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5:00 PM
The answer is obviously scala
"Answer as fast as possible. I do not have time." lol
Q: Python concurrency: dealing with complex dependencies and locks

Ronan PaixãoI need help on how to apply concurrency to a number of tasks I need executed. Since Python has a myriad of different concurrency libraries and I'm don't have too much experience applying concurrency (neither threads or coroutines), I'm at a loss on where to start. My program usually needs to do ...

could someone else say that "this is still too broad but try thread first"
yesterday, by idjaw
this question gave me anxiety from the amount of detail: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39669569/python-concurrency-dealing-with-comp‌​lex-dependencies-and-locks
That cloud question was probably a deliberate troll.
OK troops, rhubarbing out after a stultifying 15-minute meeting that lasted an hour
5:04 PM
@holdenweb cheers! Today is planning day...so the meetings are continuing for me :)
Until tomorrow ...
5:22 PM
Those recruiters I mentioned that hijacked slack at pycon are still spreading their filth
"If you are interested in new career opportunities or if you would like advice on CV writing, salary banding or the Python market generally i would be keen to help if i can. Thanks"
Who would name themselves Vomit? Seriously....
I definitely would not have taken that seriously either. Good on you Fizzpop
...and the salary benders. But then everything changed when the bubble nation attacked...
Just reading it makes me feel dirty, like I'm being attacked by slimy tendrils from the depths in some Lovecraft novella.
5:37 PM
guys :|
I have no clue how long something should take to do. What do?
get your time constraints out of agile. The agile gods will kill you for this
you need to talk in terms of complexity and keep re-assessing every two weeks
Do it and see
@idjaw Don't have agile
Huh. I read "take to do" as "take to run", not "take to code". Guess I'm not cut out to be a project manager!
@corvid what religion process do you folks follow?
5:45 PM
At my place we do a variant of Agile which is basically just really frequent meetings and none of the good parts.
PMs: "Welcome to the project. Have you done Scrum before?"
Me: "No, but neither has anyone else"
We're nominally Agile with rolling 3-week sprints. I'm a little different because for 2 of my 3 teams I work with them directly, outside of the sprint framework.
@idjaw Get thing done, makes me super nervous
Windows update took 1.5 hours. God damnit M$.
@Ffisegydd: can you access network sites that aren't gmail? If so, you're doing better than me.
5:49 PM
Well I'm on SO, so yes.
:-P So am I. On one computer, not on the one I need to be on.
Well yes I'm on the PC I just updated :P
@DSM What if you change your DNS? Can you change it to Google's DNS?
Also, I need this in my life.
Coffee machine that's connected to your email that brews strength based on how many unreads you have.
@MorganThrapp: it's not a DNS issue -- nslookup finds everything I throw at it.
5:54 PM
@DSM I am thoroughly confused then.
You don't keep a rolodex of IP addresses just for this reason?
@MorganThrapp Had some training from a guy that had something like 36,000 unread emails.
@Ffisegydd I finally saw that like 2 weeks ago. I was impressed.
It was a good film, whatever Tristan says.
@MorganThrapp: NumberFirm has an entire team of people whose job it is to answer questions from lusers like me, so I've asked them for some ideas.
5:56 PM
@Ffisegydd I'm not a huge Star Wars fan by any means, but it was very engaging and enjoyable.
It helps that I love J.J.Abrams.
@DSM That works. Does ping resolve?
I've just started watching the latest South Park. They take the mick out of Abrams quite a lot.
It's not hard. He's definitely got his tropes.
@MorganThrapp: you don't love him enough to lens-flare your picture. :-P
He loves him so much he's lens-flared IRL.
It's true.
5:58 PM
That's just cataracts.
@MorganThrapp: yep, I can ping the world.
Are sites curl-able? Could it be the browser has its own DNS settings
@DSM When this gets resolved, let me know, because I am super curious now.
@MorganThrapp: my guess is on some weird proxy/security setting I don't know enough about Windows to disable.
@DSM That is possible.
What browser are you using?
6:03 PM
No curl/wget. I've tried using both IE and Chrome. Nothing can access anything except Chrome can access mail.google.com completely normally. But I don't want to spam the channel with Windows network debugging, so I'll stop now. :-)
6:32 PM
How do you pronounce GIL? Is it Gill (like that unlucky guy in the Simpsons), or is it Jill?
I have a feeling this is relative to "gif" vs "jif".
I pronounce it Gill (the unlucky Simpsons guy)
(Global Interpreter Lock, so hard G)
graphics interchange format, eh?
