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5:01 PM
@tristan: I'm considering resigning from my current position (even though I just got some shiny new business cards) because I've been spending too much time doing things which aren't just not what I want to be doing, they're almost the opposite of what I want to be doing.
Planning on staying in TO? or venturing away from where you are?
There are certain advantages to staying in the T-dot, but I'd also like to get back out west. Family, mountains, etc.
Canada-west? or US-west?
Was anyone here a paid 'intern' for more than 6 months before they got officially hired?
@DSM I know exactly how you feel. My day job is tangentially related to what I want to be doing, but my projects are so unexciting. The only reason I stay is because getting a paycheck is nice and I'm a coward.
5:04 PM
@Programmer yeah, I was.
@Programmer Yes, I was.
@Programmer I had a student job, but it was a real programming position, just part time.
@Programmer Yup, for about a year.
@idjaw: Canada-west. Cowtown, maybe.
Our company has hired a lot of the previous interns as full time.
5:05 PM
It wasn't officially an intern position, but it was an intern position.
Okay, I wanted to feel a bit better. I'm doing 40 hour work weeks just finished month 8 and I don't know if I will be hired or not. I don't get PTO / holidays, etc. so it's kind of a bummer.
I should probably be looking for a new position, myself...
@Programmer You've been an unpaid intern doing 40 hour weeks for 8 months?
@Programmer That's the problem with being an slave intern :p
@Kevin I'm actively looking for a new position.
5:06 PM
No, I'm paid. But I'm an 'intern' not an official employee.
@MorganThrapp would you consider remote work? I can ask if we'd hire remote people.
@tristan: there are a number of pending projects at the office which need me, so I think I have some breathing room to start talking to people. I was pleasantly surprised that there were a fair number of numerics positions looking for people with Python skills.
HugeCo obviously wants to hire everyone that's about to be laid off by BigCorp, but considering how heavily the former underbid the latter on the customer's contract, I can't imagine the pay will be comparable.
@Programmer although it does sound like you should re-negotiate your contract... I'm sure you have some entitlements you're not getting...
I'm in stages with 2 amazing companies, but part of me wants to just make a doctors appointment to figure out if I'm actively dying/have cancer, and if not, quitting and doing my own thing for a year.
5:07 PM
@Kevin: well, don't prejudge HugeCo too much.. maybe they underbid this one for a particular reason.
@idjaw I'm not opposed to the idea.
I'm already working for below market average so I don't think a 30% pay cut will inspire a lot of loyalty within me
@tristan ... one day.... PuppyCo... one day....
@MorganThrapp I'll look in to it and if so, I can send you some info to see if it is something that interests you
@DSM Oh yeah, tons. You could apply for a senior development position and the rest of your skills are finesse
5:08 PM
@JonClements It would make me incredibly happy if one day you and I were competing for candidates in this room :)
@idjaw Awesome, thank you. That would be great!
multiple problems, see comments
(Did I ever set up "sopythonsolutions.com"? Guess not..)
np man :) @MorganThrapp Do you know js as well?
@tristan That'd definitely be happy days for everyone :p
5:09 PM
@idjaw I do not, but I'm a quick study.
SoPython? More like toopython
@tristan: oh, yeah. A friend of mine was asking how Nerd Cop is coming along..
@DSM Room6Solutions is quite funky (I think)
Also, this new mobile chat is really good.
5:10 PM
I forgot about Nerd Cop
I can't forget it. It haunts my dreams.
@DSM unfortunately haven't had a change to touch it. normal job is more than full time, tristancorp is 20 hours a week min, nerdcop is a back burner
I'll pass along the bad news.
@JonClements I really should, I just don't feel like I'm in much of a position to be negotiating. Maybe I'll work up the courage soon...
@MorganThrapp I did a quick browse in the app store, didn't find a chat app. My browser still goes to desktop. I'm on iOS...is this Android only for now?
5:12 PM
I just realized it's Friaday. I thought it was Wednesday. :-|
@davidism I had the same thing happen to me last week but flipped.
I'm just using the site.
hmmm ok.
@idjaw That's way worse. Then you realize "I still need 2 more days, sigh".
^^Yeah I was very disappointed
5:16 PM
Maybe it's not that new, I haven't used mobile chat in a while.
