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@EtiennedeMartel sup
i can't hear it on this connection but it looks impressive
You have a bad connection; you are bad, and you should feel bad.
that's michael, my brother
Oh hi Mike.
Today I was at work and Born to be Alive by Patrick Hernandez came on the radio. Great song.
Friday, I was at work when Pandora decided to play Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley. Pandora Rick Rolled me...
Pandora sucks.
I just came here to star the PHP message. Good bye
oh. i used to listen to radio paradise
when i was at better connection
It's really great to see again that meta works so well. You make a suggestion, it's heavily upvoted, even SE folks agree with you — and the thing is buried under the huge pile of similar well-received but never acted-upon suggestions. Uh. That is, what meta was invented for, right? — sbi 30 secs ago
^ Norwegian station, they mostly play old rock tunes.
If I listen to the radio, I make sure I use a goddamn 320 kb/a channel.
not sure, i can't connect now, but this used to be RTFM:
I only listen to the radio if I'm into screamo.
not sure, i can't connect now, but this used to be RTFM:
@RadekSlupik I've been trying to build the code on my Mac with GCC. I hit a few snags.
Oh. Hmm.
Do you use -framework Foundation -framework AppKit -framework OpenGL?
@Scott nah thanks. Radio is fine.
@RadekSlupik I'm actually trying to fix the build script so that it builds on OS X.
Can't you set up an Xcode project and use xcodebuild through the build system?
There is one in the repo in an old revision. You only need to change clang to GCC.
jeez, firefox is stupid: it tried to download the broadcast (presumably in order to hand it over to media player afterwards)
@RadekSlupik Yeah, but the Xcode GCC is old. Very old.
also, me stupid: tried to download 104 MB video from YouTube.
@Etienne set CC to the latest GCC in the build settings.
ok, i just let it go on
@PeeHaa my work is here done also
@Radek does that mean we'll need to maintain an Xcode project side by side with the build system?
Anyone use visual studio for their C++ projects? I've got an issue with making a project template
@user1477622 never made a project template
but what's the problem?
Well I'm trying to make it automatically start projects in the Debug|x64 configuration, but I can't find any documentation that achieves this. I'm on Visual Studio 2008
uhm, i don't have vs 2008. i have 2003, 2010 and 2011
Well have you heard of anything like this on any of those versions of vs?
nope, i can't even find any way to make 64-bit project. where is it?
@Etienne oh yeah. FUCK.
Ehm just without Xcode then. :p
@RadekSlupik Also, the code doesn't even build with GCC. I guess it's because it doesn't support the "new" runtime.
Oh damn. Then we would only be able to build a 32-bit version.
Make new project, right click project, properties. Then hit configuration manager in the upper right corner. Under active solution platforms, you'll have to hit New, and add x64 with the same settings as win32. (this will also not work if you did not install the 64-bit compiler with VS when you installed it.)
@user1477622 i think i have everything installed. wait a second
And clang ain't an option, right?
@RadekSlupik So I've heard. We might need to negotiate.
The Wu-Tang Clang.
Helllooo all
@user1477622 I never bothered. I always start with a "empty project" and go from there.
seemed to work, _WIN64 is defined! Yay! My first 64-bit program!
Congrats @CheersandhthAlf
I don't think that worked
@user1477622 thx! but sorry, i have no clue how to get that config into project template
How do you signal someone's name if they have a space in their name?
@user1477622 what? it works nicely. compiled and outputs 1 for _WIN64
@MooingDuck yeah usually I would too, but I just wanted to reduce the amount of menial steps if possible.
Omit the space.
@user1477622 just start typing the name. mostly you don't have to type the full name anyway. just add @ at start
@RadekSlupik got it, thanks. @CheersandhthAlf I'm trying to automate that process of adding and selecting the platform automatically.
Has anyone seen Neil or thecoshman lately?
well there is project template project, but i've never used that thing (I think)

I've actually made a question post for this
Is it just me or nobody is actually speaking to me.
@JamesDyson Hi, and no I haven't seen Neil or thecoshman
@user1477622 thank you
It would seem no one has a relevant response to your question, sorry
@user1477622 are you using the export template wizard?
No. I believe they added c++ export template support in vs2010. In 2008 you have to make a custom wizard and do some other random weird steps in order to make a project template.