(I knew that without googling, I did)
I pronounce it "Global Interpreter Lock".
6:36 PM
@idjaw: letter-by-letter represent!
I'm also back from the vet, I still have my balls
@DSM yeah buddy
There needs to be a limit to this whole saying of acronyms. Soon there will be a movement to actually say SSH
Access it via shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Did you just sush me? No... Just use shhhhhhh
Who's on first? Ssssh.
6:41 PM
But this is coming from the guy who says WADL like waaddle. So I'm just one big contradiction.
haters gonna hate. Yes. I think that is the right expression here
you mean CNTRDCTIN?
Guido says Jill
6:45 PM
was this a trick question all along @wim
You mean Juido?
Were you trying to find the heathens in the room?
What about JSON? Do you say J S O N?
6:46 PM
How to decode captcha in python. Either "outside resource request" or "too broad".
Word of the day: mojibake
How do I do GET parameters with url_for in jinja? Eg, the ?id=foo&name=bar stuff.
Maybe url_for(..., id='foo', name='bar')? I don't think it's specific to Jinja
@MorganThrapp anything that's not a url capture will become a query arg
I am new to flask actually
6:53 PM
Just pass more keywords.
So if the kwarg doesn't match to a route param, it becomes a query arg?
@MorganThrapp yeah
@davidism Great, thanks!
Hello Python maestros, I wanted to ask a quick question. Linked to my superuser question <https://superuser.com/questions/1128454/how-to-track-program-unresponsiveness?n‌​oredirect=1#comment1615888_1128454> I was wondering if Python would be a suitable language to accomplish my goal of creating a program that will track program unresponsiveness.
6:57 PM

Did i break any rule for having the message deleted.
I didn't ask question which was posted. I was polite. I didnt have a preamble. I didn't message anyone by username.

Asking so that i dont break that rule again.
The code snippet was too long, IMO
@AjGauravdeep The code was a bit on the long side. We don't have an explicit limit, but generally if you get the "click to view more" message, it ought to have been put into a pastebin instead
Thank you @Kevin and @vaultah for pointing that out. Let me ask it again with smaller code portion.
@BobtheBuilder Without doing any research into the issue, I bet the Windows API has functions for monitoring that kind of thing, and that Python could in principle invoke those functions.
Also, it's just a code dump that sounds like you want us to remotely debug your hardware. Based on your previous track record in the room, I'm not confident this is going anywhere.
> Only paste code directly into chat if it is not very long.
> For longer code, use an external paste tool such as [dpaste](http://dpaste.com).
7:03 PM
also, mini-markdown breaks on multiline messages:(
And if the "smaller code portion" was enough, why did you post the bigger one? Don't dump code on us, create a mcve.
@Kevin Ok, windows API and python. Thanks!
and there was an "i" that wasn't capitalized... :P
@AndrasDeak please don't pile on
sorry, I was making fun of you
7:05 PM
I know that, but to everyone else it doesn't sound that way. If it's in response to an RO thing, let ROs deal with it.
ah, sorry:(
Hello. I am testing pyserial library with iOS hardware. But i am not able to read from it reliably. I also have a tool which is based on serial communication with this hardware and it works perfectly fine. I am ensuring At a time only only one serial connection is made.
My test steps are:
# init conn with port, baudrate of 9600, even parity, eightbits bytesize, one point five stop bits and xonxoff turned off.
# use atexit to close connection if any reason the process is closed
# use read lines in while loop to read line and print.
@BobtheBuilder Specifically for the case of determining the responsiveness of already open windows, I suspect SendMessage would be of some use. On the flip side, it's not going to be useful at all for measuring processes that don't have a window open (for instance, after you've just rebooted and clicked on the firefox icon and are waiting for it to accumulate the necessary 600 megs of RAM before it becomes visible)
Perhaps you could do something clever with FindWindow to measure the time between firefox.exe starting, and the firefox window appearing. I don't know, just putting ideas out there.
@Kevin @BobtheBuilder IIRC that' what Windows does when it show "window is unresponsive" message in GUI, SendMessageTimeout, no ACK within timeout means window is not responsive
7:13 PM
Oh, good, so my suggestion was on track, more or less. Incidentally, is there a suggested WM_* message that one should send specifically? When you just want to do a "hey are you alive?" ping?
Upon additional googling, I suspect WM_NULL.
yep, WM_NULL, found it like 5 seconds ago
Do you pronounce that as Woomm?