No, I think it's newish. Got a message saying "welcome to the new app" or something earlier this week.
is it simply chat.stackoverflow.com in your browser? Let me try chrome..I was using safari
yup that was exactly it
Well Safari...you lose again.
Wow this is really nice
It's not quite native app, but it's a lot closer than the old version.
5:19 PM
Wait did I miss something, is there a SO chat app?
@Programmer the worst that happens is they say no. I asked for a raise in my student job after a year, and they said no. They were fine with me asking though, they just barely had the budget to hire a student.
@paul23 not an app but if you go to chat on your browser (chrome), it's pretty.
Easier to do things other than messages now.
And every time reviews come around at work, I bring up what I've done the past year, and angle for a better raise. Just don't be annoying about it, and be ready to negotiate.
5:22 PM
@davidism That is true. My manager has been telling me that she's trying to help me out and pushing for me to get hired, but I can't know if that is really happening. It seems a bit rude to go around my manager though.
I appreciate everyone's help though. It makes me feel better about my situation.
If they say they're pushing for you, I'd believe them for a while. It never hurts to explore some other interviews though, even if you know you can stay.
You can always decline another offer, or use it for more negotiating if you do get hired full time.
it also helps to practice interviewing even if you aren't too serious about jumping ship. Just to keep yourself sharp with the interviewing process.
^^ that. In fact, interviews when you don't care if you get the job or not can be really good, because you get to practice without stress.
^^that. :)
and the more you do, the less stressed you will be too!
Aargh. How do I turn off automatic quote completion in the Jupyter notebook?
5:28 PM
I have to move if I want to work somewhere else. I live in a bad area for this line of work
Having to move is work, but it broadens your life. Worst case scenario, you move back home again.
@QuestionC Having to move is really one of the worst things to do I feel.
You lose all friends, connections with family etc etc.
It has costs and benefits. I feel the benefits outweigh the costs, but it's a value judgement.
Tristan would be good for this, I think his move was quite drastic.
@Programmer I'm in the same position.
When I think about moving farther than 15 minutes away, I get a mental image of me alone in a bare apartment and eventually I die and the cat eats my face.
5:40 PM
I'm probably going to move within the next 2-3 years. It basically comes down to the GF finishing college.
Historically I've made about one friend per four years and they say it only gets harder to make friends as an adult so I think the ones I've got now are pretty much it for me.
The idea of moving away is about as palatable as cutting off a limb.
@Kevin Same here.
We're both considering Chicago at the moment. She's an actress, and Chicago seems to be a good mix of Tech/Arts without costing a million dollars a month.
There's one more time I might move; once I finish my studies to get close to a job. But after that for sure I'm going to grow roots and stay there.
5:46 PM
@Kevin No matter how far you move, you'll still have friends here. Right, folks?
@MorganThrapp Wait you move cause a "region is better" - before you even HAVE a job? Is that normal in US (have heard others doing that)?
Yep just as long as my employer doesn't install a content filter...
I can't tell if I've done something really smart with my code, or really really dumb
My cousin is a dev/photographer, and he loved his time in Chicago. (Worked there for a few years before his work permission experied). Always regretted not visiting him there, even though I like my blues Louisiana instead. :-)
@paul23 Well, no, I would find a job there first. This is still 2 years out at least.
5:56 PM
I love Chicago...such a good food city
@Programmer I thought of something that might help you. Don't know if your company would be up for it, but you can ask to sit in on the interview process when interviewing candidates for similar roles you have.
Yeah, that's another reason we're considering it. I really love weird/new food.
With good friends, you can move cities and still keep in touch. I have some friends that when I'm back in town, we go out and drink and argue about things like I never moved away.
See, I solve that issue by just not having any friends.
I'm closer to some friends that moved away because we put the extra effort to keep in touch
@MorganThrapp Your girlfriend isn't your friend?
6:01 PM
@idjaw I'm the only one in this role and I don't think they're looking for more
cbg, all - back to troll again
♫ back to troll again ♫
♫ I just can't wait to get back to troll again ♫
SO Trolls are hardly any good at the craft
6:11 PM
Hello. Can a bash script receive a sys.exit() status from a file.py?
yes. look for $?
Yes. If you run python file.py, then the next line you can echo $? to show the exit status.
