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8:00 AM
:47074 "should" is a fun word :-)
@Gman, yes but can I just paste in here?
:47074 §18.7.1 if you want to get sexy with it.
@Tony: Yup. In its own message, paste your code, click the fixed-font toggle, and send.
In a few minutes apparently, lol.
std::string XMLDocument::GetXMLAttribute(const std::string& attrib)
	rootelement = document->getDocumentElement();
	boost::shared_ptr<DOMNodeIterator> itera (document->createNodeIterator(rootelement, DOMNodeFilter::SHOW_ALL, NULL, true));
	for(DOMNode* current = itera->nextNode(); current != 0; current = itera->nextNode())
		if (current->hasAttributes())
			DOMNamedNodeMap* map = current->getAttributes();
			std::wstring ws (attrib.begin(), attrib.end());
			const wchar_t* wch = ws.c_str();
@Gman boost::shared_ptr<DOMNodeIterator> itera (document->createNodeIterator(rootelement, DOMNodeFilter::SHOW_ALL, NULL, true));
@GMan: it's saying you can't depend on typeid(int).name == string("int") and somesuch
8:17 AM
@GMan the line is this one: boost::shared_ptr<DOMNodeIterator> itera .....
@Roger: Alright. I think it could be made more explicit, but I think it's clear the intent is there too.
Is new (NULL) T; valid?
@Tony What does createNodeIterator return?
a pointer to a DOMNodeIteraror object
a raw pointer that is
@JamesMcNellis: if you have a new(size_t, int) overload
:47125 the standard is sometimes very vague
8:19 AM
@James: Yes. The real question you want is "can the allocation function return null?".
§5.3.4/13: "If the allocation function returns null, initialization shall not be done, the deallocation function shall not be called, and the value of the new-expression shall be null."
@Gman the DOMNodeIterator object actually provides a release function
@Tony Alright. Well I think that should be a unique_ptr, since you want the itertor to be freed within the function, right?
:47142 though the note just before that leads me to believe it's dependent on the exception specification
The non-normative note leads me to believe that...
@Roger: Ah, true.
8:23 AM
(I have no idea how compilers interpret this bit in the wild)
@Gman, yes because I do not need it any longer after that function is finished
:47138 Yeah, beginning to see that.
:47171 Then you definitely want a unique_ptr.
and should I delete the wchar_t pointer in that function, I'm guessing not as they are not explicitly called with a new operator?
Your function has unique ownership, and doesn't need to worry about anything else but freeing it.
Contrarily, use a shared_ptr when you need to worry about it being shared. (There's no sensible way to share a unique_ptr.)
is there any use of "placement new" out side of § (C++03)?
8:26 AM
@Tony The ones from getNodeName and such?
I see two uses there and one in a non-normative note in 3.2 that just points elsewhere
3.2.2 has one.
And then just what you mentioned.
8:28 AM
How does 10:30 suddenly turn into 1:30? Stack Overflow just sucks the hours away...
@Tony: Depends. Look at the docs and see if you're suppose to. (This is a hint that their code is bad. Ownership should be clear.)
@James: Latest you've been in chat, I think.
:47196 I was looking at 3.2 and read the text it said rather than where it was :(
@Roger Ah lol. I was just looking at 5.3.4 going "uh what?"
hi all
@GMan, unfortunatly ownership isn't clear from the documentation
8:34 AM
it's related to comments on stackoverflow.com/q/4030575/54262
for some reason his fifteen-hundredth cheers set me over the edge
I get an assertion error when I attempt to delete these wchar_t pointer though
oh.. i leaved the room and i still talking to permalink ...!!!
I think it might be because my stringstream still holds ownership, that possible?
@Tony: Probably shouldn't then.
@Tony No, it copies the data.
@Gman, thx a lot :à
8:35 AM
i loooooooooove C++
Np. Let's say you did need to delete them, then that needs to be done foundnode->release();. Typically, you need to do things in reverse order. That said, I don't think you need to delete them, or you wouldn't need to call release.
it's too bad the json for the global inbox doesn't contain all of deleted comments :(
(@Tony Note, you explicitly freeing something is, as usual, a code smell. That should be inside a unique_ptr. Consider if something threw an exception in between the time you got it and called release(). Removing those calls makes it easier to see program flow anyway.)
:47244 lmao, see?! So many cheers.
@GMan, you're saying my foudnode should be a unique_ptr too? I'll have to provide a deletor object then for each of these classes, as boost::interprocess::unique_ptr expects it
@Tony: Yup. You mean it doesn't have a default?
@Tony: (So to be clear, you're not using C++0x's unique_ptr?)
8:42 AM
@GMan, using boost and it doesn't have a default, because if I don't provide, the compiler generates an error that it doesn't know a unique_ptr with one template arg
perhaps I should use C++0x....
@Tony: Lame :( What compiler are you using?
MSVC 2003
Ah :/
@GMan, perhaps I can use boost scoped_ptr?
That would work too. Does it have deleters?
8:48 AM
Ha ha ha
"Teach a man to set a fire and it'll keep him warm for a day. Set him on fire on it'll keep him warm for the rest of his life."
@JamesMcNellis: Cheers and HTH,
@GMan it does not require deletor objects
Damn. Because you need to specify one.
How about use a boost::itr::unique_ptr whenever you need a custom deleter, and a boost::scoped_ptr when you don't?
For that, I could conceivably still be waiting for a "thanks".
was I too subtle in saying he said to "fuck off" and was still wrong?
Q: keep the track of placement delete against placement new

