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@HiddenKnowledge Qt's library design is crap. Although to be fair it was designed before the 21st century.
@HiddenKnowledge if you are confused about having a *, you should learn some C++ basics
@EtiennedeMartel I really don't care. All I care about is the efficient running of my country.
@HiddenKnowledge it's not an offence, just that you will run into problems later on
@EtiennedeMartel Not really sure that qualifies as a purpose.
@HiddenKnowledge if you don't understand what * does
@DeadMG I know you're quite the cold, rational, pragmatic kind of guy.
Well, if you know anything better, be sure to tell me, @Insilico
and * is a very common operation in C, and of course C++
@HiddenKnowledge I'm in the middle of making something better. :-P
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah. The problem for me, mainly, isn't that there are people who want to protect their culture.
Although it's still crap (but probably better than Qt in terms of C++ design)
as far as I'm concerned, they can dispose their income however they like.
@KenLi Hmm, I read all those tutorials and all, it has something to do with memory and stuff. I thought it wasn't really needed a lot in c++
it's when they run our public finances and blow everybody's money on it.
@HiddenKnowledge It is used, but not in ways that are error prone (for example, using it to manage memory)
I see you're not a socialist.
or screw over minority demographics- like LGBT
that's what gets my back up
if I had the power, I would deport anyone who would seriously oppose gay marriage.
@Insilico Well, I doubt I'd ever need it though, normally, right?
Oh, right, the Tories are in power now, right?
coalition with the Lib Dems
@HiddenKnowledge pointers are a very important concept in C, even if you don't use them, understand them because if you are using a C library or someone writing C-like code, you are screwed
@DeadMG See, I don't quite understand the whole argument against gay marriage.
I think that the Tories are not in favour, but gave it up as part of their coalition agreement.
@Insilico There's none. It's homophobia in disguise.
@kenli True, I don't write any C-like code though.
It's not like straight marriage is going to be any different once gay marriage is allowed.
either way, the government is going to try and pass it before the next election.
@HiddenKnowledge well, maybe you don't, someone else will, or maybe it will become your job to maintain someone who does write C like code
@EtiennedeMartel I figured as much, but I'm tired of being a misanthrope.
@Insilico Don't try to find any logic in there. There is none. It's purely emotional.
@EtiennedeMartel It's not just that.
what gets my back up about it isn't just that it's homophobic
it's that the homophobes are trying to force their views on to everyone else
if you're a rampaging homophobe then keep it to yourself and let everyone else do as they please to the extent that it does not practically affect you.
@Insilico You're not a misanthrope if you think conservatives are trying to push their narrow-minded views of the world on to everybody.
@HiddenKnowledge in any case, pointers are important, if you have the time, I would REALLY recommend youtube.com/watch?v=jTSvthW34GU
@EtiennedeMartel It's not simply me trying to find the logic in things. It's just me trying to find the root of the problem
@KenLi Well.. I guess I'll go and read how they are used in c++.. I didn't really find anything about that though.
O, thanks.
@DeadMG Yeah, I'd assume a conservative would at least understand the concept of "live and let live". But I guess you can't be a moron without a few double standards.
Although up to this point the best way to find that root is probably psychology.
in order for a law to be made, a case must be made that the problem it is supposed to address affects the whole public.
@DeadMG You should go tell that to U.S. Congress, who collectively doesn't seem to understand that.
so even ignoring the whole "there isn't really a problem" thing, it simply doesn't affect the vast majority of the population, and they have no right to interfere with the private lives of the minority.
@Insilico They're fucking morons.
oh, by the way
am I the only one who thinks that we should try to extradite Obama?
@DeadMG Oh trust me, no one has a lower opinion of Congress than U.S. citizens.
it's a criminal offence over here to withhold evidence of torture- which he did- and our government is just pretending like he isn't a fucking criminal
smile and shake hands
@Insilico +1
What with all the kinds of laws they'tr trying to pass, you'd think they're purposefully trying to destroy the country.
they just don't have perspective.
