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Okay, so, that boxman dude? An executive assistant drew cat ears on the box, and now we have... Boxman Cat.
You: "oooh, I have a bunch of bytes here; let me look at them"
`std::cout << bytes;`
Scumbag `ostream`: "oooh, look, text!"
Backticks fail on multiple lines...
I tried it before
I need to find a line separator that the Markdown parser does not think is a line separator.
@Borgleader I know.
dives into the UCS
I haven't quite followed development of Ogonek. Is it already usable?
Usable for what?
@Zoidberg'-- I get the impression it is, mostly
@R.MartinhoFernandes fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2424/index.htm seems unlikely to be helpful
@R.MartinhoFernandes Basic text manipulation and conversion between text and UTF-8.
@Zoidberg'-- between "text and utf-8"?
Well I might want to store text on disk or send it over the wire.
You'll need to serialize it in some way.
(I think?)
LINE SEPARATOR does not work in FF; NEXT LINE does not work in FF; oh look, there's a REVERSE LINE FEED, WTF; PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR does not work in FF; FORM FEED does not work in FF; VERTICAL TAB does not work in FF. Fuck this.
@Zoidberg'-- depends on the encoding of text. UTF-8 is (one form of) text
@Zoidberg'-- That works.
@R.MartinhoFernandes FF is shit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's nice. :^)
@EtiennedeMartel To be honest, I doubt anyone cares about those.
They are all not recommended.
Most software ignores them.
@R.MartinhoFernandes FF is still shit.
Chrome does not have font fallback.
Chrome is made by Google. Google gives free blowjobs.
I found a button in the sandbox labeled [do not click this]. Of course I clicked it. "You must be logged in to chat"
I might be a security nightmare
@MooingDuck Text is decoded form
Internally, it might be UTF-8, but it's not relevant
@MooingDuck UTF-8 is a way to serialize/store text.
So "text and UTF-8" is two different things
And it's important to keep them separate
I have such a guy at work.
<nightmare> Oooops...
<programmer> What did you break this time?
@Zoidberg'-- Why are you telling me this?
@CatPlusPlus does "text" really exist in a computer then? Or are you just saying that UTF32 is "text".
@R.MartinhoFernandes muh I clicked the wrong arrow by accident.
I'm saying the internals of text are not important
It's an abstract thing
Encoded text is a bytestream
@MooingDuck Do "numbers" really exist in a computer? Or are you saying that little endian bytes are "numbers"?
Then you can talk about whether it's encoded with UTF-x or whatever
But text is just text
The "text" is the interpretation we give it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's my point. He's saying we should be serializing numbers to little endian.
@MooingDuck Who is saying that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes zoidberg, and cat is arguing his point
Also, nothing wrong with serializing numbers to little endian (assuming that is the desired format).
When you're serialising number then yes, you need to consider endianness
@R.MartinhoFernandes I checked. Exact wording was he wants to "convert between text and UTF8". I guess it does make sense in that context, where if the text was already in UTF8 the conversion simply makes no transformation.
Yes, but it doesn't matter how text is represented internally
@MooingDuck well if the text is internally stored as UTF-8, and I tell it to convert to UTF-8, the conversion would do nothing.
If it happens to be UTF-8 and conversion happens to be no-op, it's an implementation detail
text my_text; // I don't care how it's stored internally.
to_utf8_string(my_text); // Returns UTF-8 string
Can any one answer it please
"This post has been edited 3 times since you began" thanks a lot SO.
Dude, that question is one minute old.
@SoulEnrapturer no,
Why do people always ask questions about WAV here?
1 message moved to bin
No, get out
@MooingDuck din't get ya,you don't wanna answer me or is it the answer of my question
Do you really think he read the question?
@Zoidberg'-- Well I hope so
Hint: no
@CatPlusPlus oh no no no no ;-(
Plz If any one does know about it tell me...I am already stuck in my project nad this is another one
Check revision history
I'm with GManNickG, guy should be banned
@SoulEnrapturer we don't know shit about WAV, sorry.
@SoulEnrapturer Why would we know stuff about wuff?
@SoulEnrapturer we're lounging and under no obligation to help you. Stop begging please
@FredOverflow coz u r programmers
We are Haskell programmers (and a bit C++ here and there), not musicians.
I m not begging
Get out and come back after you learn to type like an adult
We still won't be able to answer his WAV questions though.
@SoulEnrapturer chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/6828244#6828244 looks like begging to me. Shoo.
I thought there might be some audio processing genius sitting around
> This account is temporarily suspended for rule violations. The suspension period ends on Sep 16 '15 at 19:26.
@SoulEnrapturer pro tip: loungecpp.wikidot.com/owners:asking-questions (I'm serious)
Holy motherfucking tittyfruits!
Sensitive snowflakes
Quick question - is it forbidden to answer his question when cat says we don't know?
@MooingDuck He was. For more than two years.
I'm the king
@yetihehe lol
Rules are there to be broken, so @yetihehe go ahead.
(All I care about is not shitting up chat with these questions)
Then, answer to your question, @SoulEnrapturer is: Yes
Answer it on SO
If it's not closed and downvoted to oblivion yet
@yetihehe could you please view the details of the question and answer there.