Instead I just copied the one for win32 application and I'm editing it and whatnot
So far it already automatically adds the x64 Release/Debug options to the list, but I can't get it to select them.
hm, it seems they keep changing the ui
Does anyone know how I can contact SO Chat's moderation? I said something in here a few days ago that I shouldn't have done, but it's kept in the retained logs for everyone to see
@David You can flag the message itself for moderator attention
@David i wouldn't bother with that. it's ok to say fuck here. for example.
Use the down arrow
there isn't a "flag" option
only "history"
and it's too old to edit
Jun 22 at 14:56, by David
should I hide in shame?
^ that?
I didn't find anything particularly offensive
I didn't say it was offensive
What'd you say? Tell us
Microsoft Word thinks "bastard" is so offensive that it didn't offer any alternatives when I hit Shift F7.
So, opinions differ.
@David You're better off leaving it as is:
I thought Word actually included swear-words in the dictionary?
The Streisand effect is a primarily online phenomenon in which an attempt to hide or remove a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely. It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose attempt in 2003 to suppress photographs of her residence inadvertently generated further publicity. Similar attempts have been made, for example, in cease-and-desist letters, to suppress numbers, files and websites. Instead of being suppressed, the information receives extensive publicity and media extensions such as videos and spoof songs...
I wasn't even aware that it was regarded as offensive before Word told me.
Which is funnier: You are using a urinal, and the guy using the toilet farts, OR You are using the toilet and the guy using the urinal farts?
neither, it isn't funny
@Cheers I just tried it in Word 2010, "bastard" works fine
David solved it comprehensively, even though it wasn't a riddle to begin with
@David "Works fine". LMAO
There was no default: statement David.
I think C++ standard library should provide a integer_variable type to compliment the integer_constant type, easing writing a template function that can take compile time or runtime parameters. (For functions that aren't constexpr obviously)
I don't understand :S
@Drise So? UB maybe
place cursor on it and hit Shift F7
it pops up empty box here
I just honestly expressed my opinion that neither situation is particularly funny
@David Misplaced nerd joke. There was a switch, there wasn't a default case label
yeah, I got that
but Drise didn't express the situation as that
or as I might say, those kind of jokes aren't my Cup<T>
@MooingDuck The integer_constant type, again, will blush
sorry, I'll get my coat
I found it ironic.
@Cheers oh, you mean in the Research pane
@David You actually 'pronounce' V<T> as V-of-T? That sounds so... java-ish to me
it doesn't give me results for other words either
then if you ask it to dive deeper, it says it's offensive (but does come up with alternatives)
@David Good. Firewall is working
@sehe it depends on what the template is
@David Oh good. I was getting worried :)
@david don't mind me, I'm a gypsy around here.
if it's a container, then I'll say "of", like vector<int>
but if it's a method that uses type parameters for other reasons, then no
not all templates are containers y'know
hurray of T
like auto_ptr<int> I'll say "autopointer-to-int"
@David I admit, I never speak C++ ... In C#, I'll say 'list of int' andsilly stuff like that (hell I even bother with 'ienumerable of strings' - try that for fun)
I pronounce "wchar_t" as "wuh,char,tee" btw
In C++ I 'feel' it like an int-vector really
and I pronounce "char" like "car" not "charred"
@cheers I'll make a container called horray that will print out horray every time something is added.
@David You might want to delete that message, before it is too late and your employer makes you take an IQ Rorschach test
@Drise take your printf and leave the room, this is for C++
actually, during my interview, we talked about pronounciation
@David That's unfair. You take your evil auto_ptr and leave :)
oh c'mon, what's wrong with it?
@Drise What is \b supposed to do? Backspace?
@David It's deprecated.
@David everything
in C++11 and TR1 and Boost, yeah
@David Nothing at all. It's all yours. Use it as much as you want, we don't need it
but I do have to use ye olde stuff at times
Honestly, what is 'ye olde stuff' that you can't reproduce the header for scoped_ptr ?
Yeah sehe, my febile attempts to correct myself on a smart phone.
I retract my statement and admit I do many things in C++ wrong still
@Drise feeble?
but that's why I'm here, to learn
uh, I mean } // saved
@David Oh, that makes two of us. Likely a dozen of us or so, really
Yes, feeble.
I'm here to learn, surely.
BBBBut i have to leave.
OOh to he'll with you phone.
