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C# 7 looks heavily functional based :)
We plan to allow “wildcards” as out parameters as well, in the form of a *, to let you ignore out parameters you don’t care about: <--- YES YES YES YES YES :D
1:32 AM
@borrrden "heavily" C# will always be pretty bad at functional programming.
I guess that's the void that F# fills
What I actually meant to say is "the new features of C# seem to be heavily influenced by functional programming concepts"
2 hours later…
3:49 AM
morning guys
Morning @ARr0w.
can i ask you sql related question?
Hey is anyone familiar with .net?
I was wondering what this was supposed to mean
Connecting 2 cloud services using a .net MVC web application project.
everyone is fimiliar with .net in here.
did you blindly jumped into the channel?
Well I thought maybe you guys could use c# for games or something
4:01 AM
well, depends, mixture of every flavor in c# is possible to be found in here.
Is there any chance you know what this could mean?
"Connecting 2 cloud services using a .net MVC web application project."
@ARr0w Sorry, I was afk, lol. Sorry but I don't know much about using sql.
4:23 AM
Bye guys.
Hi guys........
Hi @HA560. Do you want to know something about android? You are in the Android Smartness room.
4:42 AM
Oh-kay, bye again.
5:09 AM
C# is such a bloated language
why do people like it?
@user782220 it does what its supposed to do?
What will happen if we forget to upload recent changed web.config file to deployment server?
As soon as the second instruction was added to the first processor instruction set, someone claimed it was bloated.
5:37 AM
@user782220 Because it's awesome.
Sup guys.
Hi @Proxy.
Hi @AshishVerma
Good morning
Good morning @Froxer.
5:40 AM
hello to @all
Why does WPF have transparency support and WinForms not?
Yes WinForms is older.
But they could have updated it.
6:01 AM
accordion and angularjs :S
Hi @Mathematics.
@scheien morning.
I don't like living in the opposite side of the world. Everyone's asleep when I'm a awake.
6:14 AM
Lets replace all hello's and hi's with morning's.
Hi shad0wk!!!!
I am here..
@AshishVerma morning. Hello is replaced with morning here.
good morning
@Mathematics This is the C# room.
@shad0wk No morning happening here ?
6:20 AM
@AshishVerma where I live it's 6:20pm lol. It's not morning.
oh Ok..
@Mathematics The greeting here is morning.
What does greeting really means ?
I have some concern. Regarding this i have posted some questions..
@Mathematics A greeting is like hello, but morning and good morning is so common, we just decided to say that.
6:22 AM
@AshishVerma okay...
@shad0wk I said, what it really means, not what it means :P
^ you couldn't explain either lol
!! google hello meaning
No someone asking question in interview what will happen if we foget to publist web.confiq file on live server?
@Mathematics What dafuc are you talking about? What it really means, it's a word.
!! again.
@shad0wk That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
6:25 AM
!!google what greeting means
@Mathematics Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Mathematics yeah....
never mind
@AshishVerma Sorry but I don't know a lot about ASP.NET.
Okay fine @shad0wk :)
@scheien what? yeah UTG.
@shad0wk help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :3, :p, </pissing>, ?, @arifnoumankhan, @capricasix, @franciscomelicias, @gurpreetkaur, @tim, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi
abhishekpornfreak, acronym, adhd, ah, ahah, algosmarts, aliens, all, am, angryticks, answer_to_ever
@Mathematics What nothing? What do you mean by nothing?
6:30 AM
Ohhhh @CapricaSix is a bot.
@Mathematics That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Use the sandbox if you're going to play around with the bot.
!!/select * from users
6:31 AM
@shad0wk wow it turned u into a bot !!
@Mathematics That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@shad0wk That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Mathematics That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
6:35 AM
@shad0wk That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: gfy
am gone
@CapricaSix !!/ugfy
@Mathematics am gone where?
6:37 AM
@shad0wk You have confused me greatly, see /help convert.
Bye for now guys.
@shad0wk: It's enough now.
Use the sandbox
@scheien Yeah I know, that's wherte I was until I got the notifycation from you.
My net is krap lately, I must be running out of gb's, lol.
6:44 AM
Yeah, no more gbs, noooooooooo!
