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@R.MartinhoFernandes isn't that going to make him more mentally unstable?
I hope he's American
then maybe he could start physically stalking the mods
well, actually isn't, since char* is allowed to alias anything
I don't think I really get how type punning works
@Telkitty猫咪咪 My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon.
Boltclock just zapped another xdo tool.
when does the compiler decide to use the int or when does it use the char[x] in this case?
I mean, it doesn't seem obvious to me.
@Xeo Last time we had a similar barbecue thingy some of us played the Game of Thrones boardgame. It took five hours or something.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Five hours!? damn...
And the game has a turn limit.
@Borgleader At the end of night, everyone would be like "so I played this, and that, and that one too, and then we switched to that", and we'd be like "Yeah, we played GoT".
Is Super Munchkin planned, or does that not fall under "board game"? :)
@Borgleader It was fun, though. Most of the time was spent discussing, forging and breaking alliances.
@Xeo Is that like some variant of Munchkin?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Cool cool. Last board game (well table top really) was Saboteur
Oh wait, we just played normal Munchkin
@Xeo The hosts have a big collection, and people are welcome to bring their own too. We decide what to play when we get there. I'm sure someone must have Munchkin there. But I can ask for it, if you want.
> Playing time 6+ hours
@R.MartinhoFernandes Cool.
@TonyTheLion what do you mean ? that example uses the char[] for the comparison
I want to play BSG again. Perhaps this time I won't be constantly accused of being a Cylon.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Give me a good reason why anyone should not accuse you, the robot, of being a cylon?
Last time they sent me to the Brig and gave Admiralty to the real Cylon, leading to our doom.
@R.MartinhoFernandes BSG?
@Xeo Battlestar Galactica
The coolest bit is that you may not know you're a Cylon until halfway through the game.
Ohh.. there's two of them :)
The new BSG series way outclasses the original, imho.
@Borgleader By far, yeah.
Anyway, go coffee/dogwalk. BFN.
Q: Type punning - how does the compiler decide what type to use?

Tony The LionI was reading this question here about deciding endianness and the first answer baffled me somewhat. The code used to decide big endianness is as follows: int is_big_endian(void) { union { uint32_t i; char c[4]; } bint = {0x01020304}; return bint.c[0] == 1; } M...

(Concerns about the ending notwithstanding)
@R.MartinhoFernandes everyone always gets accused of being a cylon in that game :)
sigh I definitely got to look out for some board gamers here... has been a while :(
@TonyTheLion they both reside in the same place, I don't think it matters for the compiler
@jalf Not all the time, and not so consistently, I suspect.
just fill X bytes with Y value
@jalf ..'and they have a plan', so robot cannot be a cylon - he forgot his.
@A.H. then the whole union seems pointless. What am I missing?
Spoiler: there's actually no plan.
@TonyTheLion if its only going to be used for one of these types at a time
then it halves the memory usage
also in that question it was for endianness check
By now I'm used to being ganged upon, though.
I don't understand why the union here
Same happened in GoT, merely because I was playing the Lannisters.
if its little endian hex value is stored in reverse
it seems silly to say, I'm going to use a union, so I can store different types, however in the end it doesn't really make a difference, as the types aren't all that different.
this is to treat an int as a char[] without the cast
@TonyTheLion But they are different in one critical way- namely, endianness.
@TonyTheLion That union is not used for storing different types. It's used to cheat and look at one type through a different one.
It's quite silly IIAM, and a source of endless debate about validity.
@DeadMG ah, so the int will store in a different way to the char[4]?
and char[4] is different than int
@TonyTheLion In the end it's not much different from a reinterpret_cast.
@TonyTheLion of course bytes have no endianness
@TonyTheLion Yes.
in essence, the array of characters is always big-endian. If the lowest byte of the array matches the highest byte of the uint, you know that the uint and the array have different endiannesses- and therefore the uint must be little-endian.