@Drise So, learn to leave :)
Can someone answer this?
ask it first
otherwise we need to be psychic
Im trying to parse datagridview info
to excel
but in c++
DataGridView is .NET?
Katherine "Kate" Upton first in 2011, when she was named of the Year, and again in 2012, when she was announced as the cover model. Early life Upton was born in St. Joseph, Michigan and raised in Melbourne, Florida. She attended Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy. Her uncle is U.S. Representative Fred Upton, Republican of Michigan's 6th congressional district. As a young equestrian, Upton showed at the American Paint Horse Association and competed on a national level. With her horse Roanie Pony, she won three APHA Reserve World Championships – 13 and Under Western Riding, 13 and Under H...
^ Difficult to parse in C++.
@Giuseppe whaaaat? I have no idea what you just asked
@Giuseppe Sounds like a non-problem or an XY-problem if ever I saw one
@CheersandhthAlf Ah, yes. Her.
@MooingDuck More importantly, @Giuseppe has no idea, I'm afraid
@Giuseppe you're trying to write C++ code that has a datagridview to save the content to a file that excel can open?
juzt make that a csv file, easy as pie
Can we all stop trying to paint in the picture? This is wasted energy. The OP can explain the situation just fine, or there is no use helping. (Everybody's guesses will merely confuse the matter)
Meanwhile, @Giuseppe consider posting at Stack Overflow, like everybody else
i i posted it already
<see no="gauntlet;evil"/>
@Giuseppe Ah. having a look
i mean im trying to save the info stored on my datagridview on my c++/cli visual studio project
but i only find
@Giuseppe Please, type more than 1 message on a line. No need to press enter for space
Also, I retagged as as this is probably what you meant
@sehe > (Everybody's guesses will merely confuse the matter)
thanks :D , by the way im not an english speaker. So i have some spells mistakes. Sorry
@MooingDuck Gee - did I strike a nerve?
@sehe :D no, merely humor
@MooingDuck Have you even given the question a look?!
@sehe nope.
@MooingDuck You'd discover why your jest wasn't so funny to me
Greetings everybody.... I LOVE BACON.
Marry me.
No, marry me!
Do you love Narwhals too?
@David Absolutely. Especially with garlic
I weep for reddit
it used to be a cutting-edge place to discuss global trends and changes in science and technology
now it's like digg... but worse
I'm going to sell entropy on the internet. I'll base if of the stream of data coming from the Lounge<C++>
this code takes forever to compile! My attention span gave out, I wandered around SO for a long time, came back, and it's still not done.
Mooing: precompiled headers, lol
@MooingDuck Interesting. So, you're compiling a spirit grammar, then?
@David my projects compile fast. It's only when I have to make sure I didn't break other projects that I lose my mind
@David Doesn't help with TMP
@sehe no, just C++ code where they include everything, in each of the 100ish cpp files in each project.
@MooingDuck Oh. PCH. And header hygiene
alright, it was only 10 minutes. But it felt like forever
We should tackle Chanlder on that clang based header optimizer he talked about at GoingNative 2012
@sehe I don't have that kind of time to invest :/
@sehe seriously, I want that
@MooingDuck (a) what kind of time (b) I never said you should do anything
@sehe the time to change bits of this to PCH, and add header hygiene.
@MooingDuck See (b)
@sehe you implied it (You seem irritable)
@MooingDuck No. (Yes)
9 mins ago, by Mooing Duck
@sehe > (Everybody's guesses will merely confuse the matter)
4 mins ago, by sehe
@MooingDuck Oh. PCH. And header hygiene
^ That was just to 'correct' for my earlier restraint at someone suggesting PCH blindly. It doesn't always apply. After your explanation, I reverted my scepsis, saying "Oh." - in that case...
D:\media\music\general\BT\BT 1997 - Escm
That never implies work for anyone :)
i found electronic music -- is that bad or?
@CheersandhthAlf Eeeeeck. You are posting. Windows. Paths. Local. Windows. Paths
@CheersandhthAlf So... Is it by British Telecom, then?
are you saying you don't know how to use the path?
Brian Transeau I think (says Windows Mediaplayer)
@CheersandhthAlf You tell me how to use it. I can create a file by that name (in my home folder, or in /tmp e.g.). You try that.