@KenLi Wow, I'm going to watch all those vids :D Thanks!
they're so busy wanking off about the minority, they can't see the majority
those fuckers would micro-optimize every if statement and ignore the O(2^N) algorithm
@DeadMG The Dunning-Kruger effect is strong with the politicians.
and it's even worse
they fire scientists for giving data that disagrees with them
like, what the fuck?
if I was in power, I'd make interfering with the course of science a criminal offence
@HiddenKnowledge another fun (short) video youtube.com/watch?v=f-pJlnpkLp0
@DeadMG Can you come over to the U.S. and tell the rest of the U.S. Gov't that?
they wouldn't listen
I honestly wished our Gov't stop fucking around with the scientists (or education in general)
You know, the things that actually fucking matter
oh, I fully support ripping out the education system and replacing it with a new one
pro tip: you can educate people over the Internet to a much higher quality for vastly less cost
@DeadMG Yes, but everytime my gov't does that they manage to come up with something worse.
@DeadMG Ha. In Canada, the Conservatives greatly cut the budget of Statistics Canada. Some might think they were sick of stats disagreeing with them on the subjet of global warming and crime rates.
My gov't spent more money bailing out banks than spending that money on, I don't know, scientific research
or STEM in general. :-( Our priorities are fucked up.
The conservative party of Canada are not really the tories, they are the reformer party from Alberta really
(For example, the government wanted to build more prisons, but Stats Can actually has proof that crime rates are going down all across Canada)
@KenLi Yep. Harper himself is a Reformist, IIRC.
Either way they're tools.
@EtiennedeMartel How ironic. Let's silence the stats that say that things are getting better.
@Insilico Bank bailout was really bad.
they should have let every single overexposed bank collapse
@DeadMG I agree. In a real free market system they would've had their asses handed to them a long time ago.
@KenLi Yeah, this vid shows what it does.. But I still don't know why I would do that.. :P
But they won't die because we keep giving them money. :-(
Didn't watch the other one yet, though. Still watching that one.
@HiddenKnowledge for one reason, you would of understood the trouble you were getting into earlier, a LOT of API's will force you to use it
I saw The Inside Job the other day. I think it convinced me even more that Keynesianism works.
Or maybe it's just confirmation bias.
it's of paramount importance that you understand why stuff works the way it does in programming
@Insilico In a real free market system they would have raped everyone already because of lack of regulations.
@KenLi I wished more people realized that. :-(
you can only go so far with trial and error
@EtiennedeMartel I'm not that economically educated, so the cliffnotes of keynes economics?
@EtiennedeMartel They have managed to do that even with some regulation.
@kenli youtube.com/watch?v=jTSvthW34GU learned me a couple of things already though :D
It's like given your kids a higher allowance after your kids run up a <non-trivial-amount> debt.
@Insilico Over here, the banks are paying out billions after screwing people over with an insurance scam.
Here's an idea: don't give money to people who keeps fucking up their money.
@DeadMG Essentially, free market but with some government control.
The basic idea being that a completely free market can't stabilize itself, so it sometimes needs help from the outside.
@EtiennedeMartel And I don't mind some regulation. I'm just saying don't make these boneheaded decisions like bailing out irresponsible banks.
@Insilico Honestly, it's easy to say after the fact, but I don't know if at the time it would have been such an easy decision to take.
The best solution would have been to not let these idiots gamble with other people's money.
@EtiennedeMartel Not for me it wouldn't. :-P
@EtiennedeMartel Sounds good to me.
Okay my desk is clean now, but that's only because everything that used to be on the desk is now on the floor. :-(
Keynesianism is at least based on some evidence, as opposed as the neo classical school which is built on mathematical models and the idea that humans can be completely rational.
I'm just going to get my Roomba to clean the floor after I pick up the non-vacuumable stuff.
The only way this crap still has some support is that it allows a bunch of right-wing dickheads to legitimize their trickle down politics.
trickle down is BS
money trickles up, not down
@EtiennedeMartel I think trickle down could work in principle, but of course people are people. :-(
@Insilico Yeah, in an ideal world, we wouldn't even need any form of authority as people would work together in perfect harmony.