6:59 AM
Let it fail, let it faaaail
The remark about drawing regulatory attention is an interesting one. I've sometimes felt that it would be better not to bodge a fix for something because allowing it to stay broken would force the attention of someone who can fix the issue properly
First thing that comes to mind is "broken window theory".
@shad0wk hey dude thanks. Got it.
@shad0wk thats cool! I didn't know you were using the csc. That's badass
You on a Mac?
@TeeSee Nope windows 10. I just like the freedom of the good old csc.exe.
thats super cool, I played with csc a few times. Reminds me of compiling C++
Back in the day
I'll probably use visual studio and Ill just exclude the project file that it creates from the Git that way it doesnt try to put that up on the repo
I COULD use Visual Studio Code though... Hmmm :P
@TeeSee All good ;).
7:10 AM
Yeah I used VS, but I uninstalled it, it's kinda restricting.
VS can be a memory hog and it behaves strange at times... I like it though. But I hated it on my old laptop which had 4GB of RAM
I have enough ram, I just dislike how it auto generates code.
what code ? :P
@ElieSaad With winforms and wpf, it autogenerates heaps.
Also you don't see it but in the background it injects it's own bullshut code.
7:14 AM
Ah, i know sht about that.
But why? What are they linking from the project to the heap?
@ElieSaad who the f knows.
shad0w are you talking about how like it codes up all that background winform code for the components and crap?
@TeeSee yes, also the properties, where it creates a whole namespace just for assembly attributes that could actually be in one file.
like the main file or something.
it seperates heaps of code.
7:16 AM
The thing I hate is how it does that, and then you remove code and it doesn't get rid of the background stuff that went with the code, then it won't build lol
@TeeSee yeah it just comes up with a buch of errors.
I hate how it does it, that's why i uninstalled it.
But it's like an infection.
7:17 AM
All registry keys it makes are left there.
What I think is crazy is that Microsoft Academy teaches you using as much of that type of "scaffolding" as possible... I dont get that.
A few dir's it creates are left there as well.
They are supposed to be professionals and instead of showing you really how stuff works, they show you the "easy" way and then people have no clue how to actually code the stuff by hand
@TeeSee who the f knows, I don't like how they code.
anyways, gonna open this bad boy up and check it out!
7:19 AM
@TeeSee There needs to be like a linux .net framework. Where it's fully opensource as well.
@TeeSee Okay.
I'll be editing it now too.
@C# chat bye.
Bye guys.
7:21 AM
good morning
bye and morning @ntohl
@shad0wk .NET Core
They just like to ponder on existing stuff .. :P
hey people o/
Oh @TeeSee One thing, you don't actually have to open in in vs, just download as a zip and, and extract. The compilers are there.
@RoelvanUden I didn't mean it will run on linux, I mean opensoucre like linux.
7:28 AM
@shad0wk It is.
Anyway bye again.
@RoelvanUden oh, okay.
@shad0wk NOW they're there :P Ok thanks
Am I simply missing something or is it not a thing to use ADO.NET Entity Data Models in a .NET Core 1 MVC project?
7:35 AM
it's not really a thing
but why not use the new EF?
I would if i knew how
Because as far as I have seen, if you do, you gotta type the connectionStrings manually, which I could do but its been so easy with models :P
Might be completely and entirely off though
dapper also supports core ;^)
@Squiggle what changed in the new EF? What cave am i living in ..
Nothing spectacular. It behaves subtly differently in a few ways, but mostly under-the-hood.
although it is a complete re-write
@Xariez EF is a real time-saver. There's almost no compelling reason to start with ADO.Net at all these days.
I think i just need to get my head around the new stuff about core, and that would solve the rest
7:43 AM
But all in all, does EF Core include any "Click here and we do the raw work for you as far as linking up with the database goes as long as you provide the correct details"-button like ADO.NET or is that done manually nowadays?
@Xariez Are you talking about just the actual database connection?
Or the domain modeling?
Well, to the point where I basically can assign a DbContext and start making queries directly
To make it more "visual", this is what I did before (non-EF core) and it worked,
using (var db = new dbEntities()) {
  var query (from a in db.table
            select a).FirstOrDefault();
So I guess thats what im looking for, if that makes any sense?
EF does that. Way better than ADO Entity Data ever did. Even right now.
I'm sure it might!