@ajmacedo: unusual avatar
oh you just click it. you know
troll on
@CheersandhthAlf Using that music as a background to Kate Gregory talking C++ is.... weirdly psychedelic
actually in the old days you could trick people into thinking you had access to their computer just by embedding a local path in a web page, like C:\\.. well now you probably have to do file://c:/ or something
@CheersandhthAlf and in the slightly less old days, you had file://C:/bla/bla.txt
@sehe, I mentioned PCH ironically, but nvm
@David :)
out of curiosity, how commonplace is it to put accessor/mutator methods for fields (i.e. "properties") in the header class declaration instead of in the cpp file using the class::scope resolution operator?
I do it, only because it means less typing
@David With me: ubiquitous. But at work: probably never, because it just underlines that you don't need the accessors
@David it's not. it's not common to provide getters/setters in C++. re providing definitions in header file it's an all or nothing usually: either you're going for header-only modules, or you're doing separate compilation
e.g., many Boost sub-libraries are header-only
well, accessors/mutators are all about good class encapsulation
and also because many field members (especially in Win32) have cryptic names
@David but 95% of the time it's just typing for no purpose
@David precisely. If you use them for that, no sense in exposing them. You couldn't actually change the implementation if it was publicly visible (requiring recompile/redistribution)
my understanding is that unless you're using COM or the newfangled WinRT Metadata stuff, you can only redistribute C++ classes in source-form
so I don't see how that's a concern
and COM mandates the use of accessors/mutators anyway
@David How so? Of course that's oversimplified/overstated
@David that's not right at all
please, educate me
There is a core of truth there, it is hard/tricky to distribute libraries in reliable form. However, it is perfectly possible on any platform, as long as you can mandate an ABI (compiler/library versions used)
that just complicates things - and if you're going to be strict about an ABI then you're going to make disassembly of your software easier - I fail to see a compelling business case advantage over source-form redistribution
unless you've filled your methods with vtable calls
at which point my IDA-fu breaks down and I cry
@David you don't have to give out your source. That's an advantage
@David and you only have to be strict about the ABI at the boundry, nowhere else.
hmm, I'll give you that
out of curiosity, how does compile-time linkage with Win32 work then?
hmm, they're just C-style function exports, not classes, so I imagine that's different
MFC and ATL are both source-form, right?
@David wut? you've 'filled' methods with 'vtable calls'? What does reverse engineering have to do with anything, here?
@David They're both hybrid
@David they come in both source and executable forms.
@sehe, reverse-engineering vtable calls within methods is a lot harder
For MFC, the bulk is in dynamically linked libraries
For ATL, the ATL Server Components are binary
@David So, i don't get what it has to do with not being able to distribute binary libraries.
@MooingDuck But for MFC, the source is just for reference. It is an old fashioned SDK with headers, import libs and proper DLLs. ATL, on the other hand has always been largely header-only IIRC
@sehe, I was arguing that you don't distribute source to keep secrets, but certain native binaries are fairly easy to disassemble back into C-like code. However obfuscation attempts like excessive vtable calls (and polymorphic code, too) frustrate these attempts
@David There are many, many more valid reasons distribute binaries. Note that distributing binaries is something else than 'not distributing source'
@David Make them self extracting, selfmodifying and authenticating. Then add debugger detection hooks. That's about it, really, all you can do. Software tamper proofing of reverse engineering protection is an unrelated topic, IMO
@CheersandhthAlf That reminded me of this question, BTW:
Q: why can't delete the file?

37336792I am the root user of the system there is a file: D:\XAMPP\htdocs\magento_41\magento\ which is under htdocs directory. when in [root@localhost htdocs] i use rm -rf D:\XAMPP\htdocs\magento_41\magento\. it can't remove this file. how to delete it? thank you.

It took me forever to find. In the end, google found it for me
oh, apache server
it was probably running?
what's "magento"?
@sehe Have you tried Unlocker? It does wonders :)
@MihaiTodor IDA and OllyDbg work enough wonders for me. I bet there are tools that make things even easier (but I'll use them when it becomes my everyday job)
@CheersandhthAlf A over-engineered PHP online-store & CRM. Makes me cringe when I remember digging through it's code...
@sehe Of course. I'm glad you managed to fix it, because I know how annoying it can get :)
ok i've understood i should learn ruby on rails or a python thing
@MihaiTodor Basically what I do is let the loader do it's thing, dump the image to a file and start from there. There is an extension in Olly for that, that I'd probably need to find again should I 'need' it again

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