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@BartekBanachewicz they can all change
can anyone tell me.. how could there possibly be a security hole that is exploitable by normal webpages in internet routers!?
why do they need to look into html content?
@JohannesSchaub-litb routers typically expose a web interface. So a few lines of javascript could connect to that without too much trouble
@JohannesSchaub-litb Programmers are idiots.
but that web interface isn't open to the internet, but just to the internal network
that's perverted. they didn'T release an update for fritzbox7050
@JohannesSchaub-litb on a sane router, yes.
@JohannesSchaub-litb Because PHBs and it's easy to follow orders and delegate the blame for one's own actions.
Also sponge is great.
(Also, even if the management interface isn't exposed to the internet, the router might expose other services. If you're talking about the Asus thing, I think it ran a FTP server and some insecure Asus-specific crap, all visible to the internet
while true; do echo 'compiling...' $(date); lessc style.less | sponge style.css; sleep 2; done
@rightfold lessc?
LESS compiler. :v
Also, the NSA. Or the corresponding spy agency in Germany.
ZIA, probably
@rightfold oh, that less :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is fixing the scale really that hard?
> Job hunting is so soul-destroying. Right now I'd rather put out a campfire with my face.
@R.MartinhoFernandes zee information agency?
@thecoshman LESS is less than less.
that could be said about other things too
@TonyTheLion know those feels :S
I also find jobhunting to be soul-destroying.
@DeadMG Soul-searching is also job-destroying.
Unless you're an artist, then it's OK
@TonyTheLion nah s/job-hunting/life/
You know, the loo.
What did Jon ever do you to you?
@TonyTheLion screw you :P
Now I have indent-0 till indent-50 CSS classes. :)
cong-rats and other rodents
sorry man, but that stuff wasn't funny when ape said it and it's not funny now :P
Do you see me caring?
@Jefffrey woo!
@thecoshman but then it's not easy anymore
@DeadMG how so?
@R.M what happened to Robot vs The Journal?
journal won
@Xeo Well, it seems to mostly consist of recruiters spamming me with blatantly unsuitable jobs, and recruiters with suitable jobs dicking me around or telling me I'm not good enough
robot couldn't take it anymore :p
come on.
@DeadMG err, fuck recruiters?
@BartekBanachewicz no, not really. no idea what happened
@Xeo I agree, but there's also little choice.
practically every tech company here goes through them
I just searched for places myself and applied there
@DeadMG FYI start getting some other skill now.
leave programming a hobby, you might be able to enjoy it then.
@DeadMG I haven't been told I am not good enough by any recruiter ever
you need to pimp your cv/profile apparently
@Fanael I'm messing with other stuff for now. The logic for adjusting the scale already exists in another part of the code; I just need to move it to its own header.
Or tell them 'I'm awesome, hire m*belch*...'
@rightfold #demoplz
@BartekBanachewicz something I would really like to know :P @R.MartinhoFernandes ANSWERS!!!
I'll... work on it.
> Removed punctuation and replaced it with different punctuation.
@ScottW hi
still alive for now.
I'm getting better! I lent my favourite book last week!
@R.MartinhoFernandes we demand pics
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh my.
last time I lent someone a book I never got it back
the time before the cover was ripped
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's almost like sending a kid to school for the first time
Q: please show me pseudocode. beginner here

user3323576In a very small organization there are 25 staff. Each staff salary is between 3000 to 15000. You need to find the breakdown of staff whose salary is between 3000 to 5000, 5001 to 10000 and 10001 to 15000. For each staff, the company is paying 13% from the salary to the Provident Fund (PF). Displa...

Pissed off with web pages that suddenly start streaming stuff without provocation. I just had to go through 30 tabs to find out which one had started blurting out Olympics commentary:(
@MartinJames ugh yeah
It's like background MIDIs but worse
@MartinJames Chrome has this fancy speaker icon on the tab, so you know which one is playing
> Brevity is not a concern, nor is C, OP clearly asked for C++
@rightfold what's the HTML?
@MartinJames fuck auto-players :/
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, that's a nice feature, until it doesn't always work (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
@Jefffrey 5
worked flawlessly for me so far
@thecoshman not sure I can beat that
@ScottW buy ebooks, problem solved
@BartekBanachewicz The offending tab was in a group I did not have displayed:(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit do I win?
