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Im thinking about skipping the entire chapter :/
All files are binary.
@MohamedAhmedNabil they have a chapter on binary files? That seems odd
@MooingDuck Kinda like half a chapter. Starts with text files vs binary files. Then goes to the to binary operations
@MohamedAhmedNabil text files vs binary files shouldn't really be more than a few pages. Binary operations are very important though.
(and they're completely unrelated to each other)
Then examples on random acces write and then examples on random acces read
@MooingDuck less than one page
@MohamedAhmedNabil College. My profs were the kind of people who believed that C++ should be taugth as a real language instead of an extension of C. Crazy, I know.
@MooingDuck Is it used that much?
@EtiennedeMartel I agree, with them
I never read a single C++ book in my entire life (unless you count a few lines of Effective C++ that I looked at while at a friend's house).
@EtiennedeMartel Its better when you go out in the real world, you can learn a language like scheme which is a very mathematical language but not used in the market
I read Effective C++, and it's basic stuff
"Don't write C++ like it's C", and many generally accurate OOP/value typed language recommendations, like "People who write two-phase initialization code should be burned at the stake"
College-level CS courses, in Quebec, are all geared towards dumping you on the market as fast as possible. So you only learn stuff that is actually used (in theory anyway; I know of a place that still teaches Delphi).
@DeadMG It's still important stuff.
@EtiennedeMartel Very true. I'm not saying it isn't. I am saying that if you have reasonable experience/knowledge in the general scheme of things, there isn't much there that's new
I live in Egypt you see, and getting a scholarship will be close to impossible since im not in the American Department at school
So what do you think about Computer Science in EGYPT?
@MohamedAhmedNabil American Department?
@MohamedAhmedNabil No particular opinion. But I'd assume it's like anywhere else: loads of theory and outdated tech.
Shouldn't that be Merkin Department?
@EtiennedeMartel Yea, Different books and stuff. American Department take the SAT, National Department dont
Well, that is stupid as fuck.
how hard is it for a computer science graduate to get a job
Why have a Merkin and National Department?
How the hell are you guys supposed to go forward if you keep having double standards?
Terminology question: what's it called when you have the declaration and implementation in the same place? Like, class foo { public void bar() { /* does stuff */ } };
@GGG Definition? I think.
inline definition
if you wish to be explicit
Damn, I was sooo close.
@EtiennedeMartel People that take the regular high school exams go to colleges that are based in the Country, There is a percentage for SAT takers to enter colleges in the country which is like 2%
@DeadMG sounds good, thanks :)
Here either people that want scholarships or people that are too lazy to study take SATs
a definition can still be an out of line one, like foo::bar() { // shit }
because they bribe the teachers for marks
@MohamedAhmedNabil Well, that sounds quite fair to me.
Are you going to go the Merkin Department route?
Is it hard for Computer Science Graduates to get jobs?
@MohamedAhmedNabil In the US? Right now it's harder to find any kind of job.
@Chimera Anywhere, Generally
@MohamedAhmedNabil I can only speak for the U.S. Because of the economy it's harder to find work, in any field , than it used to be. But it will likely change over time.
What would be better. To graduate for example from stanford, or graduate from egypt and get a masters degree or phd from stanford
@MohamedAhmedNabil Depends where.
Umm, I think the more education you can get the better. But do try to get internships as experience of some sort is important as well as education.
In Quebec, it's incredibly easy because there are too many jobs for the amount of graduates.
Especially in the video game industry, thanks to tax breaks attracting all the big developers to Montreal.
I've noticed a ton of games coming out of Canada
in egypt you dont choose the classes you want to take. You just choose what genre and everyone takes the same class
a lot of mobile stuff
@GGG Ubisoft Montreal is the world's largest game development studio.
Great chat guys. Gotta go sleep. :)
@EtiennedeMartel Huh, I would have thought it would be a Blizzard studio
@GGG Blizzard isn't all that big actually. They just have the biggest games
Ubisoft has done a ton of titles, that's for sure
I guess Blizzard has just done a few really big titles
