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3:00 PM
chill, I was joking
you're talking to a Linux user, and by contract I am required to say it's Arch Linux
i'm chill :) i just like it when someone that uses windows tries to explain the ways that it's not terrible.
Oh, yeah, I remember that contract. I think you're forgetting one of the stanzas of the contract that you're now required to say disparaging things about Ubuntu.
So your question is now the opposite of what it once was? You are going to have a hard time in school if you are this loose with the details... — 0O0O0O0 20 secs ago
relax boys -- I posted the video, because Apple is not the Apple we (or at least I) felt in love more than a decade ago.. it doesn't say anything about OSs -> it is just a true critic of the company itself
3:03 PM
The narrator is slow because he's carefully pronouncing all his words with shiny smooth rounded corners. (you can't tell unless you have synesthesia)
(I don't have it, but there's an app for that)
umm.. have you heard how the real Johnny Ive speaks?
i love the apple store and their war on general computation and also the remote lockouts and also apple's remote hooks into your OS (srsly) and also running a script to un-f everything after every update and also that they ruined spaces
he.... is.... super.... slow....
umm.. I'm a bit confused @tristan;)
oh and also xcode getting completely changed with every update and also their compiler getting switched to LLVM
are you sarcastic now? :D
3:04 PM
hugely. it makes me sad that unity is so terrible and that OSX is still leaps and bounds in front of other desktop environments.
My sarcasm meter is reading "nooooooo, he's not sarcastic at all". This thing is useless.
You'll need to downgrade to the serious sarcasm meter, it's totally serious
I think I'm completely lost on judging who is sarcastic anymore..
@Kevin cool :)
Communication is 95% body language.
3:06 PM
@Kevin that comment proves that recursion once again, is obviously not easy for new students... why write Fibonacci recursively anyway sighs... grumble grumble
Sarcasm posters, please roll your eyes harder so we can detect it over the internet.
@JonClements I think recursion is easy enough for new students if you spend the time to explain it properly. The problem (IMHO) stems from "read the chapter on recursion and then do math with it"
Why write recursively in Python at all?
If you're going to teach recursion, teach it where it's useful: in functional languages where it's actually optimized
But I s'pose at least Fibonacci is slightly more plausible than count the vowels
3:08 PM
@davidism it's a pretty important concept to understand and it's really powerful. it also can unlock a new developer from the pattern of "i make computer do this and then that drools and then it spits out text "
Recursion is hard when the teachers give terrible assignments like "reverse this string with recursion". You really need an example where the iterative version isn't a hundred times easier. Fibonacci fails there, too.
I'm not saying don't teach it, I'm saying it's not very good for Python.
Python devs, please implement tail recursion optimization, thanks in advance
I'm trying to think of a good example to use for recursion.
Python is easy to learn and it's a good language for topics.
3:10 PM
Towers of Hanoi? You can do it in ten lines with recursion, or fifty with iteration.
@Kevin implement BST methods
I think a lot of divide-and-conquer algorithms are nicely expressed using recursion. When I have a reduction formula I tend to write recursively, even in Python.
it is way easier to work on graphs with recursive methods rather than iterative ones
mm hmm, and tree iteration is pretty much recursion central
I think it is a very good example to teach how it is working
and why it is useful too
3:12 PM
Good points. I haven't had to do that stuff in ages. That's what I get for focusing on web applications.
Yes, exactly @PeterVaro. Python is really easy to "get" and isn't in the way like C when you're trying to explain concepts.
You don't have to lead a student through the forest of pointers, references, types, and function return types just to teach "functions can call themselves"
although you still have to talk to them about references and values
(which is pretty much the same idea as pointers)
For a simple recursion problem? I think you can avoid it.
oh in this particular example? sure you can, you are right about that!
I thought about teaching things through python in general
3:15 PM
Ooooh, yeah, if you're talking about "how to use python", then yes, you would be a bad teacher if you didn't approach references and values.
I think students can grasp that functions can call themselves, but in their mental model, this overwrites the value of existing local variables in the topmost call. Understanding that each call gets their own independent values isn't immediately understood.
Sure, but you can teach recursion with void return types.
@Kevin I think this is where visual people get a better understanding when you draw context/call stacks
"while a user hasn't told us to stop, print("i'm a pretty pretty princess")
@Kevin it is bc variables are not very clear concept in any case
3:17 PM
pythontutor.com is great for visualization, just don't try plugging in the y combinator
@davidism I tried it a few times, I didn't like it very much
Now I have to try it.
for me the project I was working on -- and in some sense still working on -- was much more clear about visualising python
it makes pretty pictures
anyway -- for me simple rectangles drawn with chalk on a board is more than enough
to understand any advanced concept of memory, references/pointers, actual values, contexts, etc.
3:22 PM
Awww.... Old Yeller is on netflix....
good to know, i think of you as a beginner programmer @PeterVaro
ugh, chalk! Whiteboards are better, IMHO
@tristan ?
