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9:01 AM
@TomW I have something that's called "bachelor of information science". It focused a lot on system architecture, ux, project management /methodologies etc. A bit higher level than the regular computer science stuff.
I have a physics degree, I have no formal training in software. Well, we did do some computational physics classes, and my final year project was in computational methods
but sort of wandered into this
I've programmed for a very long time, and I did the bachelor just for the formality. Since every god damn employer had it as a requirement.
lol yeah you guys are making me want to go get a CS degree or something now. Actually, I think I'd like to do something like what you did @scheien
@QuietNaN it seems to me then, if that's really the case, a single generic factory is not going to work, you probably want to have some form of conversion interface and them implement that for each type of conversion you want to perform
Something like AutoMapper can probably do that
There are definitely times when I wished I had taken a course on algorithms and data types.. Luckily MIT and Stanford have that stuff online free so I might do a couple of those to get up to speed
9:06 AM
then you only have a dependency on a IMapper
data structures*
I have no CS degree, but I did C++, Python, and PHP when I was 12-15 years old. That prior experience at that age has come in real handy
Wow, that is really nice ^
There's plenty of free stuff on Coursera. I've taken a few of those on data science.
@TeeSee Indeed.
@RoelvanUden im with you on the uni thinking ... see it all the time ... uni students come out thinking they can solve anything until they are given a real world problem to solve that includes mostly domain modelling type work
9:10 AM
I am taking C# ( to make sure i didn't skip anything and master whatever ), its fkin awesome.
@War and then gets totally thrown off by short deadlines and stupid specs.
@TeeSee just so you know, PHP sucks less now. It still sucks, but less.
elie, you skipped everything but at the same time you scanned the full document.
I mean, don't get me wrong ... I see the value in uni work but they don't teach real world issues, it's purely about theory
@War @RoelvanUden I believe that happens because of the students thinks after 3 years of studying, believing he is learning real life.
@ARr0w i didn't get what you are talkin about.
9:11 AM
@DaveRandom haha yeah I heard they added a lot of stuff. It looks like its C# + JavaScript or something now... But I think the main issue with PHP is how people use it
exactly, elie.
I feel like its a hackshow kind of thing
@TeeSee I couldn't agree more.
@ElieSaad I think the issue is that for the uni prof it IS real life, and that's what the profs know, so that's what they teach
theory in our industry though will only get you so far
@TeeSee this
9:12 AM
@ARr0w What are you talking about, what point ..
at some point there's a certain amount of "just get the job done already"
it was a teaser mate, random.
just like we have got war. He's a total random.
@ARr0w hey ... whut? .... should I be offended by that?
hey, war
Stop trolling people, please
9:16 AM
for the first time in my life, in c# i created a constructor :D.. I mean a total class to use it for validation of windows form's controls. I really want you to look at it and give out your opinion on how i am doing or learning . so would you? if you would. I'd paste the class on github ^_^
@War Mhm i see what you are talking about. I really don't know man. I hate that.
@ARr0w and i was supposed to catch that? :P
minus 'total' -_-
you can edit it .. there is a small drop down arrow next to your text. Press that and edit
elie, you did and its a past now. lets move on to new things.
i am eager to share how i am doing and want remarks in return. I'll take any.. bad or good. So that i can understand where i am wrong. So anyone in?
Just paste it.
9:19 AM
@TomW who's trolling ?
thanks, elie, :).
war, @TomW was referring it to me, i guess. ^^ :P
@War @ARr0w was
    public bool IfValid()
        if (bValidation)
            return bValidation;
            return bValidation;
oh ok ... I was sitting here scratching my head trying to figure out if I should be offended or not
that's literally the most redundant thing I've ever seen
9:20 AM
hahaha, squiggle, how can i make it better?
@ARr0w you tell me.
I was having a wierd moment where whilst having this conversation I was being asked about an account in sql
the boss got all confused about what was needed
he needs to use his windows account to add a sql account in to a database that manages accounts
and it all got a bit "which table do I add this row too?"
@ARr0w hint: You can delete 7 lines of that and still have the same logic
I was like .. eh ... what's going on here !!!
9:22 AM
aagh logic in a constructor
@Squiggle make public static variable and save the return value in it and catch it in the window form?
@ARr0w what? no!
that feels really :faceplam:
9:23 AM
logic with external side-effects
lol @TomW
@ARr0w Check what value a boolean has and return that same value? :)
i can't see in a broad vision as you guys can see the code.
I was just critiquing that one method
9:24 AM
@TomW Please make it static constructor with external side-effects with database query inside
and i respect that, squiggle, i appreciated it
but i can't able to figure out a way.
but i'm thinking
public bool IfValid()
    return bValidation;
and i will look at the side-effects, if i ever gain knowledge of them.
is exactly the same logic
just FYI
@Squiggle Isn't IsValid a better name?
