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4:00 PM
Good luck *click*
Smash cut to black. Show movie title: TAKEN 4
@DSM I'm considering a "reward existing answer" bounty on it ;-)
Oops, 3 was already made. My pop culture ignorance is showing.
@ZeroPiraeus oh I see... this YUI docs works in a weird way and it's hard to tell what I am doing in terms of modularity
@Kevin: hey, those aren't hand drawn ellipsy things!
Maybe I have a really steady hand :-)
4:03 PM
"Hehe, I just googled this question myself. Thank you myself from the past!" <- comment voted up 368 times (it was only 367 before I read it).
No drop-shadow either. Ok, I rescind my lie about the bounty.
I'm intrigued what those *s are doing around res in the tab question. Will they remain? Will they constitute a new question? The suspense is killing me.
I wish people wouldn't try to highlight their code like that. Or add in comments which break the syntax ("# <-- problem here" is okay.)
Cabbage Guys :-)
cabbage @thefourtheye
4:07 PM
@DSM I appreciate that kind of disgruntlement. Particularly the ("# <-- problem here" is okay.). I agree BTW
cbg @t4i :-)
Cabbage @ZeroPiraeus @vaultah :-)
When people use ** to highlight their code, I automatically assume that they submitted their post without proofreading it first to verify that the markup engine works the way they think it does.
"surely my code section will be properly bolded", they think. Nope.
fffiile Interesting way of avoiding builtin shadowing.
Heretical thought trigger warning: I don't mind shadowing file in 2.
4:10 PM
I'd prefer it to be fffiil because then it has 3 F's, 2 I's, 1 L, and 0 E's. Gotta maintain the pattern.
@DSM Same, I have literally never used the built-in file
Spent almost a day running down a bad mistake-- returned the_dict instead of the_dict.copy() and blasted it in memory later on.
@DSM I got no problems with that in 3...
Although in practice I just use f.
"What do you call a generic function value then?" you ask? I prefer func
For me that's fn.
Sure, it's short, but it's been hallowed by time.
fn is fine, too
4:13 PM
Ordinarily I don't approve of super-short variable names but I make an exception for ones in the common lexicon, if you know what I mean.
And of course, i j and k are acceptable names for measurements along the x y and z axes
@Kevin Agreed. As George Clinton probably didn't say: "Get your func on, or get the f out."
Yep. And if I'm writing something which is purely generic, I don't mind for i,x in enumerate(whatever) instead of index, elem. That said: I'm 100% IMPLICIT NONE.
Googling... That's a peculiar feature.
> The implicit none statement is used to inhibit a very old feature of Fortran that by default treats all variables that start with the letters i, j, k, l, m and n as integers and all other variables as real arguments.
4:18 PM
Hmmf. Fortran IV is not that old. I mean... I've made money programming in it, so it can't be that old, right?
Is there any type of lint checker that can warn about things like that (returning the_dict instead of the_dict.copy()). Is that even possible in a productive way (because sometimes you want the reference instead of the copy)?
@Wayne: unfortunately I've found that "I remember working with X" isn't a strong argument that "X can't be that old" any more, even though it used to be. :-/
Haha, yeah.
Programming languages don't have ages. They're eternal, like a statue waiting to be chiseled out of a slab of marble.
The idea is always there, we just have to get the cruft out of the way first.
watch out for acid rain
4:20 PM
Always good advice.
And when you've finally gotten rid of all the excess, and you have only the purest shadow of the Form in the mortal realm, you get Lisp.
(very 'funny)
I keep thinking that my KevinScript interpreter could be made more streamlined if only KS programs could directly manipulate the KS grammar and syntax tree and stack etc. That sort of self-inspection strikes me as very Lispy.
homoiconicity for the win!
4:25 PM
homoiconicity is overrated. In Ruby, we have one representation of the code for humans, and another (s expressions) that we use when we want to manipulate the code. Works great, and you don't have to buy parentheses in bulk.
Right now a few of KS' built-in functions are written entirely in KS. I want to continue this trend, implementing more and more KS features with itself, until the snake eats its own tail and everything vanishes in a puff of logic.
