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@JerryCoffin I'm thinking I'll get a used one, is wear and tear typically severe on soldering irons?
@AaronKyleKilleen I still use a Weller, but after using a Metcal...well, I'd already have one if I did enough soldering to justify buying anything.
though, if you just want to get into programming things like Arduinos, you will not to do any soldering, at least to start with.
@AaronKyleKilleen I wouldn't hesitate at buying a used one (though I'd probably plan on a new tip as just part of the cost).
A pre-made board is a very good place to start
@thecoshman well it seems less fun that way, I mean besides a 3d printer most of these projects are going to be novelty items anyway at the hobby level. I'm not going to buy a premade board just to do some stupid stuff iwth led's or whatever.
I would seriously consider it. at least for the main microcontroller.
You can solder all the other bits if you like
@thecoshman the main appeal of the arduino is that you can just follow a very simple set of instructions, plug some wires in, flash some copied code into the chip and watch it do stuff
as a starting point yes
@AaronKyleKilleen Are you sure you'll want to keep them after you build them? Quite a few things are fine just being built on a breadboard, and then torn down when you get bored with them. No need for soldering unless you're sure something has longer term utility.
are you just wanting to solder stuff to stuff
@JerryCoffin exactly
I'm not going to use a pcb unless it's a finished gadget I actually have a use for
hey, even if it was some 'permenant' like a 3D printer as you mention, I would still aim to keep things like the servos/stepper motoros pluggable so that it is a trivial task to swap them out
@thecoshman yeah I'll probably be messing around with and modifying my 3d printer a lot so that isn't bad advice
I mean I can't think of anything super practical for a 3d printer, it's almost like the journey is more interesting then the finished product in its own right
I imagine that a high percentage of stuff printed on 3d printers are parts for... other 3d printers
thing is, if you just get say the two steppe motors, you can plug them right into the main board, and get the code sorted fro controlling them. Then just use some extension leads to get them into the correct place. No need for splicing wires together, which is nothing but a PITA
printing enclosures for your projects thoough, that could be a pretty good thing to have
yeah, they have some good uses, but for my self, I would just pay for a quality machine to print my odd things. Unless I knew I'd be using it a lot, say prototyping parts for a robot
so how many watts do I need for my soldering iron, if I decide to get the iron and the thermal control station separately?
Hello !
Uh... room topic WTF ?
@JBL I'm going to be doing some C++ embedded programming
oh wow, anyone else familiar with clink?
@jalf Nope, but if that works well I'm interested.
@AaronKyleKilleen I fail to see the relation... :(
@JBL I just installed it at my boss's recommendation. Seems to work really well
I like that it hooks into cmd.exe instead of trying to replace it with a completely different shell or
Do you know ConEmu ?
I should try using both. Could make using cmd.exe wayyy better.
ConEmu doesn't replace the standard console though, does it? If I just run cmd.exe I get the old console?
@jalf Yep.
ugh, that's a shame
It makes using it a bit smoother I feel.
would like something that integrated seamlessly and just replaced the standard console with something usable
But yeah, not a replacement...
@jalf That'd be neat indeed.
oh well, that's probably not really feasible
@jalf I installed it on my box at work yesterday.
@jalf Just replace Windows/System32/cmd.exe!
@Xeo I would, if I trusted that it wouldn't wreak havoc with processes which launch cmd.exe, or with Windows updates or...
if I could trust that it was completely compatible and could be used seamlessly as a replacement
the main thing that gets on my tits about cms is that way it can't change it's width
which is why I really like the idea of clink. Don't replace the existing shell, just make it better
@thecoshman you can
you just have to go into its options
you can even change the default width, so new windows respect it
@jalf yeah, I mean you can't just make the window maximised
@thecoshman oh right
@TonyTheLion Best way to avoid divorce papers so far.
What's the difference between "Leave Open" and "Skip" in Review Close Votes?
While we're at it with stupids
@rightfold Doesn't "Skip" put the item back in the review queue ? (Hence allowing someone else to either close it or leave it open )
@rightfold presumable 'leave open' is a vote to leave it open, whilst 'skip' is not saying either way. kind of in the name
What is the impact of voting to leave it open?
You can't cancel close votes.
I thought if someone votes to leave open, it takes more close votes to actually close it?
@rightfold You can, through the review queue
Really? Hmm.
Hurray Nice Answer badge I got.
Who set that topic?!
Base base = new Derived();
> Could Your Mood Swings Be Bipolar?
This is called subtype polymorphism, right? Or not? (Example in C#.)
