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Never found them again though. =[
I get those every so often when I'm in wal mart
Frosted Flakes -> Meh... I can't eat too much of it at a time.
though I wonder when it stops being a generic and being its own brand
@Mysticial It's a limited dealie. You get a GIANT-ASS bag and then ration it out over other cereals for a while.
that site looks a lot more professional than I thought lol
Frosted flakes are fantastic with whole milk
KiX is one of the only cereals where I can empty an entire box in one sitting.
@Insilico I dunno. I just started making up tiers of cereal. :D
That shit is real...
@Mysticial They're so light and airy, you can go through so many KiX and not feel a thing.
Which, I mean, it's good but at the same time, it's like
Ehh, how come I can go through a while box and not feel anything?
Q: Polymorphism in C++

knguyen2525Okay, so I know there are a lot of polymorphism threads flying around but I have yet to encounter this situation. class Base{ virtual void method1{ cout << "BaseMethod1" << endl; } void method2( cout << "BaseMethod2" << endl; }; class D...

It is a bit bland, I'll admit that. But it's still one of the best.
How come none of the 4 answers mention "name hiding"? :-/
Oh wait, that's not shadowing is it?
@Mysticial I think that's agreeable.
doesn't seem relevant imo
@Insilico There is. Alok Save.
Oh wait I'm misreading
@MarkGarcia Ah, it's been edited since I've loaded the page.
man this guy has some fucked up bracing
seriously what the hell?
lmao this is horrible
no parentheses on method1, method2 is MIA basically
@Rapptz It's not even compilable.
@Rapptz Contrived.
Which makes me wonder how people are really learning C++
@Insilico Me?
Or no?
@Mysticial No, your C++ is fine.
@Insilico Are you sure?
@Mysticial I'm talking about the OP in the last question link.
int *array = (int*)malloc(100 * sizeof(int));
@Mysticial relatively speaking. :-)
At least you understand what that does.
casting is an error in C though
@Rapptz no it isn't
well not "error" but "error prone"
Unless you mean error as in "bad practice".
@Rapptz Casting is a breeze in C!
C-style casts are my favorite case.
You don't even need the cast in C. C allows implicit conversions from void* to any pointer type.
^^ same
static_cast and friends are just annoying as balls to use. :c
casting is an (error)bad-practice in C!
@ThePhD That's kind of the point, I think. lol.
Except when you're writing code that needs to compile in both C and C++.
@ThePhD yeah dude, static_cast<int>() vs (int) is really annoying
not being sarcastic
it's okay to use C-style casts for basic types though I guess
@Mysticial Yes, of course. I'm just talking about C.
@ThePhD At least, you can Ctrl+F your way through your code to survey if your doing too much casts.
but people will look at you like you're weird
Wait till you see y-cruncher's source code.
har har...
@Rapptz Things like double result = (double)integer_var/another_integer_var;, I presume?
@Insilico Yeah
@Insilico In general, if it's one of the basic types it should be okay.
I just wish cast semantics were better.
It's something I have to research for my personal language spec.
Q: Concatinate std::string and wchar* to wchar* c++

user1654136I want to concatinate a std::string and WCHAR* and the result should be in WCHAR*. Thanks,