As another example, an application can check if a window is responding to messages by sending the WM_NULL message with the SendMessageTimeout function.
@AndrasDeak I prefer "wum".
7:17 PM
cbg tristan
Only problem with using SendMessage to gauge the responsiveness of a window is: by sending a message to it, you're increasing the amount of work it has to do, making it less responsive.
everyone get to my apartment (aka Jonestown, Massachusetts, from the look how how the debate is going to be) for a presidential debate drinking game.
You change the outcome by measuring it. Very quantum.
Tristan IRL
7:19 PM
Yes sir.
Aw man the video cuts out the part where everyone in the office and also a bear instantaneously appears next to him
The best part about doing "offline" design work is that you feel like you've accomplished so much, when all you've done is made some line drawings.
Web design.
don't sell yourself short, drawing lines is hard
as long as they are straight
No, I can't even draw curvy lines the way I want to:P
"this page is going to be so elegant!" - guy who hasn't thought of any of the edge cases yet
7:22 PM
@tristan I'll be pouring myself a drink and watching it. I'll be here too I suppose. So it's almost like being there
@AnttiHaapala I've limited the scope of the question. Is that enough to unhold it? — Ronan Paixão 6 hours ago
I wonder how I should put it...
@idjaw haha, live feed. do you have a drinking game picked out yet? all the ones i found were pretty boring and used the rules to push their own opinions.
I don't have TV or the desire to watch it, so I'm going to watch Trailer Park Boys and play video games.
I'll let twitter/facebook sum up the debate for me tomorrow morning.
that's a pretty good policy. the second sentence isn't.
I'm getting my teeth cleaned tonight which I suspect will be a marginally less painful experience
7:24 PM
@tristan I mean, twitter is known for being fair and balanced.
Really the part that hurts the most is the hygenist's withering scorn upon hearing I don't floss
clinton owns the media, so the summary would be "and then trump straight up stabbed a kitten in the face while screaming in its mother's face"
Oh the blissful Western world. I have to brush my teeth each day.
@Kevin i had a deep cleaning today! dental hygine bros internet high five
7:26 PM
stackoverflow.com/questions/39709695/… dupe, somehow it's still open
And I think I'm getting X-rays too. Aw man, the thing they make you bite down on is always pointy.
364 days out of the year I successfully avoid stabbing myself in the area where my lower gum meets my upper gum. But it's just unavoidable today.
where do your gums meet?
You have an area of your mouth in which your lower gum meets your upper gum?
At the back. It's like a hinge, innit.
Okay cool, so it's not just me.
7:28 PM
thank goodness it's not just me
I've had dental x-rays in the past but no stabbing, fortunately
but neat rotating panoramic x-ray thingy---yes.
Listen. I'm no biology-ist. Try to meet me halfway when I poorly describe an organic thing.
7:29 PM
Yeah, that part.
You'll have your python stabbed...?
And pay for the privilege. [nods]
sometimes i have such a hard time relating to other people that someone will introduce me to their child and my brain immediately provides me with "oh what a nice small human" and i end up making some sound while trying to turn that into things normal people would say
will you hate me if I link an xkcd?
7:31 PM
go for it :) (fwiw: i don't hate any of the regulars)
@tristan Oh man I don't know if it possible to survive. So many things to choose from
yeah, it's not that good
although it's not as bad as some of the recent ones:D
I think we are due for a new fixkcd
7:38 PM
@idjaw Yeah, they're both so terrible, but I think it's "finish your drink" territory if Trump associates Clinton with the trail of dead or her turning a blind eye to her husband's sexual assaults, "Pepes" are mentioned, Clinton falls down or her handler(s) prop her up, Trump mocks someone with physical disabilities.
I was told growing up that when somebody starts telling jokes at a gathering, the discussion is already dead. I guess I should generalize that to xkcd strips as well.
@idjaw yeah, no, twitter locked me out unless i provide them with proof of identity, and the only way to salvage that comic is to make the caption "i can never figure out what to say to my ex-wife or her new family" where all the crossed out things are depressing/lonely/glad-you're-better-off-now
90% of the things I say are jokes, which bodes poorly for every discussion I've ever participated in. Or maybe the saying means specifically "how do you fit two cows into a fridge?" type jokes and not the kind of semi-on-topic riffing I'm prone to
@Kevin Well, you make an observation, a witty interpretation, or do setup and pay-off.
7:42 PM
@Kevin no, specifically "So two horses walk into a bar" kind of jokes
Under Oats would be a good name for a show about horse lawyers.
