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@BartekBanachewicz it's not an one-liner since you need to deal with line endings (\n/\r\n)
@Abyx getline deals with that IIRC
hey is nobody here who could answer my c++11 question? stackoverflow.com/questions/15163512
@BartekBanachewicz nope, it will return "string\r" it string ends with "\r\n", IIRC.
I managed to find the bug by visual inspection since it was a rather simple error.
now I have called into an overloaded C++ function successfully from Wide.
@MooingDuck: Are you still here?
@GamesBrainiac aye
@Walter Give it more than 30 min. Not everybody camps the homepage 24/7.
@MooingDuck Whats up? Its been a long time since we talked.
@Walter I downvoted it for you.
@MooingDuck ruuun
also, I know the answer, but I think that now I won't share it.
@GamesBrainiac I remember you've greeted me each morning for the last week or so, but I can't recall talking with you much. Did you change your name at some point?
@DeadMG Erm, that's not a problem.
@MooingDuck Nope. But we did talk about the benefits and uses of linked lists.
@GamesBrainiac oh yeah
@DeadMG Eh, just close-vote it. It's a dupe.
@MooingDuck I just wanted to ask you, have you ever created a simple parser that can take in input as a string and compute something.
Not really a dupe- named member functions and member operators are generally a different deal. — DeadMG 18 secs ago
@DeadMG No?
Like, for example, You enter 1 + 2 * 3
And it would calculate the result
@Xeo The answer to that won't help him.
it is predicated on, for example, no overloads/templates.
Yeah that doesn't help at all lol
I can't see how it helps his question :|
@GamesBrainiac oh yeah. I wrote several of them
@Xeo nah, it's not about if b is callable
I wonder if I should take my iPad or leave it
no iPad means no Lounge
@MooingDuck What are they called exactly?
@Xeo And in addition, yours describes live SFINAE in a function- he is looking for a constexpr bool.
@GamesBrainiac a tiny part of my job is maintaining my company's custom compiler for our custom langauge and bytecode
I know its not exactly a parser, but what is the proper term?
@GamesBrainiac interpreter or compiler
@MooingDuck But this would be too simple to call a compiler.
@DeadMG How would decltype(std::declval<bar&>()(std::declval<foo&>())) not do the job?
@GamesBrainiac interpreter
@GamesBrainiac no, it is a compiler (or interpreter)
@GamesBrainiac It is a compiler.
+1 just because of the silly puppy. — Abyx 4 mins ago
@DeadMG I have to admit, I do need to add a proper trait to my answer.
@MooingDuck no, it's an interpreter :)
Or describe a way to write such a trait
@Xeo It does, give or take, but you need the usual traits wrapping on top of that.
besides, I know what it is, but it's the OP who wants the help.
@MooingDuck : When are you usually available? I'd like to take your help sometimes, if you would not mind.
well, nobody gives a fuck about the OP here %)
@GamesBrainiac there is a special term for programs that you type in stuff and it executes it and you type more stuff. I forget it though. Perl and Lua can both do it
@MooingDuck interpreted language?
@Rapptz "interpreted language" has no definition.
script language
@MooingDuck REPL
@MooingDuck that' also called REPL
Interpreted language is a programming language, which avoids explicit program compilation. Interpreter executes the program source code directly, statement-by-statement, as processor or scripting engine does. This can be contrasted with compiled language programs that user must explicitly translate into a lower level machine language executable. Interpreted languages can also be contrasted with machine languages. Functionally, both execution and interpretation mean the same thing -- fetching next instruction/statement from the program and executing it. Despite interpreted bytecode is ad...
"REPL" languages.. darn you
it doesn't? :(
@Rapptz Not of any use, no.
oy I've been lied to.
duck is derping today
@Rapptz virtually any compiled language can be interpreted and vice versa. Compilation vs interpretation is usually an aspect of the implementation.
whatever. I am packing some things and I'm off.
@BartekBanachewicz according to many lounge discussions, particularly with the cat.