actaully, internet says Blizzard has as many employees as EA, so there goes what I said
@GGG 8? Starcraft x2, Diablo x3, Warcraft x3?
A lot of those employees probably just police online worlds too
and manage server farms
and accountants, and lawyers, and cooks...
marketting is big
Well yeah, and guys to take out the trash :D
Man, is that really all blizzard's done lately?
@GGG basically
Their QA must be HUGE
Janitors are important.
I think they did Blackthorne... I wonder if that was their first game
old platformer
or maybe the first warcraft
@GGG they did a few older games before they got big yes.
lost vikings and Warcraft 1
oh yeah forgot about lost vikings... lol
Never heard of that one
me neither
looks budget
even the box art looks 80s
@GGG June 4, 1993
There was no excuse for that box art in 93
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blizzard_Entertainment#Titles RPM Racing was their first game in 1991
Then Battle Chess :D
Huh, I always thought Battle Chess was Bethesda
Wikipedia shows it as Interplay
Which just reminded me of Descent and now I want to break out dosbox
I wonder why dosbox can't do AWE32 sound emulation
compare youtube.com/watch?v=eou6Z3WrCbQ with youtube.com/watch?v=YjeTRa77OGw ... awe32 sounds so much better
Eclipse is quirky and lacks documentation… wtf?
It also fails to render text sometimes.
Just sometimes.
Hahaha, not as often as XCode!
In some aspects dev environment technology is definitely regressing.
It's like nobody wants to make a good IDE anymore.
It's 4AM and I'm working on stupid Android crapp.
Feeling great.
Not really.
There are too many crappy UI designers with overbearing project managers following preset processes. Good engineering apps altogether are fewer and further between.
Developing an Android app in Haskell?
I wish.
Why the fuck this activity doesn't go off. WHY.
I swear, Android was designed by a herd of drunk drugged monkeys who just wanted to fling some shit around.
@EtiennedeMartel There was an IDE concept called Light Table a while back that was kinda interesting.
But then again I could be doing iOS now, so at least there's that.
I Android designers were this, I don't even know what to call Apple.
@CatPlusPlus See? Protip: it could always be worse.
@CatPlusPlus I think you accidentally a word.
Oh, it will be worse.
@CatPlusPlus Hey, that's how you start being optimistic.
All I've been doing lately is work and EVE. Fuck.
I need to gather friends, get drunk and forget about everything.
That's the spirit.
I'm starting to feel that I might be rubbing off on you a bit.
A little bit.
Ahaha my dialog works.
hey guys, is a linked list capable to handle two types of elements? if one of that elements is the list itself?
And traditionally Eclipse fails to render text now.
GUI designer that comes with Android SDK is retarded.
I really need to vent.
@nEAnnam If you mean one of the elements is the datatype of the list, then yes but you actually have an N-tree.
Who the fuck looked at this and went "oh, yeah, that looks good"
If you mean one of the elements is the list object, then you have a cyclic graph. Have fun with that one.
"I'm sure nobody edits text in Eclipse anyway"
Um, a lot of recent text editors have rendering bugs.
Even without large file support.
Back in the 80's we took it for granted. Then text editor programmers assumed the file would be large enough to fit in memory. Now we're starting to see the assumption that the rendered text will fit in a framebuffer.
i mean, im trying to make a list of lists, but one type of the list is not another list (int for example)
im trying an union
and i want to handle just the source code of one list
handle both list with just one ADT
dam is hard to explain
What's the actual problem.
List of lists of int is list<list<int>>.
There, problem solved.
oh, i forgot, in C
or is any way to declare a structure with a member that is not defined yet?
is where im stuck
In C it'd be 500 lines, because C is crap, but the principle is the same.
Also we don't care about C.
and about the structure thing?
Rrr, I don't know what I've changed but finally buttons are spaced properly.
@nEAnnam No
I mean, you could void* it, but that's just ugly
@Collin Your mom. struct a; struct b { struct a *p; }; is perfectly legal.
And you're not going to be using values in a list in C, come on.
@CatPlusPlus The pointer is defined, not the structure
We'll be all pedantic
You can derive pointer types from incomplete types.
And no, it's not funny.
I'm tired and I have to do Android. Please shoot me.
@CatPlusPlus Right, the pointer type is defined, but you can't have a member that's undefined (This is weird terminology land anyway)