This sounds cool, Kevin.
It's a bit beyond my capabilities to do that, though
@Wayne: but it's so elegant. I agree though that it's not necessary.
It is elegant, I agree, I spent a few weeks messing around with clojure. There's a kind of beauty in that minimalistic approach.
4:28 PM
The more self-implementation I can get away with, the less code I need to write in the host language. That will save me effort when I port it to JS.
Cabbage, all
One of your first efforts in a new language should be writing a toy Scheme interpreter. Everything after that is just sugar..
There's a series of tutorials where a guy builds a scheme (or some lispy thing, anyhow) out of Ruby. It's not that long.
@Kevin just to revisit an earlier point, if programming languages don't have ages why did Python get a 21st birthday cake at PyCon a couple of years ago?
Um, er, uh, maybe it was a birthday for CPython. Languages don't have birthdays, but implementations do.
4:36 PM
But then we're back to square one, asking whether Fortran IV is an implementation of Fortran, or a language in its own right.
I sound like Antti here, but the last few days haven't offered up a lot of interesting questions. :-/
I missed square one, but I think that Fortran IV is a language in its own right. It's got an ANSI standard even...
Square one may have been a conversation occurring only in my head.
someone know how to use modulo?
4:40 PM
Most of us, I expect. :-) What's the problem?
well I have no idea how to do that
but I need : Use modulo to set spam equal to 1. You can use any two numbers that will leave a remainder of 1 to do this.
for codeacademy
but I suck at math ;p
If it's noon, and you're supposed to call a friend thirteen hours later, what time will you need to call?
4:43 PM
Do you remember doing division in school, and you ended up with a quotient and a remainder? For positive values, the modulo is the same as the remainder.
13:00 ?
13:00 is 1 PM. That's only one hour later.
I feel like there must be a more concise way to do this.
I'm also pretty sure this is a dupe.
[0, 1][type(item) == int]thefourtheye 19 secs ago
Ok, there's one way.
Any odd number % 2 will equal 1 (since dividing any odd number by 2 always leaves 1 as a remainder).

Remember that you can't divide by 0 or you will get an error. Same goes for %. 10 % 0 will cause an error!
4:45 PM
I rly dont get it
(But what if you want to sort three different types?)
3 % 2 was the answe
I rly don't get it but np:p
@Kevin: what is your ,item bit supposed to do?
4:47 PM
@Kevin I was writing an answer with that, instead I just upvoted yours :D
Oh, you want not only to sort by type but also to sort within a type. Sorry, didn't read the OP's desired output.
@Katherina Perhaps you could picture modulus as repeated subtraction. x % y means "as long as x is greater than or equal to y, subtract x from y". So 7 % 2 becomes 5 % 2, which becomes 3 % 2, which becomes 1 % 2, which becomes 1 because 1 is less than 2
As another example, 9 % 3 becomes 6 % 3, which becomes 3 % 3, which becomes 0 % 3, which becomes 0.
@Kevin: my clock effort didn't go anywhere. :-/
Of course it didn't. Clocks only ever go in circles.
Okay, that made me laugh.
4:51 PM
for i in range(0, 10):
    print "{} {} {}".format(i, i/3, i%3)
Oh boy, using % as a string formatter will only complicate matters :-)
@Katherina Try running that code and see if the output helps you to understand %.
Sorry, Python newbie... that's the only way I know how to format it.
@kevin I will try to learn some math this inc. weekend;)
@wayne newbies ftw
@Wayne: minor tweak -- better to use //. Works in 2, and is more forward-compatible.
4:52 PM
print "{} {} {}".format(i, i/3, i%3) would have the same output
(Add parens as necessary depending on version)
I edited the code, but can't test it: Ancient version of Python here.
Oh well.
In a pinch, you can test against 2.7 and 3.X using ideone
What I meant is, doesn't run in 2.6.7, and too busy to install another version of python. Not difficult... I'm using pyenv... just can't do it right now.