SO is laggy as hell today
Maybe it's my internet
@MooingDuck discussions with the cat are a totally different thing
I decided to settle for taking advantage of the OP with a little linkdumping.
@MooingDuck Yes, REPL seems to suit that. So, when do you usually come online?
Best wished @Bartek. have a good one.
I'm still on the fence about if interpretation can be an aspect of the language.
@MartinJames should I take my iPad or not?
@GamesBrainiac about an hour ago until seven hours from now, M-F.
5 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
no iPad means no Lounge
@BartekBanachewicz take it where?
@melak47 i am going home today
oh, from the wikipedia page on "interpreted languages": "Theoretically, any language may be compiled or interpreted, emulated or executed natively, so this designation is applied purely because of common implementation practice and not some essential property of a language. Akin to processor microcoding, many interpreters internally rely on just-in-time compilation."
@MooingDuck The language can have traits which make it more difficult to take one implementation, but it's pretty much never barred.
@MooingDuck Sounds good then! :D I hope you can give me some time, I promise not to be too much of a hassle.
@BartekBanachewicz Maybe, if it doesn't conflict with important stuff - guitar/amp. GF, family.
In order to make a language interpreted, you just have to make it so individual statements can be compiled and run in real-time.
Or, you just have to write an interpreter that accesses a runtime.
@GamesBrainiac I tend to log off for a few hours when I get super-busy at work so I don't get distracted.
time for some rest from SO
@MooingDuck Thats fine. I'm not asking for prime time, just a little help.
I just have to log in tomorrow for fanatic
@ThePhD you know, like C++
the main way to force a language to be interpreted is to add eval()-style constructs.
Yeah. Just that nobody ever thought to make a C++ interpreter.
see you all people and bugs soon.
@ThePhD There is CLING.
Because interpreted C++ sounds Silly.
@ThePhD yes there is, several
All of them are LIES.
@ThePhD Why would they want to do that. Interpreted languages are slower than compiled languages when you run them.
@ThePhD CINT was a big one before cling
@ThePhD You are a LIE
Or maybe a TIE
@MooingDuck cling!
Besides, the only good thing about C++ is speed.
@GamesBrainiac I disagree.
@GamesBrainiac hey hey hey I disagree too
@GamesBrainiac Also templates.
And wanking potential.
@EtiennedeMartel Also the best operator overloading by a long way.
And <insert thing DeadMG likes here>.
@GamesBrainiac and value semantics
also decent reference semantics... and generally control of everything.
@DeadMG lol, I love it when C++ gets a bashing and everyone comes to defend! XD
Interpreters are occasionally useful. I have a couple apps with interpreters built in for customers to use - I don't want them compiling stuff!
@GamesBrainiac We bash C++ where it deserves it.
@GamesBrainiac If I thought C++ was great, I wouldn't be inventing my own language to replace it right now.
@EtiennedeMartel True dat.
C++ gets a lot of hate here every so often but I like it.
@DeadMG When did you get Zoid-disease?
@GamesBrainiac A long time before Zoidberg had it.
@GamesBrainiac before zoid did
I was working on Wide for one way or another longer than I've been on SO.
Hipster DeadMG: designing a language before it was cool.
@DeadMG Can I see the language? Is it on gitHub?
certainly before you were cool
the current prototype is the ClangExperiments folder.
@DeadMG Nah, I'm still hot.
@DeadMG Clang. Cool name! :D I'll check it out ASAP.
> You know, they say "commit early, commit often."
@GamesBrainiac Clang is the name of the C++ implementation I'm using.
it's not the name of my code.
Yeah, puppy, I don't think you've got the hang of Hg yet.
if you want to build it, you need LLVM and Clang, and if you want to run it and get anywhere, you'll need MinGW and you'll also need to fix up some hardcoded paths.
@DeadMG So, what is the name?
@GamesBrainiac Wide.
@EtiennedeMartel I've been committing more recently. Don't mistake committing with pushing- most pushes contain several commits.
@MartinJames Cool.
@DeadMG I was referring to that one commit.
@EtiennedeMartel Which one commit?
the fact that I have two "Initial Commit"s?
