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It's always been there. :P
@daknok_t Yeah, that. Good. Can we unpin that message then?
That's a good idea, but I can't.
> 17. S V S R sbi 20 Feb 2012 added a link to the acronym page
@daknok_t Ha, what do you know about "always"? That wiki page is a very recent invention. Before that we had a bookmark to a lengthy column of messages, posted by me. In the beginning, I was even posting everything on one message.
@RMartinhoFernandes I was almost suspecting this. I'm not a robot, though. Compared to mine, even your RAM is perfect.
@sbi *since the first time I opened that page.
@daknok_t Yeah, recently. I already said so.
A: Multiple threads adding values in a unordered_map at the same time makes it crash

GregoAfter so many votes down I actually started to look for the Mutex, people were talking about here, after a while I find out that it's really simple to use. and it's the correct way as my fellows here told me. Thank you all for the help =D Here what I did, I just had to add //Declare the Mutex ...

I couldn't help but smile at this :)
It's still not perfect (exceptions => oops), but the fact that he did stop to realize everyone wasn't driving in the wrong direction makes me happy.
@sbi Any tips on how to do so?
Knives usually work nicely to make me bleed.
@RMartinhoFernandes We know that. I don't like to get stained though
It's been a long time since I actually used Firefox, what happened to their version numbering? Last time I was on 3.something
They switched to a Chrome-ish thingy.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah, so they didn't want to look 'dead' with <12 version numbers :)
It's still at 11!
I noticed it with Thunderbird too, but kind of forgot.
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh, yes, but that will only take 2 weeks or so :)
Anyways, installation is complete, so reboot time again
Fully Function FireFox is kinda Fun during Finstallations
In one job I was working at in the late 90s, I once asked the boss to have a look at my machine (presumably to make a decision about the program) while I was debugging the project we were working at. This was BCB on a totally underpowered machine, and when debugging, executing to the next line took 10-20secs. I spent most of my days back then twiddling thumbs waiting either for the compiler or the debugger. The boss was pretty patient until the IDE crashed (too little memory) 20mins into the show, and I had to start all over.
Eeek. I got a rather ominous message during boot ('Error: sparse file not allowed'). I'm guessing it has to do with my using Btrfs for root
What's a spare file?
@RMartinhoFernandes fixed :)
@sbi Cool story. I'm afraid the situation isn't bad enough. I cannot do the analogous obvious thing. However, I can vouch that I use git locally, because the version control is just too goddamn slow to be used for anything
Probably something to do with compression, as I would expect a spare file to come in handy wherever deflating is involved.
It could be something used to replace flat files.
My collegue has subverted the system by doing 'milestone' crossovers during the weekend (working ilegally from home) just so the process can be a bit less unreliable and the waiting is less annoying
@LucDanton lol
@sehe In another job, I got a trial version of IncrediBuild (for distributed builds with VS), and got all the Windows developers hooked to it within two days. When the trial period was over, I managed to get another one out of Xoreax, and then another one, and by then everybody was so addicted to the thing, and singing its praise to the boss, calculating his net gain by using it for him, that he couldn't help but pay significant money to get it.
@sehe One day that guy is bound to make an error while doing that, and then they'll simply hang him for doing something illegal, totally disregarding that he kept the company going this way.
Whenever programmers start to do illegal things in order to circumvent the shortcomings of the tools handed to them, it's time to either switch to better tools, or to a better job, if the former isn't flying with management.
@sbi To be honest, I have 'conferred' with the responsible systems guy of the client. He actually mentioned to me that the cases have eSata (making SSD feasilble without tampering with the casing).
@sehe Did I mention you will need to learn this for yourself? :)
@sbi You sure did.
I like to think I did this before, though. I don't work overtime, unless I'm absolutely motivated myself. Which is: pretty much never since I got kids (in the last 6 years now). I do get annoyed when I don't get done what I wanted, but I still don't go into the office earlier.
Look at this guy. He's driving 80miles whenever he needs to download something to compensate for the inability of the company he's working for to provide decent Internet access.
In practice, I only take my work home, when there isn't any real pressure to do so (otherwise, it'd feel like a burden)
@sbi Lol, I remember seeing that one before. There are several similar in vein on programmers SE
@RMartinhoFernandes Yep. Burning his own gas and putting wear on his own car.
As I said, once you start with compensating for your employer's failures, it's all one slippery slope downhill until you're paying the guy for letting you do his work.
@sbi his own car?
He's in California? $6000 a month for 9Mbps? WTF.
@sehe There's nothing to indicate that they equipped him with even an USB stick for that, let alone a car.
@RMartinhoFernandes: It's probably because in lots of places there's almost literally zero competition for ISPs
@sbi Oh, I'm not going to be so sad. I could be with another client any day, I happen to like the fact that the commute is only 30 minutes. That was a very very very welcome relief
@RMartinhoFernandes He explains it in a comment. Lemme dig.
@Insilico In the US? Wow.
@RMartinhoFernandes: Well, there are multiple ISPs
Actually there are lots
Just that in a given local neighborhood
There might be only 1 or 2 ISPs
So those living there have little choice
Q: What are some options for transfering large files without using the Internet?