max_devHi, I am developing a tool like memory leak detector. I can track the placement new but how can i track the placement delete. I did a lot of R & D and i found that placement delete cant be called directly, it is called by constructor at the time of exception. So how can i keep the track of p...

9:02 AM
@GMan yes, I guess that is what I'm going to have to do, because some of these library objects have their own release functions and with these I'll need a custom deletor....
@Roger Nice scrap. Maybe a bit subtle.
@Tony: Keep in mind it's not too bad.
struct release_deleter
    template <typename T>
    void operator()(T* pPtr) const
that type of thing is why I should have a mandatory one-week off SO every month
@Roger :(
@GMan, can I call the custom object release for the objects inside that code you posted?
I want to respond, yet again, knowing I should just back away
9:07 AM
@Roger: You should start over in the conversion, pretending the previous stuff never happened (back away) yet fulfilling the conclusions.
@GMan: anyway, I think the only thing to add to parameters.hpp for now is maybe change inout to in_out...
@Roger: Why the _?
Ah. :)
If it were a keyword it would likely be inout, though.
static_assert is a keyword!
9:13 AM
@Tony Say what?
C# uses the "inout" spelling, right? it's short and I like it better
@Roger: Yeah. I mean inout specifically would be smooshed, not keywords in general.
@GMan, don't worry, you provided the right code, ignore last question
I guess that deleter would not be safe on a map right?
9:15 AM
Is there a sort of std::copy_forward?
@Tony: Why not?
:47447 what would it do?
well if release isn't implemented on the map object...
@Tony: Oh, right.
@GMan: std::copy is guaranteed to iterate forward, if that's what you mean
@Tony You want a default_delete:
template <typename T> // personally, I think this should
struct default_delete
    // go here, but this is how it is in the std
    void operator()(T* pPtr)
        // check that type is complete
        char _is_complete_type_[sizeof(pPtr)];

        delete pPtr;
@RogerPate For example:
std::array<T, 10> x;
std::array<T, 11> y;

// I want to move all elements of x into 0-9 of y:
std::copy(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin()); // hm, copies, not moves

std::copy_move(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin()); // would move each element
9:19 AM
ah, forward as in moving, not as in the opposite of backward
std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), std::move<T>)
I'd probably overload a 'move' function for it
Awesome, thanks. Also damn you for not using code ticks. :)
maybe move_many to avoid the overload
0x might have something, not familiar enough
@Gman, shall I change that is my release_deleter too, or leave it?
9:22 AM
I prefer to look at my code in variable-width fonts, you should look at my code that way too :)
Bleh. :)
where the template is....
@Tony: Up to you. I don't like having it out top, I like automatic type deduction. If you want to be consistent with how the stdlib does things, you can.
I disagree with lots of the stdlib design choices, so spit on that and move it in.
this, in particular, is an old decision; deduction is better
mmm, I like it.
You were the first person I saw ever do something like this:
#define G(NAME,OP) \
struct NAME { \
  template<class A, class B> \
  bool operator()(A const& a, B const& b) const { \
    return a OP b; \
  } \

