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> There is no merge tool included in Git
ಠ_ಠ shut up stupid internal guide
diff tool != merge tool
Usage example for rpc library I created for the job. Does it look reasonable?
Why the fuck its a png
Don't nag :P
It's a screenshot from trac page.
Lol I just noticed I got the numbering wrong.
std::future has some sort of 'ready to read' test right?
IIRC you can use future::wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(0)).
Should be clearer if there was a is_ready method.
@StackedCrooked what a terrible hack :(
"I want to wait for this to give the result, but not wait for it" vs "is it ready to be read"
English spoken by a German speech synthethizer is funny.
lol, you can make a std::promise
Did C++11 change something regarding files opened with app | ate? ISTR there's something about that.
Or is that C++1y?
I find that I rarely need std::async with the async launch policy and async with deferred launch policy very often (for composing futures).
wait... after C++1y, we would have C++1z ... is that it then? is that C++ done?
(joking btw)
Then we get C++2 :).
The last digit should be hexadecimal. C++1A, C++1B, C++1C, etc.
I vote for C++2🍌
(I hope that worked, I only see a stupid square)
@thecoshman I see a banana after the "C++2" part.
Oo banana, I thought it was a bird .. silly me
@Insilico yeah, it worked then :D
We should use some insane Unicode character to activate some weird edge case in Unicode text rasterizers everytime C++ is mentioned.
I'm too tired to deal with that I/O stream bullshit.
Like one that uses surrogate pairs or something. Quite a few programs can't deal with surrogate pairs correctly.
Hmmph.. C++ async. Is there a way to submit concurrent async calls that can return results into, say, a vector of futures, and then wait for any one of those futures to return?
@MartinJames AFAIK, no
@MartinJames Nope.
one async returns one future, that said, you can store those futures however you want
if you want your async to return a collection, it has to return a std::future<std::vector>> (or whatever collection you like)
but that is, as you said, an all or nothing return.
if you want some sort of queue that a thread can add items to, whilst another takes from, you need another solution
Yeah that wasn't the question.
Pity. It's in the nature of things that I often need to issue several requests and have any one signal when it's done.
@insilico quite a few is an understatement
@MartinJames There's a proposal (maybe even several) to improve that part. Although I still think the suggested interface leaves a lot to be desired... In any case I think any concrete implementation is far off at this point.
@LucDanton I can do that stuff with threadpools, API calls etc, but it would have been nice to avoid that.
Ye. The idea is to have something both composable and correct(ish).
I think part of the problem AFAICT is that to be able to do something like "wait for one of n things" critically depends on the OS (if you want it done without polling) and every OS does it differently.
On Windows, the WaitForMultipleObjects() function is what you use, and works for virtually any HANDLE type. I'm not positive if an equivalent (or close equivalent) exists in *nix or POSIX.
Right, because on top of that std::future type-erases in a sense what is the source of the 'asynchrony', so to speak. So it's not clear how any two future values can e.g. be jointly waited on.
Well, at least that's how I see it. There's really more than one way to skin the future cat.
@Insilico Well, the async/futures functionality already depends upon running the code on a multitasker OS, so there is already 'OS-specific' stuff creeping in.
@MartinJames Yes, the point being that if you're trying to make a standard library, you're going to run into leaky abstraction issues. It seems that threading libraries are especially prone to leaky abstractions.
@insilico in part because they want to abstract littke
There are no multitasking OS I know of that do not provide mutex and semaphore. If you have those two primitives, you can wait on multiple things.
The std-proposals current wacko is no longer funny. I want a new one
@MartinJames Is it worth it though? (Genuine curiosity here.)
@MartinJames Pardon my ignorance, but don't you still need a separate function that allows you to wait on one or all of multiple semaphores/mutexes?
@Martin problem is futures may come from various heterogeneous sources, so you cannot always use the os waitall facilities
@MartinJames Not yet. C++14 might have std::when_any(std::async(a)...); which returns std::future<std::vector<std::future<T>>> IIRC
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's what I said!