@rightfold Mmm. Polymorphic types. It's actually just a pointer, in a way the declaration is merely covariant
When you invoke virtual on it, you might get runtime polymorphic dispatch
Why "subtype" ?
@JBL because there are other kinds of polymorphism?
Such as regular overloading.
Oh right !
Doh !
Overloading doesn't immediately map to polymorphism in my head.
Backing up two disks on one disk using XOR.
If one goes down and you have the other ones you can still get your data back.
@jalf Nope. Though it looks extremely meh. It's mostly eye-candy. I mean, nothing crushes my expectations quite so eloquently as this:
> Scriptable completion using Lua.
^ I mean, what I read there is that the completion engine is more powerful than the CLI commands itself
Cart, meet horse
Windows should ship with more command-line tools.
Such as Z shell.
Less GUI stuff, more command line
Yatin Saraiya - This account is temporarily suspended to cool down. The suspension period ends in 7 days. :(((
@sehe Well, it depends on what you're looking for. If you want a different, more powerful shell, then yes, there are about a million better alternatives. But I quite like the idea of something that makes cmd.exe less broken
PS C:\Users\Radek> ls | grep 'D'
    Directory: C:\Users\Radek
d-r--         16-7-2013     15:08            Desktop
d-r--         12-7-2013     13:54            Documents
d-r--         16-7-2013     15:04            Downloads
Meh. Dat format.
because that is the default on Windows, and full replacements tend to not integrate cleanly with... everything else on Windows
@jalf Well, I stopped caring for cmd.exe somewhere around 2002.
Yea because you use Linux
That too. On windows, it's bash.
I still have to find a good terminal emulator for Windows.
So what you're saying "for someone who doesn't use cmd.exe, a tool which improves cmd.exe is irrelevant". Gee, thanks for sharing that valuable insight. :p
If I need something more powerful and native, cscript.exe. If all else fails, I might learn PowerShell
I tried Terminator but I couldn't install it.
@Walkerneo Thousands of people on Server Fault are great when it comes to networking and VMs.
@jalf Very valuable :P
@jalf No. It means: I think it's sad that they put effort into improving things about cmd.exe which don't really give it more power.
anyoen good with splleing?
??? or qsuetino marks?
@sehe yeah, I also think it's sad that they put effort into improving cars because I don't drive
@jalf Stuck repeating the same point? No need to respond to what I'm actually saying, of course.
@Walkerneo That explains. Nah. I have used VMS, but no networking in that OS.
@Walkerneo No worries, most here have lost their minds
So, (1) why is it sad that people spend effort making something better? Even if you'd rather see something else improvement, it's still a net positive, isn't it?
and (2) perhaps you've got an idea for how it could be made "more powerful"?
@jalf absolutely
@Walkerneo Have you read this?
Thirty minutes and no answer?! :P
@jalf yes. give it more convenient flow control, less broken relative operations, local functions, reliable argument escaping, shell based globbing, proper piping without temp files (has that been fixed? possibly), associative arrays, useful cp/unlink/ln/rm options etc. But that beside the point.
@GManNickG Cool
Why are these separate table rows?
Hi all; somebody recently edited a an answer of mine to "work around undefined behaviour". Unfortunately I didn't see any undefined behaviour, so I decided to roll back to my original version. I now wonder - maybe I should have asked here first? You can see the revisions in question at stackoverflow.com/posts/17697631/revisions -- can anybody spot some undefined behaviour in my answer?
@jalf Also, back to the basics: I thought you sollicited responses. I wasn't aware that you are personally involved with the project, or that there is another reason to be defensive.
@sehe I didn't ask "what features would you like a good shell to have" (god, there's a lot), but if you coudl see a way to improve cmd.exe
@rightfold new events
@jalf These are all features that would improve it
@TonyTheLion I have now
@sehe Yes, but how would you graft them onto cmd.exe?
@sehe Is it calculated per ten minutes?
Can you see a way in which to make it so that if some application launches cmd.exe, all those goodies are available, without breakign backwards compatibility?
@rightfold When you've "read" them.
@jalf No clue. Why should I know?
Replace cmd.exe.
Ehhh maybe it's not such a great idea to reheat fried chicken on the "toast" setting of the toaster oven.
@sehe Really? You haven't noticed this about me by now? When people go ballistic and spew pointless bile over others doing something positive, then I get defensive because you are being an asshole about people trying to do something useful
9 mins ago, by sehe
@jalf Well, I stopped caring for cmd.exe somewhere around 2002.
