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5:00 PM
@paul23 You never know if that person has downvoted
From my perspective, it's tricky to distinguish between 1) people who put so little effort into their question, they didn't even check to see if their post was legible, and 2) well-meaning users who struggle to be understood, even after making a considerable effort.
Q: Is grammar really so important?

vaultahI recently noticed that questions (and answers) that are worded poorly due to the poster's bad English skills are unequally upvoted (or ever downvoted) compared to the posts of native English speakers. Is it fair? I've always believed that the most important part of a post on Stack Overflow is t...

Yeah. "I downvote lazy questions on the spot and make no apology for that."
@paul23 He may be on hold waiting for you to respond. Some other guy might have downvoted it on the way
It also seems that category 1 outnumbers category 2 by a factor of 100, so adopting a 'benefit of the doubt' strategy rewards 99 help vampires for every virtuous ESL user.
@BhargavRao Doesn't actually matter who downvotes then lol
5:01 PM
Yep But don't think that who ever comments on your post is arrogant!
Interesting, I'm in chat at work.
I've got many people who think that I'm arrogant coz I add comments to help them
But they don't just get it
@AaronHall Nice rep though (1)... 4321
yeah, I was liking the more palindromic ones I was getting...
So someone go give me two random upvotes, k?
@AaronHall Perhaps if you answer :D
Well, I have an awesome answer here that needs attention: stackoverflow.com/questions/27528337/…
5:06 PM
I'm good at mind reading
Today a habit of mine came back to bite me: I use dir as the variable name for directory strings.
I was debugging using pdb and I wanted to see the methods of an object. but dir was now a string, rather than the built-in function.
we'll downvote it immediately @AaronHall ;)
5:06 PM
guys I broke everything :\
ok, but let me now draw your attention here: stackoverflow.com/questions/7371935/…
I got it eventually with __builtins__.dir(whatever), but it was a hindrance nonetheless.
Please vote accordingly.
@corvid nothing like doing a job thoroughly... good crow :)
@Kevin To strengthen my point: stackoverflow.com/questions/29077329/numpy-least-squares that question is now deleted.. I just couldn't understand the numpy explanation site.
I read over it multiple times and only after being pointed at the right words by a comment in that question I understood it
5:08 PM
I sense that this user is upset because they are running around in circles repeating themselves.
Why do people just ignore the content they are responsible for? Their profile says when they were on the site.
@paul23 Oh so you were at the receiving end of a meta post
@BhargavRao That makes my opinion less valuable?
@AaronHall my profile updates whenever I check responses on my mobile phone. It doesn't mean I can do all that much however.
5:09 PM
@paul23 lol, no no. I was jus jokin :D
There could be too little time to respond right now, or a response would take way too much time to hack out on a smartphone. Don't rely on the 'last seen' time here, you don't know if the person is actually in a position to respond.
@BhargavRao Btw I do not disagree that such questions should be deleted - but the constant downvoting for simply me being unable to understand the manual.
It could be they are ignoring the content but you cannot assume they are.
