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4:00 PM
whoa. my pings went through
Back to a network.
ping Kendall
Response * * * *
Response Timeout
Request timed out.
sorry, couldn't resisit
Goto 3:20, its Walder Frey!
4:05 PM
why do media outlets even relay things like that
Well, look at the media outlet
its huffington post. Its the liberal answer to fox.
That one is one of the most biased I have seen
I guess there is not enough atheism in the US :p
no where near it
4:07 PM
Im glad we have huffington post though, it gives us a real bases for bias, so people can stop claiming Fox and CBS are opposite ends of the spectrum.
Isn't Fox romneys campaign headquarters?
Anyway a good site that deals with all the bias is -> fair.org/index.php
@DavidDV front page of reddit - all the news you need :P
I get a chuckle when I see Obama pretending not to be rich.
I get a chuckle when I hear Romney dodge answering where he acquired his or how his tax plan will work.
when I left Québec I thought the state of our politics was appalling
4:12 PM
then I rage when I hear the rest of his "plans" for the US
well thank you America, you gave me hope for my homeland
What is so bad about the politics in Canada?
not canada
4:13 PM
The Quebec sovereignty movement () refers to both the political movement and the ideology of values, concepts and ideas that promote the secession of the province of Quebec from the rest of Canada. While some historic affiliations to the movement suggested a violent, militarist revolution for the creation of a separate country, most groups seek to use negotiation-based diplomatic interventions, which would eventually lead to Quebec becoming a country. In 2012 the secessionist Parti Québécois was elected to a minority government, with Pauline Marois becoming the first woman to be Premier of...
I can't say I like how Stephen Harper is driving Canada
If Romney wins, at least he'll **** the old people out of social security.
Bad about politics in Canada? Quebec + Politicians
but yeah I believe it's more screwed up at the provincial level
The worst part of politics is always politicians.
4:14 PM
The worst part of politics is that I'm not a politician
and obviously I'd like it if columnists outside of Québec stopped bashing on Québec for the sake of bashing on Québec
If romney wins: no more womens rights, no more contraceptive, no more planned parenthood, no gay marriage, outlawing many freedoms americans enjoy, and death to the already finkle economy
but that's another story
4:14 PM
1970: Lets all vote to steal money from our unborn children! Its not wrong if we make it legal! .... And social security was born.
romney vs Obama
ok, politics discussion is my queue to leave
have a good one guys
But yes, romney will be a disaster.
4:15 PM
If Romney wins you will find me on a grassy knoll with a rifle.
Selling rifles?
Come up to Canada. I think we have more guns per capita than the US.
giving out magic bullets
@RyanTernier I am canadian - I just want to avoid WW3
@RyanTernier Because we have no capita.
But Obama is just about as bad for freedoms, he signed NDAA
4:16 PM
@rlemon Guns... yup, definitely avoiding war.
Obama doesn't want to legalize state rape
They let Canadian's have guns? When'd this start?
tell us about state rape
not handguns
just big guns for hunting
4:17 PM
If you want to rape ppl you should come to belgium
Ah. I like my handgun more than I like socialized medicine.
@Greg im an obama fan and unfortunately i have to agree
@Greg you want your government telling you when you have to get your colonoscopy? who does it? how it is done?
Its not rape because its done by a professional.
4:18 PM
it's rape because it's not sanctioned
how do you become a professional rapist :/
@rlemon that's not rape. To get an abortion they'd have to "Go in there" as well. THat's like saying I was raped because I needed a pap test.
It ain't murder. The guy was a trained assassin!
My god! Romney wants to make this so you don't have a choice!
VS enabled trollmode again! :D
4:18 PM
@Steve Come over here, I'll give you the course.
Well the TSA is professional sexual aussaulters
what the h.
it's about being able to choose when and what medical procedures happen to you
Is there any reason why my newly created WPF project refuses to compile (XAML fails to parse at the 1st line which is unedited..)
men will still be able to choose, but romney wants to take the choice away from women
4:19 PM
Well, they are. you can let them see you naked, and if you don't like that you can let them cop a feel.
@RyanTernier, they have to only if you're having one of the most butched abortions ever
If you want to fly, you have to let the 'professional' mush your junk. He has at least 20 hours of training.
@Tgys It could be an exception in the constructor.
@Tgys show code
Do you get a XamlParseException?
4:19 PM
@rlemon you think people should not have different views? Getting an abortion because you got pregnant to many people is the same as murder. Is their view wrong? no. It's their view.
agree ^
@RyanTernier dude are you listening to me?!?!?!
I am not arguing that
@KendallFrey Yea, line 1 c9
not allow you to choose
that is not right
4:20 PM
@Tgys What's the inner exception?
I am saying give us the choice to make our own decisions, you seem to have me backwards here
that's the whole pro choice position. You don't have to, but at least you have the right to make your own choice.
Well Ryan, perhaps we can transplant the fetus into your belly to save it.
@rlemon He's sayign "If you want an abortion, you need to do these tests". You're still allowed to get an abortion, but this is a new thing that has to be done to ensure you still want to do it. He's not saying "You cannot" he's sayign "there's a new process"
4:21 PM
@RyanTernier no dude, he is saying you cannot.