G(equal_to     ,==)
G(not_equal_to ,!=)
G(less         ,< )
G(greater      ,> )
G(less_equal   ,<=)

#undef G
(Macro the code, use macro a few times, undef.) I do that in my code now too.
9:27 AM
yeah, I do it all the time
you just liked that it's called G
@RogerPate cool way to implement operators...
mebe :)
@Tony: it's used for classes like std::map or functions like std::sort, rather than implementing evil operator overloads
sort(begin, end, greater()), instead of the third parameter being greater<decltype(*begin)>() (or, in 03, since you had to ask, std::iterator_traits<TYPE_OF_BEGIN_COPY_PASTED>::value_type)
What does it look like in 03?
which probably needs a typename
sort(begin, end, std::greater<typename std::iterator_traits<TYPE_OF_BEGIN_COPY_PASTED>::value_type>())
kniht::greater() ftw
9:33 AM
Would it ever be possible for them to move it in?
to <functional>? no
not without breaking backwards compat
so, once we get modules/packages, then once we get automatic api versioning for them, then it could be added
ahh right. fekking modules :(
9:51 AM
@Roger: C++0x does provide a std::move(begin, end, begin), fwiw.
No forward, though.
ah, good
how would forward differ?
One sec.
I'm having a hard time thinking of a use case haha.
I was trying to write my code too generic
What I have is a container of static size, and I'm writing a function that takes that container, copies/moves its elements to a container one size larger, initializes that last new element with a specific parameter, and returns that new container.
I'm having a hard time thinking of a use case for void_function func = &foo::operator void; too :P
(just read it)
(lol) In the case I pass an rvalue to that function, I don't need to copy elements into the new container, but move them.
This is a perfect time (typically) for std::forward:
template <typename T>
void foo(T&& x)
    T y = std::forward<T>(x); // if x is an lvalue, copy; if rvalue, move
So I'm thinking, I can either copy a range or move a range, why not forward a range? That is, if my argument is temporary, forward will be the same as move, otherwise that same as copy.
you can't have a temporary [begin, end) pair
except with input iterators
(i.e. what every other language just calls 'iterators')
10:02 AM
What do you mean? (Even if it were, simpler is just:
template <typename T, std::size_t N>
void foo(const std::array<T, N>& x)
    std::array<T, N + 1> y = {};

    std::copy(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());

template <typename T, std::size_t N>
void foo(std::array<T, N>&& x)
    std::array<T, N + 1> y = {};

    std::move(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
ah, wasn't sure about that, why I said [begin, end) pair explicitly
Yeah. I was trying to combine the above into one function, but I think it's impossible.
I think you'd need a separate function, overloaded like std::forward is, to handle the loop
or... a function to return either std::move or a 1-parameter copy, then use std::transform :)
lol, yeah :)
and that can be moved into TMP
10:06 AM
There isn't an uninitialized_move or uninitialized_forward :/
hah, I remember uninitialized_*
I've never wanted to use it, until now.
I used them once, to implement a c++-like realloc(), which I never then used
(I could leave y uninitialized, then uninitialize_move/copy x's stuff into it.
lol, I hate that.
I have no idea where that code is, but it's approaching a decade old
template<class T, class InIter, class OutIter>
void forward(InIter begin, InIter end, OutIter dest) {
  copy(begin, end, dest);

template<class T, class InIter, class OutIter>
void forward<T&&>(InIter begin, InIter end, OutIter dest) {
  move(begin, end, dest);

template<typename T, std::size_t N>
void foo(std::array<T, N>&& x) {
  std::array<T, N + 1> y = {};
  forward<T>(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
how does function specialization work in 0x?
that part can be written in 03 classes, if required
10:14 AM
That makes T the value_type of the array, not whether or not the array itself is an rvalue or lvalue
(And I think that's correct function-wise.)
oh, duh
you can't do it without an overload
with just a single function, the information is lost as soon as the body is entered
wiht a template, it's preserved as T (which is, e.g., actually U const&)
Yeah. I guess you could make that:
template <typename T, std::size_t N>
void check_array(const std::array<T, N>&){}