code pls.
I think because I don't want to deal with writing my own optomizing compiler completely, I'm just going to make a compiler that outputs C++ source code.
Testing new gravatar.
So if I look different, don't be surprised.
I might roll it back if I don't like it.
It's broken.
I still miss the green and purple gravatar :(
In computing and computer science, an optimizing compiler is a compiler that tries to minimize or maximize some attributes of an executable computer program. The most common requirement is to minimize the time taken to execute a program; a less common one is to minimize the amount of memory occupied. The growth of portable computers has created a market for minimizing the power consumed by a program. Compiler optimization is generally implemented using a sequence of optimizing transformations, algorithms which take a program and transform it to produce a semantically equivalent output prog...
Have fun implementing all of the optimization techniques! :-)
... Yeah.
Everytime you change gravatars it feels like your personality changes
the fiery red one makes me think you're always mad
@Pubby This one?
@Insilico I'm just going to make it output C++ source code. ._. The first paragraph of that is a nightmare.
@Mysticial Yeah
@Rapptz That's strange...
@ThePhD Yeah don't. People still earn their Ph.D.s designing algorithms for optimizing code.
Outputting C++ source code it is!
@Mysticial I still see your old gravatar. Lemme refresh.
@Rapptz What's the image link?
It should be:
I mean, really, all I want to do is simplify C++ syntax and make the vexing parses go away.
that image is broken
But keep all of the same functionality.
Not for me.
not anymore
it was earlier
Your shit's fucked up, @Rapptz
now it works
Sword-Wielder Mysiticial.
@ThePhD You might as well generate C code
@Insilico I could do that, too. Sounds like it would be simpler.
C++ was invented because writing in C is a pain in the ass, but if you're writing a transpiler, who the hell cares?
making a C compiler is supposedly easy
Well, C's rules are a lot more straightforward.
So C is relatively much more straightforward than C++ or Java or C# or D or blahblabhalbah.
Looks like chat is slow to update the picture.
@Rapptz I say output C mainly because there's a C compiler for pretty much every processor and it's basically portable assembly.
@Rapptz it's especially easy if you compile to C++
@Mysticial Yeah, I still see your old gravatar.
PhD why do you keep making the balls in my chin face
":3c" <-- this thing
Interesting... my new AV updated on SE chat already. But not on SO chat.
It's a smug catface. @Rapptz
> Unrecoverable this time, roll back to Checkpoint 3. All hard drives of the same model as the failed drive are replaced.
Definitely "I have balls in my chin" face
You rolled back to Checkpoint 3 like 9 times @__@
I'd have flipped a computer desk over at that point.
Is anyone familar with Prim's Algorithim here? I can't figure out what's wrong with my pseduo code -_-
@Rapptz Smug catface.
It's a catface resting on a hand.
@VaughanHilts How can you tell if something is wrong with your psuedo code?
Because the code itself isn't working but the code is pretty simple so I'm nearly sure it's right.
@VaughanHilts Probably a compiler error.
@Rapptz That's kinda scary.
@Mysticial I did it
@BoltClock lol
@Rapptz I slept in
See, stupid. I swear SE is too delete friendly
I went back in time to all those chat messages
When I say Bolt Clock's "EVERYONE" for that one -3 question,
I immediately thought:
Also @DomagojPandža Pssssssssst.
If you wanted to make an outline around a model, what techniques would you employ? Currently, I'm doing what I did for my GeometricPrimitives stuff and 2D stuff and just using the normal data to extrude vertices and then coloring them with the outline color and alpha.
@ThePhD lol
@Rapptz I am not very satisfied with answer there — AlanShore 51 secs ago
There are 24..
Everybody knows you only look at the accepted answer in a duplicate
TBH it addresses other points too
OP's just being a weirdo.
Not all containers have operator[], i.e. std::list
I wrote a wrapper around std::list for Pseudo-random access once.
I got almost all the benefits of a regular list and it was damn fast too.
for big lists too?
For big lists, it just used more space.
@BoltClock Granted, some of the answers there kinda suck... :P
It was sorted, I should have said that up front.
@Mysticial I suppose I have to take your word for it
It was a sorted list.
What I was doing for every N elements I was storing an iterator.
Like this?
A: Why use iterators instead of array indices?

all2oneFor container independence

That way I could perform N jumps.
The N I was using for my tests was 10, so I could jump 10 elements at a time.
It worked out really nicely, and insertions and deletions were still the same O(1) time.
A: Agile Methods Specifically tailored to working solo?

all2oneI recommend one-man scrum, 'pomodoro'. http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/

Programming techniques.
@BoltClock lol, I don't even know what that is.
Q: How to search history in Perforce

all2oneIt seems that there are no way to do that in P4V. I can use 'Submitted Changelist'and but it's quite cumbersome and there I can only search by User & Workspace. I'd like to search the history by description. Is there any easy way to do that?