@LucDanton PPL does that, so it shouldn't be too hard, no?
Well waitall is easy. Waitany is where you want a primitive
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've ran into that same problem dealing with threading on just Windows.
Also, what happened to you, Robot? Still on mobile?
@Xeo I think the comment about WaitForMultipleObjects is relevant here.
@Insilico Don't think so. You only need one semaphore to wait on. Any of the concurrent futures that finishes sends a unit to the same semaphore, the wait can then enter a mutex and poll a vector of the futures to see which one has completed, and return an index, perhaps.
@MartinJames By "poll a vector" you mean "iterate through a vector", right?
@Insilico Whatever :)
@MartinJames Ok just making sure. :-)
@Martin would that mean you need to launch athread for each future?
Speaking of semaphores, I'm kind of disappointed that Boost.Threads don't include a semaphore primitive amongst the other primitives they have.
(the last time I looked at them)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Dunno. I guess it would depend on the availability of a threadpool.
Because a future can come from something like asio.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, and that is one of the ways in which I would like to use it.
@Insilico I think the usual criticism is that you need protected access of whatever data the typical semaphore will be signalling for anyway. But I've tended to stay away from semaphores.
@LucDanton Yes, hence the need for a mutex as well. Nowt wrong with semaphores - I find them very useful.
@LucDanton Isn't that true for condition variables too? Functions like pthread_cond_wait() expects a pointer to pthread_mutex_t.
@Insilico They operate on locks, so it's part of the package by construction.
So what do you use a semaphore for then?
> Why this two code snippet for using Move semantic but the next doesn't?
> Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and 6 others have Tweets for you
@Insilico Yes. The condvar supplies the lock. The reason I didn't mention them is that some OS do not support them. condvar probably more efficient, but are not absolutely necessary.
As an 'optimization' to eagerly signal something before locking?
I feel so important now :)
@LucDanton I find semaphores useful in constructing producer-consumer queues. Yes, you can construct the same sort of thing with condition variables but I find a semaphore implementation more elegant.
@Insilico More elegant? Don't you need to double-check?
I.e. semaphore signals, so take a lock and check again that you're in the right state?
(Admittedly there are spurious wakeups, heh. It's part of the interface though!)
@LucDanton No. If the sema gets signaled and a waiting thread becomes running, there will definitely be an object on the queue for it.
I find producer-consumer queues a solved problem when using lock-free queue (tbb concurrent bounded queue).
The producer–consumer problem (also known as the bounded-buffer problem) is a classic example of a multi-process synchronization problem. The problem describes two processes, the producer and the consumer, who share a common, fixed-size buffer used as a queue. The producer's job is to generate a piece of data, put it into the buffer and start again. At the same time, the consumer is consuming the data (i.e., removing it from the buffer) one piece at a time. The problem is to make sure that the producer won't try to add data into the buffer if it's full and that the consumer won't try to rem...
@StackedCrooked Multiple producers and consumers...
^ The article discusses a semaphore-based producer-consumer implementation.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the semaphore-as-mutex is that double checking I mentioned, isn't it?
@LucDanton I must not be using the same definition of "double-checking" as you are.
@MartinJames I've used it with multiple producers and single consumer. But multiple consumer should not be a problem I think.
Being woken up by the semaphore as a consumer means 'hey, more data'. Except you still take a mutex and wait for more data anyway.
@LucDanton No. The data is there!
How do you read it in mutual exclusion
@R.MartinhoFernandes After getting the sema unit, you need either a lock-free queue that works correctly for multiple producers/consumers, or a mutex.
Consider two producers finish production. Now you have two readers popping data racing.
@martin that's the double checking Luc mentioned
Would a condition variable-based solution to the producer-consumer problem also involve double checking?