@KendallFrey "Inner exception"?
Right, if you want an abortion, you have to lets a professional probe your vagina, with his 'tool'.
@Tgys Yes.
Who cares about abortion
Let me throw google translate over it
4:21 PM
he might have flopped on that one, but I saw him say he want to ban it
Romney cares about abortion.
he wants the USA to be run like his church says it should be
{"Can not copy assembly in making Voice Test, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null defined MainWindow. The purpose of a call caused an exception. Error in markup file MainWindow.xaml line 1 position 9."}
romney cares about whatever will help him win
yay for a fire drill
4:22 PM
Gotta love google's accuracy :P
An abortion for Romney would definitely be a win.
If I want to get a prostrate check, a doctor shoves his finger up my rear, is that not rape?
he's not getting sexual satisfaction from it, and you asked him to
well, maybe some get sexual satisfaction from it lol
@Tgys Can you put a breakpoint on the first line of the ctor?
Does it crash before or after?
@RyanTernier prostrate == lying down.
Ryan? are you clueless?
4:24 PM
@RyanTernier it's only rape if you DO NOT WANT THE PROSTATE EXAM
@KendallFrey Ah thanks, seems like something is wrong in the ctor
If you get Raped you should be able to get an abortion
Not get raped again
@Tgys Where does it crash?
4:24 PM
then watch what he says
unclear error are useless as usual
What's the inner exception?
"access denied"
Either lack of understanding on the topic, or just lack of understanding on how Romney wants to change the US government
hmmm sounds like a permission issue.
4:25 PM
@Tgys To what?
Can you maybe pinpoint the line where it crashes?
Is that the line?
Tgys, are you running your program from /program files/
4:27 PM
Chrono Trigger is on Android now. So ya'know. Get on that.
it almost sounds like its trying to copy something over where you don't have permissions
Running it as admin doesn't work either
start commenting stuff out until it works
@Billdr I have to say FF1 is still the best RPG ever made
4:29 PM
Commenting out SpeechEngine.SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice(); works xD
but I'm afraid I need it
@RyanTernier FF1 was my first.
ffxi was my first :)
I played FF1 when I was 7
loved it.
Though I have NES, SNES, and N64 emulators on my android
trying to find a free PSx one
i miss NES zelda
I liked Link on nes
4:31 PM
side scroll ftw
that could of been it
@RyanTernier Yeah, my mouse has side scroll :)
bug ._.
the one with the forest where you got lost in easily? to the west
4:31 PM
@RyanTernier I never use side scrolling :P
@KendallFrey i'm disappointed in you
@Tgys If you switch to Windows 8 you will :)
lol :P
@rlemon Why?
4:34 PM
I do use memegenerator lol.
not my meme generator
The denied site has been categorized as: Profanity
What can I say.
"Fuck you Linus" is one of the memes
your blocker is WAY to prude
Is it the Linus I'm thinking of?
4:35 PM
Why would anyone fuck him? He's awesome.
no like this
That way. Ah.
Very good.
Remove depth perception -> Linus picks his nose.
4:37 PM
Y doesn't your meme generator have comic sanskrit?
Because Aliens.
seems like there's no speech recognision for Dutch so the whole thing just decides to crash
Then don't speak Dutch. Easy.
4:39 PM
@KendallFrey Shitty that they just don't provide English libs
"Hah it's not there so let's throw a worthless exception telling nothing useful!"
Well at least it threw an exception.
"Access denied"?
It could have silently failed and leaving you wondering why it wasn't working.
Yea certainly pushes me into the right direction..
im just looking on the brighter side.
4:41 PM
Well it's true ;)
I should write more exception throw's myself, since I .. never do :3
At least MS provides a speech recognition library. I wonder when they'll add one to Jquery.
firedrill over.
well it's kinda useless
OS-language specific
Wish I could swap to the English windows :<
4:54 PM
well this afternoon should be fun - doctors to see about these "ocular migraines" then home to babysit the plumber fixing my sinks
fun times fun times
ocular migraines? solution. Stay off of reddit.
not what they sound like
I get migraines but the only symptom is my vision goes all funky for a few hours
cannot work, cannot read, hard to drive.
@rlemon I've had those before
@AMH Did it work this time?
5:10 PM
@robjb Quit doing TFS wrong.
@robjb just be glad you don't have a requirement that a PM must "assign you a bucket" before you're allowed to work on something. I literally had to wait several days, doing nothing, before I was allowed to work on certain projects. It was silliness
(this was at my internship, which I learned a lot from, both good things and bad things :P )
whats wrong with tfs?
there's nothing fundamentally wrong with tfs imo
5:14 PM
@Billdr Tell TFS to quit doing it wrong
Bad design decisions are bad
@Steve The configuration someone made at Rob's job.
it's just a collection of small annoying things that make it less pleasant than other alternatives
@Billdr ah
@JohanLarsson I cannot find the class related to KeyGesture
@AMH Namespace System.Windows.Input
5:18 PM
Candy corn is the best.
assign you a bucket. wow.
debugging sql login issues is the most fun I've had all week.