(3.5) dsm@winter:~/coding$ python exiter.py; echo $?
scratches head over why a systemd-triggered process has an empty environment
@tristan Well, I'd never tell her that.
6:17 PM
Just keep in mind that as soon as you run echo $?, $? now holds the exit status of echo, which was likely 0
@MorganThrapp gotta keep her wondering
Relationships aren't fun unless there's the constant threat that one of you might hate the other.
note to self don't read tristan posts during coffee sip
ha ha too dark
6:19 PM
I was amused. That might not be a good thing, though.
Funny thing: Tristan talks the talk but I bet he'd never think of really saying that to Tristana, not because he's afraid to, but because he actually cares for another human being.
It can/is both. Also another human being? Wait, am I? Is that why? Oh god things are starting to make sense
I am trying to do something stupid due to my lack of python coding and complexity of my project. But, would you guys every use a combination of nohup, cron, bash, python to periodically execute a set of python script consecutively? The cron would trigger the script in the bash. This bash script then sends start message to the python script, and checks their return output. If success, continues to second python file ...
this is my first time doing this, so I am a bit concerned.
I didn't want to go down the stereotype of Tristana being Russian and hence capable of skinning your weight-lifting-brah ass alive.
6:26 PM
samayo: why nohup if you're just going to wait for these processes to finish anyway? Just write one shell script that'll do all of them in a row
pictured: a frail babushka
@KevinMGranger The project is huge, that is why I had to separate them. Just think of a script that fetches countries of the world, then second script fetches population count using only the given countries, then third fetches country's calling code ...
I want the bash to control if first operation was success, then move to second...
Perhaps this is a silly question. Are you aware that one python script can import another one? You don't need bash to get two scripts to talk to each other.
6:30 PM
@Kevin yes, but .... hmmm
I think I had a good reason for not doing that ...
Anyway, I'm half done the way I planned it to be. Also, importing is not as easy as it sounds when each file is just a spaghetti code.
If it's because importing those things causes side effects, fix it :)
Also, why isn't that easy?
There are no classes, or functions .. just a big lines of codes :)
I could import, but what would I call?
6:33 PM
wrap every one of those in a function
and then import and call one by one
hmm... but each file has import declaration that is almost same as the others, won't' that create any conflict?
What do you mean?
Not necessarily. Imports typically only happen once. Additional imports of that same module will be ignored.
Eh, I have to modify 11 python files now :/
@Kevin Circular imports could be fun though :)
6:39 PM
So few?
@samayo By the sounds of it - if you've got just modules of lines of code - sounds like you should be thinking functions instead :)
...and should be using modules to group related functions
go go gadget refactor
@JonClements Yeah, I started the project just to learn python, so it was very basic, but then grew into something else ...
Not functions.functions i wonder why people do that, always
@samayo At the point you noticing that happens, it's best to take a step back, and think about the design - rather than just adding more spaghetti :p
6:43 PM
hello :)
guys :| I keep getting a stack overflow and I don't get why
@hmmmbob hello - I hope you're going to respect the room rules from this point forth?
@corvid Stop hitting F5.
Jon Clements i do not understand the question
@hmmmbob Remember earlier when I kicked you for valid reason? That is what he is talking about. Respect the room rules.
6:47 PM
@hmmmbob I private messaged you last time you were in the room, don't know if you saw what I wrote
if i had the intention to disrespect them i would not say yes, and if not its all good anyway.. looking up the rules, i thought pinging someone without permission is against the rules?
yes. i just saw, thank you very much holdenwb
@samayo I was about to observe that putting a prototype into production is usually asking for trouble
@hmmmbob sopython.com/chatroom read them all or don't come here.
I'm done playing this back and forth game with you.
6:50 PM
Observation: trying to rules-lawyer a room owner usually doesn't end with beneficial relationship of mutual respect.
Especially when you're on the wrong side of the rule.
@AnttiHaapala Kicked hmmmbob for being annoying.
I want to slient the ping from kicks
6:51 PM
@hmmmbob well, I hope what I wrote will help you - these are a very helpful bunch of guys when approached correctly. If you want their help, perhaps you might try being less of a smartass. If you don't, are you just here to annoy people? In that case, be aware that their patience is nit unlimited (and, indeed, rather more limited than mine)
why do they need to annoy me as well :D
I guess it's time to refactor "Especially don't use @username notification unless that user has already told you it's okay to ping them" so people don't try to use it as a bludgeon against us. Again.