@Kevin Oh, cool!
ok :-)
Started Windows after a while and this was the pinned tab in Chrome. So, Cabbage all. :-)
4:58 PM
Belated birthday cabbage!
any math hero here?
On the third hand, I guess you can forgo string formatting entirely and do print i, i/3, i%3
Let's put our knowledge to work.

Write a single-line comment on line 1. It can be anything! (Make sure it starts with #)
Set the variable monty equal to True.
Set another variable python equal to 1.234.
Set a third variable monty_python equal to python squared.
@DSM Thanks! I see, @thefourtheye is the culprit :-).
5:01 PM
@AshwiniChaudhary he he he... Janamdin mubarak bhai (Happy birthday)
@Katherina Ok, so of these four instructions, what are you having problems with?
the last one
Set a third variable monty_python equal to python squared.
@thefourtheye Lol, tell it in gujrati :D
@AshwiniChaudhary Happy belated b'day!
You may recall a conversation from earlier today when we discussed the "exponentiation" or "power" operator, **. This operator could be useful here.
5:02 PM
He works in Ahmedabad but he is not from Gujarat @BhargavRao :-)
:( My bad!
@thefourtheye Haha! Thanks! @BhargavRao I am not Gujju, but yeah I understand pretty well. :P
I know @kevin but how ?
@AshwiniChaudhary Sry, So you're from which part of the country?
@thefourtheye Recently moved to bangalore, i.e @BhargavRao's city.
5:03 PM
@AshwiniChaudhary Hey, I visit Bangalore often. Probably we can meet
I don't know how to calculate
@Katherina Try to remember the part of the conversation where we discussed how to square numbers.
So sopycon UK is in London, sopycon India will be in Bangalore.. we need to come up with a good location for sopycon NorthAm.
5:04 PM
he he he :D
@DSM Actually PyCon also is happening there only :D
Argh! Wanted to post that!
@BhargavRao Meerut, Western UP.
@thefourtheye Yeah surely, any time.
Now you are in which part of Bengaluru?
This year probably I will PyCon for the first time.
but @kevin,
5:06 PM
1.234 squared
1.234 ** x = ?
or x ** x = 1.234
@AshwiniChaudhary Me too :-) I sent you a message in FB, please check.
@BhargavRao Do you know somebody called Karthik Kastury?
@BhargavRao Office: Koramangla Home: BTM.
@thefourtheye Nope
Kormangala :( Far off
5:09 PM
@BhargavRao Where do you live? Though I hardly know any place in Bangalore.
@Katherina Neither of those, since there's no x involved
I mean
that X is the thing I am looking for
To square something means to multiply it by itself.
I've no clue what to do at all:p
5:09 PM
1.234 squared
1.234 ** 2.
@AshwiniChaudhary Banashankari.
1.234 squared is 1.234 * 1.234
@BhargavRao @AshwiniChaudhary I have been to all those three places :D
5:10 PM
lmao tnxx
What Kelvin posted, 1.234 ** 2, is another syntax for doing that. The ** operator can do more than just square numbers, but that's for another day.
@BhargavRao Please check FB
The name comes from, well, a square. If you have a square with side 10 cm, then the area is (10 cm) * (10 cm) = (10 cm)**2 = 100 cm^2.
@thefourtheye Checkin
The chat room became a Facebook update feed so quickly I barely noticed. ;-)
5:13 PM
Are we all playing StackEgg? Stack Overflow is way behind in the rankings.
We've won 0 internets, Code Golf has won 3 so far.
I'm not playing now, but may do so later.
Well, we solve practical programming problems and they're silly by construction, so it's not surprising they're winning more internets.
Ah, I see why we're losing. Now that we're close to winning, everyone's voting to restart.
Probably golfer sabotage. I never trusted them.
@davidism Well, I was on both CodeGolf and SO, and SO has more people, which means the voteing is less directed and ... random.
5:16 PM
It's an interesting meta move. Make wrong choices for the other teams.
Yep, now they're trying to use up the last flag for no reason.
Hell everyone, can someone please help me know how I could have made this question better? stackoverflow.com/questions/29374337/…
#1: You didn't include the code, but linked to it. #2: You didn't link to copy-pasteable code, you linked to images.