template <typename T>
void foo(T&& pX)
    std::array<typename T::value_type, pX.size() + 1> y = {};

    forward<T /* oops, wrong type to forward to */>(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
But you'd have to convert the value category of T into an typename T::value_type of the same category, and pass that to forward.
you lost me
10:18 AM
Er, ignore me.
template <typename T, std::size_t N>
void check_array(const std::array<T, N>&){}

template <typename T>
void foo(T&& pX)
    std::array<typename T::value_type, pX.size() + 1> y = {};

    using namespace boost;
    typedef typename mpl::if_<
        , typename T::value_type&
        , typename T::value_type
        >::type forward_type;

    forward<forward_type>(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin());
Yuck :/
if you're using my forward, just use forward<T>
it doesn't actually use T except to select the specialization
Oooh, duh!
Well there we go.
Anyway to move that type-check outside the body?
@nXqd, How r u?
you'd have to use it on the return type
Yeah, was just doing that.
template <typename T>
struct is_array
    static const bool value = false;

template <typename T, std::size_t N>
struct is_array<std::array<T, N>>
    static const bool value = true;

template <typename T>
typename enable_if<is_array<T>::value>::type foo(T&& pX) { ... }
10:27 AM
typename enable_if<is_array<T>, void>::type
and make is_array inherit from whichever bases it needs to (true_type and false_type?)
Ah. enable_if's second parameter defaults to void doesn't it?
oh, it might
you can see how much I use it :)
(And yes, true_type and false_type.)
lol, same here. This will actually be the first time I use it in real code.
this line: bi::move(node_ptr(itera->nextNode() generates this error: error C2664: 'boost::enable_if_c<B,T>::type boost::interprocess::move<boost::interprocess::unique_ptr<xercesc_3_1::DOMNode,D>>(boost::interprocess::unique_ptr<xercesc_3_1::DOMNode,D> &)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'boost::interprocess::unique_ptr<T,D>' to 'boost::interprocess::unique_ptr<T,D> &'
I don't see how that param inside move is a reference?
Speak of the devil (enable_if).
10:29 AM
You can't bind a temporary to a non-const reference, is the issue.
They didn't make it so you can move temporaries.
You should probably just use reset.
oh ok
but the release function of the object (DOMNode) seems to be called on every loop iteration and this throws
I wondered if that is the reset causing that?
You should expect it to call release every iteration, since the unique_ptr stops owning one every iteration.
so I have to make sure that the object is allowed to be deleted somehow
I'm not quite sure what the code does. If you need a resource to be deleted, stick it in a wrapper.
If you're not suppose to be calling release every iteration, don't put it into a wrapper.
10:35 AM
just iterate xml nodes in a xml doc
Are you suppose to call release on each node you get?
no, at the end of the for loop I guess... documentation doesn't specify
the release function checks if it ready to be released and if not, it throws
I guess I could verify deletion needed in the custom deleter for the pointer?
You could. Did you have working code before this?
Man I need to go to bed, it's almost 4am.
in Lounge++: The NB Memorial, 3 hours ago, by James McNellis
How does 10:30 suddenly turn into 1:30? Stack Overflow just sucks the hours away...
shit... that was 2 hours ago?
You're so damn good at that formatting. :)
10:44 AM
Why didn't you name this channel "C++" ? I think duplicate channels names are allowed
you'd have to ask the guy that created it, and he's gone to bed
Because Lounge++ is cooler.
it is
the python room should be named "import this" rather than that as the description, too
But aren't newcomers going to join the old C++ channel instead of Lounge++ ?
we'll see
if they have questions about c++... they can ask on SO
if they want to chat, we're in the lounge
10:47 AM
If they would stop being <strike>stupid</strike>silly and actually read before they start sending messages, they'd trivially see to come here.
Boggles my noodle.
Anyway, night. \o
guys, do you know any room where questions of machine learning are discussed?
and yeah, did i miss something about cloning the c++ rooms?
11:04 AM
Apparently they created a new room so they can be owners of the room
The starting point was: "I'd ask to pin it, but apparently the room admin is never here and no one else was appointed..."
14 hours ago, by Roger Pate
I'd ask to pin it, but apparently the room admin is never here and no one else was appointed...