Yeah it does do that right away
You just have your DbContext with the domain classes and then can do var _context = new DbContext() and stuff
But yeah you have to make sure your connection string is right. But thats easy.
7:51 AM
Alright. Sounds good, and easy enough
Then I still need a tutorial on what im doing however, i did find docs.efproject.net/en/latest/platforms/aspnetcore/new-db.html though
yeah that covers it it seems. If you have Pluralsight, a guy named Sean Wildermuth (not sure on first name) has a course on it.
Basically its really simple from what I've seen. All I do is open up a project. If youre using MVC, EF is already installed. Then you just make some data models, make sure your connection string is proper for the database in the web.config file, then make sure you go into the DbContext and add a DbSet for each model
I just glanced at that page you linked to, seems to be doing just that in there
Then after that, you just do enable-migrations and then add-migration "initial migration" and it will write up everything
I'll be headed for food but be back later and check if this all works then.
You don't even have to worry about the rest. But this is code-first of course.
Have good lunch
EF Migrations are awesome, if you're starting from scratch
@mikeTheLiar in what respect? The don't-care-about-bootstrap-perf part or the legacy-winforms part (or both)?
7:59 AM
took me literally 5 minutes to put together a fully functional EF/WebAPI demo the other day
Yeah its pretty fun
@Squiggle sweet. That's quick
...and another hour to explain to my colleagues what I just did
Such is the life of a sensei
morning all
8:06 AM
Is there a day for sensei? We need to have that.
every day is senpai day
@Squiggle well at least i'm not the only one :)
Thing I hate most about VS is for some damn reason, it always crashes my display driver
I just have to live with it... Its the only time that happens is when VS is open, usually when I hit alt+tab.
And yes, its the latest driver
Good thing, is that usually doesnt really matter... But it just tells me it crashed my display driver
8:21 AM
Ahahahaha that is disturbing.
Hahaha indeed
chasing roel when you post some question here
is it a bad practice to implement Factory in service layer instead of Domain layer?
public interface IFactory<TDTO, T>
    where TDTO : class
    where T : IEntity
    T CreateNewFrom(TDTO dto);
    T ReconstituteFrom(TDTO dto);
    T ReconstituteFrom(IDataRecord dr);
8:32 AM
This would be quite awesome if it would work like i want it to
But you know
Would be too easy ;)
@QuietNaN what is your definition of those layers?
depending on your definition it may be
1. UI
2. Application Service Layer ( sits between UI and Persistence)
3. Domain Layer (domain models)
4.1. Infrastructure (Here i got interfaces, base classes mostly)
4.2. Persistence (daos)
@War to be fair, they're all sharepoint devs but were really quick on the uptake. I like to think I ran a good training session :)
@Squiggle I was that was the case here
@QuietNaN hmmm ok why use a factory when it seems like you only need a mapper?
@War :(
tbh I get the feeling there's a real difference in culture between Swiss and UK businesses
8:37 AM
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users[username]\.nuget\packages\.tools\Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
@Squiggle here I've got so called "web developers" that don't know how to put a breakpoint in javascript code in a browser
the Swiss do genuinely value competence, and don't tolerate bullshit - especially when it comes to engineering.
OTOH, project managers are the same the world over
that sounds familiar
It does.
plus I've seen some great coders come fresh out of Uni or Fachhochschulen here
8:40 AM
Fachhochschulen, I want that.
@War my model props are encapsulated and model got different constructors and creation/reconstution uses different domain services using double dispatch
@ElieSaad you do?
and validation rules
Ahh, Fachhochschulen is the rough equivalent of what I did :3
@Squiggle the name is .. It's something man.
8:42 AM
@ElieSaad it's basically a Germanic Polytechnic
The irony is that the word 'Polytechnic' only makes sense in the context of a classical education which they don't do :)
do polytechnic provide the same level of university studies?
I mean a university student after interns and a year in the job, will get everything the polytechnic was provided. Unless he is a moron.
Yeah. A literal translation would be "subject high school", but it's more apt to refer to it as Applied Higher Education.
yeah, but generally with more hands-on training. The Universities here are more academic, less practical.
@ElieSaad In theory. Theory differs greatly from the real world.
either way, it works.
and it costs, like, about 800EUR/year to attend
8:46 AM
What i am speaking of, the student will get the theory, and once in interns and jobs, he will grasp the concepts quickly. (if he really belongs to the major)
I found this line on a ASP.net tutorial page but this only targets a local database, and it doesnt seem to like that you give it a id nor username to allow it to login to the server, anyone know what I could do?
