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12:56 AM
@JRichardSnape: thank you for suggesting "multiflaking" all those moons ago.
1:22 AM
"multiflaking"? is that like when you drop a grenade in the middle of your team on CoD?
1 hour later…
2:43 AM
2:58 AM
Cabbage :-)
3:18 AM
4:29 AM
hmm nice finals in world cup...
5:00 AM
hi all
5:25 AM
that feeling again
needed to enable supervisord in 16.04...
so I came across a question, and was like "oh someone else also has had this problem", read the answers, and then saw this comment:
the default ubuntu config location is at /etc/supervisord/supervisord.confAntti Haapala Jun 4 at 20:29
6:17 AM
6:40 AM
@stackit please see sopython.com/chatroom, especially the rules on posting newly asked (<2 days) questions.
@Ffisegydd perhaps we do not kick enough
something like, if someone pastes a new java question without prior interaction with the room, they'd receive an instakick.
Watch out, Ninja Junior has been coding: github.com/MageJohn/CHIP8
(Chip8 emulator in Python)
7:08 AM
sopython IRC channel: irc://irc.​freenode.​net:6667/sopython
<a href="irc://irc.​freenode.​net:6667/sopython">Test</a>
ok then...
7:21 AM
cabbage, all
7:39 AM
7:55 AM
Love it - I know, I'll dump a Java question in there, see how it flies.
I don't have an irc client on this PC, is it actually used?
If so, who owns it?
@MartijnPieters Nice style, well documented, clear commit messages - wonder where he gets that from?
A chip8 off the old block. guffaws to self
Written in Python 3 too. Maybe there's hope for the youth of today...
I am surprised by the fact that I have never used IRC. Despite my advancing years.
Maybe I should change that.
Although, possibly, my very first experience of the internet was IRC thinking about it. I recall my Dad's mate starting to chat with some people in Alabama (or some southern state) on a text terminal to show us this new fangled thing in the latd 80s/ early 90s. Would that be IRC? Could be I guess. I seem to recall we pretended to be far more glamorous than we were. So goes the Internet.
TIL, IRC originated in Oulu.
In France, there was this thing : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minitel
it was very similar to IRC
and often used for adult services or going to see if your kids had graduated from high school ...
8:06 AM
@JGreenwell this may be relevant for you on several levels. NLP, ML, and Whisk(e?)y is a good combination.
cc. @Morgan because he's a drunk who might also be interested.
Drunken NLP.
There must be articles out there for discussing the difference in NLP models between drunk and sober people.
In fact - that is indeed what I perform after a few pints. My rate is severely slowed and my error rates increase.
Did I tell you I am a contributor to NLTK now? Proud Face
'tis but a tiny fix, but still.
You might have mentioned it in passing.
That's how big my contribution to the open source community is. I have to milk every commit.
Bad Snape - more contributions needed
I should ignore the kids more :D
8:09 AM
I've heard good things about gensim but their website makes my skin crawl.
When you need to say stuff like "Gensim is a FREE python library" it makes me suspicious.
Ooh, yeah, that looks a bit Sourceforge meets ad agency.
I think it is produced by a company who have open sourced it, and so want to milk their open source contributions as much as possible (no idea what brought me onto the subject...)
It's LGPL, just fork it onto <insert git provider of choice>
Ewww their "get expert help" link goes to their consultancy website.
I dunno, actually, though. Looks like an academic just struggling to go commercial to me. I have some sympathy with them.
8:13 AM
I met one of the guys who works for them at pycon, nice guy.
I can have sympathy whilst also thinking it's not good :P
Mmm - weird the sudden gear change when you click the "get support" link. That consultancy doesn't look like it would give a helping hand to someone struggling with an open source library.
@Ffisegydd True enough - I wouldn't take that road myself.
I need to look into spacy.io more
Mmm, looks interesting.
Faster than NLTK for most things.
@JRichardSnape :-D
8:24 AM
Hi I would be happy if I can get help with the following - I am trying to understand what I am doing wrong and with no luck at all. I will pase part of my code here and I would be happy if someone can look at it and let me know where I did wrong and how I can change the code to fix it.