@DeadMG robot made fun of that for me too. :(
@MooingDuck: Could you give me some sample code for a simple algebra interpreter?
@Rapptz Yeah, they really need to do an AssCreed in Japan.
Ninjas, man.
@MooingDuck : Something that can do "1 + 2" , and say 3
I'd probably play it if it was set there.
@GamesBrainiac It's actually cooler than you can see. All the scripts are run by a separate thread - they can run in parallel, and communicate with each other :)
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, that was a big commit.
@GamesBrainiac Srsly dude, that's "Give me the codez".
@MooingDuck How did you get that so fast? How did you search? Where did you search?
@GamesBrainiac ideone.com/bwlBi8
@GamesBrainiac I'm pretty sure a lot of people have written one out of fun/experiment
You should try it yourself.
@DeadMG Do you have a single repo for all your projects?
@GamesBrainiac I've helped enough people with this that I wrote this code and put it on my SO profile.
@EtiennedeMartel Almost all. The only one that isn't in there is SHA2.
Though Mooing's is a lot more complex than most
That doesn't strike me as good design.
@MooingDuck lmao. But, say I want to find a piece of code like that. How, do I search, because I went to google, and I just found a bunch of course sites.
You can tell it's my code because the only comments are code that was removed :(
@Rapptz I wrote one as an assignment once. It ended up being an overengineered piece of shit.
@EtiennedeMartel It's not. But they had cross-project dependencies, and fixing that was beyond my skill at Mercurial.
@GamesBrainiac code.google.com or google search for site:ideone.com or something.
Hm. Apparently, GCC doesn't like decltype-style traits. Fuck you, GCC.
@MooingDuck Thanks for that. With these sites, I really won't need to ask so many questions. Maybe we should have a "how to search" on the wiki! :P
@EtiennedeMartel to be honest I feel like writing one again, the old one I made is really shitty.
@GamesBrainiac ..and 'How to debug'
plus I'm bored and don't want to write this parser
This sucks, the code compiles fine in Clang and my head. :(
@MooingDuck I really need to become your student fast.
@GamesBrainiac google.com
The code compiles in your head?
@MartinJames You don't mentally compile?!
@MartinJames head compilers tend to "guess" a lot though. They tend to be not nearly strict enough about the rules, and overly strict on the interpretation of the rules.
@MooingDuck And worst thing, they don't produce binaries that you can actually get at and run somewhere else.
@Rapptz No. If I could compile it in my head, I'd try running it there.
..on second thoughts.. "What's wrong with this patient, nurse?". "Sad case - an unresolved external since 2013'.
@MooingDuck What did you exactly search for after site:ideone.com
@Xeo the output is runnable in your head though
7 mins ago, by Mooing Duck
@GamesBrainiac I've helped enough people with this that I wrote this code and put it on my SO profile.
@MooingDuck They seriously need to ship a debugger with Brain 2.0.
@Xeo has a debugger. Just not an accurate one.
..and it can't be run remotely.
@StackedCrooked He also changed some links in my answer :-/
My right mouse button works again.
How old is your mouse?
The pizza crumbs fell off the contacts.
@FredOverflow 5 years or so, I think... ?
@MooingDuck I actually got it after checking the value of the links on your profile! :P So, what exactly is RDP?
Wait, I have the bill somewhere...
When I have mouse problems, I usually just buy another one for €10 straight away.
@GamesBrainiac "Recursive Descent Parser"
@MooingDuck Funny, I just thought about RDP one minute ago.
@MooingDuck How does that even make sense? Descent Parser?
Welp, nvm, seems I threw the mouse-bill away.
@FredOverflow Too lazy xD
I've been working around the non-working RMB with the "context menu" button.
My mouse life-expectancy has improved tremendously since optical. The ones with the steel balls were prone to exploding when swung by the tail and smashing into the desktop. The optical ones are too light for any satisfying violence.
@MartinJames There are optical ones with adjustable weights.
Mice with steel balls still exist?