Earlier asked to ask. Then asked to ask to ask. Already knew the room rules. Linked to a recently asked question. That was also off-topic (though solvable with a minute of googling). Came back and decided to be cute with snarky crap.
Sigh. What a pratt
6:52 PM
It's not ambiguous and it's only an issue when someone is being intentionally obtuse.
On a funnier note, just got an email from a client with the subject line "REVISED BACKSIDE".
@MorganThrapp Now this I can get into
Perhaps "When multiple conversations are active and you want to be clear whom you are addressing, it's OK to ping someone with a reply. Otherwise ..."
If he continues to be a pest after his 30 mins - ping me, a longer time out for chat can be arranged - let's not end up wasting time on this - give 'em one last chance - if they're still acting like this... then... well....
@JonClements Appreciated ninja pup.
6:54 PM
@tristan It's a revision of the reverse side of a report, but I can't help butt giggle.
Oh, I got it. But you should email back and recommend that they back it up.
@tristan Hehehehehe. It's times like these I wish I had another job offer lined up.
@holdenweb your effort to try and help is appreciated though
@tristan What happened to Commander Keen?+
I liked him.
@QuestionC Needed a change. Might switch back at some point.
7:03 PM
@MorganThrapp I read that as 'butt jiggle'. I was disappointed when I reread
Maybe he could get a hat wobble. Or a flarhgunnstow.
user image
Cbg, BR.
7:07 PM
@JonClements NP. Even my patience is limited when someone pisses around like he did
Generally speaking I'll leave such types to the ROs when they are clearly incorrigible. I suspect he is
@holdenweb I know you believe we're a bit kick heavy occasionally, but the RO team has a huge wealth of experience in recognising and dealing with pests - you just tend to get a feel for it after a couple of years :(
Especially that Programmer guy. Idk why he's even still here.
You've gotten better (not picking on you specifically, there's a bit of a curve to learning that this isn't IRC or a helpdesk and there's an existing room culture). I assume we're real talking right now :)
@JonClements yeah, that's why I am happy to leave it to the ROs mostly
@Programmer Won't be here for long, once Plan Geronimo is put into effect.
7:12 PM
TBH, it feels pretty crappy when you know you're going to have to trash messages or use the kick feature.
I know I was a bother, I'm not afraid to acknowledge it.
@Programmer That's why we're lenient as ROs with new users.
I appreciate constructive criticism, so I wish I knew sooner.
But once it's a repeated "i read the room rules and don't care" or "i'm not going to read those rules", it turns into a "if you won't respect our culture, why on earth would we respect you?"
Well you can consider it a learning experience then, can't you, and feel better for your presence here as it's clearly improved your life
Telling me not to ping him might have been considered cute in someone less obnoxious
All a matter of judgement, of which I estimate he has zero
7:16 PM
Yes, I definitely pick up a lot.
Nah, the point of the rules isn't to shape everyone or everything into a set of behaviors or conversation topics. Part of becoming a regular and productive member of a community is learning how to express yourself in a way that isn't offensive to the members of the group you've chosen to take part in. Or if it is offensive, it's either to make a point or be willing to take the heat in return.
In the world outside our limited circle this is often referred to as "developing interpersonal skills"
You also have to learn not to try and outstar or post before Kevin
Why, will that stop him being superior and obnoxious?
7:19 PM
I still have foot-in-mouth moments and there are rules that I don't particularly agree with.
Nothing can stop me being obnoxious.
It drains his power. It's the magic he's been gathering, I presume.
"Kevins: There Can Be Only One"
@Kevin your math rants make me regret not looking over what I've done.
I think 'rant' may be the wrong word.
I'm not entirely sure what a math rant would be exactly.
7:21 PM
"math dissociative fugues"
badger badger badger!
That's when I talk about lambda calculus and nobody knows what I mean, including me
I guess so. I just mean his steam of consciousness when he's thinking out math problems.
@JonClements Well, that's stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Thanks.