So I'm not really sure how to simulate a file upload on a database without the client...
5:12 PM
Yeah, I'm not expecting a fast turnaround, but after several days to a week... no excuses.
Phew. The prof calls me and asks me to submit my report tomorrow!
I thought of spendin my night watching IPL
That's so sad
oh remembers me
I still need to ask my fellow students what the heck the prof meant wish an example question..
It's 10:45pm here. Submission at 8 tomo morning. Gotta start asap
heh 21 hours to go ;P
@BhargavRao 8am?
5:15 PM
well I'm sad I missed Pycon, but I've enjoyed catching the videos that they've done a great job putting up so quickly. Anyone see Beazley's tutorial? Pretty damn awesome, actually.
@Bhargav oh... you've got a long night then :p
@BhargavRao oh fun, got your redbull/energy drinks with you already?
@AaronHall unutbus answer is not bad either, except for memory usage :P
@JonClements Assignment in Java. So you know the trouble :( :(
@paul23 Intoxicated with red bull already
5:16 PM
yeah, I don't care which one is right, but the accepted one is too wrong.
heh have fun :P I'm figuring out what the prof means with: "Sketch a test plan (e.g. as a flowchart) for assessing image processing algorithms. As a minimum several algorithms must be used in series." (algorithms are like: averaging, taking median, edge recognition, guassian blur)
assesing IP algos... what is that?
Well rbrb, no time left at all
Do you think Information Services knows I'm at a windowed desk now, so they've opened up my SO chat and LinkedIn access?
Sleepless nite - "Here I come"
so basically he accepted the first posted answer that produced the desired result, a day after
5:19 PM
Not sure what you want me to get from that, but I think it's the first time I've seen that view.
not considering other answers
open september 10 and 11
17:37 accepted A
Karoly Horvath, september 11
jbernardo and unutbu were there already by that time :D
with jbernardo having more upvotes :D
yay, palindrome
simply a case of Dunning Kruger
not a palindrome
Check your definitions. :D
you mean 11 11 :P
i thought you meant unutbu
5:23 PM
remove the comma
Question: what is the underlying philosophy for python?
I am NOT a designer at all. I draw worse than my two year old son, I code worse than my twin daughters. But I need some help. - I imagine Liam Neeson saying this :D
@paul23 import this
Like how smalltalk focussed on OO, C++ on "not giving more bloat than you explicitly state you want". How java is all about type safety, ADA about provability of a language. Haskell focusses on pure functions, lisp on meta programming/reflection..
I can't really pinpoint python
@vaultah imagine liam neeson advertising a mobile game
I do my best to write unexceptional python.
That's a joke, folks. That's right, I'll be here all night.
What's programming!?
5:30 PM
Good times.
@poke I think Games sums it up nicely
Feb 26 '14 at 16:17, by Games Brainiac
@poke ewwwww
ah ff is being funny again
@Jon :D :D
Giving black boxes while loading/updating websites
refreshing after 1-2 seconds
(or at mouseover)
@paul23 do >> import this in your python prompt it's the zen of python
5:32 PM
^ or import antigravity
"Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch."
/me is
What's not obvious?
@paul23 have you turned on the multithreading stuff?
@paul23 the only one obvious way to do it (it's because Guido Van Rossum the creator is Dutch)
Is there a canonical for the 8 million dupes like this:
Q: How can I use if loop to grep a word from txt file using python?