Is it more common to comment as you go, or after you have done it?
else, if the lowest byte of the array matches the lowest byte of the uint, then you know their endiannesses match and therefore the uint must be big-endian.
@Pawnguy7 As you go IME
@Pawnguy7 as you go , but both tbh
@Pawnguy7 Neither is common badumtish :P
Ah. I keep finding that I only think about commenting after I have made a landscape, but at the same time, I often don't' know if I will keep something (or that it works) until it is done.
@TonyTheLion according to the answer you linked to, the point of the union is that its not using type-punning (i.e. reinterpret-casting)
@ArneMertz Which is silly, because it totally is type-punning.
... wtf, why is my VS locking up all the damn time :|
At least the reinterpret_cast does not require a particular interpretation of the letter of the standard to not be undefined behaviour.
@Xeo isn't that normal ?
its how microsoft products work
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes - and isn't it UB, strictly speaking? storing an int and accessing the char[4]?
restart VS
@ArneMertz is that ever actually UB ?
Since I disabled VsVim, I can only guess that the multiple startup projects create a problem... grrr
@ArneMertz I don't know anymore, and I don't care anymore. All of those union tricks have alternative that I know for sure are defined and are exactly as correct and as performant as those silly tricks.
@EtiennedeMartel Thats just philosophical right. Not using a singleton makes your program mostly sluggish, having methods just passing through hundreds of configurations (where most methods will never touch or have anything to do with the information) and so on. Nobody should even think about forwarding a configuration through dozends of methods. That will make much things more unreadable. Object orientated programming is not functional programming. So don't use the fallbacks of a functional program. Also using globals will sometimes improve permorfamnce significally over passing around thing. — Offler 6 hours ago
and it worked fine before too :|
@A.H. As I hinted above, it depends on how you read the letter of the standard.
23 mins ago, by Xeo
well, actually isn't, since char* is allowed to alias anything
You will easily find posts of mine on Stack Overflow claiming it's UB and claiming it's fine (both accompanied by standard quotes)
@Xeo And what about active something shit?
@Xeo in C i guess it has to or else plenty of functions would be UB
@R.MartinhoFernandes That was actually just a comment on the "type punning"
Oh oh, the Jalfinator is on the case.
no, I'm going home :D
assuming that I have the program "type X { % module bla { // valid namespace stuff"
@jalf Good move.
what error should I show for %?
Invalid symbol?
@EtiennedeMartel I have no clue whats that about
@Xeo Yeah, but it's invalid twice.
BMW called me back with a quote to get my car fixed
@DeadMG Ugh. "Unexpected '%'" would be enough for me, but others might disagree.
1400 GBP + VAT
VS has "unexpected token" for that
because it's invalid at type scope, and then when the parser recovers, it tries to parse it at module scope too.
so right now, I error on it twice- that it's invalid as part of a type and as part of a module.
@DeadMG Why would it do the latter?
Wouldn't it be better to drop it from the stream for recovery?
@TonyTheLion Oh, so just a headlight lamp needs replacing?
@Xeo Because if you are typing into your IDE of choice (in this case Visual Studio), if you encounter a bad token, it's pretty likely that actually, it's a perfectly valid token and the user just didn't finish typing the production you're parsing right now.
for a simple example, imagine that you are inserting a type lexically above a module.
(In the end you are screwed anyway as either option will easily lead to a headless chicken compiler in some cases)
@DeadMG Oh, that. Get rid of explicit scope closing!
(i.e. Python doesn't have this problem)
NetBeans and Java was the worst for reporting whole-line errors when I just hadn't finished typing.
(It has others though; it's really a lose-lose proposition)
Oh, no, hang on, I memeber - Tony hit something and there was bodywork damage :(
And I'd always think I did something wrong and check.
@MartinJames I think they have to repaint the whole passenger front door panel and the adjacent panel too.
@TonyTheLion You crashed?
@Borgleader sounds scary
@Borgleader I.. a..uh.. he.. .what?