I also wish I had a unicorn.
Personally if I had lots of money I would try to use it to better humanity, and I used to think everyone shared that opinion (when I was really young).
@Insilico Nah, it's obviously not gonna happen.
consider what poor people do when you give them money
they spend it on bettering their environments, better food, new furniture, whatever
what do rich people do? squirrel it away in bank accounts, never to be spent
@Insilico As far as I'm concerned, I figured that if I wanted the world to become better, I would have to do it myself. Which I intend to do eventually. Even if it's only a little bit.
@DeadMG Yeah, that's what lead me to think that taking away from the rich to give it to the poor is actually better for the economy.
Of course, I have no problem with people who have actually earned their money.
@Insilico Me neither.
I don't hate the rich or anyshit like that
The keyword here is earned. Screwing over your customers is not a path to earning money.
but I do think that they have more responsibility than most
I firmly believe that it's possible to have too much money, so at that point you might as well take that surplus and give it to people who need it more than you.
That's how tax works.
Or, rather, that's how it should work.
@EtiennedeMartel I'd rather that there be an intrinsic motivation for people with money to give it to those who need it.
@Insilico Sure, but until we find the carrot, we'll need to get the stick out.
Human psychology is such that if you forcibly take someone's money, they will fight back.
Yeah, that's why that whole "libertarianism" movement is going so trong.
@EtiennedeMartel Well then, I'm all for finding that carrot.
The solution is in education, I think.
But how are we going to teach people to give to others?
@EtiennedeMartel Agreed.
Hate Bill Gates for whatever reason you will, but at least he's one of the few very rich people who's trying to do good with his philantropy.
@EtiennedeMartel We need to start by not shoving our dicks down their throats from day 1, dictating what they can and cannot learn, when they can eat, what questions they can ask, etc.
I especially support his plan to get everyone in third-world countries access to things like vaccine.
@Insilico I admire Bill Gates quite significantly, actually.
Yeah, Bill Gates is cool.
At least he's doing something.
he built his company from nothing, personally
@DeadMG That means getting better teachers. And giving them better support and resources.
That means making education the number one priority.
It's our future after all.
I intended to fire most of the teachers
well, I just don't see the need
if you have a system which is teacher -> student, then the student can only ever learn what the teacher knows
the Internet is the only teacher that knows everything there is to know
I'd rather have teachers that encourage students to learn shit on their own.
and therefore is not problematic in this regard
And teach them how to find knowledge on their own.
i would like to use the Google Data API in one of the projects
@ScottW I liked most of the teachers I had.
My favorite teacher, I had in college. He taught me C++.
The project uses Picasa web album
He's one of the biggest template nuts I know.
Not as big as the robot though.
is there a problem if i use the Picasa Logo in my app
@EtiennedeMartel It might be my cognitive biases, but the best professors/instructors I've had were the one who always go into asides during lecture.
Then, in university, I had... interesting professors.
@Insilico I think being able to entertain the class is an important trait.
Knowing stuff is easy; what's hard is transmitting that to others in an interesting and entertaining way.
Like sometimes their asides have nothing to do with the actual lecture, but they manage to deliver said knowledge anyway.
One of my profs once got into an hour long rant against Oracle.
I think because in the STEM subjects the only way you really learn anything is to figure it out yourself.
well, IMO, we should ban non-public education
by that I mean, lectures which are not streamed and recorded online
@DeadMG Indeed, education is not merchandise.
it should just be le banned
and an institution should be forced to accept coursework from anyone who wishes to submit one
@DeadMG You just say that because you don't want to be forced to leave your den.
@EtiennedeMartel No, I say that because I grew up in a small rural town.
You misanthropic ermit you.
@DeadMG At my university you can get credit for a class by just taking the final exam.
do you know why I didn't study CS at 15? Because my school was too small and didn't offer that course.
