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1:00 PM
I also moved arrows to uhjk.
@KonradRudolph Is that a command?
@VinayakGarg It’s the most useful command vim has to offer
well, it’s an option
it allows infinite, persistent undo
Also install Gundo.
Makes navigating undo tree actually possible.
Understood it. But do i really want infinite undo?
1:01 PM
It's not a replacement for version control, mind you, but it can be useful.
Persistent sounds nice though
more importantly: persistent
closed Vim accidentally? Don’t worry, re-open, can undo again
My undo dir is 18MB large.
1:04 PM
would have loved to be able to diff @KonradRudolph's vimrc & mine & find commands I am missing :)
@CatPlusPlus clean it!
@VinayakGarg sort, then diff
That kinda defeats the point.
okay: sort, then comm
haha so i should write a program to do that
shows the set difference
1:05 PM
@thecoshman What.
Also, both of you should enable list.
@CatPlusPlus 'I've been working it a big longer'?
set list
set listchars=tab:▸-,trail:·,extends:»,precedes:«,nbsp:⍽
@CatPlusPlus If only I could open your modular vimrc
@thecoshman I don't see that. Also it might not be written by native speaker so you shouldn't really say anything.
@VinayakGarg All files in rc/ are loaded, duh.
1:08 PM
@CatPlusPlus would it kill them to get it proof read?
@CatPlusPlus k, i seem stupid
Also " I have actually been working on it a big longer"
So your eyes are broken and your argument is invalid.
'big longer'? should be 'bit'
Better tell me why FB API is so stupid
Why can't I post stupid comment dammit.
@CatPlusPlus FB is stupid
1:14 PM
<supposedly a joke>
Helpdesk: What antivirus program do you use ?
Customer: Firefox.
Helpdesk: That's not an antivirus program.
Customer: Oh, sorry...Internet Explorer.
@thecoshman Sadly that doesn't stop people from using it. Or requiring it.
Anyone ever did posting comments on links via Graph API?
Can classes in different namespaces be friends?
@Nils of course
But it seems I can't get it to work w/o cyclical includes.
How do I declare a class in another namespace?
1:24 PM
@Nils well, that's a separate problem. I prescribe lots of forward declarations :)
@Nils namespace foo { class bar; }?
yes I tried that, but it does not seem to work
then you did something wrong :)
ah fuck I did it in the wrong place
I wonder where Qt people hang out.. is there a good web client for IRC?
I could need some advice on design.
What do you think is preferable? text<utf8> { u"some char16_t string"_s, utf16{} }, or text<utf8> { utf16::decode(u"some char16_t string"_s) }?
the latter imo
1:31 PM
the latter, yes
the latter, for sure.
I'm assuming that in the former you pass in a string, and a separate argument describing the encoding of that string? Or am I misreading it?
It is a thousand times more clear.
the latter, definitely
@daknøk that is a lot of times more clear
1:32 PM
@jalf Yes.
Assume no implementation woes (both are equally simple), I'm only considering the interface.
I think that's what we're doing :)
Well, if the latter is clearer, I'm pretty close to done with this thing. Woot.
woot indeed
what does decode return? Is that implicitly an utf8 string?
A (lazily-evaluated) range of codepoints.
text can always be constructed from codepoints.
ah neato
I thought/hoped it'd be something like that
1:39 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes what is the thing?
@thecoshman The ogonek::text class.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I see...
@jalf It was a pain to implement, but eventually I managed to build almost everything around lazy ranges.
@R.MartinhoFernandes won't lifetime issues cause a few surprises? You think you've decoded a string, so you can let the original go out of scope, but hey, waddayaknow, all you had was actually a lazy range pointing to the original string, which is now useless/corrupted
Not if you copy it.
1:43 PM
but doesn't that kind of ruin the point of lazy evaluation?
Depends on what you want to do.
If all you do is copying the data lazily, yes, but if you do calculations, not so much.
@jalf Yes, that can always happen. But it gives you flexibility to store it however you want. If you really want to materialize it, make a vector or some other container out of it.
yeah, makes sense
Oh, just in case you were confused, text does materialize it.
ah ok
smells like expression templates :)
1:46 PM
I am aware that it's something a user really needs to be aware of, and I plan to make it clear in documentation.
yeah, sounds good to me
How do I insert a horizontal bar in an answer?
@LuchianGrigore ***
or <hr/>
Thx @ecatmur
Or even ---
1:55 PM
@LuchianGrigore Incidentally, I’m having a hard time believing your claim that failure to use braces can lead to bad bugs. Even if somebody actually forgets to put these braces when adding a line (which I find hard to believe in the first case), this will be a trivial to spot bug once you look at the stack trace
You can also do * * * with spaces, among other things.
@R.MartinhoFernandes fat lot of good that will do :P
@thecoshman Is that sarcasm?
FWIW, it's only a pitfall on quite uncommon scenarios.
@R.MartinhoFernandes nobody reads docs
TIL: I am nobody.
1:58 PM
@thecoshman That's not my target demographic.
The kind of people that doesn't read docs won't understand half of what the library deals with.
If you use a function while being unsure what it does, you deserve to spend a lot of time debugging which could be easily prevented by reading the docs.
It’s a deserved punishment, like most punishments.
@KonradRudolph not in large codebases, where the bug doesn't happen there, but after 50 other calls & in a different thread. Especially if you're not the owner of the code, and if it's a branch that doesn't get hit that often. I (admittedly, only once) stumbled upon a bug like this. Granted, it didn't take that long to fix because I was familiar with the code.

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