TimI am currently using if "not" or "missing" in temp_reader: However, it looks like it is not working. It always go inside of the if loop even if not or missing is not there. How can I fix this, so that it only foes inside of the loop if a text file contains not or missing?

Actually, it's not quite the same. Nevermind.
I'll be back
5:53 PM
oops, sorry.
if someone longer works for the company and there is author = with his name on it in the code basde, is it ok to remove it ?
__author__ = <No longer employee>
if new employees are going in there and making changes and fixes to the code files
Awww.... someone gave an upvote and now my rep doesn't end in 666 sighs
@Fuchida Ask your legal department.
:) roger that
@Fuchida or... you could leave it there, and use it for blaming purposes when things go wrong? :p
6:01 PM
You have to leave his name, but you must set __author__ to __author__ = __author__ + ", but F that guy"
Even if they say "We dunno, do whatever", that seems like a good place to start. It establishes that you were acting in good faith, which is nice to have if you do eventually change it, your ex-coworker finds out, and he sues you personally.
Or at least I think it would establish good faith. I'm not a lawyer. Ask your legal department.
Why not just change it to "Original author" - no reason to not keep his name.
Or Creator
Give him a nickname
Bob "The Turdlicker" Jones
6:03 PM
The problem with legality questions, is that my usual approach, "try it and see what happens" , is usually a bad idea.
@JonClements yep been mostly for gumbling but now everytime i see that author name its like a constant reminder who is causing me all this stress
on the other hand I though all code you write at Big Co belongs to Big CO
@Kevin also not really suitable when wondering if you can dis-sect something, then put it back together and it still be alive...
I assume the code all belongs to your company, unless there's some shared patent situation involved perhaps.
I'm 90% sure the legal department would say "that file is the property of BigCorp, and [Ex-Coworker] has no basis to make any claim whatsoever", but I'm not willing to bet on it, if the side-effect is you losing all your worldly possessions.
but yeat @RobertGrant yeah "original author" sounds better
Just ask employer
@Fuchida just to be clear, just like everything someone says that isn't explicitly labelled "legal advice", this is not legal advice.
yrrp employer/legal will be consulted
@RobertGrant yep
if i rename a zip to .py
does it run with doubleclick on windows?
already linked above, I'm enjoying his style so far
@davidism that has time bookmark
ah, didn't notice, I'm about 10 minutes behind
been skipping
I always took author = as a pride thing. Lets you build up a narrative of how the code came into being.
"Wow, this QuestionC's code is all over the place. Generations will sing his glory"
6:20 PM
time to start teaching -m venv for Python 3.4s
<3 Beazley
But not Beasley ;) @JoranBeasley
that man has spoken over an hour,
and no drink
I think they should recruit him as a politician,
would be good for filibusters...
that guy is way smarter than me
and likely richer
(actually almost certainly richer ... at least in money)
6:38 PM
oh noes the first lunches started comming down... I still have an hour before my slot :( smells so good
Pecan encrusted mahi mahi - Mahi filets coated in panko and pecans and pan fried. Served with an asparagus and lentil salad and lobster sauce.
I get more and more the feeling that those ppl sayin "python 2.7 is just fine" are...
Thanks to whoever linked this speech at first, it's great.
@davidism do you know a way in SQLA to do the following? Got a Post model and a PostLink model, the PostLink model has two id numbers post_id and related_post_id which describe question ids for questions which are dupes of other ones. I was thinking of adding Post.duplicate_parents and Post.duplicate_children relationships so I could easily get any appropriate dupes. I'm not sure how to go about it though as both post_id and related_post_id have the ForeignKey('posts.id')
yeah, that's totally a reasonable thing to do
I was thinking duplicate_parents = relationship('PostLink') won't know which foreign key to use.
6:41 PM
I'm assuming PostLink has other fields though, otherwise you'd just make a simple many-to-many table/relationship
class PostLink(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'post_links'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    post_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('posts.id'))
    related_post_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('posts.id'))

    link_type_id = Column(Integer)