Of course you have to convince the professor first, and sign a bunch of paperwork, but I did that for an intro to C++ class
that's no excuse now
and we should also le ban exams
Of course I got a perfect score on the final without actually taking the C++ class.
they're a statistically irrelevant sample of an unrealistic environment
If I was teaching a class, I'd make programming projects a major part of the class.
Probably more than 50%.
I would teach them things like source control, etc. and they would have to use it to manage their software projects.
and you always get that exam where you prepared for the wrong one, or you're very sick, or it's freezing in the exam hall, or whatever
And work in groups
The two things I liked the most at my uni were the paid internships (mandatory at Sherbrooke) and the beer (our faculty had the cheapest on campus).
I also had fun during my two projects at the end.
@ScottW Same here.
But if you have to give an exam, don't make me have to memorize shit.
Because I will forget it all the moment I finish any exam.
I think giving projects would be the best way to do it.
Especially if they have to made in teams.
@EtiennedeMartel I'd go solo for the first project or two.
multiple platform build systems, branching and merging, can be a bit of a headache
@EtiennedeMartel Students should have the option of "firing" their team members.
@Insilico Yeah, they'd have to manage their team. Just like in any real project.
I've had team members who quite frankly doesn't do shit.
But I couldn't "fire" them. :-(
At my university, we had to pitch our project to a professor who would accept to supervise us. No prof, no project. Then, we worked for 15 weeks, and at the end we had a presentation in front of everybody.
So I made them do some busywork to leave me the fuck alone.
@EtiennedeMartel That's basically how it works for seniors in all of the engineering programs at my university.
They had two quarters (~20 weeks) to do it.
@Insilico Your quarters are short.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah. It's 10 weeks, 3 per academic year.
@ScottW (The "fourth" quarter is summer school)
Oh. We got semesters of 15 weeks, three per year (but one of them's an internship if you're in the "co-op" program, otherwise it's vacation).
@ScottW No, we have winter break and spring break too.
by the way
@ScottW Pretty much, save for the holidays.
I've been thinking about inventing my own parsing algorithm
Alright, "reinventing the wheel" will now be known as "do the DeadMG".
@DeadMG Did the Not-Invented-Here syndrome hit you again?
LL isn't powerful enough and LR won't play well with value types and strong typing (not to mention generating fugly code).
I'm pretty sure you won't be able to do better. No offense.
depends on your definition of "better"
I mean, you have the kind of ideas I get when it's 03:00 and I'm completely drunk.
I only need somewhere in the middle of those two
Parsing is a pain in the ass in general. Not because of the actual parsing, but because of the many possible states and boundary cases that we're guaranteed to miss.
I don't need to invent some CFG parsing algorithm which can parse more grammars than GLR(k).
(which is why we have "parser generators", etc.)
Well fuck now there's two big rats in my backyard.
so I figured
I'd just start with LL and make a couple changes to allow left recursion and shit
I recall my formal language course. The midterm exam was incredibly hard, and we all had crappy results. On the class after the exam, the teacher said "I might have made it slightly too difficult".
He was quite the snarker.
@EtiennedeMartel slightly too difficult? :-P
Thank goodness that grades were based on class average.
For an EE class I had (which was taught by a terrible professor), after the 2-hour midterm (for which we had only 1-hour to complete), the professor asked me how I thought of the test.
Because apparently I was the only student there who understood shit despite his terrible teaching.
The comments are hilarious.
I also had a professor that everyone absolutely hated. He had this tendency to answer any question by just saying what he just said again.
I made this in his honor.
@EtiennedeMartel Actual picture of said professor's head? :-P
@Insilico Yep.
I got a friend who accidentally alt-tabbed while fapping and stumbled on that prof's site. Right on the photo of his face.
Instant turn off.
He was quite the unlucky guy.
@EtiennedeMartel You two must be very close friends.
@Insilico We have this tendency to get drunk.
@EtiennedeMartel Fapping while drunk, now that's the mental image of the day.
The Fappinator.
does anyone here has any experience using Qt and have some spare time to help me with this: stackoverflow.com/questions/11183502/…
@Topo I assume you never read this?