@inspectorG4dget 1000000000x times, yes ;)
3:23 PM
overhead projectors
underhand projectors
:) @PeterVaro
@tristan I have pretty hard time here getting your sarcastic notes ;)
I still remember them melting my slides. Good times.
@PeterVaro whenever you think "really?" then it's safe to assume i'm being sarcastic
3:24 PM
OHPs aren't all that great, given that you have to think while you're writing, about how it's going to look on the wall
@tristan that's a nice manual from you, thanks!
I like smartboards as they combine whiteboards with resizability/movability
unless...you were being sarcastic in which OH GOD RECURSION CONVERSATION IS BACK
this goes all the way to the top (of the stack)!
3:26 PM
@inspectorG4dget I think limiting your space increases the amount of work your brain has to do
you have to think 2-3 steps ahead -- which is always a good thing IMHO
granted, but I use whiteboards for brainstorming, i.e. minimal analytical work and more creative work
so from that perspective, having to think about how to document my thoughts constrains my ability to form new thoughts... to some degree
fair enough
but if you are using it as a teaching/discourse tool, then I can totally see what you mean about thinking ahead about proper presentation
I like drawing over my thoughts on a whiteboard because later I can see where my ideas have clustered and where I was unsure of my approach.
I like drawing in my notebook -- because I can carry it on with me anywhere, and I can still use it on the bus for example ;)
(but I know, this is a totally off-topic detail)
3:32 PM
What is the topic of the room?
right now? I have no idea :D:D:D
I think the topic is whatever we want to talk about.
I wanna talk about ice cream
I usually have an oversized blank-page moleskin on me, a mechanical pencil, a blue pen, and a red pen.
@inspectorG4dget as long as it's dog friendly ice cream
3:33 PM
arf arf!
oh sure.. anyway -- we were at teaching recursion through a meaningful example via python
or @davidism are we already done with that?
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
@davidism lol
discrete math is annoying, because math and computer science have to have different symbols for the same things...
you ought to teach lambda calculus first
3:42 PM
I suggest we incorporate lambda calculus into nursery rhymes: Mary had a little lambda, little lambda, little lambda!...
Lambda calculus (also written as λ-calculus) is a formal system in mathematical logic and computer science for expressing computation based on function abstraction and application using variable binding and substitution. First formulated by Alonzo Church to formalize the concept of effective computability, lambda calculus found early successes in the area of computability theory, such as a negative answer to Hilbert's Entscheidungsproblem. Lambda calculus is a conceptually simple universal model of computation (Turing showed in 1937 that Turing machines equalled the lambda calculus in expressiveness...
Lambda Calculus for Social Media Managers
I really wish UCSD's CS program had taught lambda calculus. I'm totally lost when I look at it, but it's exactly the kind of concept a CS program should teach.
@JonClements what do you think about the scottish situation? (if you don't mind if I ask this)
@Peter well... I'm hoping they don't vote to go independent... but I know a lot of people that do... we should know by 6:30-7:30am what the decision is
3:46 PM
why don't you want them to be independent?
is there a site that has a live tally anywhere? say if i had some money riding on this
you can bet on anything (and I was kidding FWIW, I'm just the curious type and the vote tally will finish after I've gone to sleep)
btw if someone doesn't know what we are talking about here, I think this is quite a nice summary on the topic:
@Peter because I can't see it doing anyone any good at this time in the world...
3:50 PM
My family has been talking about this over the last few days. (I'm first-gen Canadian, so no brogue for me.) The Canadians are all solidly on the no side. Of those of us still in Scotland, we're 50% no, 25% yes, 25% undecided. However we may be atypical, given that enough of us wanted away from Scotland that we left..
@JonClements (I'm only curious) what good does it make if Scotland is part of the UK?
@PeterVaro nice video
shush - you've awoken @IntrepidBrit :p
I liked it too -- although I like all the nice info-graphic videos out there ;)
@JonClements (sssh, I was lurking. Was geniunely interested in people's opinions without interfering by being obviously present :P)
3:57 PM
@IntrepidBrit I definitely like to hear you educated opinion as well! (if you don't mind ofc)
@PeterVaro I might not be my usual measured self right now. I'm a bundle of emotion tbh
Is Northern Ireland largely governed the same way that Scotland was?
@tristan Yes, but with fewer devolved powers
@IntrepidBrit fair enough -- then I guess I will have to ask the same question tomorrow :)
4:00 PM
@IntrepidBrit: well, it's a big day. One of those "When in the Course of human events" days.
Yeah, it's kind of interesting that the world is so relatively stable and the "most stable" states are still restructuring.
@tristan I would disagree that it's stable. It's only ever 3 meals away from anarchy
.. that's how the saying goes, I think
But guys, keep discussing. It's interesting to hear what unfettered outsider opinion is
@tristan the world is stable -- umm.. which world are you living in?
Relatively stable -- borders in the west aren't very often redrawn.
As Spock might put it, regarding the dream of Scottish independence: after a time, they may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.
