them to use. So the question is, could this have been written in LaTeX using some...

16 hours ago, by Xeo
16 hours ago, by Cat Plus Plus
UK good modern country
nice try though
ISIS guy 1: I know, let's use cryptography to hide our messages! ISIS guy 2: We can't, it's against the law in the UK. ISIS guy 1: Oh, OK.
so, WRT to the UK gvt being dumb
what's the practical implication of banning encryption?
related discussion about banning quran
@LightnessRacesinOrbit #27829828772989B8728388#&432344
bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-30794201 wow. He really plays well. I love that story
the US already has a ton of rules on encryption, mostly relating to export control
no such rules exist in the UK
I suspect the media is ignorantly blowing the story out of all proportion as usual, but I haven't read the actual proposed Act
@AbhishekGupta r u isis
Govt : you are under arrest
But i just banged my head on the keyboard that's not Encrypted message or is it?
@BartekBanachewicz He wouldn't ban encryption; he'd only insist the government had a backdoor, which is different.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes, but we quite famously DIDN'T implement key escrow like cameron is asking for. Because at the last minute tech leaders were able to convince congress that it would severely damage the security of the United States
and it would basically be how things have been for the last few years, but indefinitely.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit so what. We should all keep shut because our opinion is so mundane it has been uttered 16 hours before. Makes no sense.
@Mgetz A rare example of lobbyists doing good things. Sadly, we don't really have lobbyists in that sense.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit no you have liberal democrats and the labour party, both of which might use this to get a vote of no confidence
@sehe yup
I think you know C++, and thanks for specifying all the details, thanks for sharing your knowledge, I really appreciate. — Rinzler 6 mins ago
@Mgetz oh please
Govt: We can't be sure until you give us the password.
We are allowed to hold you indefinitely until you do. And employ "enhanced interrogation techniques"
@sehe interesting.
@Puppy would things w/o backdoors be banned too?
also, wtf:
@LightnessRacesinOrbit, I agree what he has done is right,butdata encapsulation is being violated here ,that's why I suggested. — Ashish 2 mins ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Politicians are politicians, they will use any excuse for an advantage
@BartekBanachewicz like, a vw beetle?
@sehe lol
 ____ ________  ______     _____
/_   /   __   \/  __  \   /  |  |
 |   \____    />      <  /   |  |_
 |   |  /    //   --   \/    ^   /
 |___| /____/ \______  /\____   |
                     \/      |__|
(I encrypted this message into an image)
personally I think they all genuinely believe they are trying for the right thing for the country. i'm not one of these people who runs around suggesting that politicians just want money and whatnot
afaik b..bu..but what password ?
Officer : Yeah, tell me the password or get butt raped by mexicans in jail
but the practicality of politics means it's basically just a shit-flinging contest at the end of the day
@BartekBanachewicz you mean, it's a steganographic message
@AbhishekGupta wtf dude
@BartekBanachewicz peasant :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What it is widely know and accomplished fact
@AbhishekGupta friendly service announcement: LRIO is partially deaf. He's chosen not to hear some people. I can only guess what he's afraid of
git dvcs, duh.
@AbhishekGupta are you fucking serious right now
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Positive, we all know that, don't you?
@AbhishekGupta that might happen if you're being held on a child porn charge... but otherwise the guys in jail are probably rooting for you.
@sehe Thanks , for friendly service announcement, with no gif ;D
we need more gifs
I'm thinking. Time for pop corn? Or LRIO can't be arsed this time
he's building up
@BartekBanachewicz No we don't , i had Blue screen crash the previous time. There is just some evil stuff in them gifs
your GPU must be really shitty if it crashes on GIF rendering
inb4 intel
@BartekBanachewicz matrox
@sehe where did you even found that? :O
@BartekBanachewicz I have a dual core patato
I'm going to go ice-skating today
@AbhishekGupta It's on the premium internet. Only 60$ where I live
@BartekBanachewicz Did you sign your will?