@ScottW you can't, that's why you solve the problem
with ebooks you also have the excuse
@ScottW You rang?
also ebooks are cooler and you save trees
(not really)
@thecoshman like every piece of software ever
no, only the software you two write
@TonyTheLion it's all fucked. Just find some rope and good drop.
now I wouldn't go that far
infact, fuck the rope, just the drop will do
we should all totally commit suicide because you can't find enjoyable coding jobs
@BartekBanachewicz s/able coding jobs/ment/
I lent it to my flatmate. If she doesn't give it back, I don't pay rent. Simple.
@R.MartinhoFernandes s/I don't pay rent/I kill her/
I enjoy my current job, FYI
meeeh, isn't active enough. not enough interesting new questions :<
but that doesn't make programming any less terrible
@thecoshman I guess
@Xeo there was a question about eclipse
and it doesn't make it any less frustrating
@TonyTheLion programming itself isn't terrible. Terrible programmers are terrible.
@Bartek not paying rent is more cost effective than murder
maybe I'm a terrible programmer
@LightnessRacesinOrbit well, unless you go for deletion... but then I guess everyone wins.
we all are
serious question; how do I know when it's okay to ask a question about something at work that I don't get about the setup of things?
everytime you don't get something
At work? Ask.
@Crowz In the pub opposite the office, Friday lunchtime.
@TonyTheLion I kinda agree that coding C++ is kinda frustrating though.
C++ is fun
most of the time
hm I'm just not getting the sorcery that this third party library seems to do and the documentation doesn't seem very good on it
@Xeo for me right now lack of shell, lack of modules, harder installation of libraries and compilation times are making it rather unpleasant
@Crowz Oh - a tech. question.
every other language I use doesn't have problems with all of the above (well except JS but JS sucks obviously)
@Xeo C++ is fun? What does the N stand for, then? Because F and U clearly stand for "fuck you".
Stands for 'not'
@BartekBanachewicz why does JS suck?
@Crowz because from my list above it doesn't have modules, and for many other reasons
The thing that frustrates me about programming is that it takes huge effort to get anything of non-trivial complexity to actually work and work stably
(it doesn't have them yet)
and I'm not even talking about it working on another machine
@TonyTheLion unless you are writing in a decent language using decent libraries
I think there are ways to configure it to use modules in a way, it's just kind of awkward.
in which case it's actually pretty simple
I use C# most of the time these days
@Crowz ES6 will have modules
@BartekBanachewicz then I'm missing something
Q: C++ String - Out of scope error

user2171122I was trying to play around with Strings in a Hangman program that I'm writing and couldn't get them to work so tried working with them on a simpler basis and I'm still having no luck. As far as I've read online in the references and what other people have said this code should work: #include <...

@TonyTheLion you are. C# coders can whip out amazing, working apps in 30 minutes (from my experience)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Your "C version" is not C, it's C++.
@TonyTheLion I develop mainly Windows apps - they only have to work for a month, at most, before they are restarted by Windows Update.
room topic changed to Lounge<Just<Misery>>: hope = Nothing [hope] [no-hope]
javascript is an interesting language. Although I think it has a very very odd learning curve, if you suck at it, you SUCK at it. If you're good at it, it's amazing. (and I am one of those people who sucks at it)
@MartinJames nice
@Crowz no, it's not amazing even if you're good at it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit And you're using int to store size_t, which may truncate.
most things I write these days have to run on some machine, FOREVER
without falling over.
@BartekBanachewicz, you can't overload functions in Haskell? ( in the C++ sense )
and that is hard
@BartekBanachewicz dunno, I just love how functions are first class objects
@MartinJames How dare you? Windows sucks, it's not free software!
@Jefffrey that question is poorly phrased
@Crowz that's not an unique trait of JS. A lot of languages have FCFs.
I'm just fed up with dealing with crap code, in a place with fucked up ideas, constantly reacting to the bullshit 'we' got ourselves into long ago, trying to make up for other peoples mistakes, trying to patch solutions to work in situations they just are not built for, with no sight of prospects, in a town that has nothing on offer for me.
@Jefffrey no ad-hoc overloading, ye
@TonyTheLion while(true){ sleep(1000000); print("Still here");}
@thecoshman looks like time for a change
yeah it's not unique to JS but it's still awesome and useful
@Crowz doesn't say anything about JS in particular though.