@GamesBrainiac I'm not sure why they use the word "decent". It's just a recursive parser IMO. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_descent_parser
@Rapptz Not in my office.
@Xeo it was not obvious to me that/how your answer can be used here. There is quite a difference between named member functions and member operators, particularly with operator(), which cannot be made a non-member. — Walter 13 mins ago
Why the fuck do you guys care so much about "member function vs member operator"?!
@MooingDuck I'll take some time to go through this : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_descent_parser
It's exactly the same.
@Xeo: If you're talking about me, my post was in response to teh OP, not you.
lol the puppy answered it
@Xeo Thanks. I'll stick to my fallback plan. When my compiler/linker annoys, I have a big pile of cardboard boxes to kick the shit out of.
@MooingDuck No, I mean Puppy and that Walter.
@MartinJames Reminds me of that russian programmer who'd do push-ups when the compiler error'd.
@Xeo The address-of solution only works when there are no overloads/templates involved.
I've only gotten 1 compile error in C#.. but I've gotten multiple for C++.
@DeadMG Sure, but I specifically pointed at my answer.
@Xeo Didn't yield a trait,.
Occasional violence keeps me sane. Smashed boxes/mice is better than taking it out on the dog, or worse...
@DeadMG Oh come on, it's not hard to write one. Just look at the other answers. Also, I'm in the process of adding one right now.
@Xeo Come to think of it, I should probably buy one additional keyboard and mouse in advance.
@Xeo It's not hard to write one for me and you.
but the OP clearly doesn't know how.
Meh, maybe I'll do a on it...
"How do I write a type trait?"
@MooingDuck : Thank you for the help. I appreciate it, and in the future, I will try my best to search for the code, with the stuff you've taught me. I hope never to just ask you for giving me the code again! :D Again, thanks a lot Moo, you really are a kind person.
@Xeo Is there even such a thing as a member operator? I only heard "operator implemented as member function" so far.
@FredOverflow I believe the Standard refers to them as member operators.
@FredOverflow I used to have 'em lined up. I need a new KB now - the F12 key says 'Scroll Lock' on it due to headbanging when my ISP stuft when trying to make a delivery.
Cya all! :D @DeadMG : Good luck with the language.
> Remarks: This member operator template
It doesn't use the term very often, though.
@MartinJames What? Did you break your F12 key?
Heh, I was looking at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_opinion_on_climate_change. The only "scientific body of national or international standing" to issue a statement dissenting with human-caused global warming was the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, who also stated: "Climate change is peripheral at best to our science…. AAPG does not have credibility in that field…….and as a group we have no particular knowledge of global atmospheric geophysics."
echo ding ding dong | perl -pe 's,d,\a,g'
@EtiennedeMartel I do not have an Ass Creed.
Oh yeah. 12 hours of debugging, got it working, made setup file, tested install, then I could not email the thing!
Table-flipping is not an option - it's too heavy and has too much valuable stuff on it.
Okay, and then you destroyed your F12 key. Makes sense. How about having a custom keyboard made for you that consists of F12 keys only? Then you could destroy the hell out of it.
@Xeo (a) The code compiles fine stop whining (b) be fair: how recent is your Clang compared to how old is that GCC (c) I've noticed you've started using static; please stop (d) you suck (e) that style of writings traits sucks (f) you suck
@LucDanton Welp, the static was left over from before.
@FredOverflow When my sister got a new keyboard, she kept the old one for about a month, specifically for smashing
Oh - I don't keep basball bats and pickaxe-handles in my office. That would be a really bad idea.
It has creeped in other segments. Or maybe it wasn't just you?
@LucDanton I'd like to kindly object on (e) and (f).
@LucDanton Wait, what?
@Xeo Crawl out from down under that rock.
@Xeo I think I've seen static const objects, static unnamed namespace functions and static function templates lately. Madness.
@MooingDuck It only lasted a month? Wow.
@LucDanton The static just now was left over when refactoring from a static-member-template-style (like what your TraitOf uses). static const objects? I might be guily of that, but I don't see the problem.

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