@TonyTheLion 1400 GBP + VAT for painting a door?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I drove into a metal gate while trying to park into a narrow driveway
I think I'll just live with the errors being reported twice for now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes pretty much and removing a dent
Seems my dad is not charging as much as he should.
@Xeo I'm baffled too
@TonyTheLion looks fine as is
@R.MartinhoFernandes Tell him to up his prices
lets see how much the other place I'm going to get a quote from will charge
@chris I report only one-token errors.
@DeadMG Yeah, I wouldn't care much (as in, consider room for expansion, but not bother doing it yet) about that before having a rather solid baseline to build upon.
It's all heuristics and guessing.
I agree.
the exception model I'm using right now though seems to have promise.
can lead to some ugly corner cases, though.
for example
@R.MartinhoFernandes Beemer prices - all BMW invoices have full debug symbols.
    throw ParserError(token.GetLocation(), Error::UnrecognizedTokenModuleScope);
} catch(ParserError& e) {
@TonyTheLion I am starting to understand why he gets so many foreign customers during holiday season.
@DeadMG lol
Wth, you can = delete free functions?
@chris Tis awesome!
Wait a minute, I already knew that.
@DeadMG Nice goto in disguise.
@EtiennedeMartel Not even that. More like a function call. The arguments are token.GetLocation(), Error::UnrecognizedTokenModuleScope
@DeadMG discovered the secret of nested functions!
I've already seen that used to disable calling it with too wide an integral type.
@MartinJames hahaha
Or too narrow. One or the other.
@chris What does it do?
@EtiennedeMartel Same as constructors etc.
@EtiennedeMartel Makes programs that select them in overload resolution ill-formed.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh oh oh o h oh
Wait, that can't be right. You can't limit the width like that because both are still in overload resolution when it doesn't match either exactly.
Maybe I haven't seen this then. I'm confusing myself.
@chris then template it
@chris A deleted template overload with SFINAE helps sometimes.
see my answer to that question
I think that some of my comments are out of date.
@CPPLoungeAsylum https://github.com/knome/metabrainfuck/blob/master/bf.cpp C++ meta-programming is Turing-complete. You can even make a quine!
                // Must be either := for variable or ( for function. Don't support functions yet.
                if (next.GetType() == Lexer::TokenType::OpenBracket) {
                    ParseFunction(lex, sema, t, ty, next.GetLocation());
                    t = lex();
@Borgleader I wonder if its the same guy.
@DeadMG Comments ftw.
@Tony The Lion, there can not be such thing as a troll unless compared to a stationary point, if you are complaining, you are not stationary. which means you are the one that is trolling. — user2707490 21 secs ago
48 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@Borgleader Brad Larson has deleted hundreds of his accounts, and suspects he might not be mentally stable (I thought so too).
should be the same guy
@TonyTheLion He's trolling.
@TonyTheLion You're being trolled.
Yea, I realized
@MatthieuM. After all, Torvalds was right. — H2CO3 2 mins ago
He must be trolling again
Invoking Torvalds is like invoking Hitler,
@TonyTheLion He doesn't think he's trolling. I think he actually believes his own crap.
@Xeo hahaha
@TonyTheLion Or just pissed.
Meh - I go for coffee and Mr. Xdotool Fuckwitt-Scriptotwat has splurged again :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes Seems pretty solid. I still want to know if/where I've seen a free function deleted, though, but I'll just kill myself worrying about it.
@ScottW <3
I really wonder whether this is UB or not: stackoverflow.com/questions/18383844/…
I think not.
The comparison there makes it fine, I'd say.
The Google person came back again.
Yeah... it's starting to get annoying
They should just IP ban his ass.
They did.
@chris Who ?
So he's using proxies? Wow... he really is determined.
@nightcracker If you can assert that (&x == p), then *p is replaceable with *&x, and no one would object to the validity of *&x = 2;, would they? (maybe they would object to the silliness, but that's another matter ;)

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