@Kevin if you state it confidently enough - people will believe you :)
7:22 PM
@JonClements stop badgering us, or you'll be kicked
@Morgan blame @wim :)
@holdenweb Can't kick mods :-(
Is anyone here familiar with the quiver function in matplotlib?
hey y'all
Hey @wim o/
7:23 PM
if I mention @ShadowRanger (not in this chat) will he get a notification ?
@wim only if he's been in the room recently.
Like, in the last three days or so? I don't know the exact figure
@Anthony just ask your question
@wim 1. Only if he is in the room for the past 7 days 2. If you are a mod and use superping
if you mention shadowfax he'll show up and show you the meaning of haste
Superpig, butt giggle... Today is the day of interesting typos.
7:24 PM
I'm just wondering how to plot arrows in python that have length equal to the length of their start and end poiints
@Anthony yes, which version
@BhargavRao Man, I wish I was a mod so I could use a superpig.
quiver seems to rescale
@paul23 I'm not sure...
Lol, That typo :D
the quiver is really changed based on which version of matplotlib you use (latest or before that one) - latest is a few months.
Also 3d or 2d?
7:25 PM
But for quiver, isn't the length based on a values matrix/function?
@MorganThrapp a super pig - I wish that was a real tool :p
Super pig arrives when a champion of justice is truly in need.
Now I'm thinking of Spider pig...
I know for 3d basically the response is: "sorry you can't change any dimensions from the default settings" - you'll have to make your own.
7:28 PM
I'm not sure- maybe I should jsut use a different functoin
Super Pig! Super Pig! Does whatever a Super Pig does...
I'm not sure what you mean by "length"
@Programmer A mate and I originally thought it'd be a laugh to try and get it on the census survey by social media: facebook.com/ChurchOfSpiderPig
Did it work?
7:33 PM
Well... guess we'll have to try for the next one - should have 6/7 years or something
Fun fact, spiderpig is a real marvel comic thing (I always thought it was just a simpsons gag). Google spider-ham aka 'peter porker' en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Ham
Oh no, that reminds me that I lost my spiderman obama original comic
"RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded" - I just love this error while it happens in perfectly normal order of execution
What were you doing that hit the recursion limit?
7:49 PM
Yeah I've hit recursion error when I wasn't actually recursing before now.
mienfield.com is not working for me ... :(
@QuestionC Well it's a small algorithm that creates/test recursively (as in creating/walking the tree) all possible configurations for a kerbal space program surface-to-orbit-launcher.
@wim Works for me.
mienfield is sooo slow (oh and easy)
Takes almost a second between clicking and me seeing an update on the field.
Huh, it's instant for me.
7:57 PM
The two of you are in Europe and America respectively, yes? Maybe the servers are closer to Morgan.
That would make sense.
It's not downloading-as-you-go? Well guess that would make "cheating" too easy :P
It's relatively quick here in Russia too (near-instant)
Maybe the server is in the pacific ocean.
Somewhere in the Mariana Trench
8:03 PM
Hosted in international waters to circumvent the ban on recreational minefields.
Q: Python eval: is it still dangerous if I disable builtins and attribute access?

asmeurerWe all know that eval is dangerous, even if you hide dangerous functions, because you can use Python's introspection features to dig down into things and re-extract them. For example, even if you delete __builtins__, you can retrieve them with [ c for c in ().__class__.__base__.__subclasses...

Wouldn't wanna be the hardware support guy for that one then :p
I wonder if anyone has some good input for this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/35804961/…
Offshore computing.
8:05 PM
@idjaw best I can come up with is "better people than you have tried and failed," but he is prepared to go to fairly great lengths by parsing the code
alright...pomodoro break is up. To the big screen.
@holdenweb I believe Raymond has done a base example of using ast and whitelisting nodes - but that's still vulnerable with "exercises left to reader"
Didn't facebook or amazon or some other company with more money than sense, have plans to build offshore data centers?
The sea floor is one hell of a heat sink, I'll grant them that.
@Kevin That would be the article I linked. :P It's Microsoft.
Oh hey, Morgan answered my question before I asked it.
8:08 PM
They wait till Microsoft's test complete, then they will start.
Did I just Kevin Kevin?
