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4:00 PM
I'm happy to try and kick less, and to also be more explicit in my warnings beforehand.
I think this all boils down to communicating issues clearer
and make an RO/how does the room moderation work page
We could steal from some Meta posts (I think Kevin did one on elections, etc.)
@poke Yup. That's what I'd like.
4:00 PM
Technical question: if we kick someone and then ping them with "we kicked you because...", is that actually visible to them?
They will get a ping when they come back into the room.
They'll also get a notification in SO.
Sometimes when they come back in I get the impression that they didn't see any notifications in the intervening time.
It should probably be the other way around though.
But maybe that's just the phenomenon of nobody reading anything ever.
Would be cool if we could kick with a message.
4:01 PM
@Kevin Sounds about right.
Oh god yes.
Then you could say in private to the kickee.
@tristan we can only dream
"Hey listen dude you need to calm down. I know you like to lift tristan but you can't greet every new user with "SO BRAH, LIFT MUCH?""
Yeah, it's not going to happen
You guys do nothing but complain. We have Teams! What more do we need?
4:02 PM
Teams rule.
I am my own team.
Our team rules because we are the biggest.
Annnnnnnnnnnnd a new record set in the "Time to 3 stars" time bracket!
Anyway, that was my two cents on the banning.
Cool, so meeting done?
4:03 PM
yes, I have another
meh davidism, meh.
(I want to go home xD)
And realized that I haven't done anything in at least a year. :-(
Yeah, we’re terrible
4:04 PM
Oh boy 25 open bugs
As the laziest regular, I'm not inclined to throw stones.
Just wanted to put this out there that I am aware of it, I want to keep developing it, but I just need to find the time.
I've actually been on a big "programming at home" bit for a while, I could maybe pitch in some.
@davidism even I've made a commit in that time! :p
4:05 PM
@davidism is this where you suggest they're all closed and people open them again as necessary? :)
Because stones are very heavy and they're just fine where they are, thank you
I would be interested in helping, I just don't know anything about Flask. :P I'd really like to learn though.
@idjaw see that there that Bobby did? Referencing old jokes! It's funny! Don't knock it! I'M DOING IT RIGHT NOW!
@Morgan pull down the code, have a play!
Right now I'm working on the Flask org projects a lot, but sopython-site is next on my list.
4:05 PM
@Ffisegydd ............FINE
@Morgan'Venti'Thrappuccino once I get back into it, I'll get it organized and see what I can do about getting more of us involved.
It'd be Llanfair to penalise people for referencing old jokes!
I would be interested in helping, I just don't know anything about Python.
@JonClements I have a little, and I should do it more.
@MattDMo Nor do we - and we're doing fine! :p
4:06 PM
I would be interested in helping, I just don't know anything about Github except that xkcd
It's just that without even the basic level of knowledge, I don't know where to even start looking for the bugs.
In cool news though, I did get our site on the (really lacking) "powered by flask" page.
I'm not interested in helping, and I know a fair bit about Flask.
ok, that's all from me I think
4:08 PM
Are we done with the meeting? Or are there AOAOAOBs?
ban tristan repeatedly
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd DONE.
Thank you for attending. Please leave.
4:08 PM
Excellent... 365 days off chat for tristan coming up :)
i dare you
"i dare you (please do it. i'm too weak on my own. i need to do some work)"
damn... ya called my bluff ya trickster you!
Wait, I, oh... Sadly puts away folder labeled "extremely urgent business". I guess it can wait another three months...
And we've successfully removed Kevin from the starboard! Quick! He's at his weakest!
4:10 PM
Who's in charge of updating the meeting transcript page? Kevin?
he is now
Heading home, rhubarb!
rbrb @poke
Rhubarb for poke.
Rhubarb poke
4:10 PM
rbrb, @poke
Good meeting. Shortish. No (non-Scottish) tears.
unfortunately, that amazing gif is 47MB
"well, it's been 253 days since tristan was banned from an obscure chatroom and 100 days since the middle east cease-fire. in other news, a plastic-dissolving bacteria is rumored to be announced at the annual tristanco shareholders meeting..."