9:25 AM
also I've looked at your gist code and I haven't really got a clue what it's meant to be
@Loetn public bool IsValid { get { return bValidation; } }
would be my preference
oh yea. :D sorry, silly me :D
also bValidation? Nobody has used that sort of notation for a decade
b = bool , Validation <- name of the variable.
9:27 AM
You can even do public bool IsValid { get; private set; }
btw. If it's a static constructor with external side-effects, that queries database, than it's in our codebase (:sadface:) #truestory
so i can recognize it later that it is a variable that is bool
also if you're doing validation, check out DataAnnotations msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd901590(VS.95).aspx
9:27 AM
@ARr0w that sort of information is what we have IDEs for
and compilers
(And you can take a guess what it returns because of the is)
alright.. i'll try to change it to the more proper way.
@ARr0w protip: Good design happens not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
also check out that video that Wadry posted yesterday - channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/Europe/2014/…
yeah, use the most useful design for the consumer.
@ARr0w that statement has absolutely no meaning
i got what you mean buddy.
@ARr0w Also, don't copy the exact same code.
Wardy was referring to this one ^^
i'm not copying any of the code :/ heyy
Make a method
9:31 AM
i wrote it all by my self -_-
I know
@ElieSaad its back again :) ... popular vid that
i don't copy -_- .. i know there is no learning in it.
@War they just .. ugh.
But you've the exact same lines twice in your class.
9:32 AM
Do they pay us for marketing the video? @War
yeah. i removed them as @squiggle guided.
Oke :)
@ElieSaad doubt it ... should I invoice them anyway
@War we can sue them.
@ARr0w we could critique your code more, but that wouldn't help you so much. What needs to happen is for you to recognise what could be improved.
9:33 AM
Btw, are we talking about the same thing (not the IsValid property)?
@ElieSaad we're not american !!!
@ARr0w just re read your code, and roll some logic. After that go check a course on classes for C#. It would make the perfect lesson
@War we can try .. wanna be 'murican
i know and i will make myself better in time to time. But, i do need criticism from you guys in my code just like today and i appreciate it. I'll look into every source of learning points you guys shared.
better in time ... isn't that a song ?
9:36 AM
@Squiggle that is .. nice.
@ElieSaad of course it's nice - It's Bowie and Reznor.
@Squiggle doesn't the guy following him resemble to snape?
that's Trent Reznor
Oh. forgive my shit head
Man, why the hell do they need to put God in it. Like what gives if God is an american or not.
9:41 AM
What if god is a human? ... supposedly we were "made in his image" ... implies he might be some bloke with a real sadistic side
look at the state of the world ... someone should sue him! ... no accountability
It's not about that .. It's about putting him wherever .. Like what's the use. You know?
today is going to be a slow day ... I hate bug fix days
God is probably, like, a fish or something.
all that waiting for builds :(
popular culture and mainstream presence
9:44 AM
All these builds, and my life is in ruins.
/away - real work time
^ I keep thnking that but it never happens
I learnt to multitask instead
shhh I'm pretending to work
9:47 AM
legal I guess?
why wouldn't it be ?
dangerous, obviously
well in the sense of that looks like a race, and races tend to have rules
lol well at least he's streamlined
That sport is dangerous AF as is
Pedalling in this position
9:51 AM
That gif is taking for life to load properly.
Your internet not stronk
No shit.
And if it's worse than at my office...It's pretty damn shitty
@ElieSaad lmao wish I could lend you some bandwidth
@War why aren't we funding such a project?
9:52 AM
we are
its called facebook
you could always download some more ram
But be careful for chrome. Will eat it
chrome is life. Let it eat.
I used to be bothered by chromes ram usage
so I just bought loads
64GB RAM here.
9:54 AM
now i basically can't use a machine with less than 16GB of ram
feels slow
Wait, are these legit rams?
64GB? Shieet.
32 is reasonable ... 64GB ideal
guys, shed some light upon me
More than 32GB i believe it's useless ..
@ElieSaad "legit rams"?
9:55 AM
I would love that kind of ram at home..
@ElieSaad why?
I still got 8 at home hahaha. So bad
I have a bunch of stuff on my rig at home ... started caching whole games when i'm gaming in to a temp "ram drive"
basically means that whilst gaming I never hit the hdd
@War why not? .. Check for me your top usage of rams.
not that it would be a problem though ... i'm running raid SSD's
@ElieSaad using more than 32GB is possible on a 64 bit machine
9:57 AM
It's not possible or not, its the use of it.
brb lunch is calling.
(64GB 'cos this workstation could be used for SharePoint development)
lol ... yeh you need it
Loading whole games into RAM wtF?

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