@AMH But you shoulr already have that, strange
@AMH Is it wpf? It is in PresentationCore
We're switching from SVN to GIT in the next few months... it scares me... SVN is Java, easy to learn and use but not super powerful... GIT is C, harder to learn and you can supremely screw yourself
5:20 PM
@Pheonixblade9 All I have met who have used both say Git>>Svn. I have oinlöy tried Svn so cant tell
@Phoenixblade, I have a better time with git right now than I ever had with svn
and I never really tried hard to learn either
I don't doubt that it's good, I just know SVN and I work well with it.
the only disturbing thing is that revision numbers are not sequential
My code is very valuable, I don't want to screw it up by misusing VCS tools
I really love the distributed part of it
(that you can do commits to a "local" repository before committing to the global one)
5:22 PM
@JohanLarsson it's silverlight 4
and it's great for code review purposes that you can commit single changes inside a file instead of the whole file
@zneak you can do that with SVN, as well. It's a patch/changeset :)
I'll stick with TFS thank you :)
I might not have been clear about my point because I don't remember you could do that
GIT is ok, only thing i didn't like was my SVN tools were better.
5:24 PM
if I change two functions in a file, can I easily commit just one?
line by line commits?
git supports it
also, git (local) commits are real fast
Anybody have any idea how to solve this? Trying to update my local SQL to the latest version in SVN
@AMH I've never used silverlight but: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
Altering [dbo].[mySproc]
Msg 3910, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Transaction context in use by another session.

(1 row(s) affected)
The database update failed
5:28 PM
Thing i don't like about GIT is it has repositories everywhere.
doesn't it have just one at the root of your versioned directory tree?
between my ide history, local gits, github branch and primary, it seems overly redundant.
oh I read that as "directories"
hey guys I need to create an xbox live account with a silver membership for testing purposes
how should I call it
I tried "Silver Badger" but it's already taken :(
@zneak's test account
5:35 PM
Anybody have any ideas for resolving my issue above? ^
This is an interesting and worthwhile read if you do .NET development: lol.zoy.org/blog/2012/10/21/the-stolen-bytes
@Pheonixblade9 you're trying to alter a sproc?
sounds like its in use
any chance of taking the DB offline, or shutting down the app while you update it?
other than that, I don't know
83 minutes.
@Pheonixblade9 - Change the credentials of the db temporarily. Then you can alter the sproc and restore the credentials.
@JohanLarsson yes strange no keygesture
5:42 PM
@KyleTrauberman it's the database on my local machine
It will take your db down for a few minutes, but it will provide the coverage you need.
@TravisJ change the credentials? what will that do?
woot, 2 independent studies this next semester + a gen ed + a .net class, this should be one hell of an easy semester
@KyleTrauberman I tried restarting and pausing the DB. Got the error message regardless
@Pheonixblade9 - Oh, I thought this was in a larger context. If there were many connections being made to the database per second, then it would stop the connections from being initiated.
5:44 PM
@TravisJ hi
whats up steve
@grixxly might be able to help you @Pheonixblade9, if only he was here.
not much, how are you man?
I read the definition of help vampire, that is me. If you google help vampire you should be redirected to my facebook.
5:47 PM
@Pheonixblade9 your name always throws me off because of the misspelling
@Pheonixblade9 try asking on dba.stackexchange.com
@KyleTrauberman I know... it's annoying, but I can always get the username I want :P
@KyleTrauberman I ended up just asking one of our senior engineers, he has a migration script that redeploys all of the tables in case this happens, haha
I think it's a circular dependency
I would love to do an internship for Redgate. Not because I want to learn more about databases, but because I want to learn if you have to give up your soul to do black magic
I dunno, I always felt that SQL isn't basic enough to consider that you can do black magic with it
it's like most of the time your problem can be solved by a command that you just don't know
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
5:54 PM
what's teh equivalent to KeyGesture in silverlight
thanks Clarke
though that guy was referring to actual magic
(like if you went back to the middle age with an iPhone)
@zneak think of the ROAMING CHARGES if you went to the middle ages with an iPhone.
Not only space, but time.
@Pheonixblade9 - As I am sure you are aware of, everything Redgate does is counter-intuitive. Therefore, they do not practice black magic. Instead what they have done was obfuscate it into a magic black box.
looooooong distance
5:57 PM
So I've heard the Phone 8 SDK will be released tomorrow, anyone know if that will be something anyone can download, or will it still be restricted to certain people?
I dunno, it's being announced live
Fun fact of the day: It's long distance from my phone to my phone.
that's just Canadian carriers being stupid
Your phone rings when you call it?
Busy signal.
5:58 PM
I love how you can have data anywhere in the country, text to anyone in the country, but NONONONONO DON'T CALL IT WILL BE A LONG DISTANCE
Well at least that part seems rational. How can you tell that it is long distance.
It tells me.
"yada yada Long distance charges will apply."
long distance calls are just a remnant of a long-gone era that carriers love to keep around because it lets them get more money for no valid reason

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