@BartekBanachewicz It's a pleasure to meet you Holmes
> crap code
@Fanael Chose not to change it too much from the OP's code, but you're right I probably should
that's the norm in most places - from my experience
@Fanael True, another reason I will not be joining the game jam. I have to link with a closed-source external libraries - Windows.
don't expect "good code" in the sense that the Lounge has
@Xeo that's why (/) is not defined for Int, but div exist, right?
because most programmers in the world aren't in the Lounge
@MartinJames you can make your game linux-only
Maybe I just like JS because I love working with the browser, browser takes care of a lot of menial tasks I'd rather not deal with
and don't write such high quality code
@TonyTheLion I'd settle for acknowledgement that code is crap and something being done about it.
@BartekBanachewicz I want it to work.
I look away when I see crap code
@BartekBanachewicz Why would anybody do that?
I can't bring myself to actually care
@Crowz that's a valid point. But it touches the platform more than the language itself. I can imagine other languages working in browsers alright. Nevertheless, I agree that this is a huge trait.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit your "C version" is still illegal C.
@TonyTheLion I have to do something though.
@Fanael well if he doesn't want to make it run on windows...
@MartinJames aaaand?
@TonyTheLion It's taking me nearly two full days now to just run a tiny bit of testing.
I know that feeling
@TonyTheLion nobody is preventing you from doing so though
I still won't fix crap code, that someone else is bound at some time then to mess up again
yeah it's why I prefer doing WebGL to OpenGL tbh, the render loop is like 2-3 lines when working with a browser because the browser already does updating and stuff like that. Also since you can add HTML elements on top of a canvas now, it makes other display properties possible
its mostly a wasted effort, because most real life programmers I've worked with don't care too much about quality of code
@TonyTheLion incidentally I read that today
they care only about whether the software works
@TonyTheLion That is 'quality' to a customer.
@BartekBanachewicz you seem to be forgetting the shortsightedness. Actually improving the code, whilst less time in the long run, results in a fix getting done sooner. As such, code just keeps getting worse and worse.
someone I know just asked me if I know how to mine Buttcoin
@Crowz WebGL is far less powerful than desktop GL, though. And you aren't even using WebGL, you are using an abstraction on it
maybe I should ask @Cat for advice
@TonyTheLion FUCK THAT.
It does not matter.
If you keep perpetuating that, it... well, take a guess.
@Fanael OK, I don't know C. Please explain.
Sorry, but what is the problem exactly? And if it worked before then you know how to make it work, so simply go ahead and do that. We are not a "damn I lost my code I'll get the internet to recreate it for me because I can't be bothered to suffer for my mistakes" service! — Lightness Races in Orbit 55 secs ago
@BartekBanachewicz I prefer to call it a "wrapper" .-. makes me feel smarter (because honestly Three.js is so easy anyone can manage it)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit C has no <cstdlib> nor <string>.
@MartinJames yes, but that quality gets hard and harder to deliver if you ignore actual quality.
@Crowz it's not a wrapper. It's a high-level abstraction library.
@Fanael ah yes :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit And while we're at it, <cstdlib> is not needed.
And you have int instead of size_t there.
@Fanael size_t exists in C?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Of course.
Did you know that SO has an "edit post" function?
@Fanael Why is it "of course"?
yeah but it makes things SO much quicker to develop. Although I'm working on getting to the matrix part now, like pushing new projection matrices for panoramic views now
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't want to edit factual errors.
really weird question; can I get two vim libraries and have one "override" certain parts of the other?
@Crowz I am not debating with the fact that it speeds you up. I am just saying that you are not using WebGL when you are using Three; it's a completely different API.
@TonyTheLion tl;dr unless you want to be minin coins to help the system work, don't bother.
@BartekBanachewicz can't you still use both together if you were so inclined?
@thecoshman I do the best I can to design and develop what I consider to be 'good code'. No crashes, no unexplained log entries, no object leaks. I am not always successful - one app in the field puts several 'Access Violation' SE entries in its log every day, but it still works. I have no time, and no inclination, to fix it.
@Fanael You'd rather ream them off here and make me do it
@Crowz it's typically error prone because it's hard to tell what parts of global state the library you are using is modifying.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yes.
@BartekBanachewicz hm. Well I have been intending to get into real GL soon. I used to do a few things in OpenGL but I didn't like how many LoC it took to set everything up, I feel like there needs to be some kind of boiler plate code to take care of the set up.