@sehe I can ride those funny things without wheels reasonably well, thank you
I gotta sharpen them up though
so that I don't have to go over kids twice
@sehe isn't govt have eyes on that too? ,
I've never tried.
My will is razer sharp of itself though
@BartekBanachewicz lol
@sehe I ride mostly rollerskates, but that's hard in the winter, so I've finally invested in a pair of ice skates. Partially as a plan to solve the lack of energy in the afternoon/evening
@AbhishekGupta uh really?
that's binary conversion
iterate over bits and print out the 1s
@BartekBanachewicz yup , the golf part is more important
Code golf, probably literally the stupidest thing ever invented
*iterate over bits and print out the 2>>(location of '1's -1)
@CatPlusPlus agreed.
@рытфолд from yesterdays codebase near me gist.github.com/sehe/381964b020ae0ebc28a3
@sehe :(
@AbhishekGupta yeah that was kinda implied
@sehe My case is also a scheduling thing. :P
@CatPlusPlus i am neutral on that, it is just something new in middle of long algo based contest
algo contests are typically bad enough on their own
@BartekBanachewicz soz stupid me, i have done 84 chars for that
@BartekBanachewicz Why?
It's not vague. It's generic. If you're learning C++, probably best to start with concrete classes. And /use/ the generics from the standard library (so you know how they "feel") — sehe 12 secs ago
@рытфолд I know, you told use before (y'day?)
@AbhishekGupta did I ever gave any impression I would care in the slightest about the size in chars of your solution?
Never did.
@AbhishekGupta Because they typically encourage bad code and overengineered solutions.
@рытфолд Then this morning. Sure: it's implied here chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/10?m=20934502#20934502
Sure, sometimes the problems are nice.
@BartekBanachewicz That was kinda for general
@BartekBanachewicz We surely have difference on opinion on that
Programming is hard enough for people even without imposing arbitrary (dumb) restrictions like binary size or code size
error C3859: virtual memory range for PCH exceeded; please recompile with a command line option of '-Zm110' or greater
fatal error C1076: compiler limit : internal heap limit reached; use /Zm to specify a higher limit
All those 4K/64K scenes and codegolfs are for people that can't cope with a software design more advanced than a potato
Also, lol, -Zm vs /Zm
@Xeo It accepts both afair
I need to find a cheaper flat
do you live alone?
I need to buy a new laptop and currently it'll take me like 4 months to save up
are you getting a macbook? :D
Something in 3k price range
focusing on specs or build quality?
Yeah I'll have enough in May
Also a mobile workstation or something more mobile?
Workstation, I don't care for anything less than 15"
17" ideally
bah. Could be hard to get a decent 17" for 3k
I'd prolly look for used w700-s
@robkentzy @sehetw what I'm complaining about is not true? Read the other 3. They are racist.
Those who were wondering about sum of digit of 2^n (or 2^1000)
yeah I was pondering that over christmas dinner
@AbhishekGupta amazing, the answer is "calculate 2^1000 and sum its digits"
how brilliant
@BartekBanachewicz Yes , it makes me sad
> My winning program used Fast Fourier Transforms. It took three weeks to write, and 4 minutes 33 seconds to run. I remember this because it is the length (and indeed title) of John Cage's minimalist classic 4' 33''. Also it is 273 seconds, and -273 is absolute zero in degrees Celsius. Some have speculated that this is not a coincidence (I mean John Cage's title, not my program's running time). nice
/cc @Mysticial @R.MartinhoFernandes
@AbhishekGupta somehow it doesn't for me. It's enough for me that haskell can count up to 2^1000 without any problems.
@sehe yes ,i bet if it was stackoverflow , he was gonna drown in downvotes , how does that relate to my question , lol
@BartekBanachewicz yup , it would be so much awesome if we just get another way around. i guess python also can do that
I don't think it would
it's just another gimmick mathematical problem without any real use
it would be awesome if we could solve TSP in P
How did I live without summing digits of 2^n before
@CatPlusPlus I was pondering that on New Year's Eve
Step 7: Fix the problem
- data S = S {threads :: Set.HashSet ThreadId, ...}
+ data S = S {threads :: !(Set.HashSet ThreadId), ...}
@sehe atleast it is not a gif
> Since I had worked for days to find somewhere to insert a single character, I also added a comment, just in case I ever thought about removing the exclamation mark.