Doing that ATM.
Why are you doing ATMs? ATMs are for getting cash, not for sex.
Don't judge man
You can pay cash to have sex.
At This Moment
We know. Not that that would ever stop us from making silly jokes.
Oh, carry on then.
Rage Against the Automated Teller Machine
@SoulEnrapturer it's answered
right on cue :)
@yetihehe wait for my comment
@CatPlusPlus Erm. Objections! I'm the large cat here, I'm King!
I very much dislike how Excel uses the clipboard.
I very much dislike Excel. - FTFY
@MooingDuck Oh man, yeah, that is sooooo fucking annoying.
Deleting a cell should not clear the clipboard. Inserting a row should not clear the clipboard.
It is completely fucked up.
@TonyTheLion I love excel. Just hate that "feature".
Doesn't it do the whole multiple clipboards thing?
@MooingDuck oh right
Excel isn't bad
^ history is being written.
@CatPlusPlus It doesn't even do one clipboard thing right
@CatPlusPlus mine doesn't seem to
Gangnam Style has 1,002,046,450 views..
Is that like the mostest ever?
Yep, even better than Justin Beaver.
@kbok is Justin Beaver? :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes youtube.com/charts/videos_views?gl=US&t=a says yes.
Oh 1 billion
Cat fails at numbers
guys what's the winter bash thing
tf2 stackexchange edition
@JohannesSchaub-litb similar to bounties but you get hats that you can put on your avatar.
I am no longer winning :/
I'm always winning
@yetihehe huh, wierd
Adam Savage ‏@donttrythis
Good morning December 21st! Today the world didn't end. Today I busted a myth merely by waking up. Wish it was this easy all the time.
Oh Adam...
oh lol
you can post tweets in here.. to one-box them
@Borgleader That is wrong. He only busted the myth that the world did not end on previous day, and during the time he was asleep.
1 hour ago, by Etienne de Martel
Stop being right. It's annoying.
Still have to figure out why Alf's code crashes... >.>; It definitely has to do with the fact that it's static...
but first, LoL game
Damn you bitbucket and you fancy stuffs. "UAX #44" (meaning Unicode Annex 44) gets rendered as "UAX <<issue 44>>" with a link to a nonexistent issue in the issue tracker.
@Borgleader You have to say Cheers and Hope That Helps - Alf before compiling it.
Real men keep their porn folder in the desktop in plain sight.
@R.MartinhoFernandes There should be an escape or something
@CatPlusPlus Tried backslash, which does prevent the magicking, but ends up in the rendered output.
@CatPlusPus I am sorry i din't read the rules..thats y asked blindly
@SoulEnrapturer we know
@SoulEnrapturer now bring up an interesting topic :D
Well whats interesting than music?
Hmm, it appears my text comparison is non-conforming :/
@SoulEnrapturer lighting!
Any one who wishes talking on it is welcomed
@R.MartinhoFernandes non-conforming?
@MooingDuck The Unicode standard sets forth some conformance requirements.
Meh I want static if.
@MooingDuck lighting?din't get ya..my english is very bad
I'm checking the list, but I just learned that bidi controls, like the RTLO and friends, are supposed to be ignored for all effects except displaying text in a bidi fashion.
That's gonna mess up the code.
@SoulEnrapturer lights and colors and stuff
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...what were you doing with them in the comparison? Seems like that should simplify code...
@MooingDuck I normalize both sides and just compare the normalized forms (with std::equal).
@SoulEnrapturer where are you from?
Now I need to normalize and remove the bidi controls, or normalize and compare skipping the bidi controls.
@MooingDuck I am from Pakistan
@Rapptz rofl
You're trying to make me buy Borderlands
@MooingDuck sorry it was for @yetihehe
evil robot
@yetihehe I am from Pakistan
I know already :)
@MooingDuck well don't know about colors much...I am used to draw in black n white
Fuck I forgot to reactivate my skill queue in EVE
Aaaa 24 hours lost aaaa
@CatPlusPlus oh no!
@Mooing what is it?
@SoulEnrapturer it's what we call "amusing"
@MooingDuck I m not amused but the amusement park has well formatted words
@yetihehe Thanks for help
@all Bye I m gonna take some rest...got my university timing early at 8
@SoulEnrapturer You're welcome, I was bored
@yetihehe bored ov?
Bored generally, as in "had nothing better to do today"
@yetihehe I have some interesting innovative projects in my mind--I'll talk about them later
bye for now
I have enough innovative projects at work for about 2-3 years
@yetihehe no problem man--I was just asking if any one wanted to participate is welcome
Good luck
So you give us ideas and we make them for you? Doesn't sound exciting
I finished Hitman: Absolution
@DeadMG Congrats!
That was fast.
A very long game
@DeadMG I started Oblivion this weekend ;-)
coulda taken longer about it
but truth be told, I kinda agree with the reviews- they screwed this one up
So you just gunned everyone down
the disguises are way too ineffective- it's almost impossible to maintain them now
and, for some reason I am unable to fathom, I am a ridiculously good shot
plus, the silenced pistols are way overpowered- you can practically murder people in the middle of a crowd and get away with it
@MooingDuck Ah, turns out I misread stuff.