yeah, im reading it right now. anyways this name is funny but it took me a few seconds two find it. well its deserted as the previous one.
11:47 AM
It gets busier later on in the day
OK - can someone explain to me the difference between this room and the C++ room?
If the problem was simply ownership, we can sort that. It seems undesirable to arbitrarily switch rooms.
Ideally I'd quite like to freeze this one (the newer), as the other has more established usage etc...
38 messages moved to Sandbox
4 messages moved to Sandbox
12:05 PM
@MarcGravell: I saw 2 flags and thought that would be a good way to clean up the messages; GMan went overboard; the other flags were (I think) all me
yes... indeed some of those messages were getting a little bit... over-zealous?
Anyways, I've made you, @GMan and @James owners - seemed to make sense.
There is also a very valid point about naming; newcomes aren't going to spot "Lounge++"; "C++ Lounge" (as a suggestion) has the advantage of being more obvious.
@MarcGravell: I saw 2 flags and thought that would be a good way to clean up the messages; GMan went overboard; the other flags were (I think) all me
Besides, people seeing Lounge++ might assume you mean "Visual J++" ;p OK, that seems unlikely...
@MarcGravell: that's why C++ was the first word in the description
(with your new l33t powers, I'm sure you can rename it)
12:11 PM
@MarcGravell: sole owner of this room hasn't been seen for days, my first thought was create a new room rather than try to force a change of ownership; then I added all the high-rep C++ SO regulars I'd seen on chat as owners to prevent that happening again
but either way works; thanks
For topic-based rooms (especially tag-based / language-based) I don't think people can get too precious... "my room! my room!" - I'm happy to see a few topic-experts in here, and it makes sense for them to be owners.
that was something we were discussing in the other room :)
I don't see any reason to solely be about c++, more a lounge of c++ users who happen to mostly talk about c++, but not solely
for sure
chat is chat - topics drift
I suppose if someone really does want C++ and Just++ C++ with Nothing-- Else--, we can deal with that when it arises
have we got two rooms with same name now???
can anybody help me, I still don't get it... stackoverflow.com/questions/4032573/…
12:27 PM
@Tony the other is frozen and will eventually be hidden
oh ok
I'll go do that now...
@Tony: reset will free the old resource, which calls your deleter
@RogerPate so I should avoid that then, else the deleter seems to throw...
I'm not familiar with whatever library you got DOMNode, et. al. from, but it sounds like you're not following its requirements
12:35 PM
@RogerPate what lib do you use for XML in C++?
do they provide an iteration example using only their api?
I avoid xml whenever possible
yeah, but they use raw pointers
when not possible, I quit that crappy job and find a new one
what have you got against XML?
it would probably be easier to start from their example and add unique_ptr than starting from scratch
The essence of XML is this: the problem it solves is not hard, and it does not solve the problem well. -- Phil Wadler, POPL 2003
XML is like violence: if it doesn't solve your problem, you're not using enough of it. -- (unknown)
I just don't like it
12:39 PM
that is where I started from, and then I changed the raw ptrs to smart pointers
and thats when it got messy
well, something got lost in translation :)
else I have to go back to using only raw pointers, which is prob a bad idea too...
do you happen to have a link to their example?
> // note: this leaks memory!
12:45 PM
yes it leaks:::
i know
been doing that for a while now sigh
I hate examples where they state a problem they know how to fix, but the fix is neither obvious nor mentioned
yea, i hate it too
do you know what is leaked? I can't see it, also looking at xerces.apache.org/xerces-c/apiDocs-2/classDOMNodeIterator.html
@MarcGravell: since you're here, happen to know the chances of getting the URL ellipsis somewhere in the middle, rather than always at the most useful end?
12:51 PM
@RogerPate you have to explicitly call release() on current
and they don't do it
@RogerPate probably when current comes out of for's scope, delete is called for current only, not its subobjects if they exist.
oops, too late
@Tony, the problem is that your pointer deletes itself without invoking the releasing object, right?
no, the deletor calls release on the object
but then inside the release(), it throws
I posted the implementation of th release function in my question
DOMElementNSImpl::release's implementation is useless without more about the class