First - I am using : bokeh (0.12.2), drawnow (0.71.2), Flask (0.11.1), Jinja2 (2.8), matplotlib (1.5.3), numpy (1.11.1), pandas (0.18.1), pip (8.1.2), PyYAML (3.12), scipy (0.18.0), six (1.10.0), tornado (4.4.1)
Using this in my code:
df = pd.DataFrame(data=y_sm,index=x_sm,columns=['foo'])
fig = figure(plot_width=1600,title="Temperatures",y_axis_type="log",x_axis_type="log",tools=[hover, 'pan', 'wheel_zoom', 'box_zoom','save','reset'])
fig.line(df.index, df['foo'], color=color, line_width=2)
Works just fine till now BUT when I am adding this:
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(time=df.map(lambda x: x.strftime('%d-%m-%Y'))))
I am getting the following Error:
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'map'

I would be happy if someone can assist me with that :) Thank You!!
df is a dataframe. Did you expect it to be something else?
I assume you want to actually take a series from your dataframe and map that?
I have just followed instructions from a site that gave me the code of df.map and it worked for them - I don't know why I can't make it work?
Blindly following instructions without understanding isn't the best approach.
I understand the instructions on the code that i have followed and I know that I need to map the time from the df - But it did not work for me
8:30 AM
There is no function pandas.DataFrame.map. There is pandas.DataFrame.applymap which is designed for applying a function element-wise to a dataframe.
My df is pandas df and I assumed that i could map or append to it time but with no luck at all
So what are you expecting the output to be? What problem are you trying to solve?
tried apply as well with no luck :(
We can't help you here as we don't know what you are trying to do.
I didn't say apply.
I'd guess that you're actually wanting to work on a single column of your dataframe, not the entire thing.
8:31 AM
I am trying to achieve the time on my Hover tool using Bokeh
Where are you getting these instructions from?
So is your foo column a series of datetime strings?
Presumably you want that column to not contain strings but datetime objects perhaps?
From here:
this is the only work arround I have found
There are better, more pandathic, ways of converting strings to datatime objects btw.
Yeah definitely, you're working on the entire dataframe when you just want a specific column.
I have tried dateformatters
8:34 AM
I should try this:
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(time=df.to_datetime(lambda x: x.strftime('%d-%m-%Y'))))
Sorry but I don't have the time or patience for this.
Good luck.
df does not have to_datetime
Ok Thanks
As a parting remark, I'd suggest you read some documentation and tutorials on pandas, this is a simple problem and coming to use for help with it is not the best solution.
I have made the following changes (still does not work) and I don't get errors - But I don't see my graph at all.
df['foo'] = pd.to_datetime(df['foo'])
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(time=df.applymap(lambda x: x.strftime('%d-%m-%Y'))))
There are no errors now - But there is NO Graph as well..
8:45 AM
@AryeGuetta - spend more time on determining exactly what the problem is - this will save you time fixing code you don't understand and randomly poking at it. Examine closely the difference between what you want to happen and what is actually happening. Evaluate bits of the code at a time interactively to understand what they do.
I think I need to extends the foo column onto datetime column so i will use it for the mapping of time.
I will examin more - I though that was the issue.
@Ffisegydd writes that down
Life is demanding without understanding.
@Ffisegydd just founded :P
or you mean irc?
no one owns irc.
9:01 AM
I think he meant the channel
9:22 AM
Hi, question about nolean, I am trying to prepare a dataset and its label so that I can build DBN, how can I build a dataset where character or string its components
sorry I meant nolearn
9:41 AM
Cabbage o/
morning cbg all
JS is making me so sad.
When does it not?
9:57 AM
Doing a map operation on an array of objects to add an extra property. I can console.log at all of the stages - before, during map, after. The extra field is definitely there, just isn't being returned at the end.
@Ffisegydd how to feed them et al?
@Ffisegydd paste or it didn't happen
Can't paste. I can modify existing properties on the objects but can't add new ones.
Luckily I have a gold-badge in so can re-open.
10:04 AM
I have no doubt that is correct. I'm not saying that Node.js is fundamentally broken (in this particular way).
Traceback (most recent call last):
  Office "A223", line 1, in front of desk
PEBKACError: person 'FizzyGood' just can't.
perhaps you're adding the object on the list instead, and it is returning a new list...
Fizzy DoublePlusUngood, ungoodthinkwise.
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  Location "Airstrip one", flat 412123, in London
PersonError: name 'FizzyGood' is an unperson
I've got an unMCVE, basically an MCVE that shows that I'm doing but works perfectly and isn't broken like my real code.