That is the interpretation that most effectively saves my ego, so that's the one I picked.
I'd have no legitimacy whatsoever if lack of seriousness was bad form:P
If I quickly sign-off, it's because the coffee-shop wifi has expired or a tiny cane has appeared from stage left and pulled me away.
7:59 PM
how rude is that...
wifi that expires :(
recbg from dinner
off for now. @tristan maybe see you tonight for some political banter :P
During dinner the wife snorted; turns out she had been reading the box of a posh face cream we just bought. The label said "24h comfort nourishing cream**"

**Clinical trial supported by 11 cases
Oct 20 '15 at 14:44, by DSM
One of the first lines I read today after getting into the office: "The Mr. T test: 'that ain't significant, fool!'" Going to be a weird Tuesday.
My oh my, eleven ! That's like this many : iiiiiiiiii + i
8:07 PM
8:21 PM
which is 0.
i¹⁰ + 1 I read originally :D
I may be missing something here
redis.StrictRedis always returns binary data, unless explicitly told to decode every response
@vaultah I don't miss...
More About Unicode in Python 2 and 3 The Lost Type Python 3 essentially removed the byte-string type which in 2.x was called str. On the paper there is nothing inherently wrong with it. From a purely theoretical point of view text always in Unicode sounds awesome. And it is. If your whole world is just your interpreter. Unfortunately that's not how it works in the real world where you need to interface with bytes and different encodings on a regular basis and for that, the Python 3 model completely breaks down. — gt488 5 mins ago
@AnttiHaapala I am only doing this to be able to discuss the problem in this post. I am going to be doing a cv2.imshow("bild1", img_r) which presently is not working. — gt488 2 mins ago
.... sigh...
so their code should work, I guess
8:34 PM
me neither
I don't have time to listen to people talk:P
9:00 PM
gt488 deleted his question right before I was going to comment. :-/
If only I could weasel out of some gut fat like OPs out of some Qs
Convert SO rep to gym reps.
Haha ! Nice : D Too bad I can't star on my phone : /
reload with desktop user agent
John Skeet would be the strongest person on earth?
You could just take all of the chuck norris jokes adapted to Skeet and you wouldn't even have to make them tech-related anymore
9:10 PM
I'm already in desktop version : \. I see some considerate soul took care of it. Tomorrow I'll be starring that gold like a champ
not even with the context menu on the left of the message?
^^ I just starred that from my phone.
imagines DSM fist pumping
@randomhopeful: are you using your phone's browser or something else?
Sep 17 at 21:20, by randomhopeful
@AnttiHaapala I'm on Evertek phone a fine jewellery of Tunisian made in China import. But any RO please do rotate the knives
9:14 PM
While interesting :-), that doesn't tell me if you're using the Web interface or not.
Yeah that was for Andras I had to quit the room go to its info and search from there because I couldn't search from the top right bar. And yeah I'm using the regular web interface
Some buttons don't even render : /
Ike the star, reply, remove, etc : /
So what happens when you tap the message time? For me an icon bar appears.
9:18 PM
Nothing here : /
That's unfortunate.
I'm saving for a nice gentleman phone so all is good [ :
A nice gentleman phone? Does that mean it's sturdy enough to hold doors open for people?
:D I miss those heavy handsets and dials that go tchk-tchk-tchk
9:35 PM
Back when you could just screw open the speaker and see if it's wired. At least if spy/action movies/series are any indication of actual espionage technology.
cbg all
I was wondering why I didn't get a tick towards a Sportsmanship badge, because I remembered that I upvoted one of Divakar's answer. Turns out I got downvoted, so my own answer is not positively-scored
Hmm...every answer save Divakar's has a downvote. Which is hilarious, because I'm absolutely sure that he wouldn't downvote rival answers:D
I suspect he was the one who upvoted mine in the first place
10:05 PM
@KevinMGranger Have you read the John Skeet facts?
@idjaw 300 more rep to go! Why don't you go on a needful-doing spree?;)
@AndrasDeak It's hard to find things that I can provide the needful to!
A lot of the ones I can easily answer I am almost sure I would get downvoted before upvoted
I have a ratio to maintain
that's very rational of you
but if you overdo it, it can become very ratio-anal
... :|
@AndrasDeak: I remember reading a story set in the future where a plot point was that they were able to plant a physical bug because no one was used to (relatively) large mechanical devices like that.
