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@BartekBanachewicz yeah, I often get the odd fart of motivation, then I get close to starting something.
@thecoshman the thing is, jam is not a lengthy project requiring lots of commitment. It's literally one evening when you can create something fun and be a part of our community in yet another nice way. And the next day you are free from coding again :P
literally too much programming
@TonyTheLion called it
I attempted to use Unity to have a box orbit around another box. That was too much for me to handle.
CLI games are fun
I lasted minutes, literally minutes, before rage quit.
Well I dunno I mean I don't want to force anything on you. (on you both, @Tony :P)
but I think that you could have fun even if you normally don't want to program in your free time
Mornin all
@BartekBanachewicz I'd just settle for enjoying my free time vOV
@Ell morning
666 days woo
@BartekBanachewicz Nah man. I have to spare my sanity.
meh. Coding is fun.
FFS guys
Programming under time duress is not what I call "fun"
We should mumble while jamming
@TonyTheLion You're thinking in wrong categories about it
@Ell well me and Cicada will skype most probably
"programmin is terrible" -- "I don't want to code anymore" -- "I hate coding" ...
I think we could set up a wall though
The old android OS sure was disgusting.
@BartekBanachewicz for you perhaps
separate from chat
shall I kill myself right away?
Could I join the Skype?
so we can write stuff on it like "time: 2:00:00 - nothing works."
@BartekBanachewicz so is that it then? Cicada is the name we are thrusting down his throat?
"time: 3:00:00 -- fuck fuck fuck"
@thecoshman I don't think he shared his real name publicly here so it has to do I guess, because I'm not going to learn all the new nicks
Coding was fun for me once too
@Ell well I can be on both really
until I started a full time job
and reality hit
but I won't have a webcam on mumble :P
@BartekBanachewicz that's what I figure.
Don't take crappy jobs. Problem fixed :P
unless we get this fancy mumble videoconference plugin
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh brilliant solution there ¬_¬
I'm on 958 days. Shall I have a 1000-day party?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then I have to find something none programming or IT related
I have no skillset like that, so there's that
@TonyTheLion Not true.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit 940 here :)
Anyway as a jam organiserâ„¢ I declare we want/need a separate wall with timestamps to write random shit about the project progress during the jam.
Propose your solutions/ideas for that ITT.
it's called an organiser btw
a separate chat?
@Rapptz hm?
organizator isn't a word
@Rapptz it's trademarked though :P
@Rapptz it had trademark though so it might be :D
I was thinking about quick firebase (I know, i know) thing
LOL why Tony is even programming is behind my comprehension, he is obviously not enjoying it.
and then we could dump the contents into a wiki page for example
hard to google
People complain about anything.
In here they just so happen to complain about programming and school.
@TonyTheLion Likewise, I only rarely enjoy a coding day now -.-
@Rapptz and Indians. and Russians. and Poles...
@Ell I am not sure if I want to clutter my main account with that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Just you.
and unfortunately Twitter doesn't allow creating ad-hoc accounts easily
@BartekBanachewicz Why not?
@BartekBanachewicz How so?
Sign out, register, done.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'd like to keep all that under one login...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit the Polish had it coming ¬_¬
@R.MartinhoFernandes dunno, feels like abuse?
on that note, I'm going to sleep.
won't people who follow me get all this spam?
@BartekBanachewicz nobody follows you silly
2 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
and then we could dump the contents into a wiki page for example
also that will be much harder ^
@LightnessRacesinOrbit but that's because you do other things?
@Rapptz g'night
or because you don't like programming?
if you are using twitter, why not a hash tag?
also not everyone here uses twitter
@BartekBanachewicz Why?
what about an IRC channel?
@TonyTheLion Partially. Mostly because when I do get to code, it's on boring stuff :(
@thecoshman well we might as well use another SO chatroom.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit inb4 "just don't do boring things"
what about a separated room?
I always enjoy bug fixing more than developing new stuff. Right now it's boring make-a-GUI make-a-DB etc
@thecoshman I enjoy getting paid
it's still programming related
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, that's an unusual property, isn't it? Most devs much prefer greenfield work.
that might be easy enough.
Okay, so I guess we'll just go with a separate room.
I expect a lot of screenshots and random WTFs there :)
0 tweets, 0 followers, following 0 users
See? That was easy.
let he who is without the fear of bees cast the first stone into the hive of bees
159 tweets, 25.1k followers, following 502 users
The Great Lounge Game Jam.
@R.MartinhoFernandes never going to get used :P
@DeadMG I am an unusual property of the universe
@thecoshman Why do you say so?
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love that I get to architect and design the stuff we create. But I find it more tedious.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yes, you are lightness racing in orbit. Normal light travels in straight lines, and you are in an orbit.
@TonyTheLion Lightness, not light
I can't remember where the name came from now
TIL "Lightness" doesn't mean what I thought it meant
@TonyTheLion wouldn't it be something that is low mass?
oh :S
@TonyTheLion which is the opposite of darkness?
@thecoshman here
@TonyTheLion There are a few definitions. Frankly, none of them are exactly the way I intend it in my name.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yea, apparently
@LightnessRacesinOrbit which was...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit don't change your nick please
@TonyTheLion In this context, I see it as some kind of measure of ambient light, I think. Streams of energy vectoring around the planet in multi-coloured forms.
I love the ambiguity of the English Language :S
@thecoshman Just to prove you wrong...
Jam starts in 4 days.