@AbhishekGupta Please, play attention to your commas :|
yesterday, by Xeo
but a single ! is just so easy to overlook / forget
@AbhishekGupta you crazy
@AbhishekGupta Nope.
I know it was gonna happen, but da hell
Oh, dang, missed that in the question, fixed now. — rubenvb 8 secs ago
Troll level: professional.
@rubenvb hehe
try to learn OOP principles first !! — Ashish 1 hour ago
Hey why git rebase -i <commit> doesn't work when I can clearly see it in SourceTree and hey why git push -f says everything up-to-date when I just rebased oh I'm in wrong directory
leesIngrediënten:: Int->[[Char]]->[Int]->[Maybe [Char]]->[[Char]]->([Int], [Maybe [Char]], [[Char]])
oh god
In french I read Ashish the same way I read haschisch
Funny hehe
@BartekBanachewicz You don't need any documentation other than signature!
@CatPlusPlus ... as long as you aren't dumb :|
who the hell writes code like that
@Rerito actual meaning of word Ashish (from Hindi/Sanskrit) is wisdom. Spot on
sigh, I have to add a blinking effect to one of our games
all other, more interesting tasks have already been done
So what? That wont prevent me to picture a huge cannabis leaf while reading his posts/comments
@AbhishekGupta And what exactly do you think cannabis is?
@Rerito I misread.
cannabis is a can of nabis
everyone knows
@AlexM. nabis means (plural) Belly button in hindi
@AbhishekGupta I guess @AlexM. knows what he'll eat this evening!
@sehe wat
@BartekBanachewicz are you reading rightfold's secret project?
1 hour ago, by Abhishek Gupta
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What it is widely know and accomplished fact
@AlexM. it seems that UK does better than the totalitarian Russia
@sehe nah, that was some newb on SO
It's dutch
I figured
hm, I got +2 rep on math.se for the edit. I wonder if I could get to 2k on edits alone
... challenge accepted
you can't
IIRC you don't get rep from edits after 1k rep
@BartekBanachewicz EditOverflow
or was it 2k
@AlexM. :)
Well whatever 1 or 2, to that barrier.
@BartekBanachewicz stackoverflow.com/posts/27921890/revisions and then.... BOOM!
Ow. I thought my edit was immaterial... Sorry about this — sehe 31 secs ago
A colleague just linked that on our IRC
A good piece of WTFness. Someone can tell me what he is singing?
They jumped the shark. It's a classic
@sehe That's why you shouldn't write code in non-english
@Rerito a lot about Ukraina
how can i hide a post in this chat?
@Rerito it's a good piece of Not Safe For Workness
"edits must be at least 6 characters"
@Rerito it's about how they swim in the Black sea from Russia to Ukraine
who cares that I reformatted the whole post, whitespace doesn't count
@BartekBanachewicz it is stupid , diff( C , C++ ) = 2 chars
@AlexM. Dont tell me you dont share wtf youtube videos at work?!
@AbhishekGupta 2 chars and a whole world of difference
@Abyx Thanks!
@Rerito he is 13 , he don't have job :P
@BartekBanachewicz i could get back on to code golf now , but okay :/
loungecpp.net is broken
In case anyone is wondering how my tiny new house construction is going, here is the the latest picture ...
You're broken
it's not broken
My week started with me calling the police and an ambulance after watching a kid get hit by a car. Monday went downhill from there. Sigh.
Ow, how could it possibly be downhill from there. Afraid to ask @sbi
it doesn't do encryption right so that Cat doesn't go to jail
@CatPlusPlus i am kinda broke atm , but this link loungecpp.net/the-law/Commonly%20used%20acronyms
Your builders are confusing construction with Meccano, meguesses
@AbhishekGupta I agree.
