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9:12 AM
@Xeo you mean the full versions?
Hello guys
Not yet. I'll check them out.
The OP / ED singles also have some extra songs on them
and damn I love em
Question: how should I deal with users that ask a question, you post an answer that should solve their problem (since their code is indeed buggy) but they edit everything and comment below your answer "this didn't solve the problem, I'm still getting errors" with a totally different issue? If you're unlucky you might even get downvotes by people reading the question and thinking you answered something completely different. It infuriates me and I usually downvote and bail the question out
9:15 AM
@MarcoA. Roll back the question, and inform the user that complete rewrites of the question are not allowed.
If the user rolls back, inform a mod.
@Xeo That's actually a good way, I didn't know I was allowed to do that
@Xeo Almost all the music I listen to now are OP/ED singles.
Just heard the OP (This Game).
@Xeo Brussels, I think.
9:19 AM
Looking forward to next SOA ep also.
*SAO? :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes where the fun are you then?
@Xeo He's right, there's a lot of butthurt episodes occurring on SOA: (Stack Overflow Academy)
Stack Overflow Academy

Proposed Q&A site for programmers who want to learn how to ask good questions on Stack Overflow

Currently in definition.

@Mysticial LOL
The butthurt on that proposal is endless.
9:23 AM
@jalf airports are not fun.
My butt hurts from sitting down so long trying to read all of it.
@Xeo oh dang, yea
I have to admit, I've not been keeping up with my anime this season :(
I fell behind on SAO and Akame ga Kill
I'm caught up on Akame ga Kill, but I think I'm 1 behind on SAO.
(though I read the LN / manga, respectively)
9:25 AM
That proposal is so wrong.
SAO seems to be just filler so far.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's like, the Stack Overflow Asylum.
@Mysticial if you post a question on that site, and it gets closed .. that would really suck.
which conveniently also abbreviates to SOA.
9:26 AM
What I really like, new from this season, is Aldnoah.Zero.
@StackedCrooked IOW, not only do you suck at asking questions on SO. But you suck at asking questions about how to ask questions on SO.
Zankyou no Terror is also pretty interesting so far
Is there a way to use a single transform on two containers, one which holds actual objects, and the other which hold pointers to objects?
@Xeo I'm debating whether to make Akame my next avatar.
I've had Kotori for almost a year now.
@Mysticial exactly :P
9:28 AM
Or rather, a single lambda expression inside the transform statement.
@David Uuh, yes?
Just... make a lambda has a reference and a pointer parameter?
I've been delaying watching new anime a little bit so that when I start a new series I can immediately see 4 or 5 episodes.
Guess I should actually make sense and say what I'm doing. I need to access member variables, which means either the . or -> operator.
@David Is there a way to ask questions on stack overflow? Oh wait, there is!
@StackedCrooked I really recommend Aldnoah.Zero (mecha) so far.
9:29 AM
I've only seen Akame and Tokyo Ghoul until now.
Beautiful animation and interesting stories / characters
I remember you recommended the manga for Akame ga Kill a few years back.
@StackedCrooked I love Akame ga Kill (the manga)
and the Tokyo Ghoul manga is also very good
Never really checked it out. But the anime is very good.
Tokyo Ghoul is definitely worth watching until now.
@David It's not hard, really.
Hm, I should buy some light bulbs. I think I only have a single functioning one left in my flat.
9:32 AM
@Xeo lol
Aldnoah Zero looks a pretty cool anime, I've been waiting until my Japanese gets better before watching any new ones.
@Elarys that's very ambitious
@StackedCrooked Dunno, studying N2 at the moment, aslong as I get subs in Japanese I'm mostly okay
9:34 AM
N2 already?
I started studying last spring
Oh looky. The LED light bulb is 70% off, making it actually affordable.
@Elarys nice. I started this spring.
@Elarys You've been working hard then
Been slacking off lately, though.
8eur instead of 25eur. Sounds good.
@Xeo Cool, which book are you currently using?
Japanese from Zero 3 (currently going through 2 again though, to transcribe the vocab)
since we are talking about design patterns
@Xeo Lelouch as instructor?
9:37 AM
Morning fellas
it's rare for me to be up at this hour on Saturday and actually have slept
@CatPlusPlus NAT problem?
@Xeo I have the first book in that series somewhere. I finished Minna No Nihongo 1 & 2 (and supplemental ones), and moved onto 中級から学部 "chuu kyuu kara gaku bu" at language school.
Balancing Japanese, C++ and OpenGL 3.3 is fun ^^
I'm self-studying as a hobby
Haven't found a Japanese class close to me :(
@StackedCrooked I went to sleep at 4:30 or something, and woke up at 10 :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think we have a cool airport.