    creation_date = Column(DateTime)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<PostLink>(id={s.id}, post_id={s.post_id}, related_post_id={s.related_post_id})".format(s=self)
link_type_id is 1 or 3 and denotes dupe or linked question.
post = relationship(Post, foreign_keys=post_id, backref='post_links')
But you want Post directly linked to another collection of posts as well?
That was the idea yeah.
yeah, it is possible to do too
by a single link_type_id
6:43 PM
So I could get a Post object and do Post.duplicate_children which would return a list of dupe questions.
duplicate_children = relationship(Post, PostLink.__table__, primaryjoin=lambda: (Post.id == PostLink.post_id) & (PostLink.related_id == Post.id)) won't work, but something along those lines
there are a number of ways to do this, maybe it'd be easier if I just made a simple example
I can give you my code if you want
you can use the linktype in the join condition
You may need to remove some of the relationships as I've only posted Post and PostLink
6:53 PM
@AnttiHaapala I get I feeling the people saying python 2x is just fine are ...
... right?
Just got "How will your site perform for 2,300 users in <my hometown> on Tuesday at 4 a.m.?" from Newrelic. Haven't visited their site/clicked any of their links since 2013..
Apropos of nothing, my toddler knows how to say "purple cabbage" and I certainly didn't teach him
6:57 PM
@Air ummm.... has he been reading the Salad Language wiki page while you're not watching? :p
@JonClements A worthy hypothesis, but what I mean is that when he sees me take a purple cabbage out of the fridge, he says "purple cabbage!" and the wiki lacks for illustration. So he must have intuited the essence of cabbage-ness.
@Air what to say - you've got a child prodigy obviously :)
Actually, the allegory of the cave is pretty applicable to a bunch of people sitting at computers talking in a chat room.
@JonClements But what do I do if he comes to us one day and says mom, dad, I think I want to be a Java programmer?
@Air then I think putting him down would be the kindest thing you could do as a parent :(
7:05 PM
No! If you love someone, you have to let them go (write Java code)!
This sounds like a "hide them in the attic and don't let the fearful village folk find out" situation to me.
7:21 PM
Movie chat time. Last night I watched SnowPiercer, either on @tristan's recommendation or @PeterVaro's. Or maybe a third person.
I just had the craziest idea
For the most part I enjoyed it, but I was annoyed by 1) the clairvoyant sidekick in an otherwise "hard" scifi setting; and 2) the last five minutes.
code Python 2.8 into Python 3.4 by cmonkeypatching
why do I have these crazy ideas all the time :d
@Kevin definitely not mine: 1/10 my real imdb rating is 3/10 for me
(although for the first 10-15 minutes had potentials..)
I liked it ok besides the last 1 minute :D
7:25 PM
(*I saw much worse movies than this shite)
I grant extra bonus points to the movie for having several moments of foreshadowing whose resolution I didn't guess.
cbg @Peter!
I am crazy I am thinking about backpatching iterkeys, viewkeys into Python 3 dict;
@JonClements I'm not really here ;)
7:28 PM
patching + and % into bytes :P
by a C module
@Peter oh sorry - I won't bother talking to you then :)
(but cbg anyway)
I really wish the sidekick wasn't psychic. It was only really plot-relevant once, and the writers could have figured out another way for hover for spoilers.
@AnttiHaapala it is amazing how easy it is to write Python/C modules
I have no idea, why people are recommending Cython instead..
anyway, gtg walk the beast
(@JonClements, Colti says: "Bark")
@Peter rbrb... bark to "Colti" back :)
7:32 PM
I'm going to give the first 110 minutes an 8/10, and ding it down to 7/10 because of the finale. Glad I watched it, but I won't be rewatching it.
@PeterVaro we are not normal, remember
anyone know if I can hook different builtins to different modules???
@MartijnPieters ^
@AnttiHaapala you can't.
because there is just the one builtins module.
You can add globals to those modules however.
And since globals can shadow builtins...
yeah :(
sys.modules['somemodule'].__globals__['dict'] = SecretStealingMapping
I wonder how did it actually work in Cpython
7:41 PM
I actually liked Snowpiercer. It's more of a setting than a story though. It gets a lot of points in the strange category.
@davidism if you get some time at some point, would you mind writing up a quick example for the problem we discussed earlier? I've had a look at some stuff but am struggling. Need gin.
youtube.com/watch?v=BUREX8aFbMs look at those clouds
@Kevin i agree on all the criticisms
that's why i recommend it as a "stupid action movie with some cool visuals"
7:49 PM
@MartijnPieters I wonder what will happen if I replace f_builtins from call frame
def __dome(men):
    return random.choice(men)
In honor of the upcoming next installment of the Mad Max franchise
Oh wait, I remembered more things I was annoyed about. Why didn't they have a hover for spoilers so they couldhover for spoilers? I get that there's a scarcity of materials, but it beats having nothing.
Oops, submitted before spoilering.
Why did the door lock engineer decide hover for spoilers?
New Neal Stephenson book soon :D
I don't know how to do the spoiler thing, so I'll just type em
Wouldn't it have been better to hover for spoilers? Because it seems likehover for spoilers.
7:55 PM
why attach a perpetual motion engine to something with SUPER NON-TRIVIAL resistances?
again: 'snowpiercer: "stupid action movie with some cool visuals"' and not 'snowpiercer: "tristan actually thinks this is good sci fi"'
not only that, but i'm reasonably certain that it's calorically neutral to dismember, prepare, cook, digest babies/small body parts
I'm not convinced that it's actually a perpetual motion engine, but my complaint is similar: why would you build your self-sufficient survivor ark as a train? Something that just sits there would have been fine too, no?
@Kevin how else would it circumnavigate the globe (going uphill/downhill/*breaking through ice*) unless it was near energy neutral?
@Kevin Because Speed earned $350 million
7:59 PM
It makes sense from the point of view of the bad guy - he made it a train because he super likes trains. But why wouldn't all the passengers be like "this is obviously dumb, I'm not getting on"?
the bad guy? more like gritty realistic noah on his ark
Actually, I guess the movie makes more sense if you assume that every occupant is a little crazy.
that movie only has plot black holes
if we get to close to them, sopython will get sucked in forever

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