@DeadMG Sounds fun!
Yay, my code is ok.
@DeadMG So you can shoot people in the foot without anyone else noticing? :)
@FredOverflow No, the head.
I actually earned quite a few awards for my incessant headshotting
@StackedCrooked not sure about avoid setters, favor immutible value types
I cannot ignore bidi controls when testing canonical equivalence because canonically equivalent sequences cannot be treated differently by any process.
did I mention it lays on the Bullet Time kinda thick?
really, it tripped in the dark and forgot it wasn't Max Payne
@MooingDuck keep in mind that the word 'favor' allows some leniency.
> use tracer bullets
@StackedCrooked 0. don't be dumb
@StackedCrooked "After calling this function, caller must also do X", and "Caller must have done X before calling this function" should not exist.
@StackedCrooked You duplicated the rule about duplication
"use tracer bullets."
@MooingDuck Ah yes.
@yetihehe lol
> favor unsigned integers.
"avoid else branches"?
I don't think this belongs there.
I never like them ints.
what is "law-of-demeter"?
Do you like unexpected behaviour because of wraparound?
"a little duplication is ok" why is that there?
The Law of Demeter (LoD) or Principle of Least Knowledge is a design guideline for developing software, particularly object-oriented programs. In its general form, the LoD is a specific case of loose coupling. The guideline was invented at Northeastern University towards the end of 1987, and can be succinctly summarized in one of the following ways: * Each unit should have only limited knowledge about other units: only units "closely" related to the current unit. * Each unit should only talk to its friends; don't talk to strangers. * Only talk to your immediate friends. The fundamental no...
@MooingDuck It's the result of brainstorming.
Also, @DeadMG I am going to agree with you that op== for canonical equivalence is fine.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Isn't that with signed integers?
@StackedCrooked Signed integers can go below zero just fine.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thought you might.
The edges for signed integers are far away and not as common as the edges for unsigned integers (0!).
Objects are overrated
Templates are cool
I will die a happy man if main becomes a member function template of a class template
If you use unsigned integers you cannot write a subtraction without thinking carefully.
I just use double for everything. Hello JavaScript!
@R.MartinhoFernandes You cannot write good C++ programs without thinking carefully
However, I find that unsigned is more often the right choice than int.
@yetihehe That's a non-starter. I can write addition and subtraction just fine without putting much thought on it.
In fact, I spend most of the time writing code with the explicit goal of having to think less.
Then you can write a subtraction using unsigned ints without thinking carefully.
No, that you cannot.
you can
When I was starting out I sometimes shot me in the foot with unsigned. However, that doesn't seem to happen anymore. (I can't remember the last time.)
unsigned int a=0; unsigned int b=1; cout << a-b;
I didn't think carefully and I wrote it down
@yetihehe Is that UB?
I remember last time, it was about week ago
@yetihehe You're not the fastest CPU in the server farm.
@StackedCrooked No.
It's implementation defined
@R.MartinhoFernandes Which UB were you talking about?
It's well defined.
It's (2^N)-1 where N is the number of bits in unsigned.
@Borgleader What do you mean?
@StackedCrooked accidents happen when giving -1 to something expecting an unsigned.
@StackedCrooked UB is not the problem.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, you said "unexpected behavior". My bad.
The problem is accidentally getting huge numbers out of innocent-looking code.
@yetihehe You're not the fastest zergling in the control group? Not the pencil in the pencil box? I'm running out of versions of this expression xD
Ok, why?
@R.MartinhoFernandes But isn't (2^N)-1 basically the same as -1? Unless you print it to the console, of course :)
Q: String addition or subtraction operators

sg552How to add or subtract the value of string? For example: std::string number_string; std::string total; cout << "Enter value to add"; std::getline(std::cin, number_string; total = number_string + number_string; cout << total; This just append the string so t...

@yetihehe I was teasing you about your unsigned substraction error
It was written this way on purpose
I think there's something unhappy growing in one of my scabs
it's kinda black and hairy
I said "you CAN write substraction without thinking carefully"
what results you get without thinking is another matter
The same with programming
How do you guys make clickable in-line code?
You CAN write c++ without thinking, you can't write GOOD c++ without thinking
@Rapptz clickable code?
@MooingDuck this code with a link
[` this code ` ](with a link?) -> this code
that isn't code, I meant backticked code
hey all
wait, I could have sworn that workeed
whats up?
@javac a direction
@ScottW requires http://
@javac Just regular Java and PHP hatred, nothing special.
or sky
yeah that works cool :D
At least I'm not alone. I remember Luc mentioning that this is an old debate.
what is a namespace?
in cpp?
(sorry if its nooby, i'm learning cpp)
like package in java
@StackedCrooked Well, to summarize, my point is that unsigned requires more care to be done right, and that is why I wouldn't recommend favouring it.
@javac you mean what is it for or what does it look like?
That seems like fault tolerance. Kind of sloppy imo.
whats it for?
And add to that the fact that C++ is very promiscuous between the two.
@javac categorizing code reguardless of the file(s) it resides in
now i get it

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