@CatPlusPlus Java is something that must be written with a lot of coffee
thanks anyway, :)
is this legacy C code?
All C code is legacy.
And yes, it includes the thing you wrote yesterday.
calm down guys xD
@nEAnnam Beware, militant C++ advocates roam these parts
C is like awesome nitro boost steroids, for an 8 bit MCU
Haha, check_box_never_again.
How appropriate.
@nEAnnam Yeah, be careful when you bring up the word C here. It's almost as taboo as Java and PHP. I think there's only one or two of us in here that actually use C on a regular basis.
It's not taboo, it's just Crappy.
Well, C is good for its niche: as a portable assembler. That's it.
My string is too long and SDK's awesome XML Lint (TM) refactorer makes the change right in the middle of it, instead of where it should be done.
Oooh, Chrome update.
Please be fixed.
@EtiennedeMartel You can do that with C++ as well.
@Mysticial Sure, but if you do that in my code, I will hunt you down and shove your own rectum down your throat.
@CatPlusPlus You so funny.
Yeey, favicons are fixed.
@EtiennedeMartel lol
For a second there chat was running at whooping 1 frame per second.
I'm amazed.
Apparently, orange is not a colour name.
Or android.text.Html doesn't work.
Those are equally likely.
@CatPlusPlus our teacher in primary school convinced everybody except me that brown was not a color.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf What.
also, a corporal in the norwegian army convinced everybody except me (in our troop) that using a wishing bone worked for finding people covered by an avalanche
You're either very smart, or you encountered really dumb people.
@CatPlusPlus Probably the latter.
i'm not smart now, but i think i was smart at one point
and i'm still encountering really dumb people
consider, while only 1 in 10 american scientists believe the earth was created 4000 years ago, 6 in 10 middle east scientist believe that crap
Scientists eh.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf 1 in 10? They call themselves scientists?
Stupid Java closures requiring final everywhere
Even Objective-C doesn't require nonsense like that.
Lazy language pseudodesigners argh.
Dowsing is a type of divination employed in attempts to locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, gravesites, and many other objects and materials, as well as so-called currents of earth radiation (Ley lines), without the use of scientific apparatus. Dowsing is also known as divining (especially in reference to interpretation of results), doodlebugging (particularly in the United States, in searching for petroleum) or (when searching specifically for water) water finding, water witching or water dowsing. There is no accepted scientific rationale behind dowsing, and t...
^ "Finding Water With A Forked Stick May Not Be A Hoax" - Popular Mechanics
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Magnetic field or something?
just the urge to fit in socially
i think
otherwise known as "superstition"
> Some researchers believe the dark-adapted human eye can detect a single photon
of course, especially in non-Western societies, not fitting in can have dire consequences
That statement is correct. My dad is an optical engineer and that's true.
like being executed
But only in complete darkness.
I know this is primarily called the "Lounge", but does anyone ever come in here and discuss C++? I don't believe I've ever seen it happen.
Just wondering...
The reasons why very distant stars will "flash" in a completely dark sky is because of two things:
1. atmospheric interference
2. there are so few photons reaching your eye, that small variations in the # of them make them seem brighter and dimmer at times.
yeah people discuss C++ here
@Mysticial and then there are the real variadic stars
@Cheersandhth.-Alf They don't flash on the order of fractions of a second.
yes, you would have to stare for a couple of years at least
but in principle
@cereallarceny a good question is why only integral types were supported for local initialization (without any external definition) of static const data members
oh, another c++ thing, recently re-encountered: the Holy Standard's definition of "dynamic type" as a basic term, very early, versus its use in the "strict aliasing" clause
those are both slightly controversial questions, if one can but manage to involve the right people (those who feel some kinship with the commitee, in the first case, and those who are g++ fanboys, in the second case)
as i see it ;-)
Can we get one more reopen vote here:
Q: Why is using the function name as a function pointer equivalent to applying the address-of operator to the function name?