@R.MartinhoFernandes faked
@LightnessRacesinOrbit inb4 rainbows and ponies
That's me. Minus the gay angle with the rainbow stuff
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ... so 'light' :S
I'm glad we cleared that up
@R.MartinhoFernandes I can't help but read R(T)FM instead of RMF
@thecoshman Not quite. I get why you say that
^ another portrait
ITT @LightnessRacesinOrbit doesn't understand that light is light
@Jefffrey Well, read the fucking nick.
@thecoshman ITT you don't understand the poetic substitution of words for similar but subtly different words
It's like, instead of "wow, there's a lot of sound in this room" (i.e. "it's loud"), you say "wow, there's a lot of loudness in this room" to sound edgy and hip.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ITT piss is being taken
They are different words, despite implying the same general environmental property
@thecoshman Oh, of course. It's always been an ironic nick
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's not like poetry is done by appending "ness" to words
@Jefffrey No, but poetryness is
too much ITT ITT
ITT too much ITT ITT
@LightnessRacesinOrbit no, there has never been 'irony' in that name
heh, my manager just found out that our support team has a big beefy server standing around doing nothing. Now he's trying to talk them into handing it over to us to use for build server :D
@thecoshman Just because you can't find it, does not mean it is not there.
I want a hybrid of <table> and <ul>.
I can hear the begging and cajoling from here
@LightnessRacesinOrbit no, that fact it is not there means it is not there.
@thecoshman Your logic is sound; however, it cannot be applied here because the base premise is not in effect.
@jalf I'm sorry, didn't you say 'manager'?
@rightfold and what should the properties be?
@thecoshman Not the manager of the support team...
@thecoshman yeah, manager/lead dev
something like that
@Jefffrey bullets in cells of the first column of a table row.
With nesting.
Like this, but with more than one column:
@jalf why aren't you supporting him now?
Multi-column bullet lists
at least stand behind him and wave hands enthusiastically
@jalf oooh, so it's one of those managers, the sort that can't get shit sorted
@BartekBanachewicz I did initially when we heard about the server. But I figure I should let them figure it out now
@thecoshman what do you mean?
@rightfold table tr:first-child td:before { content: "<bullet>"; }?
You can do this, which is not quite what you want.
I believe the answer is "good fucking luck"
Thanks for your help. I will change the question right now. — Navid Rashidian 3 mins ago
yeah, some newcomers are OK.
@Jefffrey I think it’s better to add a span in the td and add a margin-left and list-style to that.
@BartekBanachewicz the OK welcome message helps
@LightnessRacesinOrbit nope. :)
@rightfold yeah, probably
@rightfold Not very semantic
@jalf what's the point in managers if they don't manage resources. team a not using resource, team b can. team b get it. boom done!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit meh, I've seen ones that would respond "but how can i fix the problem can you help?????"
@rightfold but you should probably go with a floating <div>s for columns and nested <ul>s
@thecoshman He's not a manager of both teams (also they have plans to put the server to use themselves.)
@Jefffrey eww.
That’s horrible.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, I said it helps ;p
okay okay
@Jefffrey no no no no no no no no no
@rightfold that's the semantically way to go
@Jefffrey no no no no no no no no no no
@jalf funny that :P "hey, notice you're not really using that server, mind if we tool it up and make use of it?" "oh erm... it's erm... a very important coaster..."
well, the reason we heard about it was because they mentioned what they were going to use it for
I think the most semantic way will be spans within each li, then position them using either CSS or JS. It's the closest you'll get and it leaves the data relatively intact. That is, reinvent the table, rather than the list.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit you convinced me
@Jefffrey no.
@Jefffrey awesome!
I think this data is more like a table than like a list.
@rightfold well, how can I know? nested lists seems like... list data to me?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what about columns?
ack stupid VS
why would you link in the old version of a TU if the new version failed to compile?
@DeadMG "If it was good enough for you before, then it's probably good enough for you now" :p
Does JS allow trailing commas on object definitions?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh hey, look... SO does what I said
@R.MartinhoFernandes IIRC not.
yeah, but I had 10 TUs that used that TU which now had unresolved external errors
and it hid the fact that the new version failed to compile in the first place
@wilx Apparently does.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, sorry for misleading you then. JSON does not.
because list of lists (nested lists), semantically, are represented by <ul> ... <ul>...</ul> ...</ul>
@DeadMG lol, really?
what a surprise
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yarly.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I am in a dilemma. I have fixed his code, but I am not sure what should I post now.
I guess the fixed working solution is too much.
Is the list of the problems I found OK? with perhaps some suggestions, but not solutions
@Jefffrey e.g.?
What about them? I just said, position them using CSS or JS.
@Bartek He still hasn't really explained the problem. He needs to testcase it, but I don't think he's ready for that yet. It's a bit of a no-win. He should be asking for mentoring in a chatroom or from a colleague, not posting on a Q&A database.
this is a common problem on SO
@DeadMG ahahahahahahahaha VS fail
Why would anybody think it's a good idea?
@Fanael Americans, Microsoft, take your pick
it got closed :/
god damn it
@Rapptz Dammit, it uses Boost.Locale :S
I wrote him a perfect walktrough
fuck this shit fucking crap
I can't invite him to chat because fuck
But it seems I can remove that need with a stdlib thing.
I'll create a room and post it there so he can read
when he gets 20 rep he'll be able to respond (if he doesn't get discouraged) :/
Why the fuck does it use wstring at all :S
Hey! Adding precision specifier fixed my bug!

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