10:19 AM
python is supposed to be readable
do you hate whitespaces so much?
sorry for that
you should consider another language if that's the case, really
you don't need parentheses around the if
and you should check is False, not ==False
@jayantsingh please see sopython.com/chatroom
In particular, please don't just dump large amounts of code like that.
10:22 AM
Who flags that?
@Ffisegydd I was reading Jayant's stuff ... I know it is the rule but I'm still not use to that o_O'
@AndyK Not used to what?
(to have someone's code disappearing like Houdini)
10:23 AM
Morning @PM2Ring
Magic Cabbage to you too!
It disappears like a VW's emissions on a test rig
@Ffisegydd ha ha
@AndyK Fizzy had to move it, to protect your poor innocent eyes. :)
@PM2Ring ha ha **2
I don’t even know what to say
we can sing maybe a song with the word mercy ... maybe
@Riccardo990 this is the wrong room
@AndyK thanks, I think he gets that :)
you should look at a room with Cordova and even better be patient
I actually think he knew that…
10:26 AM
@FlorianMargaine Even doing if some_condition is False: is not recommended; if not some_condition is preferred.
well his action did not match his thought , so it is always good to remind people
@PM2Ring right. His code was too obfuscated for me to see this, though :)
sometimes I prefer the is False though
(like, when I explicitly expect a False value)
Random questions like that are highly unlikley to get asnwered anyway
@AndyK Absolutely, but at the same time we don't want multiple people to pile onto users. Sometimes when multiple people pile on it is quite demoralising and can look quite bad. If you are the only person about then feel free to remind people of the rules, but if others are about and already handling it, there's no need to comment.
sounds good to me
10:29 AM
@AndyK What Fizzy said. One friendly reminder is sufficient. And while it's ok for anyone in the room to give newbies friendly hints about room etiquette it's better for that kind of thing to come from one person, preferably a room owner, if one of us is present.
is False relies on the existence of a single False object. I submit that to use such a construct is poor programming when not is available
fair enough. I respect the rules
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
(like, when I explicitly expect a False value)
i.e. there's a contract to respect
@AndyK Understood. You are aren't being chastised. I just thought it'd be good to give you a friendly reminder about RO policy. :)
It's about getting people to respect the rules without having them feel they got piled on, I suppose
10:31 AM
and no , I don't want to pile up. But sometimes, some actions of some people are just plain weird so it is more of a ... reflex to remind ;)
don't worry PM2ring, no harm done.
@FlorianMargaine Sure. Sometimes it's necessary to test for an explicit False. But when you don't really need that, it's nicer (from the POV of duck-typing) to accept anything false-ish.
Is there anything that identifies an RO in their avatar? Might be nice to know who the ROs were without relying on esoteric knowledge
@holdenweb Our names are written in italics
10:32 AM
And mods are written in blue
But the RO italics names aren't exactly obvious D: unless you already know
@Ffisegydd how was the slack in PyCon UK, was it popular?
@AnttiHaapala Yes very, and it was a great idea.
was it open to everyone?
If you click on a chat avatar, then click on the user profile link, you go to a page that shows any rooms that that chat user is a RO of.
10:35 AM
Really helped for people to organise things, there were channels for social stuff for people to meet, and it made it easier for organisers to push out small announcements using @here notifications
There was also a jobs channel for people to push their companies in, there was a asktheorganisers channel to quickly get hold of someone who was an organiser
Things like that really helped.
Split it into multiple lines, and also without trying it are you missing in?
@jayantsingh you've just asked your question, please don't ask again so soon.
It's definitely the coolest candidate so far.
It's got over 100 years experience, including nuclear disarmament
Let's see Trump's Hair/Fence do that.
Morning cabbage :)
@Antti fixed my error from earlier. It was because Mongoose doesn't allow you to add properties to their document objects.
10:50 AM
I just got weirdly interested in psychology
I imagine khajvah, walking down the road with his coffee in hand, then *DING* gets interested in psychology.
10:58 AM
Or, really any other inappropriate setting.
I was bored in history class and was looking at people's faces and thinking about how they think
I hate history
But at least it's not weird: psychology is fascinating:) But by "psychology" I mean cognitive science. Talk-about-your-problems psychology is surely useful, but less fascinating.