@davidism Yeah, I thought it was just the loading gif for a while there.
4:12 PM
Updated the transcript.
ok, that's enough from me, back to work
Whats with the cats? Oh we like cats
Time to go feed the angry monster in my tummy, be back in a while.
alright. well. I need lunch and need to put out a fire in our staging environment.
@Ffisegydd wait, you forgot to bang the gavel
4:14 PM
rbrb guys
@idjaw rbrb
bangs badminton racket
good enough
4:52 PM
and thus everything was said, and no one spoke in the room again
@davidism nope.
Was waiting for someone to break the silence
Anyway, ttl. Rhubarb all \o
That was pretty funny how nothing was said at all.
Well. Stuff.
4:55 PM
So, Internet webcomic Homestuck ended today.
I spent the last hour skimming through thirty pages of message board posts about it.
Consensus appears to be "there better damn well be an epilogue".
(A request, as my fellow readers of The Dark Tower can attest, that they may come to regret)
I didn't know webcomics ever ended. I though the authors just went on "hiatus".
Trying to think of webcomics with actual endings. Kid Radd, Digger, uh, 8 Bit Theater...
@Kevin I've never gotten past the first three pages. Should I?
Rice Boy, although the author went straight to a new work taking place in the same universe
Wait, 8 bit theater ended? I remember that comic.
I should go back and read the whole run. It's only 1200 strips.
5:04 PM
@davidism I think once you get through the first 50 pages or so, you'll know whether you should continue or not
Revising my "reasons to live" list... "#42. If I die, I won't get to see the end of MS Paint Adventures Game of Thrones"
I finally finished the books the other day.
There, that should keep me going for a couple decades.
Now I'm on to my next light reading, Cryptonomicon.
Or as Google thinks it should be spelled, microeconomics.
I want to pick up the Night Vale novel the next time I get the urge to read paper media.
Maybe they'll finally explain the mystery of the Man in the Tan Jacket.
I should listen to Night Vale.
5:16 PM
I'm quite excited because they're finally following up on plot threads from my favorite episode, A Story About You.
> At that moment, you feel again, above you, not even far away now, that planet of awesome size, lit by no sun. An invisible titan, all thick black forests and jagged mountains and deep, turbulent oceans. You see nothing but the faint moonlight on your dashboard, but you know the planet is out there, yawning in the unseen spaces.
Maybe it's just me because I have a weird thing about astronomy, but for my money the Dark Planet is the most chilling of the running themes of the show.
is it really missing a sun? what makes forests grow there?
I might not have the most adequate of approaches, I admit
Well they're black and not green so I assume there's no photosynthesis to speak of. Maybe some kind of geothermal reaction sustains them?
so why leaves and fractal shape in order to optimize weight vs area?
and how is there moonlight with no sun??
5:31 PM
The dashboard and the moonlight are both on Earth, where the "you" person is.
How the dark planet can be "not even far away now" but not lit by either the moon or the sun, is left unanswered.
In A Story About Them, the man who is not short reaches out and touches the planet. There's probably some extradimensional shenanigans going on.
Python question: In Haskell, I can do [2, 4..10] and it'll generate [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]. Anyone know of a Python 3 library that can generate a sequence like that from numbers?
umm .. range ?
5:34 PM
list(range(2, 11, 2))?
I know about range, but can I do it from just some of the numbers in a pattern and a limit like in Haskell?
@OrangeFlash81 No.
I wonder how hard it would be to examine Haskell's source code and replicate it in Python.
@OrangeFlash81 You also can't do it like that in a lot of languages - unless they're called Haskell :p
5:35 PM
how smart is haskell's pattern recognition anyway?
does it recognize geometric sequences?
does it look up the OEIS?
@tzaman does it recognise you as a ninja rabbit?
otherwise it's just a different way of writing an increment
We stole that kind of trick for Sage, though.
sage: [2,4,..,10]
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
probably not tbh @JonClements
whaaaa?! java cannot do ternary inequality comparisons? How the f--- is it still a thing?
5:36 PM
I doubt Haskell is aware of the awesomeness that is Lugaru
well, this is valid python: [2, 4, Ellipsis, 10] ;)
@wim Very funny
Even, [2, 4, ..., 10].