WiSaGaN Possible Duplicate: Why do all these crazy function pointer definitions all work? What is really going on? It's interesting that using the function name as a function pointer is equivalent to applying the address-of operator to the function name! Here's the example. typedef bool (*Fu...

you're welcome
I only have 170 rep :(
i think a good answer should also touch on type decay of functions as formal argument types
and relate that to ditto decay of array types
This project is so FUBAR.
What kind of project is it?
I know it's something related to Android but I'm not sure what
Imagine worst Java code possible.
This is worse.
@CatPlusPlus Isn't that redundant?
"imagine java code. this is worse"
Does not compute.
Well... what's worse? Java or PHP?
So they're equally as "worse"? :)
@CatPlusPlus What we need is something that compiles Java to the Zend Engine.
What I need is vodka.
@CatPlusPlus You mean ethanol in water?
Screw water.
Because that's how most commercial vodkas are made this day: 96% pure ethanol, diluted with water to make it slightly less lethal.
We did that non-commercially, too.
Plus lemons.
I would tell you to get beer instead, but I'm pretty sure Poland doesn't have high quality microbrews.
(Damn, I'm a snob when it comes to beer)
Q: Are chars converted to ints in a comparison?

davewiseI'm trying to understand what happens in the comparison statement below. int n = 1; std::puts( ((char*)&n)[0] == 1 ? "-Y-" : "-N-" ); The statement above's output for me is -Y- My first question is, why cast the pointer to a char* instead of an int*? Also, if we are comparing a char to ...

    int n = 1;
    std::puts( ((char*)&n)[0] == 1 ? "-Y-" : "-N-" );
Holy crap, that's terrible code. O_O
That shit is made of more shit.
@CatPlusPlus Still, I'm proud of you. Drinking your problems? Wow.
I'll probably need sleep more.
Sleep. That'd be nice.
You can sleep when you're too drunk to stand straight.
i need
i answered that question above and wrote absurd thing so had to delete answer
good that nobody noticed
i did
i did
I saw it
And I can still see it. :)
Q: Why this program does not work?

user1629182//this is a program to find robotic arm inv kinematics. my doubt is not in kine:-). My program executes but always prints "position unacheivable", even for a known value, it does the same. here I have used radians for angles since thats what c understands. Please tell me how to come across this o...

How about that?
quad for loops
if I maintain awakeness for another 38 minutes, I can purchase crap from the local supermarket
Tired already? You've only been awake for 13 and half hours.
Supermarket opens at 6 AM? I'd have to wait till 8 AM..
Mine opens at 7.
@StackedCrooked How do you know how many hours I've been awake?
Educated guess. A while ago you mentioned getting up at 5 PM.
I believe today was 3:30 PM.
and don't forget to take the timezone differences into accout
Damn I'm stupid.
any comparison to me isn't really a fair one, since nobody can be expected to live up to me
I'm rapidly approaching 24 hours.
@StackedCrooked means you're still alive :-)
when one stops realizing that one is stupid, then i think one is quite dead wrt. all important measures
what country are you folks from?
I wonder if Newton thought that way about himself.
like, the last hour i've deleted one SO answer which stupid was, and removed one longish footnote that was stupid, and reflected on the stupidity that caused me to end up with two empty coffee cups
@TPR Got dual citizenship from Islamistan and Westerny.
I'm from Jamaica.
Peace man.
gotta admit
right now I'd rather murder someone
oh, "no woman no pain" country?
i always thought it meant "if u have no woman, u have no pain"
I used to think so as well.
turned out that was wrong interpretation

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