A: How to search history in Perforce

Toby Allensee answers to this question

what is this
This is the year 2008
Shit show SO.
That's my technique. :D
@BoltClock that made me lol actually
A: Simple dictionary in C++

perrealA table out of char array: char map[256] = { 0 }; map['T'] = 'A'; map['A'] = 'T'; map['C'] = 'G'; map['G'] = 'C'; /* .... */

I guess it works but man that's weird. Error bound too.
@Mysticial Oh, new avatar.
Oh it finally updated on SO chat.
I don't see itttt
@BoltClock SO is almost 5 years old. Damn, time flies.
Ahn Mysiticial Icon so beauty~
small ass gravatars suck
@Rapptz confusing because its usage has been taken out of context
btw, anyone tried using Rust? http://www.rust-lang.org/

looks like no gc (uses built-into-language smart-ptrs)
@StackedCrooked Indeed. I didn't make an account until 2009, and I didn't start participating actively until a whole year later
@kfmfe04 Hm?
@Rapptz small ass-gravatars?
@StackedCrooked Yep
@Rapptz in regards to that genetic example - if, for instance, they were mapping RNA to DNA, it might make more sense to do some kind of char-to-char mapping
Yeah but now you have a lot of wasted space on your previous char map
@Rapptz Hehe.
I don't know why they don't just make an enum class {} and call it a day.
@ThePhD ~~Dictionaries~~
That way you'd only ever need 2 bits.
I'm tempted to write an answer.
I'm interested in your enum one.
2 bits -> 4 combos : just fits
I wrote out a comment to that other tool who thought his 256 char map was brilliant.
@kfmfe04 I never understood why people hate GCs.
@ his memory usage thing
I tried finding upper bound but :(
Q: Why to learn C plus plus and Java when we have easier languages like VB.net around?

HimanshI am currently learning Javascript and then I will move on to C Plus Plus. I was wondering that if a programming language can do all the things that other languages can do , then why to learn difficult languages. As far as i know, VB.net is the easiest one, then why do people learn C Plus Plus ...

another one of these shitty questions
I tried far too hard, and I don't even know if I got it right:
A: Simple dictionary in C++

ThePhDWhile using a std::map is fine or using a 256-sized char table would be fine, you could save yourself an enormous amount of space agony by simply using an enum. If you have C++11 features, you can use enum class for strong-typing: // First, we define base-pairs. Because regular enums // Pollute ...