Narrow down your code to just the part that reproduces the problem. Make sure to include that code in the question.
#3 davidism beat me to. :-)
Hm, ok. Thing with my problem is that the code is quite simple, as I only call the library once but that gets stuck, so I wanted to show the terminal, tracer and console log output.
5:22 PM
And? Put the "simple" code that reproduces the problem as well as the error in the question.
I am editing it atm
Your question should be self-contained. Only people really rep-hungry are going to click through four links to try to sort out what you're asking.
Yep, it's best to assume that all potential answerers have a very short attention span. Requiring a second page load to get information eats away at your allotted time :-)
I have followed your suggestions: stackoverflow.com/questions/29374337/…
Is it too late? My question is already at -3
@davidism: so I was wondering if my suspicion of the golfers was justified, and reading through their room transcript, it looks like they were up to shenanigans.
5:28 PM
Well, it's gone from -3 to -1, which is a good sign
That was fast >_<
I don't know much about the topic, so take this with a grain of salt, but it still seems like it would be more appropriate as a bug report.
Sure, I suppose that's done in the library's repo
hey look, a quick 30 seconds of research shows that this has already been reported: github.com/asweigart/pyautogui/issues/12
5:33 PM
@DSM Looks like grc started it
in The Nineteenth Byte on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 7 hours ago, by grc
can we raid other sites and force them to restart?
It's time to raid code golf. Dark Council, mobilize!
Hey davidism, clearly you know where to look! Thank you :)
Ehh, they're already using "but other people.." as a defence. Even if there were a Dark Council, which there isn't, I'd prefer to let them drown in their own filth.
No problem. Looking at open issues is a good place to start. I don't think your question can be answered though, as it's the subject of an open bug report.
in The Nineteenth Byte on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 6 mins ago, by John
@Runer112 I would agree. Comments are still being posted about how people should go raid PPCG
5:36 PM
@BhargavRao was that edit a joke? Because there's absolutely no reason to put any of that stuff in code formatting.
@matsjoyce: yeah, reading the meta post and following 19b is an interesting glimpse into the mind of the golfers.
Additionally, your edit note of "good edit" does not bode well.
It's actually kind of neat how different rooms and sites develop completely different cultures.
@DSM I love Geobits response...
A: When something that was supposed to be fun became not fun

GeobitsThis won't be popular, so get your downvotes ready. But in response to the numerous "PPCG is evil" comments I've seen both here and in various chat rooms: This should surprise nobody PPCG is a tight knit community where we collaborate on ways to design an optimal strategy for competitive puzzle...

> We found a winning strategy
He's kind of right, though: it's what they do.
> "Now I saved you," cried the woman
"And you've bit me, even why?
And you know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die!"
"Ah, shut up, silly woman," said that reptile with a grin,
"Now you knew darn well I was a snake before you brought me in."
5:42 PM
I don't consider PPCG as exceptionally more goal-oriented than any other SE site. We're all here to solve problems.
As such, I wouldn't be surprised to see raiding behavior, regardless of its origin
I voted Geobits up.
@WayneConrad Me too. His answer is a hilarious excuse.
@Kevin So, who wants to reset PPCG then?
Everybody, I guess. Can't have mutually assured destruction unless it's mutual.
is there an easy way to create a daemon that watches for file changes with python?
rbrb Guys... Need to rest because of the wrist injury
5:46 PM
Feel-better rhubarb for you.
@corvid watchdog
(and flag that answer if you feel like helping me get rid of a pending flag)
umm.. anyone here with a bit deeper knowledge in the Python/C API ?
@davidism Hey sry, which edit bro?
The one to the question we were discussing in here.
Where you just put things in code quotes and nothing else.
If that describes more than one question, don't do it anywhere really.
I thought it looked neat
5:54 PM
I'm fond of backticks!
Yeah, but it's not the right formatting. In fact, there's a pretty canonical meta post somewhere about not doing that.