10:10 PM
a syntax error
If all of the "service" is provided on the server side, and the Python side is just a dumb client (so that with just it you really don't have anything), it's not an unreasonable goal.
note to self....don't do SO when kids are yelling in the background. Brains don't function
food saving advice for parents. Don't make yourself food, just eat your kids leftovers.
Nothing like a half eaten grilled cheese
Yeah. I asked the OP about that
I saw
Hopefully they can be steered in the right direction
Do you agree that answering this would be frowned upon?
I figured that OP tried to do something, but then I realized that somebody already noted most of the things in a comment
Tough call....let's just put it this way. I don't see someone downvoting that. I also see no one upvoting it either
and about a 90% of not getting +15
10:31 PM
it's not about rep, I rarely answer stuff
I started answering because I thought I could show how to use slice() here, but it doesn't really help
once upon a time you were a rep thirsty go getter
I mean, it could be used to avoid using an if, but in a very kludgy way
@idjaw only until 10k:P
meh, it would be too spoon-feedy, I'll drop it
thanks for the feedback, @idjaw
Why does no one else involved in that question not saying anything about the OP using 2.6
am I caring too much?
@idjaw yes and no:P
this is another Canadian thing...isn't it.
10:34 PM
python 3.6???
A: Encountering a TypeError

chepner% is a string operator; you are trying to use it with the return value of target.write(). target.write("%s \n%s \n%s \n" % (line1, line2, line3)) I encourage you to switch to Python 3.6 if you are just starting. It has a much more natural syntax for building this kind of string: target.write(...

whyyyyy not yet!
freaky string interpolation is freaky
I like it, but recommending an unreleased Python to a beginner just for a syntax they won't find documented anywhere seems unwise.
still beats LPTHW:P
anybody with (>=)3.5 and numpy around?
what is type(sum((numpy.float64(3),)))?
>>> import numpy
>>> type(sum((numpy.float64(3),)))
<class 'numpy.float64'>
10:45 PM
there's some oddity here
varying reproducibility, difference seems to be python major version (or 32/64 bit, but that's even less likely)
wish I could help. But what I just did was the most numpy I have ever done
that's OK, it's pandas;)
I mean the question at hand
bah, by "major" I meant "minor" version 3 messages above
doesn't really matter, but just enough to bother me
11:02 PM
@idjaw i went to a bar and a beer tasting event, so maybe i'll keep away from internets
do they spit out the beer at such an event?
@tristan I hear ya man. It's for the best
@AndrasDeak lol
I would love to see that, mind you. Bearded hipsters and beer snobs spitting into glasses:D
after gargling for a while...
am i a bearded hipster? :[
11:10 PM
Well I wouldn't want to see it, but I'd love to know it's a thing somewhere
if my damn android phone will upload the photo i sent myself 15 minutes ago, i'd share the beer list
@tristan no, but you didn't spit out your beer into a glass, did you?:P
@AndrasDeak uhh do i look like a criminal?
there you go
11:32 PM
@idjaw I made a signature cocktail for the event. It's called "The 2016 American Political System" and it's 1 sugar cube, 2 dashes angostura, 8 parts bleach, 1 part club soda, garnish with a shotgun in your mouth.
woo angostura
I don't think that's American
but we'll just say it was made in the USA
should pass
you can't have AngoStUra without USA
you can't spell "crippling existential crisis for americans" without "pretend this is a democracy"
freedom sprinkles for everyone!
I have an individual in my life who doesn't like GoT....is disowning them proper social behaviour?
only if cutting off their manhood is not an option
(feeding to goats optional)
11:39 PM
aww hell yes, girlfriend approved the "drink at home" option for the debates
although, my area offers both townies/right wing people that make me uncomfortable and college kids that have never worked in their lives and think everything should be paid for in tweets
how does all that relate to drinking at home?
because i'm missing out on having a beer bottle thrown at me/A+ people watching
11:41 PM
@tristan Ah yes. Kinda like the ridiculously cheap tuition we have here for residents that students protest for because they actually want it all for free. Because screw paying for anything.
someone asked me for whom i was voting and I asked "well, which one is taller?" and i think she almost died
valid answer
@idjaw yeah dude, systematic oppression of people that don't spend all their time working
you should switch to "who makes better ice cubes?"
11:43 PM
haha this is a terrible night for new people to the room.
hi @droider, welcome!
same to @love233126
Thanks @tristan, whats up all!
hey droider
oh awesome. The debates start at 9
I can catch up on my sunday night shows
11:48 PM
@tristan that is always a fun combination

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