(not that I think including the full class would help your question)
so what would help do you think?
what about fParent in your release function? have you put a breakpoint to see which exact object you're working with? may sound silly cuz i cant say is fParent a member of this class or what
12:58 PM
it increasingly seems the problem is in how you're using xerces, rather than in the smart pointer
xerces believes the object is not to be released, from what you're saying it's throwing
and since it appears to use a singleton memory manager, it could be related to that — you need to talk to someone familiar with xerces though
fNode is owned
I can't see a problem with your use of unique_ptr
because we have gone at least one node down the xml tree, so it would be ownd by root node
@RogerPate will have to think about that; good question
@MarcGravell: fwiw, chrome does a good job, seems to concentrate on server and the last segment (before query string), sometimes inserting two ellipses
I guess three on occasion, chopping off subdomains, but leading a ellipsis isn't displayed
1:05 PM
@RogerPate possibly the problem is the combination of unique ptr and this release function
@Tony: it doesn't appear to be to me
if you are supposed to call release on every object you get from nextNode, the unique_ptr is working
for some reason, xerces believes you aren't supposed to be calling release when you do
but isn't that my custom deletor that causes this behaviour??
when it attempts to clean up my 'current' variable...
your custom deleter is what calls release, but "if you are supposed to call release on every object..." it's doing the right thing
God knows if i'm supposed to call release each time... its not in the documentation
it seems to be the most sensible thing to do
I don't see it either (though it makes sense that it needs to be used at some time)
1:08 PM
else what happens to the object pointed to each time you go through the loop
well, it could be configured in a mode to internally keep track and free itself
or other such things, perhaps the returned nodes are tied to the node iterator (which later frees them); I see something about a node iterator detach method
but that's enough xml for me this morning, sorry
ok thx anyways
2:02 PM
It's a little quiet in here.
There's been some back and forth migration -- it was locked for a while and I suspect it'll be a while before people find it again.
What's the reason for the room change?
Basically, the (probably expected) confusion between "C++" and "Lounge++" led to some flagging, etc.
Does anyone use VS2010 in here who previously used 2008?
2:16 PM
any of you used xerces-c++ library for XML?
@CiscoIPPhone: you might just ask your next question, the real one, and decide if anyone can help
I'm just wondering what people think of 2010 as compared to 2008 and if upgrade is worth it
did you try the free version?
(I don't use vs, but can still help with some issues, just not that one)
No, I've not tried it out yet.
btw how did you edit your message - is it something only room owners can do?
Figured it out, nevermind.
@CiscoIPPhone I used to do some development on an old laptop with VS 2008, and I think VS 2010 runs twice slower
But the C++0x features are worth it
On a real PC there are no performance issues
2:50 PM
@CiscoIPPhone The 2010 IDE is a fair bit more improved/friendly.
@CiscoIPPhone I upgraded for .NET 4.0/C# 4.0 support, though.
Sounds like it's worth a try, thanks.
3:08 PM
hu', c++ chat is called lounge++ now
confusing ;)
@Tomaka17 don't forget to mention the new intellisense. no more deleting .nbc files and reopening the solution since it got stuck again
Any ideas why the path images/textures.png works fine on windows, but the same code fails when compiled & run on nix?
Hi Guys, probably get this alot but anyone know a good tutorial that teaches you how to make worth while programs in C++, I recently started learning it and the basic's are similar to PHP, so I am picking it up easily.
can you use a smart ptr to represent a void pointer??
3:30 PM
@Noctine You mean teaches you how to have ideas of what to program? I would suggest you just think up things that would be neat to do. Look up technology, and then think what you could do to practice it, such as socket programming -> chat application
3:47 PM
@Tony Yes, you can. It's a bit ugly, you should create a shared_ptr<void> or shared_ptr<const void> and use a custom deleter which DOES NOTHING.
If you already have a pointer, let's say shared_ptr<int>, you can simply cast it to void using static_pointer_cast
3:59 PM
@Tony I'm curious what you might use that for.

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