Kyle Lowrycommented: @Mechanical snail - Yeah, it's crazy. The whole area where my employer is used to be owned by Boeing & the US military. When they consolidated their property (i.e. moved out of some buildings), it developed into a manufacturing and business district. I can only imagine that it costs so much because the ISPs business rates in this area are based on the big bucks that Boeing and the military were able to afford - or something like that.

Hmm, I guess I'm spoiled by being used to every ISP having full national coverage here.
(You know, small country and shit)
@RMartinhoFernandes: That's definitely not the case here
ISP price competition is fierce.
Around where my parents live the only real option for Internet is Time Warner and of course with almost no competition they feel they can do whatever the hell they want
I guess I gotta go to bed now. I had three beers while re-watching Winter's Bone, and between the film and the alcohol I am quite devastated.
@RMartinhoFernandes Same here.
Here's it's almost like "there's always a cheaper fish"
@sbi Good night.
@RMartinhoFernandes I would love to be able to say that for everywhere in the U.S.
But it's a hit-and-miss at best
@sbi night
@sbi: Nite
I feel bad for making Phantom Menace references.
They're making a 3D version of Star Wars: Phantom Menance for some stupid reason
Turning a 2D movie into a 3D movie does not make it less shitty
Anyway, I can link to this: darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0208.html
Now I don't feel so bad.
@Insilico Does it make it shitty?
@sehe: Not necessarily
But it doesn't automatically make it The Best Movie Ever
3D is one of those things where if you want a movie in good 3D it has got to be filmed in 3D in the first place
@Insilico I don't think anyone will claim that, not even George Lucas. I do do think it is a safe bet that there is a sufficiently large fanbase for SW films to warrant making a 3D version of anyone of them (business wise)
@Insilico I thought you meant a remake
@Insilico And on top of being filmed in 3D, it also helps to be a good movie.
@sehe No, it's just a "remastering" or something.
@sehe: No, it's definitely not a remake
They're basically rerendering the entire movie in 3D
However that works
@Insilico they define the z plane at a fixed depht 'behind' the monitor surface. Job done
@sehe: Like I said, if you want a movie in good 3D... :-)
@Insilico Actually, we just watched Tangled 3D (Rapunzel) earlier tonight. That is a very very well made 3D animation film
Yeah, animation films have it easy.
@sehe: Well, it's good 3D because the source material is 3D.
@Insilico That doesn't follow
The principal photography of Phantom of Menance was filmed in 2D, so if they want 3D they got to put that in manually
@sehe: Animated films are relatively easy to remake in 3D because they modeled and animated the thing in 3D in the first place on a computer
I've not seen another 3D animation film with quite the same impact. That included Toy Story and Shrek movies. But, I haven't seen much yet. Partly it is down to Tangled just being a good movie, and the 3D accentuating the class it already had
Then they pushed the 3D animation to a bunch of computers to render it into 2D.
@Insilico I think I understand that
unless it's hand-drawn Anime
@Mysticial 3D anime, of course :)
@sehe: I wasn't talking about the quality of the movie itself
I'm just talking about the 3D part of it
You can have an excellent movie done in shitty 3D
@sehe I'd have to go to Japan to see any 3D anime. And I'd have to learn Japanese to enjoy it...
@Mysticial They don't have usenet there?
And of course conversely you can have a not-so-good movie done in very-well-done 3D
(oh, you'd still need to learn japanese)
I'm not aware of any subgroups that do 3D anime (if it even exists)
@Mysticial: 3D doesn't seem "anime-like" to me
@WTP: Hi
@Insilico they've done 3D hologram concerts in Japan...
@Mysticial: of anime characters?
I've only heard of the Miku hologram concert.
Holograms are cool.
@Insilico yes and no. The drawing style rings '2d' to me too, but the stylisms of motion and exaggerations calls for very powerful use of 3D, IMO
@sehe: Right, and I'm sure they used 3D to make more of the complicated effects too
But the whole thing done in 3D? Doesn't seem like something you can pull off without losing the whole anime iconography
@Insilico oh that's the beauty of animation: you can create it any which way you want
Then again I would love to see 3D anime done well
There is no law that says objects in a 3d movie must be lifelike
@sehe: I don't think anybody can claim that anime/manga is lifelike. :-P
@sehe Like seriously... In 2D Anime, nobody has the same hair color unless they run out of colors. Most have storylines in Japan - and what color hair do the Japanese (Asians in general) usually have? :-P
*not counting when half the population dyes their hair...
hi all!
@Mysticial I think it's black hair
@Mysticial Pink?
Does this way is good to call Windows functions ( by getting real adrress and stdcalling it) ?