It's just lame, posing as "in-crowd security obscurity"
@sehe i was just finding how to hide some posts
@AlexM. hmm it's actually a great exercise in Latex
@Rerito irrelevant
@sehe NSFW just because there's a chick in a bikini? Come on :(
@AbhishekGupta that must have been really tuff i.imgur.com/kubBac2.png
WTF 'earliest check-in 14:00'. OK, fine. Had beer, bought food, get to hotel and..... 'Reception hours 10.00-1300, 16:00:18:30'. So, it's now late enough to check-in, but . r/
Vim syntax definition is simple and easy.
@sehe To hide a single post , not all the posts from a user
@Rerito SFW just because you say so? Pffftt. There's an exit link too if you don't want to share the room
@AbhishekGupta right click - inspect element
Fuck it all. Fucking siesta shit. Fuck.
@AbhishekGupta Oh: i.imgur.com/QEsNRQb.png like that then /cc @LucDanton file under Opera perks
@BartekBanachewicz Thanks , that is good exercise.
@sehe mmh I wouldn’t be surprised if that one is widespread
@sehe Using IE11
@AbhishekGupta so? :)
Q: On the sum of digits of $n^k$

AlessandroReading another question on the sum of the digits of $2^n$ i started wondering wether there exist a $\alpha\in\mathbb{N}$ such that for every $n>\alpha$ we have $S(2^{n+1})>S(2^n)$, where $S(n)$ is the sum of the digits of $n$. Via a computer program I plotted the graph of $S(2^n)$ for $n$ up to...

cc @AbhishekGupta ^
@sehe No block content
@sehe IMO it wasn't, now it seems I can't edit it anymore. I flagged it for deletion
@BartekBanachewicz see people just love this thing about 2^n
those people are pretty weird :P
@BartekBanachewicz Lemme make proposal of S(2^n) SE network , hueheuhue
Sometimes I use big words that I don’t fully understand in an effort to make myself sound more photosynthesis.
Shield Tablet supports OpenGL 4.5 now http://ow.ly/HeZ6o
@BartekBanachewicz That tablet is kinda cool
Israel's ultra-orthodox Haredi newspaper edited female world leaders off rally. Hilarious/Tragic in equal measure. http://t.co/EKtaKKrH2K
What the actual fuck
Hmm, O(n) isEmpty.
@рытфолд just make it nullable :)
> console.log(isEmpty(x))
@sehe Like that?
hehe. Also. Actually it's guaranteed to be O(1) then, if it's empty. So, if it took more than say 10ms, it's just false o.O
@рытфолд Needs more lodash/underscore
What if isEmpty does I/O?
then you deserve whatever you get
eaten by wolves
stop it. get a life
what will char[][] decay to when << to ostream?
I solved the return-from-finally problem in a pretty nice way.
@AbhishekGupta too much
I simply don't have a return statement at all.
Problem solved! :D
@BartekBanachewicz That's not a valid type.
@R.MartinhoFernandes char[2][2] then
Only one level decays
Your tooth decays.
char *[] ?
oh wait char[]* seems to be it
robot is right
I'm bad at this
@R.MartinhoFernandes how do you conclude that?
Robot is adequate.
Good morning peeps.
Robot is left
Also, why did it take me so much time to realize this exists?
@AbhishekGupta Well, that's how you do it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thanks, it is very nice
@R.MartinhoFernandes Very clever rule of thumb, I can't believe it's the first time I meet it
yep , them book just want to keep us away from the easy to understand stuff to keep there books selling
is there a compelling reason for avoiding using directives at namespace level in relatively small .cpp files?
I don't use them personally, but I'm reviewing code by a colleague and I'd like to suggest not using them
but I can't come up with a strong argument
@рытфолд ideone.com/7ZQLBZ can you make it worse
I just sat down to correct a bunch of exams, only to realize that I don't have the actual exam to use as reference; can someone help me develop a statistical method so that I can correct them, without knowing the actual questions? Theoretically possible. thanks.