Usefully funny, though: you could write a function which accepts that and turns it into the list you expected.
5:37 PM
@DSM Oooo, that's a good idea.
If you're happy and you know it, SyntaxError
That's not a SE any more, wim.
only a syntaxerror in py2
@wim Bah... that song's never going to be as catchy as the badger one! :p
Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  6 2015, 01:54:25) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
>>> [2, 4, ..., 10]
[2, 4, Ellipsis, 10]
5:38 PM
ahhh :)
Haskell's range patterns are actually more basic than I thought, but...
Why did they add a literal Ellipsis?
I had no idea
`Prelude> ['a'..'d']`
It can do it for chars too
Now we're getting into the sort of magic Python doesn't care much for.
The only time I ever use the literal Ellipsis is as a pass alternative
5:40 PM
I only ever used it for slices
@OrangeFlash81 Ahh... well... I can write OO stuff in Python - is there a way to write that in Haskell? :p
What's a valid use case otherwise? I'm intrigued
I think Ellipsis is like the @ binary operator in that there's no use for it in the standard libraries, but they made it available in case a third party lib wanted it.
According to this answer haskell ranges are just a simple increment anyway
so bah to that.
@wim Internal use by numpy ?
5:42 PM
@OrangeFlash81 why would you write Ellipsis instead of pass?
According to Guido, it's because "Some folks thought it would be cute" source‌​. Not a particularly convincing reason :)
@tzaman One character shorter :P
ha, ok
... instead of pass then
I would probably hate seeing that :p
too easy to confuse with IDE folded code
5:45 PM
Umm... wondering if you're that perverse to harm readability then maybe you could just use ''
pass is the one obvious way to do it
although, I must admit, ... is cute
@wim I think you accidentally a word
and yeah, I would definitely hate seeing that in code I had to interact with
if False:
That works :)
What is the best place for putting author information? Above the imports with docstring or below the imports with docstrings?
5:53 PM
I am thinking about writing a command pipeline module, so that you can do
The hot question about x[x < 2] = 0 feels like I'm watching a bunch of people talk about what holding down the right pedal does on a bicycle when the original pedal must have been on a car.
c.cat('foo.txt','bar.txt') | c.bar | c.baz > 'output.txt'
another fun fact
>>> def foo():
...     ''
>>> foo.__doc__
docstrings don't need triple quotes
@user2357112 Yet another problem solved by python 3. :P
@wim another fun fact: use ctrl-k to indent code
5:57 PM
@wim they never have... just a string literal... :)
thanks anti haapala
what have you got against haapala's anyway??
I applaud your dedication to precision @antti (ref your comment on that hot question)
@wim what have you got against double t's, wimm?
it might have been intended as a joke?
oh, sorry, I meant antti hapaalaa
OK, this conversation is finish. I mean finnish.
6:12 PM
@wim I am pro Haapala (read: professional)
@wim in any case, what have you got against my and Andras' name
hmm why does | have to have such a bad precedence
6:15 PM
Go on... interest piqued
@wim @Antti, Suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan! \o/
@BhargavRao \o/
@AnttiHaapala Kuinka voit?
The only thing I can write in Canadian is ಠ_ಠ
You need to learn more, ಠ_ಠ
6:18 PM
@BhargavRao Ihan jees, entä sinä :D
ನೀವು ಹೇಗಿದ್ದೀರಿ?
@AnttiHaapala olen loistava!
@AnttiHaapala ನಾನು ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿದ್ದೇನೆ
@BhargavRao that means "I am brilliant/genius"
nothing against it
the dutch waste a lot of vowels too
Canadian is best English
@AnttiHaapala Oops, But still sounds good :P
6:21 PM
@BhargavRao I could learn to speak Canadian for sure but write... no way :D
I do not have enough patience
@idjaw Haha, Do you know what Antti means, when he says "Canadian"
not at all
I popped in and saw Canadian
and that is all I know
@AnttiHaapala You need to spend half a life time for that :P
@idjaw I mean the "Indian English", language of Canada
6:23 PM
Wut? @Antti, Really? ಠ_ಠ
You're an interesting fellow, Antti
written Canadian seems to be at least a thousand year older than written Finnish... :/
It was a really good joke.