It doesn't matter if it "looks neat" or if you're "fond of it", it matters that that's the correct use of the formatting.
Srsly? Please gimme the link to the post. I'll refrain from doing so
Q: When should code formatting be used for non-code text?

kviiriI just got to review an edit having to do with this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23677922/access-ios-and-android-calendars-from-delphi-xe The edit did no change to the post apart from introducing code formatting like this to words that aren't code, such as iOS and Android (while curi...

> seriously
I've got to say, it's because of things like these that I respect StackOverflow so much
5:59 PM
Oh! I thought all those like PyAutoGUI were code so I put it in backticks. But I was mistaken. Thanks for the lead
@PeterVaro Yea, what's up? I work with the API.
Not super deep, but I've used it and butt heads with it sometimes.
Fine. All cleared! Thanks *davidism*
Bye all. GN.
@QuestionC okay, let's give it a try then :P
static int
oculus_OculusRiftDK2Frame_init(oculus_OculusRiftDK2Frame *self,
                               PyObject *args,
                               PyObject *kwargs)
    static char *kwlist[] = {"rotation", "position", NULL};
    /* Unpack arguments */
    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args,
so the question is: this is working, when I pass single values to the init function
however when I do this: OculusRiftDK2Frame(rotation=(1,), position=(12,))
they won't be single tuples, they will be random stuffs (like a tuple with an Ellipsis and things like that)
however when I do OculusRiftDK2Frame(rotation=1, position=12), it is working great, just as I expected it
6:06 PM
There's a python api for the rift? Cool.
yes, I'm writing it
I think he's writing it
The "OO:__init__" thing is super strange to me. I'm gonna have to look it up.
What are rotation and position supposed to be, tuples?
the :<funcname> is actually for error-reporting purposes
@QuestionC yepp
Nice. Did you consider using cffi so that you don't have to deal with cpython internals?
It would also work for pypy then.
the two OOs are for two PyObject*s at least, that's what I was thinking
6:09 PM
I'm curious about your code that converts it from a PyObject to a tuple.
@davidism first I want to make it work -- then we can think about other solution, however PyPy is definitely not that I will consider, as I want to use it in Blender, which cannot change its interpreter to PyPy
@QuestionC I thought I don't have to deal with that, as I only want to store two pointers to PyObjects
@davidism Mine is one of the answers there. I disagree that it is a matter of opinion: What I wrote is what was written in every book about touch typing when I learned to type. All of them. Exact same advice.
grumble grumble close mafia grumble grumble
@PeterVaro Maybe I misunderstand what you're doing here. You want rotation=(1,) to behave identically to rotation=1?
Meh. It's still not an on topic question.
@QuestionC definitely not
6:18 PM
Q: __repr__ for (large) composite objects

Alan LiddellI would like to have informative representations for my composite objects (i.e., objects composed of other (potentially composite) objects). However, because my code fundamentally deals with high-precision numbers (please don't ask me why I don't just use doubles), I end up with representations l...

Oh god
And it spawned a bunch of pretty bad answers, even though yours is reasonable given the context.
Also, I never followed any of the advice in that thread, actively do things "wrong", and still type fine. So yes, it's opinion based, as obviously there's my way too.
I want following output:
>>> f = OculusRiftDK2Frame((1,), (2,))
>>> f.rotation
>>> f.position
@QuestionC ^
Like... whenever you take in a PyObject, to convert it to something C understands you have to then call a PyTYPE_* method.
@davidism I suppose it is marginal for this site.
6:21 PM
@davidism Please accept my apology. I was a bit rude.
@QuestionC but I don't want to do anything with the values -- I want to store their pointers in the frame-instance
@WayneConrad not a problem, I didn't take it that way at all
Oh... sorry, I didn't realise this was a class thing. We're getting out of my depth but let me do a little research.
@RobertGrant still doing my exercises:p
6:22 PM
@QuestionC also, as I mentioned, it is working for "regular" objects, like ints or floats
but not for tuples
@davidism They look like answers to me, just not good answers.
also, it's tagged [python], [java], and [ruby] for some reason
they're link only, they could have just as easily been comments
A link-only answer is still an answer. It should be improved or downvoted, however.