@R.MartinhoFernandes You need the semaphore AND a mutex. Once the thread gets a semaphore unit and then acquires the mutex, it is guaranteed that there will be data for it - no need to check/wait any further.
IIRC waiting on a condition variable can still introduce spurious wakeups, do they not?
No (see spurious wakeup though): when a consumer is awoken they have the lock and the data.
@Insilico Have you seen the wait interface in Boost.Thread/C++11?
@LucDanton Yes, and they both mention that std::condition_variable::wait is subject to spurious wakeups.
The lock is acquired, as you've mentioned, in any case.
But it's still a two-step process (wake then take a lock), that just happens to be done atomically, is it not?
Anyway, a producer consumer queue should be in the library before semaphores are.
(again, pardon my ignorance, I'm genuinely curious)
@Insilico I was referring to the overloads taking a predicate.
@LucDanton Ah, I see.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I see producer-consumer queues as a higher-level abstraction than either mutexes or semaphores.
Those overloads are the primary interface
(a much more useful primitive, IMO, but at a higher level than semaphores)
@insilico exactly why they should be there. If your use case for semaphores is to implement the queue you need the queue, not the semaphore
As much as I like to implement primitives, truth is that I don't like to be required to.
Right. But if a library doesn't come with queues it should at least come with a semaphore. Then again, a threading library that doesn't have some kind of general-purpose producer/consumer queue is severely lacking, IMO.
Mainly because your average programmer is not the kind of programmer who will give enough of a damn to care about these stupid little details.
IME mutexes/semaphores/etc. are too low-level to be used by mere mortals without subtle bugs.
Semphores are always around in whatever OS anyway. They are the primary means of communicating from low-level drivers where a condvar/mutex cannot be used.
It's not just that. I don't want to care about the bugs as much as I don't want to care about the details.
I would love to be able to tell a beginner in concurrent and/or multithreading "just use <X> for fuck's sake" where <X> could be something like producer/consumer queues.
The same way we say "just use std::vector for fuck's sake" anytime someone attempts collections.
@Insilico Newbs are stuft in this area. Most 'Intro to threading' pages are fucking misleading at best: 'To use threads, create one and wait for it to finish with Join().'
Lack of standard support is kind of related to that
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, and languages beginning with 'J'.
Another thing I see often in the "intro to threading" literature is the use of mutexes and things to share data, and the data being shared is something like a Boolean flag, etc.
Which is error-prone at best.
Is it safe to microwave milk in this package? Image from terribleanalogies . com
@Insilico Yeah - or one int. Two system calls to protect one fucking integer.
What's with you and milk?
I would have tried my hand at writing better, composable futures but there isn't much in the way of portable wait/poll/whatever and I've not really felt in the mood for coding against the OS API.
Just have the milk cold like any sane human being
And the Boost.Asio implementation is a deep pit of mystery. Well I really mean its nature and how to play nice with it for writing extensions.
Sorry... I'm Ok with the inter-thread comms, but I'm lost with the milk thing.
@LucDanton I've tried reading through the source code and pretty much gave up.
It might be because of all the goddamn templates, but whatever
@Raindrop Put it in a cup and microwave it...
I did try my hand at composable futures a while ago but I think at the time I concluded that I wasn't smart enough to deal with them in a non-stupid manner.
@Jeffrey i already microwaved it in the package but thanks a lot for the advice. I don't want my filthy milk habits to give me cancer
Omg irradiated milk
@pmb Thanks for the hint. Fixed all three links. o.O permalinks... when they worked, they were so nice :( — not-sehe 14 secs ago
I have acquired what I'm pretty sure is among the last set of buckyballs (the little magnetic marbles, not the molecule) you can get anywhere since the CPSC banned them.
Wtf why
Since when I checked them out the storefront immediately shows the product as "sold out" afterwards.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Baby killin'
Well, toddlers I suppose.