5 mins ago, by sehe
@jalf absolutely
Perhaps if you were less toxic, you would've gotten a different reaction?
@FrerichRaabe Well, imagine if the input was "". What will p be?
jalf is fluorine.
So all this nonsense boils down to "you solicited opinions no clink, and so I'll just vomit blind bile at you for 10 minutes because I don't care about cmd.exe"?
Well done, thank you, I am enriched by this whole experience
GManNickG 'p' would point before 's', i.e. the loop would not be entered - ther eis nothing to reverse.
@FrerichRaabe It's not legal to point there.
@GManNickG: Really? I thought it's not legal to dereference that address.
@jalf WHAAAAT. I didn't exactly go ballistic. But I get the feeling you're leading me on, and I'm wasting my energy explaining things you don't want to hear. I'll stop
@sehe because you said it was sad that they made these improvements (which are feasible) instead of making different improvements (which neither you nor I see a feasible way to implement)
@FrerichRaabe I mean your comparison, s < p, only works if the pointers are within the same contiguous array. p doesn't point anywhere in there.
@sehe thank you
@jalf Perhaps. Who knows. What would you do to make me less toxic?
and you are right. I don't want to hear that bash is better, because I know that is true already
Pointer arithmetic is bad and you should feel bad.
@FrerichRaabe: Plus it's just bad style to point at things that aren't yours, even if you can get away with it. : )
@jalf That's a good point. I'll fully grant you that. Regardless, you were inquiring about who knew this, implying we might like it. I meant to respond informatively.
@sehe Why would I do anything? It's not my problem.
@jalf Well, then why are you still doing it :)
@Walkerneo You're doing the wrong style for this room.
Where is le master de bin when you need him.
@Walkerneo Don't spam your questions.
@Walkerneo And now you are going to drive us insane?
Where's puppy and his mad bin skillz ?
trying to communicate my desperation
@FrerichRaabe The pointer one past the end is considered a pointer "within" the array for my sentence.
@JBL He's grepping your ass.
@rightfold Who?
@GManNickG: Does it really matter whether this is an 'array'? I.e. if I have two char *a, *b;, then doing a < b is invalid?
@rightfold Not that much to grep :<
@JBL What needs binning?
grep 'shit' /dev/JBL/ass
@TonyTheLion See the bin. You're late. Also mawnin.
dat pun
@rightfold yawn
Invalid in the sense the result is unspecified. "If two pointers p and q of the same type point to different objects that are not members of the same
object or elements of the same array or to different functions, or if only one of them is null, the results of p<q, p>q, p<=q, and p>=q are unspecified."
@JBL pitchn
GManNickG: My function just has a 'char *' argument, does the concept of 'object' even make sense in this context? This is plain C.
I dunno.
It looks shopped
@sehe D'uh
you ruined the fun
May 2 '12 at 18:35, by FredOverflow
@MooingDuck How would I know? This is Lounge<C++>, not LOUNGE_C.
@FrerichRaabe C is more even more strict. It's undefined behavior to even make the comparison if the pointers aren't related (point to the same object, point to the same array or one past it, are null, etc...)
C++ just makes it unspecified.
@rightfold: Point taken
Either way, if you have to bust out the standard to prove your concept, it's probably better just to take the route that doesn't require it. :)
My feeling was that somebody has to bust out the standard to prove it wrong :)
If it is UB the compiler is always allowed to optimize it out no matter how silly the UB is.
@FrerichRaabe C and C++ programs shall be assumed to be totally fucked until proven otherwise. : )
I actually did this for a long time with a wide range of compilers, it never occurred to me that this might not possibly be defined. I'll just post a separate question I guess. :-)
It's best to avoid pointer arithmetic altogether.
@ThePhD Rennes.
If you work with arrays in C, use indices and compare those.
@rightfold: Given that I used pointer arithmetic fairly successfully for about 14 years, I'd say to say it works fairly well in a surprising number of cases (all of the ones I saw). ;-)
> $
function $(id) {
  return document.getElementById(id);
Arrghghghghhgh. Needs more jQuery!!1
Err, s/say to say/tend to say/
@rightfold lolwat
@rightfold ???
jQuery lite
@FrerichRaabe and how many pointer arithmetic bugs did you have to fix in those 14 years?
@rightfold what about random access iterator arithmetic? :)
@GManNickG whoa, is that a C++11 change? I could've sworn it was UB, not unspecified
@jalf I actually thought it was UB too but just thought I misremebered. Let me check C++03.
hmm, protip: if you're benchmarking performance of a networking app, remember to remove any artificial bandwidth throttling first
@jalf Nope, same in C++03.