@Xeo that's not too bad
5 hours is ok
9:45 AM
I just realized that a static mutex coupled to an async makes a queue that sometimes works. I hope somebody is proud of me
@Mikhail I don't understand.
@Mikhail Code with race conditions also "sometimes works" as well.
call a function with std::async and protect the inside of a function with a unique_lock (static mutex). They will eventually be called but they will never run at once. So its a like a work queue
race condition rarely break, hence why they are so insidious
9:48 AM
A queue is something completely different than making sure two functions don't run at once.
@Mikhail That's a really crappy way to implement a thread-safe queue.
@Mikhail That's not a queue, but a bag.
I also doesn't preserve order I htink.
Queues have an order, for example.
@Insilico Ohey, long time no see.
9:49 AM
@Xeo: Hi there!
the order is given by the async launch, but if you specify the parameters for the function it doesn't really matter...
@Xeo, I asked an official question. If you have a way, it would be appreciated: stackoverflow.com/questions/25093695/…
@PolymorphicPotato To be fair not all queues do things in FIFO or LIFO order (e.g. priority queues), but even then there is some predictability in when things are executed.
yay! ICE in vc2013
Shoving some sort of order on top of async seems... wrong.
9:51 AM
@Insilico Never said they did, but priority queues are still ordered. :)
Just not by time of insertion, but by the result of a function applied to the elements.
I just realized that a "LIFO queue" is a stack. Whoops.
Although arguably every FIFO queue is a priority queue.
@Insilico A stack is a LIFO queue, anyway.
You can implement a stack in terms of a FIFO queue. :D
9:54 AM
Q: How can I do second-like constructor in c++?

xunzhangI have a class A and class B, B here is a subclass of A: class A { public: A(int a) : obj(a) {} void init() { if(magic_str == "hello") { // do init c c = 7; } } private: int obj; int c; protected: string magic_str; }; class B : public A { public: B(int a...

@Xeo Is it just me or does that question involve no C++11-only features anywhere?
Not just you.
Is it valid to use += in a function argument, like:
int pos = 0; doDis(pos += 5); doDis(pos += 5);
Sure. Careful with doing it multiple times in the same function call, to the same variable. Or relying on order.
10:00 AM
@Marckvdv Yes, but it would certainly raise some eyebrows.
Will the first call to doDis get 0 or 5?
Yeah, it's kinda vague
The situation that Xeo is alluding to is this sort of thing: doDisOtherThing(pos +=5, pos += 5);
Yeah, gcc always you about that
int writeMoreDumbFunctions(delete this){return true;}
10:02 AM
always warns*
@Xeo I would suggest not writing such confusing abominations at all.
You can make variables immutable with const right?
@StackedCrooked YahooTube
@PolymorphicPotato Like const int a = 5;? Yes, of course.
10:05 AM
const is a language-level concept though. The hardware doesn't necessarily know about it.
I believe const used to be called 'readonly' in the beginning of C++
or C
And I'm of course assuming that no one is screwing around with a const_cast<int*>(&a) or some similar abomination somewhere.
@Insilico If you actually modify the result of that, you have UB.
@PolymorphicPotato Careful that a reference (or pointer) to const does not imply that the bound object is immutable.
@Xeo Of course.
10:07 AM
So you can convert a& to a const&?
Why would you ever use const_cast?
@PolymorphicPotato Yes, you can always get a const T& from a T&. The opposite is not true.
@Marckvdv Dealing with hideous C APIs
@Marckvdv Mainly to work around stupid libraries.
10:07 AM
because some library functions only take constant parameters
The caveat to all "does C++ allow you to do <x>" statements is we're assuming your code doesn't do anything insanely stupid.
@Insilico Its good if you get some shit libraries, for example nothing from Zeiss is const safe but I assume it is.
I thought you could just pass non-const values into const arguments
you can
non-const -> const is implicit
@Mikhail Zeiss, as in the manufacturer of expensive optical equipment?
10:12 AM
@Insilico Yes, their libraries are sub par, MFC. The ones I needed to sign an NDA for are even worse...
@Mikhail Libraries written by device manufacturers seem to always be the shittiest designed libraries I've ever seen IME.
@Mikhail See, the NDA is so you don't go around telling people exactly how crappy their code is. :-P
@Insilico Its worse, sometimes they are written on contract and the company that wrote them is never seen again. I got some libraries that sometime work but also sometimes blue-screen of death, but thats what I got.
I had some lab equipment whose device driver does not work on anything newer than Windows XP. And of course they don't have updated drivers for it.
Fortunately I think that equipment was controlled by the serial port and had detailed documentation about its protocol, so I didn't even bother with the company's stupid-ass software.