Although it's not terribly relevant in this particular case.
I did
I don't want to be one of those guys that just come in to ask help, but I really need some help and I'm not very chatty. I understand if you don't want to help but it certainly would be nice :D
That's kinda like saying: "I don't wanna be the guy who's annoying. But I'm going to be annoying."
Unfortunately, I know nothing about QT to be able to help.
I know, it sound stupid. I really don't want to be that guy but I have searched all over the internet and I can't find an answer so don't wanting to be that guy becomes a less important but still I understand that I'm being annoying and that you might decide not to help me
@Topo Use bounty if you don't get a reply.
@StackedCrooked Thanks, I will.
I think it's a Qt bug because being a cross-platform framework and all, it is supposed to work the same in different OS, and in the things that are different by design are documented.
You can also try to post it on the Qt mailing list.
Also note that this time of the day is very slow for the site.
Since both Europe and the US are asleep.
*maybe not asleep, but not during work hours
I have already post in some Qt Forums but I think @Mysticial is right, I will wait to see if someone answers the question tomorrow.
@Mysticial I wish I could still sleep.
Where are you from?
@StackedCrooked What time is it there?
12:40 AM
I'm from mexico city, here it's 12:40 too
Hey guys
Hahah, I must be on the other side of the world its 3:41pm here
Silence. Please don't make this a dead room haha
Where are you from @JamesDyson
@Topo Australia mate. But i'm British haha
And yourself?
I get up at 7 and leave for work at 9. I need two hours to get ready for work :)
God, you should be tucked up in bed dreaming of minecraft made in C++ not bloody java
@JamesDyson I'm from mexico
Yay, I think i revived the room hahah, CPR 30 compressions to 2 breaths
it's 12:52 AM
Time flies.
53 already
@Topo I heavily against java. Fun fact: It was funnily enough made for house hold appliances not 3D games (my opinion) I don't know why you just choose a programming language that doesn't compile a few times until it works lol
Java has its good sides I suppose, its portable.
@JamesDyson Are you sure that you are replying to the right person?
Probably not, i'm silly like that. always off topic.
Hey is anyone interested in helping me create a C++ game?
Not a little baby game, but a fully fledged one. You pick the engine. Ive looked at a few. UDK, Unity etc. I like UDK but I don't know if it will work for what id like to do. No pay, just love.
@JamesDyson I also hate Java :D it's good to know I am not alone
Breath Breath. Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Compress Live room LIVE! @Topo hurray!
@JamesDyson I would love doing a game in C++, but I really don't have experience with games.
@Topo Neither, half why I asked for help but also what id like to do is extremely complex and time comsuming
I'm not an expert but I think Panda3D is a good game engine, I did a tutorial last week
What do you want to do?
For me, Java was great as a first language. The only thing I hated about it was that you couldn't compile to stand-alone programs. (At least I didn't know how to.) Then I started to slowly switch to C/C++ because Java just didn't have what it takes to do HPC.
minus extremely. @Topo Rings a bell but I don't know it personally
@Mysticial Hmmm, I looked at it and found it messy. Probably just me but hahah
@Mysticial I liked Java at first too but I thinks it's not as a first language because then it is harder to switch to a low level language like C or C++. In stead if you start with C or C++ then it is a lot easier to switch to any high level language
@JamesDyson The best part about Java as a first language was that you can't shoot yourself - no matter how hard you try.
@Mysticial Java was great as a first language for me as well.
@Topo I went the other direction. Java -> C -> assembly.
@Mysticial Bahahah
Hey Hey Hey I started with BATCH files and when I moved onto Python I wondered where the goto function was and got slapped on the face virtually
I'm going to sleep, I have to get up at 8:00 for work
Very well, have fun
See you later
"Im sorry sir but your room just died", "God, why???" *Tears well up*
#include <epicness>
"My Life is complete!"
This is the result of a dead room to me.
Radomly missing an n ...
@Topo heheh that was posted 8:12 local time
@Insilico And, surprisingly often how it still works in the work place
Hi again

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