thank you !
@user1131997: It's perfectly fine to call Windows API functions via LoadLibrary()
As long as the function pointers are the correct type
(By the way you don't have to use backslashes in file paths. You can use forward slashes and it will work just fine, Windows will understand it)
@Insilico thank you
In fact if your application needs a function that's only available in the newer versions of Windows
But the function is not absolutely necessary for the app to work (so it can work on an older version of Windows just fine)
Then using LoadLibrary() is pretty much the only way to deal with that
But unless you have to, you should just statically link to the import library for the function
Have you tried to make EXE , which in its work-time changes its content?

Locking/unlokcing bytes in executing program?

I wonder, is it possible to add some file to the executing program in its execution time?
And... back on the ignore list it is!
@user1131997 No, I haven't
The closest thing to modifying the executable at runtime I've done is modifying the resource files (icons, text files, strings, etc) embedded in them
The easiest approach would be using a dynamic library compiled by the program that loads it, I guess.
@Insilico You may load lib into your exe, then make table , which will be in memory with getting of addresses of each function in this lib and call it in executable file
@user1131997: That seems like an awfully complicated way to do something that dlls and lib files do already
@Insilico but , there is a different
that lib file is into exe, and may be removed or again-inserted
with locking/unlocking bytes range, no?
self-extractive program
in its runtime
the dll and lib don't run like this
@user1131997: So it's a self-extracting program?
it has in common references to calling functions, but it can to remove itself from exe, no?
@user1131997: I'm sure you can do lots of stuff with the EXE file format (actually PE/COFF)
But I haven't found a need for something as esoteric as that
@Insilico maybe self-manipulating, which extactes not just images or resources, but another exectable
@user1131997: Sure. It's not that interesting
@Insilico maybe it would be intersting to unite exe and sys programs
make wrapper also
which wiil be in exectuable too
@user1131997: "unite exe and sys programs"?
I actually can't grok what that means
what's sys program, isn't it another binary stuff, with another header, anohter entry point etc?
The Portable Executable (PE) format is a file format for executables, object code and DLLs, used in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows operating systems. The term "portable" refers to the format's versatility in numerous environments of operating system software architecture. The PE format is a data structure that encapsulates the information necessary for the Windows OS loader to manage the wrapped executable code. This includes dynamic library references for linking, API export and import tables, resource management data and thread-local storage (TLS) data. On NT operating systems, ...
Anything that executes code on Windows follows the PE format
So .exe, .dll, etc. are all PE files
> On NT operating systems, the PE format is used for EXE, DLL, SYS (device driver), and other file types.
@Insilico try to open EXE and SYS header
even in C++ compiler
.cpl, .exe, .dll, .ocx, .sys, .scr, .drv are all Portable Executable files
for sys you need another entry point and option /NATIVE in compiler
They just have a different extension
@user1131997: But the file format is still a Portable Executable
@Insilico stop!
*sys works on ntdll.dll level, right?
@user1131997: No, I won't stop.
@user1131997: It's just a a file extension so human beings know that it's a driver
they have prefixies Zw и Nt, but not Mzh like Exe, right?
they also uses neither main nor WinMain , but NtProcessStartup()
@user1131997 Stop quoting random bits off wikipedia. It all depends. If you load a sys file with LoadLibrary, sure it will even call DllMain
if you shall try to execute program with NtProcessStartup() entry point, which has compiled as /NATIVE in C++ compiler , it would show you error, that it's not Win32 program
I can name the entry point however the hell I like. All I need to do is tell the linker "This Is The Entry Point"
If I want an entry point called "ThisIsMyEntryPointPleaseCallThis()" I can do so
@sehe DllMain(), it has but NtProcesses, how would you work with Win32 functions with non-win32?
The main()/WinMain()/DllMain()/NtProcessStartup() is just a convention
Win32 != Native