I upvoted you for the effort.
And now I'm going to sleep.
D'awww, thank you. <3
I feel appreciated.
Good night!
For such a show of goodwill, I may even watch one Extra Credits~
ah you did it similarly to what I did when I did a DNA program.
Sorta I guess
2 bits master race
I had to read from ASCII though
If I have to move around 8 GB C. Elegans DNA data again,
I'm going to cry. ;~;
linear time? wut
I think he's confused and means O(1), but sure.
Are you fucking serious... fire alarm at 12:30AM...
I gave @StackedCrooked an upvote for the map syntax.
But that requires initializers and C++11 and Not Visual C++ because fuck Microsoft ;~;
@ThePhD Thanks. I shall reciprocate then :D
initializer_lists is why I "permanently" moved to GCC.
:| not even lying.
Hey, hey Rapptz
Matrix :3c
I moved to GCC when I moved to OS X.
Java Update Available
thanks for notifying me I guess ?_?
@Mysticial D:
@Mysticial Somebody was cooking stuff, I bet. :D
@Mysticial That's not an exercise.
It's also below freezing outside and I'm in my fucking pajamas.
Don't forget your keys if you go outside.
I'm already outside. I have my heavy coat, but my toes are gonna get frost bitten if I stay out here any longer.
It's over...
Apparently it was real to some extent.
Not sure if someone actually pulled it or there was a real fire.
But the fire trucks showed up.
Are you in a campus?
It couldn't have been a drill anyway - not at this time of the day.
@Rapptz yeah
I thought you graduated
And I can barely feel my toes.
@Rapptz in May
why are you still there?
I still have to do my thesis.
@Mysticial Either way I would have freaked out
@BoltClock I was contemplating grabbing my laptop because there would never be a drill at midnight.
If it was a real fire that wiped out the whole dorm, saving my laptop would rescue the source code for my pi program. (The last off-site backup was a few months ago.) So that's big. But monetarily it wouldn't have done much since I still have those 4 big machines in there...
TIL Lincoln was assassinated.
Hm. If you were American I would be more surprised.
American history is not taught here. I think only the civil war is mentioned.
Yeah I figure. American history is pretty lame anyway.
gotta love people telling me I'm coding wrong cause I don't want to conform to arbitrary standards C# enforces, this is why C++ is the best
Yeah people here actually complained about how Zoidberg's braces didn't conform to the C# standard
Unrelated but the name "trie" is awful.
@tylerglaiel Every coder "codes wrong" to another coder.
How is it pronounced? 'try' or 'tree'?
This is enlightening to me
@StackedCrooked There doesn't appear to be a consensus
Originally "tree"
> The term trie comes from retrieval. Following the etymology, the inventor, Edward Fredkin, pronounces it /ˈtriː/ "tree". However, it is pronounced /ˈtraɪ/ "try" by other authors.
Since it's supposed to be from -- yeah
What's about?
Some guy named Donald Knuth I reckon
yeah but the tag is.. weird.
"donald" would be weirder
lol, I just noticed this:
5v5 - I win!
Not for long though... :(
@Mysticial Why not?
@BoltClock His char[] password question has a higher residual rate.
This stack-crooked.com online C++ compiler is nice, but isn't the author a bit afraid that one may use it to perform stupid things ?
@ereOn lol, try to wipe his machine. :)
@Mysticial: That would be mean and useless. I assume this is a chrooted environment that can be reset on the spot. I would be more concerned about the fact networking is allowed.
You'd need the sudo password anyways...
Not for basic networking.
But how is basic networking malicious?
Not to the host itself
Let's say, I know a way of hacking www.somesite.com using just a few HTTP request. I may use stack-crooked to perform my attack and could be hidden behind any single anonymous HTTP proxy.
Apparently, one of the problems with spending time in this place is that I now have an urge to greet everyone with "ohai".
oh... in other words, you get him in trouble.
(I won't obviously, I'm just saying that it seems anyone could)
@Mysticial, y u change avatars all the time?! :P
@ereOn Let's build a text-based MMO on Coliru!
@Xeo Haha.
The timeout will likely make trouble, but if we can just restart the same program from within itself...
Is the coliru environment different for all requests ?
That is, if we write a program at the same time, are they isolated ?
(And the answer is yes)
Lol @xeo
@ereOn Requests are processed sequentially with a clean-up operation between requests.
Also, last time I asked @stacked gave his explicit permission to all hacking tryouts from lounge :p
It's better if I find out early.
It's better us than chinese hackers :p
@Mysticial That won't work. You only have write permissions for '/tmp' (and you are inside the chroot).
@ereOn I should probably disable that :D
Hacking with stacked-crooked
That'd be fun.
@Xeo You can try to launch a compile request from within your program but then the entire site would deadlock.
My feet are not agony this morning, makes for a nice change.
Good day!
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Happy Feet Friday [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [hot-springs] [no-helpdesk]
@BoltClock Something tells me I might not like this guy's C++ code :|
@StackedCrooked aw.... I was gonna take over the world using your machine.
@ThePhD Keep it on SSD. And use ZFS. That kill solve that trouble pretty swiftly
@Mysticial If you can escape the chroot. I've heard it's possible.
@StackedCrooked :(
Only on kernel vulnerabilities or (vastly) misconfigured chroot I believe
However, your user id ("sandbox" or uid 2002) has very limited permissions.
But given my noobness I likely left some holes open.
@sehe What is the advantage of ZFS?
This is wrong on so many levels:
That pun.
@StackedCrooked Perhaps you can make a chroot without forwarding the network interfaces ? (Also think about forbidding access to localhost, since one may use that to access an outside-of-chroot service that has a vulnerability)

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