> The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has requested a recall of the magnetic toys known as Buckyballs and Buckycubes because they pose a serious health hazard to children who ingest them. Buckyballs are small, spherical rare-earth metal magnets—about the size of BB pellets—that can be arranged into fun shapes or mashed into a tangled mess of nothing.
This despite the fact that the packaging has like 10 warnings labels saying "DO NOT GIVE TO ANY CHILDREN".
What about put age restrictions?
@Jeffrey The manufacturer was in a way already doing that. IIRC Toys-R-Us wanted to carry Buckyballs, but the manufacturer declined because it's really not meant for kids.
How can you be that ridiculous?
Are there no parents in your country?
@R.MartinhoFernandes The CPSC is part of the U.S. Gov't, which is by definition run by idiots.
> “We have never targeted children or toy stores.”
Or baby sitters.
@R.MartinhoFernandes There are parents. The good ones, however, are quite a rarity.
Apparently even having many warning labels isn't enough for people to not do stupid shit with them.
Why not save more child injuries/deaths and ban them from being carried in a motor vehicle? In fact, since many kids get run over, ban motor transport entirely.
> a 10-year-old girl accidentally swallowed them after she put them in her mouth and pretended they were a tongue piercing
Then use magnets for frictionless transportation. Flawless plan.
I say: let darwin's law apply
@MartinJames That's the thing. The CPSC seems to completely fail to understand basic statistics or logic in this case.
Are coins banned as well?
@R.MartinhoFernandes $1 bills!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Amazingly enough, things like coin cell batteries (which are about the same size as the buckyballs) are not banned.
@Insilico To be fair they're not magnetic, I'm not sure the comparison is apt.
Are they?
@LucDanton They certainly have chemicals that your body would not appreciate having inside.
Bullets have lead which is toxic
I guess that the problem is that, if you swallow more than one, serious internal injuries may happen - perforated intestines etc. The bateries etc. are nasty, but you will probably get away with it.
Oh um, I was kinda working under the assumption that you would not digest the protective coating. No idea about it though.
@MartinJames Also you can induce vomiting etc., whereas complication with magnets can require surgical intervention.
@LucDanton The stomach has acid in it (pH of about 1 or 2). Not sure if that will eat through the batteries, but I'm not willing to rule it out.
@MartinJames True, but the statistics bear out that the percentage of injuries caused by the buckyballs are miniscule compared to just about everything else.
@LucDanton Yeah - I can imagine that with Nd magnets :(
@Insilico The first comment is a masterpiece
@luc what's special about magnets that makes them unvomitable?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Two or more can stick together and pinch things.
So, ferromagnetism.
IIRC, the coin batteries are nickel-plated except for the little ring of insulation - not sure what that is, probably epoxy.
The neodymium-based magnets are unbelievably strong if you've ever played with these. Even the relatively small ones will be able to attract other magnets through fairly thick material.
You won't drag me into this religious fight (I have it every day at the Columbia): some people prefer not to use anonymous functions for their own reasons :-) — Federico Giorgi 12 hours ago
WTF, I don’t even …!?
I have some in my hands right now. Got them for free for a tech purchase. Reasons I don't have more is that I'm afraid it would lead me to completely destroy all magnetic storage, electronic devices and payment cards in my home. Plus it hurts like hell when they clamp your fingertips.
@LucDanton Don't hard drives have Nd magnets inside of them?
I need to buy some Nd magnets.
@KonradRudolph It's true.
@Xeo You will die.
@LucDanton That there are valid reasons for not using lambdas in functional languages?
@KonradRudolph No, that there are people who feel strongly about named vs anonymous functions.
@LucDanton Sure. Are there experts who do this, though?
it’s kind of the whole basis of functional programming, after all …
... maybe? not sure if there's any way to know.
well at the very least it would be incompatible with point-free style
but nobody uses that in R anyway, which (IMHO) is fucking stupid
@KonradRudolph Don't think so.

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