@HiddenKnowledge pointers are a very important concept in C, even if you don't use them, understand them because if you are using a C library or someone writing C-like code, you are screwed
what gets my back up about it isn't just that it's homophobic
it's that the homophobes are trying to force their views on to everyone else
if you're a rampaging homophobe then keep it to yourself and let everyone else do as they please to the extent that it does not practically affect you.
@DeadMG Yeah, I'd assume a conservative would at least understand the concept of "live and let live". But I guess you can't be a moron without a few double standards.
so even ignoring the whole "there isn't really a problem" thing, it simply doesn't affect the vast majority of the population, and they have no right to interfere with the private lives of the minority.
@Insilico They're fucking morons.
oh, by the way
am I the only one who thinks that we should try to extradite Obama?
it's a criminal offence over here to withhold evidence of torture- which he did- and our government is just pretending like he isn't a fucking criminal
@DeadMG Ha. In Canada, the Conservatives greatly cut the budget of Statistics Canada. Some might think they were sick of stats disagreeing with them on the subjet of global warming and crime rates.
Keynesianism is at least based on some evidence, as opposed as the neo classical school which is built on mathematical models and the idea that humans can be completely rational.
Personally if I had lots of money I would try to use it to better humanity, and I used to think everyone shared that opinion (when I was really young).
@Insilico As far as I'm concerned, I figured that if I wanted the world to become better, I would have to do it myself. Which I intend to do eventually. Even if it's only a little bit.
@DeadMG Yeah, that's what lead me to think that taking away from the rich to give it to the poor is actually better for the economy.
I firmly believe that it's possible to have too much money, so at that point you might as well take that surplus and give it to people who need it more than you.
@EtiennedeMartel We need to start by not shoving our dicks down their throats from day 1, dictating what they can and cannot learn, when they can eat, what questions they can ask, etc.
At my university, we had to pitch our project to a professor who would accept to supervise us. No prof, no project. Then, we worked for 15 weeks, and at the end we had a presentation in front of everybody.
Parsing is a pain in the ass in general. Not because of the actual parsing, but because of the many possible states and boundary cases that we're guaranteed to miss.
I recall my formal language course. The midterm exam was incredibly hard, and we all had crappy results. On the class after the exam, the teacher said "I might have made it slightly too difficult".
For an EE class I had (which was taught by a terrible professor), after the 2-hour midterm (for which we had only 1-hour to complete), the professor asked me how I thought of the test.
Because apparently I was the only student there who understood shit despite his terrible teaching.
I don't want to be one of those guys that just come in to ask help, but I really need some help and I'm not very chatty. I understand if you don't want to help but it certainly would be nice :D
I know, it sound stupid. I really don't want to be that guy but I have searched all over the internet and I can't find an answer so don't wanting to be that guy becomes a less important but still I understand that I'm being annoying and that you might decide not to help me
I think it's a Qt bug because being a cross-platform framework and all, it is supposed to work the same in different OS, and in the things that are different by design are documented.
@Topo I heavily against java. Fun fact: It was funnily enough made for house hold appliances not 3D games (my opinion) I don't know why you just choose a programming language that doesn't compile a few times until it works lol
Probably not, i'm silly like that. always off topic.
Hey is anyone interested in helping me create a C++ game?
Not a little baby game, but a fully fledged one. You pick the engine. Ive looked at a few. UDK, Unity etc. I like UDK but I don't know if it will work for what id like to do. No pay, just love.
For me, Java was great as a first language. The only thing I hated about it was that you couldn't compile to stand-alone programs. (At least I didn't know how to.) Then I started to slowly switch to C/C++ because Java just didn't have what it takes to do HPC.
@Mysticial I liked Java at first too but I thinks it's not as a first language because then it is harder to switch to a low level language like C or C++. In stead if you start with C or C++ then it is a lot easier to switch to any high level language