Yep, textbook Kevining there
Still at the freaking office. Have two devs working on a site issue, and don't want to just chuff off and leave them working
I'm alone in the office today. I guess having only 5 business days until the department layoff, made everybody come down with the dont-give-a-darn flu at the same time.
Lot of that going around! An hour ago I informed my CEO that I was strongly considering other opportunities, as the phrase has it.
8:13 PM
Oh, hadn't picked up on your reason for looking for a job
I had a win on that front this week - one of my devs has been considering said opportunities and had a good offer, but he decided to stay here at least until the current funding round is over
8:24 PM
Who's looking for jobs? Come work for FizzzzzzzzyCorp.
@dsm how did that conversation go
I am! You don't do remote work though, if I remember correctly. :/
Or, indeed, for a seed-funded financial startup
It might be possible? No idea. It depends on the office and the role. You'd have to ask the NY office.
@idjaw: the CEO was not immediately overwhelmed with sorrow, as it happens. :-) My suspicion is that we'll come up with a transition plan which has me here for the next few months.
8:26 PM
I know Python but not any third party libraries that would actually make Python useful. Please hire me to write unusual list comprehensions.
But with no US presence yet. we are unlikely to be attractive
@Ffisegydd I'd certainly be interested.
Isn't it coincidental that all the companies in our lives have names like FizzyCorp and BigCorp and HugeCo? Well, except for Martijn, who works at Facebook. But he's Martijn.
@DSM tell your fellow Canadian Flask dev to write an mcve! (I know you all know each other.)
The code still doesn't cause that error. You would have to be doing something that requires an app context, but nothing you've shown is doing that. — davidism 5 mins ago
There's a nice symmetry there: We say Martijn is an AI, and he works at a real company. We say we're real people, and we work at fake companies.
8:29 PM
It's not called FizzyCorp, yet.
Yeah, it's called FizzzzzzzzyCorp. All of the company names with fewer Zs were already taken, and can only be acquired through trial by combat.
Fizzy must defeat his company's six evil competitors in order to claim his destined name.
@davidism: I could go over and insist in person. If I'm right it would be about twenty minutes by transit.
Knock Knock; Who's there?; StackOverflow Police, we have detected that you don't have an MCVE
Just reminded me of the Simpsons episode taking place in Australia: "I've got to tell the prime minister!" leans out window "OY! REGGIE!"
I remember the first time an Australian housemate of mine saw that episode. Blew his mind.
8:34 PM
@Ffisegydd Bah, the closest office of FizzyCorp is 2h+ away.
@MorganThrapp Well if you remote worked then you'd maybe only have to go in occasionally.
I don't know what the possibilities are over there.
The New World is full of endless possibilities.
I would undertake a 2 hour commute if it was the best job in the world.
@Ffisegydd Yeah, it sounds like an interesting field. Maybe I should just throw my hat in the ring for one of the openings.
Mention that I can only realistically do remote.
The worst outcome is that they don't offer you a job. It seems unlikely they'll send hit squads after you for your presumption.
8:36 PM
Heheh, a good point.
Depends if you get through to the third round of interviews.
Huh, I'd need security clearance. That's kinda cool.
What exactly are they building in there??
And why do they need so many Zs?
> radiation-hardened electronics
So, basically, I'm going to be a supervillain?
8:41 PM
I couldn't comment on exactly what you'd be doing as I don't know what the NY office does specifically.
That's not exactly a denial. "No, you misunderstand, no supervilliany occurs at any FizzyCorp location."
I'd drive 2 hours to be a supervillain.
@MorganThrapp Does that mean we'd have to call you "meester Mooorgan"?
@JonClements I mean, that all depends on how badly you want a space laser aimed at your house.
@Morgan well... I wouldn't mind if it was @Kevin that had programmed it... the LOTC still isn't completed - so I reckon I'm safe for my lifetime :p
8:48 PM
if one constructs a 1000-nested tuple, there is no way you can print it out, log it, or anything, everything fails on it :d
@AnttiHaapala Phew, that's good to know. I was worried that I might create a data structure with 1k levels of nesting. I guess I'll have to stick with 999.
tried: print - fails, str fails, repr fails, saferepr fails, pprint fails...
this also could be an attack against someone who uses a json parser written in C
% python < .
Python error: <stdin> is a directory, cannot continue

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