@khajvah if you need some reading for during history class, read up on human ethology and cognitive stuff if you haven't done so
@AndrasDeak yes exactly that. I chose the wrong word
keywords: Zimbardo, Milgram, Aronson
my go-to source for rationalization, it's blood-chilling in a very dry and scientific way
@khajvah time to watch Lie To Me
11:01 AM
@RobertGrant interesting, will give it a shot
A classmate and I were talking about how we think, and how that's really just electrical impulses in our brains (which are incidentally a stack-based system that allow you to pop out of the middle of the stack), and were considering ways to use some kind of electromagnetism to hack people's brains
ah, Lie To Me is great :D
@WayneWerner fun fact: we don't know how we really think
and you can hack people's brains with electricity, it's just pretty crude at the moment
@AndrasDeak I am thinking about getting this
Well, yeah - but you're always thinking about things that you were recently exposed to. Or were linked from something you were exposed to. I could be wrong, but I haven't been exposed to it yet.
11:04 AM
@khajvah I'm unfamiliar with it, but that's also true with most of the subject. Since it's Aronson, I'd go for it:)
@AndrasDeak Yeah, I believe that scents are stored near your temples? I read an article a while back that was talking about that (which I wouldn't have been thinking about if khajvah hadn't been talking about psychology which turned us on to the idea of how people think.)
@khajvah No, wait, I am familiar with it, but I know the Hungarian title
it's great:)
Programmers are fascinating. I didn't expect to find so many people interested in such a random subject in a Python discussion room.
@khajvah Honestly that's exactly where I'd expect to find so many people. I rarely find programmers that are just interested in programming
especially the best ones
@WayneWerner well association is a very basic thing in thought processes. And there are things like mood congruence, that you're more likely to recall bad memories when already in a bad mood. But there's a lot of other non-trivial crap happening which is based on faulty optimization by evolution across tens of thousands of years
11:06 AM
(though that's probably largely true of any discipline - the best ones rarely have a singular area of knowledge/expertise - they're typically interested in all kinds of things)
@WayneWerner I wonder what's the reason behind it... starts-reading-about-psychology
@AndrasDeak indeed; the relationship between electricity and thought could be the same as between material's science and programming
@khajvah Probably the fact that the more that you know the less likely you are to randomly die because you didn't know that petting a saber-tooth tiger was a bad idea
@RobertGrant including quantum mechanics:P
11:08 AM
Petting it is a good idea; getting close enough to do that without dying is the hard bit
That's why we made small versions that were less capable of tearing our arms off without our permission.
Or just being dead.
I was going to make a comparison between dogs and cats since I had, at one point, read about a dog that lay down next to its dead owner. But it turns out that dogs will also eat their owners, so, never mind.
relevant slate article is relevant
Oh, pleasing. Displaylink have already updated the drivers for Sierra. Triple screen ahoy.
@WayneWerner only the hungry ones
I don't think I've ever met a dog that wasn't hungry
It's a basic attribute.
11:24 AM
Mine isn't that food-centric:)
We chose her from the litter based on multiple considerations; one among them was that she ate a bit at feeding time, then walked away to explore, went back and ate some more, explored more again.
She often won't eat her whole portion in one sitting.
The same doesn't hold true for dairy products and fruits and other treats, of course:D And when we open a new bag of kibbles, she'll stick her head in the box and eat herself full.
</doggie corner>
Haha, ok, that sounds more doglike :D
so next in news: would a group of catholic youngsters eat their friends :?
... yes, absolutely they would.
something something Alive?
something something.
@khajvah ScatSat was placed in orbit this morning :D
11:29 AM
Gosh, hadn't heard of that. What a terrible acronym! :D
does it fling poo?
All the satellites that contain a scaterometer have scat in their names :D
Sep 2 at 11:41, by PM 2Ring
@khajvah ScatSat is a shit name for a satellite.
QuikScat - NASA ... ASCAT - ESA :D
11:32 AM
quickscat is definitely worse.
"I'll just take a quickscat"
ASCAT because it's an Advanced SCAtterometer. Dunno about QuikScat tho
"i went to the phillipines and drank some bad water, had quickscat for days"
Quantum Interference Kookie?
@Withnail "Like quicksilver, only less shiny"
Actually snorted at that.
11:39 AM
@AndrasDeak "but still a bit shiny"
Ah, the list of the shit scat satellites are here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scatterometer
That link is SFW
@RobertGrant You fool, I told you to stop eating coins.
out = np.loadtxt(infile,converters=defaultdict(lambda: lambda s:float(s.replace('D','E'))))
and it's not even codegolf:D
but it won't work:((
Numpy wants to zip my defaultdict with the input, and that won't work:(

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