You learn something new every day
@GManNickG Wew. Finally managed to squeeze it out. Damn these spirit things can be elusive, it took me some 20 minutes to write that answer :| stackoverflow.com/a/17718811/85371
@sehe Ya just saw it, nice!
Ah it was you. Did you just sit waiting then :/
@sehe waiting, silently, poised to strike..
getting the jeebies here :)
See the fixed sample live on Colirusehe 5 secs ago
^ thx @StackedCrooked, that timeout hack still helps me out (note that it still returns 60 even after 2 compilations, though?)
@sehe Hm.. strange.
Yup, I'm consistently noting that. I thought maybe it was a difference between Compile&Run vs. Share, but it isn't, since this time I only used Share (and I need to do it twice because my command line was messed up:))
By the way, SO seems awful sluggish today. Is it just my end?
@StackedCrooked Now it's back at 20s, though
# Reset the timeout to 20 seconds after this script exits.
trap "echo 20 > timeout.txt ; exit" INT TERM EXIT
@StackedCrooked ERR? or are you not using -e
Bash let's you trap errors. I don't suppose it's an actual signal
I I'm using -e.
I'm not sure, I feel that EXIT should fire in case of ERR. But I'm not sure
@StackedCrooked Also, what's the working dir there? Perhaps timeout.txt is in a different location at the time
working dir is always the same
yeah. but timeout needs to be persistent/shared, right, and the working dir... isn't? (I hope/expect)?
At this point we are still in the webserver dir. The dir where the user's code is executed is in the chroot.
@StackedCrooked somehow I read chroot as "throat"
Also: TIL clang++ -g -S can give you some insight in how constexpr functions get (recursively) compiled: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/…
I do not want any code executed there
@StackedCrooked Wokay
@jalf Esp not random user code.
@kbok Ah, okay. :O
I forgot why I was making a tree. =/
Namespace and struct symbol tree.
@sehe Is that a warning flag? (-Wokay)
@StackedCrooked it's a hesitant/ambivalent "okay". Sorta kinda like mmmmkay but less questioning
@ThePhD remember to do the logging!
But logging is hard...
Meh. hard wood is good.
True. Playing slip & slide on hardwood was fun.
Norwegian wood?
I think it was some derivative of Oak.
@sehe lol
If you're making a tree then don't log it for christ's sake.
@ThePhD Antichamber is 66% off again
On it!
@Xeo is it any good?
Hm.. I really wonder what happened to @LucDanton
He is on SO, but not in chat :/
He has showed up sparingly a couple of times.
But nothing concrete.
Also, can I std::find on a std::set with a custom equal_to predicate?
Why do you need the custom predicate only there?
@ThePhD Not until C++14.
Well. std::set<T, TPred> expects TPred to be specified in terms of less_than<T>
But the tree I'm building is naive and works in terms of equal_to<T>
then no, what you're asking for simply doesn't make sense.
A std::set is a bad idea if you want to have a tree structure that isn't based on the relation between objects. Your objects are hierarchically related, no?
Maybe you could get away with some Boost.Graph stuff
o_0 should jekyll build build the site to _site by default... my _config.yaml is not changing it... instead it's trying to build to build
holy shit, Futurama sucked today.
@DeadMG way to crush my hopes and dreams ._.
@thecoshman Yes, of course
Sounds like a very weird bug
"I am a Java programmer with 1.9 year experience looking to improve my job options." Took you "1.9" years to realise that you should?
I can't connect to msn/windows live messenger...did MS kill the servers already? I thought that wasn't until next year :/
@KonradRudolph hmm... I do get a warning about something (in Jekyll, or that Jekyll uses) about some deprecated thing...
@melak47 I'm surprised you still use that?
I was wondering... Apple is a part of Khronos. Why the fuck do they support only 3.2 and ES2 then?
@BartekBanachewicz :effort:
@BartekBanachewicz because they suck, and probably shouldn't be allowed much say in the future of OGL as they are not even in the present
@melak47 they're already putting a lot of effort in GL
@thecoshman the thing is they are. It's just they don't allow devs to sanely use newer versions
@BartekBanachewicz 'sanely'... I didn't think there was any way. Their hardware is only 3.2 isn't it? I know you can use software for sure, but not really :P
@thecoshman no, the hardware on newest macs is NVidia Kepler (600 series)

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