TestingYard$ python3 Wikip.py "ಠ_ಠ"
 Look of disapproval[13] The Unicode character ಠ is from the Kannada alphabet and can be called differently in HTML notation: &#3232; and &#x0CA0; (for Unicode)
ಠ_ಠ <- The two eyes are from Kannada alphabet.
6:26 PM
>>> Canadian < Finnish
who likes languages with only 7 noun cases
It's true that Canadian usually comes first in lists..
what's wrong with all these Canucks
you've got a user script to highlight Canada? :D
No one saw us coming. That was our plan all along!
@AnttiHaapala Kinda :P
and the whole overly polite thing
get ready for our world domination.
6:29 PM
If you wouldn't mind.
beaver tails. maple syrup and hockey. Get ready for it, please.
I liked/like/will continue to like maple syrup
no. you LIKE
I like hockey
You're on the list. Don't worry Antti
6:30 PM
(that is ice hockey for you winter-deficient people)
@AnttiHaapala Apparently India has a Ice Hockey team.
maple syrup is meh. I mean I rather eat it than be beaten by an angry Canuck but...
you have had real maple syrup though, right?
Aunt Jemima is not maple syrup
The India national ice hockey team is the national ice hockey team of India, and a member of the International Ice Hockey Federation. == Background of Ice Hockey in Ladakh == The history of ice hockey in India dates back almost 100 years, when ice hockey was a favourite pastime for the British in Shimla, Punjab. The Shimla Ice Skating Club is still very active in promoting ice sports in India. In the early '70s, the Ladakh Scouts, a battalion of the Indian army posted in the high border regions, took up the game. The high Changthang Plateau's frozen streams and high altitude lakes make the region...
@idjaw idk really, some crap with labels in Finnish :D
This needs to be revised @AnttiHaapala . Because maple syrup is delicious.
an investigation at your local grocery store would be required
6:35 PM
Hmm the cheapest bulk stuff is Rainbow Vaahterasiirappi 187 ml, manufacturer is Erablière Des Alleghanys
there's a maple leaf on it
hmm hmmm m mmmmmm
ah I found even cheaper, it just says "made in Canada" :D
There's maple leaves on the piles of dog poo in front of our house
@AnttiHaapala I will make you like maple syrup.....
yeah, well, there were maple leaves on the piles of dog poo about 50 meters from this building as well, that is last autumn. I guess the flavour is guaranteed
6:40 PM
what did you have the maple syrup on?
actually I do not like pancakes...
I thought your society evolved beyond piles of dog poo in the street
I like Finnish pancake (never in plural), not american
no. people still have dogs. and the dogs still poop. and people are still lazy.
This could be a universal truth.
6:42 PM
heya Dr. Snape
well in SE Asia, they'd eat the dogs
to be fair, that's not in all of SE/Asia. We don't eat dogs in India
Oh true story time. On the topic of maple syrup...or more specifically the sap from the tree, my dad (will have to look for source) determined how to create polymers from it.
India is not SE Asia to me
it was actually a pretty interesting read
6:43 PM
@idjaw damn straight. Maple syrup exists to be loved
ah but forgot, SE asia excludes china :D
so southeast+east asia
ah here is one from once upon a time
wow cool. The patent is online: google.com/patents/US7666636
6:45 PM
That is cool, although I'm biased toward maple syrup stories in general.
> A process for producing poly-β-hydroxybutyrate [...] involves contacting maple sap with bacteria [...] that convert sugars into poly-β-hydroxybutyrate.
wait, they make a maple syrup now? drops container of oak syrup
lazy bioengineers
teak syrup
tristan where you poking holes in random trees in your neighbourhood?
6:46 PM
Birch syrup could be nice
ah almost forgot...
In finland we have the "spruce shoot tip syrup"
that's nice
though that needs sugar, so it is kind of cheating.
"shoot tip syrup" is the name of my... Never mind.
Kevin sweeps in for the win
@Kevin you .....

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