The real culprit is MS for inventing COM, it has done nothing good. Only evil.
Only use for COM is to run 32bit dlls from 64 program
@Mikhail I actually haven't seen companies write their libraries in COM even with the old hardware.
10:17 AM
you mean, the explicit thing it was designed to do?
@Insilico Its standard if you work in a lab with microscopes, for example Nikon is also com. Drink the Kool-Aid from 1998.
@Mikhail Fortunately I haven't had the (dis)pleasure of writing software against microscopes.
@Insilico Whats the stuff you do?
I have written some against things like syringe pumps. That had such a wonky ASCII-based protocol but it was reasonable relatively speaking compared to lots of other WTFery I've seen.
@Mikhail Right now I do microfluidic stuff. Or more like attempting to do microfluidics.
I thought using a unique ptr would make it such that it wouldn't create a new instance of CStage? — AndroidDev93 3 hours ago
10:35 AM
AndroidDev93 ... that explains it
java is always pass by value? i heard objects and arrays are passed by reference ! — user2837260 2 hours ago
not this again :)
Python is pass by who-gives-a-fuck
Haskell is pass-by-I'll-pass-it-later.
Haskell is pass-by-irrelevant-because-immutable.
I don't entirely understand passing in "managed" languages
They pass by reference to the object right?
10:40 AM
a new reference is made and refers to the object passed in? idk
@Ell You might want to be more specific, since C#, Java, and others differ here.
@Ell Depends I guess, in java, you pass objects by reference and values (int, float etc.) by value
@Ell In JavaScript you pass pointers to objects by value.
I've had the problem with all. But I guess it's my incompetence :P
Not knowing the language well enough
10:43 AM
@Ell Passing a reference and passing by reference are not the same thing:
void pass_object____by_value    (    SomeStruct a) {}
void pass_object____by_reference(ref SomeStruct b) {}
void pass_reference_by_value    (    SomeClass  c) {}
void pass_reference_by_reference(ref SomeClass  d) {}
^ C#
Note that it's impossible to pass class instances at all. All you can pass is a reference. You can pass that reference by value or by reference.
I thought that in C# if you pass a struct it passes it by value... I have never touched C# though
@Marckvdv That would be case a) in the above list, yes.
But you can also pass it by reference with the ref qualifier, which would be case b)
still trying to make Wide build, stupid VS and ICEs
whats ICEs?
I don't understand what people like about VS, I have to use it because my linux machine doesn't support OpenGL 3+...
10:53 AM
@Mikhail Internal Compiler Errors
@Marckvdv GDB is like VS, but it actually works. VS is like GDB, but it's actually usable.
IME either way you get fucked in at least one aspect.
@Puppy were you going to start an IDE effort?
or did I imagine that?
I was thinking about it.
woot convinced VS to accept Wide.
auto context = this->context;
what an incredible fix.
.. wat
11:01 AM
turns out I had that line before, but erased it.
this time I left myself a comment saying "Do not remove".
@Xeo It's not even a complex type, it's a T*.
needs more static cast
11:21 AM
welp, modified Wide so that you can now overload on value/rvalue/lvalue instead of just rvalue/lvalue
in C++ terminology, on prvalue/xvalue/lvalue?
What's Wide?
Puppy's own language
@Xeo Something like that.
the core issue for me before is that primitive operations like member access have the same value category as the parent object, but user-defined functions could never mimic that behaviour because you couldn't properly overload on value vs rvalue.
for a similar reason I've been thinking about introducing conditional default, so if the source type (e.g. optional) is trivial, you can still be trivial.
11:33 AM
So, does anyone here remember Fern Gully?
That the one where they are trying to cut the forest down with that huge machine?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I totally missed this message when passed out. Thanks.
@Elarys So, I just dreamed like, a whole Fern Gully 2. Except much darker. And meaner. With a whole bunch of like, plot twists and tie-ins from the old movie.
There was even a story with Simba and Scarface and they made cameos.
11:37 AM
The dream didn't finish.
I'd like to know what you were drinking before bed... sounds good stuff ^_^
@ThePhD Sorry, was just busy researching IDE's
I didn't drink anything before bed. D:
Greetings professional C++ coders!
... Eh?
11:45 AM
some of us are newblet amateurs
only some ...
Oh I see. Greetings friendly people on the internet!
most of us aren't friendly ... only most
... Eh?
... Greetings humans!
11:47 AM
Most of us are not human.
I'll be back later.
Using friendly and internet in the same sentence is an oxymoron I believe
@CatPlusPlus: teamcity down?