Scaffold-DbContext "Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=Blogging;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models
@ElieSaad that describes my UK university course. Almost all theory. I learned more in my first year of real work than the three years spent at uni.
@Xariez I would expect it to authenticate the running process with its Windows account
(technically 4 years at uni. I had to re-sit one 'cos my house burned down and I failed to submit half my semeters' coursework)
@ElieSaad Universities are more in pursuit of the academy knowledge and theory of computer science. They generally have strong algorithmic and mathematics background and generally little to no experience with domain cases, project work, code structure, design principles, databases, and so forth. In contract, the "Fachhochschulen" focuses less on algorithmic and mathematics, and instead goes for the "real-world" experience I just mentioned. The dutch use a similar system (exc it's 4 years)
(And yes, I'm one of them Fachhochschulen-like guys)
8:49 AM
@TomW Fair enough, but the server's got SQL and not Windows authentication so thats the issue
@RoelvanUden I'd love to see more of this in the UK.
Mhmm, agreed. I think either ways, you will get you need, either it be math or work stuff.
@Squiggle you were too hot for the house to handle, i presume? o>
I worked with a CS grad a few years younger than me. He's really smart, picked stuff up really well. He did say they learned nothing about source control, project management techniques, solution architecture etc etc. I suggested that maybe a "Commercial software practices" module might have been worthwhile for them, he said yes. Then I said "But would everyone consider that the boring module that nobody takes?" and again he said yes.
@ElieSaad nah, we lived next door to a stoner who fell asleep with a blunt
@Squiggle HAHAHA he did the best TIFU ever.
8:51 AM
@Squiggle that's some fucked up shit
@TomW that was some straight shizzle. shizzle = shit ..
Lesson learned: Fire spreads very quickly.
Most University students I've met in the Netherlands were pretty bad at actual programming. Their algorithmic and mathematics skills are off the chart, though, so they usually end up in genetic evolution or neural networking (or something similar). We also have a 4-year 'HBO', which instead focuses on things like project working, project methodologies, variety of programming languages, databases, data modelling, data design, code structure, architecture, networking protocols, security, etc.
@ElieSaad pardon?
8:52 AM
It's widely different but very useful in a different field.
@ElieSaad what was?
@TomW your dang shizzle was straight up, dawg.
@RoelvanUden yeah, the degree you really want to work as a developer is software engineering
OH. How the conversation was being dealt. The yes on both answers.
@Xariez hang on a sec
8:53 AM
Which is why most job offerings in the Netherlands seek for 'HBO' for regular development we all do, and University/PHD+ for the more academic jobs.
@TomW nah. I took a Software Engineering degree. It was still too academic.
@TomW Pretty much.
and that lot suck a lot of the time, still
<-- BSc Soft. Eng.
You and your fancy titles
8:54 AM
my lead at my first 'real' job wrote a compiler, wrote an OS, wrote fancy shaders etc
And here you are, sitting in a c# chat room.
@Xariez you need to use an SQL SERVER type connection string which is like this... Add this between your <connectionstring> tags: `<add name="ConnectionStringName"
connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"/>`
his winforms code looks like a skip full of offal
@TomW neat
8:55 AM
@Xariez obviously, you need to replace some of that with what youre actually using.. Like if its not SQLEXPRESS, change that.. Also, it may not be integrated security, in which case you have to specify username and password as well
@TomW that imagery conjures up a very nasty smell
Fair enough, but how do you then bind that to a model/dbcontext? Or do I need to connect the model with the webconfig? @TeeSee
@Xariez you pass the name of the connection string to the DbContext base class IIRC
you do it by the ConnectionStringName
yeah tom beat me
It tries to just use DefaultConnectionString or something, but if thats not the name, you have to do it manually in the base class
8:57 AM
Ah right
@Xariez Normally your IDbContext class has the same name as your connection string IIRC
I see. GOtta head AFK though for a while, so cya'll later and thanks for the help this far!
@Xariez `public ApplicationDbContext()
: base("DefaultConnection", throwIfV1Schema: false)
Will be in Identity file
Thank you!

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