There are both Win32 API and NativeAPI in Windows, no?
They are not equal
@RMartinhoFernandes HeresMyHintPleaseDontComeBack()
they also have another functions for memory allocating
@user1131997 Why are you trying to tell us all those things? Clearly we're too stupid. So why don't you move on to greener pastures and find yourself some pupils who actually want to learn
@user1131997: That's irrelevant. All files that contain executable code follow the PE format under Windows. There's no real fundamental difference between EXE and SYS files.
they have even different headers, different entrypoints and different call in OS m they are calling from different places

So , the rules for SYS and EXE are not equal , right?

If there was no different , why not to unite Native API and Win32 API? And why SYS drivers don't use VirtaualAlloc() etc, but NtAllocateVirtualMemory (ZwAllocateVirtualMemory) ?
@user1131997: No, they have the same headers. Open up an .exe file and a .sys file in a hex editor and you see they start with "MZ" and have the strings "This program cannot run in DOS mode" strings, etc.
They have different entry points, yes, but I could do that for any of my applications, so it's not unique to SYS files
Instruction prefetching tells me I have some NOPs ahead. Good night.
@RMartinhoFernandes Hey hey. Those get pipelined well. Be sure to down volt and safe the environment
Well, this was goddamn, I've just witnessed something out of Cobra 11 on my way home.
@DomagojPandža ?
The reason why there's a Native API and a Windows API is because some programs need to run without the Windows subsystem, like certain key OS components
@RMartinhoFernandes: Nite.
A car with drunk teenagers from a local club was going for the city, at ~150 km/h, hit the side of the road and went out of control, rolling over into someone's back yard.
@Insilico I have tried to open tcpip.sys in SciTi text editor , no success ))))
I was the first responder, I'm so happy those assholes are alive.
@DomagojPandža Ouch. Not a nice sight
Dealing with dead bodies is not my thing.
@DomagojPandža They are!?
Yeah, one of them was transported to the hospital and the other one had the audacity to bitch about possible loss of his license.
@Insilico But they also uses function in lower level, if you see Windows Architecture, *.sys drivers load firslty and the Win32 Envrieonment is jsut one of the modules
Only yesterday I had been looking through that corner or youtube
Damn idiot doesn't know how lucky he is. If I had been a bit faster, I would've greeted the fucking asshole head on. I have a new outlook on life.
@DomagojPandža Another reason to stay lazy. Or do you reckon that the 'not be faster' recipe isn't deterministic?
@user1131997: Yes, .exe files have a dependency on the Windows API, and .sys files don't. That's not any different than programs having a dependency on MFC or ATL or Qt or GTK
And I looked the other way when his father came to take the blame (the boy was DUI)
@DomagojPandža So, you bitched right back about the possible loss of your life when he started about his license?
Nah, I was out of it. More than him, which fascinated me.
@DomagojPandža Why. Do you want the boy to kill someone else?
*.sys drivers always uses function with Nt prefix in it even for memory management, also there is different threads models for Win32 and Nt
@DomagojPandža Guess that explains. Partly
@user1131997: That is a convention. I can name my .sys file something else and it'll work just fine
they are launching even from different levels and places, where *sys loads at first at lower level
@Insilico cause Windows has reserves files like for tcpip.sys, netio.sys and else
which are hidden by deafult
Again, it's just a convention. I can rename any of my .exe files generated by the Visual C++ compiler as .sys and the OS will execute them just fine
This video feels so similar, damn children, what the hell goes through their heads?
I am partly between pissed off and happy I'm alive.
@Insilico .net files also has *.exe and *.dll extensions, but they are not PE, they have CLR-metadata

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