@MartinJames yeah, but what happens when the customer decides, they don't want to see these log entries any more? Do you just add some little hook into the logger to silence those log entries, or actually fix the problem, even if it cross cuts you entire codebase?
@thecoshman Well, if it becomes an issue, then it gets fixed. I certainly would not filter logs.
@Crowz here's a simple program that uses GLFW and modern OpenGL. It's not that long (but it's a WiP so it might be a mess in places)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Because strlen is C.
@MartinJames now the magpies are taking holidays away from the backyard, the butcherbirds are taking over, jump on the outside window sill and begging for food all day long.
Callbacks still seem so weird to me ._.
On the left is a magpie, on the right is a butcherbird (didn't take the picture, got it off the internet, but the magpie looks like a magpie & butcherbird looks like a butcherbird)
I know HOW to use them, but I feel like I don't understand them
@Crowz Why?
@MartinJames no, of course not, what sort of moron would think just treating the symptoms was a good way to develope code. Why would you allow hack solution after hack solution to be added for YEARs? And then have the cheek to be shocked that shit is getting harder to 'fix' without other shit fucking up?
@Crowz there's nothing to understand, really. It's just code that's called on a certain event
@Fanael dunno just doesn't animate in my mind correctly
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Nice:) The only sound I have outside is the drone of whitish noise from the A50 traffic.
@MartinJames grooveshark.com
> It's just code that's called on a certain event
that's one way in which callbacks are used
but that's not what they are
@TonyTheLion um?
@thecoshman Unfortunately, I usually get the code after the hacks have already been added in. The temptation to completely rewrite is overwhelming.
@user2167382 hi
@BartekBanachewicz if I pass a function pointer to a function as an arg, call that function pointer somewhere in my function, then that's a callback. There was no event here.
@TonyTheLion what function pointers what the hell
it calls back other code
why are you talking about function pointers
Managers and owners want to convince themselves that their IP is golden, even after firing everyone who made it.
I don't want to think there are function pointers
delegates whatever
@TonyTheLion the event was "it's time to call the call back"
don't care
@Crowz My apps are almost 100% callbacks 'cos Windows GUI, threads, threadpools etc.
@TonyTheLion if you have a HOF that uses its parameter, it doesn't mean its parameter is a callback. Callbacks are called on a certain event pretty much by definition
Is queuing APCs to the GUI thread a good idea?
@Fanael I don't see how that means it's "of course" that C has strlen. As far as I knew, strlen could have returned int quite happily.
@Jefffrey Since (/) is overloaded in the Fractional class, you could make it work by making Int an instance of it - but that'd be lossy. And easier to do by converting back and forth between Double / Int
@Fanael Can be...
@MartinJames Can be?
I think the context in which I am thinking of callbacks in is like a jquery function
I would be quite happy if all mention of strlen() was banned from the Lounge for ever.
@MartinJames and function pointers
And Bartek.
oh you're so funny.
@Fanael It's not wrong, it's one approach to some design challenges.
I know!
@Crowz yeah, so like after an Ajax request has loaded? or after an animation has finished?
@thecoshman i.e. when something happens.
$(el).fadeOut('fast', function() { $(el).empty() });... for some reason it just seems a little odd to me. Or in an Ajax call, like doAjax(options, success, failure), where success and failure are functions
@Crowz why is it odd? when it finishes fadeout, it calls the code
nothing really weird going on
@Fanael maybe. I doubt that GetMessage do alertable wait
@BartekBanachewicz I rarely use simple function pointers. method pointers, (ie. code pointer and this), I use all the time.
I think it would make more sense if it was a little more explicit what the types are, especially if they're a function. It always just read weird to me.
@Abyx PeekMessageW + MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
@Crowz it's so readable. Do the fade out, then call this other function object, that will empty the 'el'.
@Crowz then it's dynamic typing that's weird, not callbacks
@Fanael oh then it's ok
but I'd use IOCP for a callback queue
or just use boost.asio
@Abyx Yeah, but you can't wait on an IOCP and the message queue at the same time.
I think what REALLY throws me off is things like doAjax(function() { code here}, success, failure }); where success and failure are functions. I don't know why but it throws me off every time
@Fanael IIRC you can peek it or just wait with 0 timeout
@Crowz ... on success do this, on failure do this...
@Abyx Polling sucks.

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