yeah- you could encapsulate the include as something that's private to the module, so no macro leakage or anything like that, but you could still use macros from headers
Most of the inventors of major programming languages were either Danish, Swedish, or Norwegian, and they all have a lot of eminence in the field. Is there a historical or economic significance to this, or merely a very strange coincidence?
Not that this is a good or bad thing, except I'm just re...
Aesthetically I prefer function references to function pointers, but the decay rules make pointers more practical. Function rvalue references are just nuts.
Is struct base { virtual ~base() = default; }; struct derived: base { ~derived() = default; }; supposed to work? GCC says it's not and I'm having a hard time tracking the relevant parts in n3242.
I'm trying to find the details to better understand this
@Potatoswatter In my concrete case I get a further error because my declaration (with noexcept) doesn't match the implicit declaration, which is needed to default the destructor in the first declaration.
So now I'm looking why my destructor is marked noexcept(false)