I started striving to write the math in markdown, deriving the update formula for the OP. Meanwhile someone else posted an answer without explanation and with the code in Python. Argh.
I would like to optimize a part of my program where I'm calculating the sum of Binomial Coefficients up to K. i.e.
C(N,0) + C(N,1) + ... + C(N,K)
Since the values go beyond the data type (long long) can support, I'm to calculate values mod M and was looking for procedures to do that. Curren...
It was extra frustrating because I knew this answer intimately, since it was about first things I did in programming, about 1980, displaying Pascal's triangle in Basic, without using auxiliary array.
I usually don't click the "Show answers posted while you were writing" banner. I prefer to post my answer anyway and delete it afterwards if it is truly redundant. Leads to a lot less frustation. At least for me.
Okay, Can someone please tell me how to deal with the end of line? What is it saved into the character array as when reading in a file character by character?
@daknøk no, HTML apps in Windows do not involve proprietary stuff (unless you put it there), needs no installation, etc. They are clean and simple. Just what george appears to need.
@RMartinhoFernandes Just try it out. Well there is a custom tag you can use to get rid of scrollbars (I think it was). But you can just use standard HTML and CSS and JavaScript, with access to all that can be scripted of the Windows API.
@CheersandhthAlf Can't try out now. No Windows installed. I need to pirate it first to be able download the genuine Windows ISO, so I won't do it any time soon.
@CheersandhthAlf It takes values for .txt , makes calculations, and appears the results in command line. Now I want to have boxes for the inputs and boxes for the outputs.
@oorosco good, that means your program is a C++ source file, now, whatever IDE you are using, check if the compiler it is using is set up correctly, or there at all
@oorosco no, its not an issue with your source (I'm pretty sure), but that it can't find the import libraries for the C++ program itself: "Line 46: error: fstream: No such file or directory" I would like to know why it says line 46
@oorosco argv[0] is whatever string was used to launch your process. That's commonly the name of the executable, sometimes with a path, sometimes without. It can also be an alias, or have various links involved
Cyc is an artificial intelligence project that attempts to assemble a comprehensive ontology and knowledge base of everyday common sense knowledge, with the goal of enabling AI applications to perform human-like reasoning.
The project was started in 1984 by Douglas Lenat at MCC and is developed by company Cycorp.
Parts of the project are released as OpenCyc, which provides an API, [http://sw.opencyc.org/ RDF endpoint], and data dump under an open source license.
The project was started in 1984 as part of Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation. The objective was ...
Hey quick question, if i have an array of pointers to objects say: object *name = new object[size]; and i set object *pointer = object[element]; would the act of setting the pointer object[element] effect pointer?
@oorosco If you used new object[size] then yes, it's an array of object, not an array of object*. You'd use something like new object*[size] for the latter (or more realistically, std::vector<object*>).