@AndyProwl Non-obvious origin of unclassified identifiers.
Q: Why is "using namespace std;" considered bad practice?

akbiggsI've been told by others on numerous occasions that my teacher was wrong in saying that we should use using namespace std; in our programs. Hence, we should use std::cout and std::cin and these are more proper. However, they did not even make it clear ever why this is a bad practice. Why is usin...

I tend to rely on ADL instead of using namespace, and qualify explicitely when I can't
@AndyProwl I guess it depends on the variety of symbols you have access to inside of this file
@BartekBanachewicz They'd object the files are small, the names are long, etc.
The file can be small, but if it includes a ton of stuff from the 2 namespaces, clashes are more likely to happen
@ÓlafurWaage wtf
@milleniumbug :D
@AndyProwl namespace short = really::long::namespace::name;
@AndyProwl The first argument is irrelevant (WRT what I said). The second might make it less noticeable, but long names on their own aren't unambiguous. Or if you mean that explicitely namespaced names are long, refer to what robot said. Also ADL again.
> However, objects created with the object literal notation are an exception here: Although the prototype is undefined, instanceof Object returns true.
JavaScript :(
Not in V8, though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's not what I meant though. They are doing using namespace std; and the non-std names they have there are all relatively long and/or domain-specific, so clashes with standard names are unlikely
@BartekBanachewicz ADL won't help you type vector<int> instead of std::vector<int> though
> Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
@AndyProwl I usually suggest using function scoped namespace aliases if it's necessary at all
@AndyProwl that typing isn't typically problematic anyway
@AndyProwl Clashes with your own names are more annoying
@CatPlusPlus If you can add some #include <stuff> inside different namespaces you triple your yearly bonus
If someone's whining about typing std:: then smack them
@AndyProwl It turns into a problem with maintenance, though. You cannot introduce any new names without checking. And makes it harder to change compilers/upgrade language versions/etc.
@BartekBanachewicz For me it isn't, but I'm trying to find objectively strong arguments to change their style
They're idiots, you can tell them Internet said so
@Mgetz They mind typing std::
we use quite a lot of code like this
    typedef std::vector<int>                            PayLineIds;
    typedef Scene::Sprite                               Overlay;
    typedef std::vector<Overlay*>                       Overlays;
    typedef std::vector<Overlays>                       OverlaysSet;
@CatPlusPlus That's surely going to earn me a great reputation here
You're effectively making that be legacy code from the start.
(by "here" I mean in the office)
it's not unlikely that those names clash with whatever names our classes from other namespaces have
That's why rule #1 of working with C++ professionally is "don't"
Yes, Cat, you can go out now. Thanks for your input.
@AndyProwl Then they apparently don't mind getting the wrong function when The Well Meaning programmer includes another header that has a function with the same name and arguments in the global namespace or another using namespace
@R.MartinhoFernandes Will try to phrase something along these lines, thank you
Application starts up on the configured fleet so weeee I'm almost done
@BartekBanachewicz ewww plural type names
@рытфолд not saying our codebase is perfect
but it's not terrible either
@Mgetz They acknowledge that using namespace in headers is bad, but they find it too convenient to give up in .cpp files
The gist of the matter is that the global namespace cannot be used reliably, and using namespace xxx; is effectively that.
@AndyProwl If that bothers you you could ask them to move the using directives inside deeper scopes
@AndyProwl if typing five characters is too much... they should really find another line of work that involves less typing
@AndyProwl one argument can be that it defeats the very purpose of namepsaces , they were made to put shit together. Everybody want's his own cupboard , nobody wants to find your friend's underwear in his own drawer
@Rerito I considered that, but I believe they won't be happy with that because they'd had to repeat it inside most functions. At that point, they could as well repeat std:: (which is what I would do)
@AbhishekGupta There's nothing wrong with a well placed using-directive in my opinion
using erryday.

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