12:03 PM
@Unihedron professional implies there is money involved... and there isn't
at least not yet
doing my best
I think professional refers to profession
not to money being involved
like, even if you make an app for free for someone and you're a professional programmer
the app is still done by a professional programmer
@AlexM. Your profession is "programmer" if you get paid to program, no?
but working for free on something doesn't make me less professional
I think
But if you've only ever worked on free projects... are you a professional?
12:16 PM
People can be professional tree planters even if they're volunteers...
Xeo xeo xeo
... gotta go
Wait, heeey.
12:16 PM
... Oh, wait. I forgot what I was going to say. :c
Well, have fun wherever you're going.
nowhere, just messing with you
え?! ええええ?!
12:18 PM
Being professional means it's your primary skill focus; technically, you need to be earning some form of compensation for it.
IMHO Professional/Freelance/Hobbyist <x> are just references to your career, I think in reference to skill Amateur/Competent/Expert would be better used.
Or Jedi.
That too
@Elarys yeah I agree with this
technically I'm a professional C++ guy because that's what I do at my job
but I know so little of it it carries 0 weight to me
12:24 PM
@AlexM. That sounds troublesome. For your employer.
not exactly
I'm able to do my job
quite well from what I've heard actually
And that's when you realize the skill cap of other developers in quite low.
but compared to others, just the fact that I write C++ professionally doesn't really matter that much
so yeah skill levels are more important
<--- ex c++ professional
I think I'm completely retarded when it comes to programming. But then people think I program really well when they look at my code, which... scares me. :c
12:26 PM
pre-historical c++ professional?
Skill-level is an interesting aspect to hiring, I think. You don't want to hire vastly overqualified people, because if those leave someday, you probably need just-as-qualified new people to take over / maintain their stuff.
@ThePhD it's because you do things they don't understand, like play with SFINAE
I won't suggest hiring a newblet as a chief architect ...
@Mgetz Well, I'm not even talking about C++.
@ThePhD Probably just means those people don't understand programming at all.
12:27 PM
Like, I programmed some C#.
Which is by no means my forte.
@chmod711telkitty lol, pre-historical :-)
@ThePhD it's easy to make shit C# look shiny
And somehow everyone got the impression that I really knew what I was doing and that I wrote really good code.
Hm. Now that I think about it, the name "Trails in the Sky" is a very compelling reason to actually buy the game.
12:29 PM
Actually the main problem with hiring overqualified people is that ... your place might becoming a revolving door - because overqualified people tend to think they can do better
@xeo plus it's 15% off for 3 more days, doesn't too bad either
Coliru is so fucking flaky lately
either Internal Server Error or massive delays
is it a DDOS or something like that? /cc @StackedCrooked
@Elarys Yeah. And the guys that brought Recettear / Chantelise to the English gaming community are working on translating / porting the sequel to it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I was actually going to ask if anyone had run across the redzone bug that got Linus' panties in a twist
12:34 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes heh, which airport and where are you going?
C#'s generics are rreally stupid.
Oh what the hell, it's 13.95 bucks, let's buy this.
@ThePhD how come?
List<Dictionary<K, V>> Lateral<K, V> ( this IDictionary<K, IList<V>> dict ) { ... }
12:36 PM
That does not work when handed a Dictionary of Lists, unless I explicitly specify the types and make the IList a separate type argument.
Oh fuck you PayPal.
Fuck you so much.
PayPal does indeed suck.
@Xeo Hmm?
But I already got done with it what I needed to, before they decided to lock down my account because they needed more information from me.
Wow. This is so stupid.
I changed my PayPal password a few days ago, since I use KeePass now. On the password change site they don't let you copy your password into the primary password field (I can somewhat understand not allowing it in the "repeat" field, but still).
So I carefully typed it by hand (they limit you to 20 chars, so it's not too bad
12:41 PM
@StackedCrooked also, it's the beginning of the month, kept my promise
thanks for the help
Apparently, though, I typo'd in both the primary and repeat field.
So the password I saved in KeePass didn't work
Why not autotype it?
Alright, password reset by mail... and if you change your password that way, you can copy-paste into both password fields.
jesus christ paypal
12:43 PM
@ThePhD I have to admit, that did not occur to me.
I'm wary of auto-typing, though
Why so? :o
Seems dangerous (as in, auto-typing in the wrong place)
got an email about this
1:06 PM
why am I reading about bras on wikipedia
because ur dumb
lol k
holy crap 41+ different designs for bras
anyway I got there because of 16 Oldest Surviving Examples Of Everyday Things boredpanda.com/oldest-everyday-things
> Oldest Brassiere (500 years old)
which doesn't seem that old to me
1:56 PM
> a data sanitization process of the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) site database had been failing, resulting in the accidental disclosure of MDN email addresses of about 76,000 users and encrypted passwords of about 4,000 users on a publicly accessible server.
How the hell does that even happen?

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