I quite reviewing answer flags because the majority and I disagree on this one point.
I quit reviewing answers because they made me. ;-)
I'm not going to debate this one, as I fall squarely on the other side and don't see my opinion changing. :)
6:25 PM
@DSM Haha!
@davidism Agreed. Down that road lies spilled cabbage and sorrow.
@PeterVaro Btw, you know that those PyObjects can get garbage cleaned after you stick them in that way? I'm not saying it's what's happening but... maybe.
Jul 10 '14 at 15:52, by davidism
We have all eaten from the cabbage of friendship.
@QuestionC AFAIK their refcounts are increased when I store them with the PyArg_* functions
anyway, this is a sample run's result:
>>> from oculus import OculusRiftDK2Frame as Frame
>>> f1 = Frame(1, 2)
>>> f2 = Frame('hello', True)
>>> f3 = Frame((1,), (2, 3))
>>> f1.rotation
>>> f1.position
>>> f2.rotation
>>> f2.position
>>> f3.rotation
>>> f3.position
(((((<NULL>, <class 'NoneType'>), <class 'int'>), <class 'int'>), <class 'NoneType'>), <class 'str'>)
This code I'm trying to refactor is making me cross. 20 lines, deep nesting... what a mess.
6:28 PM
all metal videos with a lead female vocalist inevitably lead to a "hottest girls in metal" video if youtube is left on autoplay
Interesting, it's like a new form of Wikipedia link following described by XKCD.
Hmm, need to find comic.
No, when you take in a PyObject with O it does not increase RefCount. Had to check the docs for my own sanity.
> Store a Python object (without any conversion) in a C object pointer. The C program thus receives the actual object that was passed. The object’s reference count is not increased. The pointer stored is not NULL.
@QuestionC aaaand yes
that was the problem
and because the small numbers I used are precached constants, as True and None as well
they didn't have to be increased that's why they don't point at memory garbages
now I increase both values' refcount and it is just working
thanks @QuestionC :)
> Wikipedia trivia: if you take any article, click on the first link in the article text not in parentheses or italics, and then repeat, you will eventually end up at "Philosophy".
@davidism LOL
6:33 PM
90% of my brain is google
I've done a dozen searches today in the form "python equivalent for doing <something> in Ruby". Each one landed me on a SO answer phrased pretty much just like that.
@corvid Ah, but where does that lead? How far down does the rabbit hole go?
It all leads back to Keyboard Cat.
and Keyboard Cat is a metaphor for all of existence
Until right now I don't think I'd heard of Keyboard Cat. I'm meme-deficient.
Not just my parents. Me!
6:37 PM
That video isn't the actual meme, it's what's used in the memes.
Usually something bad happens, then keyboard cat plays the unfortunate person off the stage.
Ooh, I hit the rep cap. A rare occasion for me :-)
Took me a second to figure out how I got seven points for an upvote.
1%er problems.
Being a 1%er is ok, but I have burning envy for the 0.1%ers. I assume it's like that all the way up.
Play that message off, Keyboard Cat.
Da da da da, da d-daa da
6:47 PM
all righty, I have to go home, tahnks again for the nice tip @QuestionC
Random thought: do you remember a few years ago when planking was a thing?
Yep, that was a thing. Turned into other ridiculous "doing thing on top of thing" things.
Planking (or the Lying Down Game) is an activity consisting of lying face down—sometimes in an unusual or incongruous location. Both hands must touch the sides of the body. Some players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play. The term planking refers to mimicking a wooden plank. Planking can include lying flat on a flat surface, or holding the body flat while it is supported in only some regions, with other parts of the body suspended. Many participants in planking have photographed the activity in unusual locations and have shared such pictures through social media...
Posting that just for the main picture. ... Actually, that article is pretty thorough.
Why does 1 > "1" give an error in Python 3? Like, what was the design justification?
I assume they didn't remove existing behavior unless they had a good reason
I think @Zero has a question about that.
.. why shouldn't it give an error?

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