4:04 PM
I'm just concerned it's more passion than logic going on here... but we'll see in the morning what's happened - either way... it's not going to be the same again for a while...
Of course it's more passion than logic -- Salmond wasn't even willing to speak intelligently about his plan for the future during the debate.
The union's going to have to think/act on stuff tomorrow regardless of the outcome...
It's hard to resist projecting situations I'm more familiar with (like Quebec) onto the situation in Scotland, but there do seem to be a lot of similarities in terms of the separatists wanting to ensure, and promising, that all the good bits will somehow persist. I'd be more impressed if someone said "You know what? Yeah, this is going to be really painful for a really long time. But we're going to do it anyway."
I wonder if the US South will ever decide to try to break free. The north would be reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/…
I like how DSM and I both forked off at the same time.
4:11 PM
@JonClements IMHO it is very difficult to see the big picture and build purely on logic in a situation like this -- it is a question of passion on both sides tbh
I oppose the secession of the south United States, because it would become a lot harder to go to Delaware to buy tax-free furniture.
When I was a kid I played Adventure Construction Set, and one of the built-in games had a scene based on Washington crossing the Delaware. Ever since then I've always thought of Delaware as a mystical place associated with Mesopotamian gods.
I'd be fine with America's red states breaking free. A decade of serious poverty might shock enough that they quit fighting against the United States becoming a better place.
Righto guys. I'm off, carpool wants to leave
Play nice, no fighting
4:16 PM
@IntrepidBrit: cheers!
50-way secession, every state for themselves
First order of business: ally with 48 other states against North Dakota, because they have more nuclear weapon silos than the rest of the former country combined
(Mental note: ally with North Dakota)
Or maybe it was Kansas? wikipedia isn't helping me here.
(Mental note: find better help than Kevin)
4:22 PM
> The United States Air Force built many missile silos in the Midwestern United States, mostly in South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado.
Don't play shell games with me, WP. Tell me who's #1.
@PeterVaro want to summarize me your link y/n?
@AnttiHaapala ?
whenever I open it, guardian brings my foxy browser to its knees...
Yesterday I was annoyed by Firefox because it couldn't properly display a 10,000 pixel tall jpg.
4:27 PM
It's only 10k pixels. It really should be able to do it.
yeah, the point 432423572 should be white not bright yellow
View->Zoom->zoom out, it becomes visible, but tiny. View->Zoom->Reset, it goes back to not appearing at all.
Incidentally, Windows Media Viewer is a piece of junk. While it can display 10000 pixel tall images, it starts unzoomed at the exact center of the image, not the top. Oh, and there's no scroll bars and the arrow keys don't move you around. Click-drag is the only means of navigation.
incidentally windows is junk :(
Everything is terrible, forever.
so aren't we goin to see secession?
4:30 PM
It's your own fault for having such large images. 320*200 should be enough for anyone.
In the end I wrote a script to chop the image into reasonable pieces. But I grumbled the whole time.
"pledging greater devolved powers to Scotland in the event of a dominant "no" vote"
what does dominant no vote mean here? 1 votes more?
@DSM but I want multicolor, thus 160x200
That's the sort of thing you should do a screenshot recording+audio track vid of. There's a youtube subculture devoted to watching people work around software nuisances.
"First, install Python and PIL. Click here to view my 'software nuisances' episodes regarding both of them"
That's what they call cross-video promotion B-)
you. do. not. install. pil.
repeat after me...
4:35 PM
In a free Scotland, PIL installs you. #randommashup
Why not install PIL?
Something something Pillow is better something something
pillow is maintained
Hey man, whatever gets my jpgs to be rendered properly
Didn't development on PIL stop a few years ago? (Disclaimer: this is a vague memory, not based on anything concrete.)
4:40 PM
"The current free version is PIL 1.1.7. This release supports Python 1.5.2 and newer, including 2.5 and 2.6. A version for 3.X will be released later."
Python Imaging Library 1.1.7 Source Kit (all platforms) (November 15, 2009)
pypi has PIL 1.1.6
14 idiots have tried to install it from pypi this month :D
actually ofc everything is PyPIs and PyPAs fault since it is "whoever registers the name, keeps the name", forever.
@DSM chou (I realise you're not Québécois but eh)
Ça marche. ;-)
anyone knows how to do a nested Query with conditions
if(query1) { if(query2) { if(query3) { return json }}}
4:50 PM
What is a Query?
db Query
query in what language what context cmon dude don't be that lazy
Your syntax doesn't look very Pythonic.. are you sure you're in the right room?
im using object.save()
What db/library?
4:50 PM
but right now its all ORM
hi can someone how to tell me to finish this algorithm if(
What ORM?
django ORM
Oh, you should have just said that. How were we supposed to know?
Because we're the python helpdesk DUH don't be jerk
4:52 PM
@eddwinpaz show us the query you're having trouble with
You can use dpaste.com to paste larger chunks
Free 1 month of Trello Gold for everyone with an account.
Also, in that paste you're making, including what you have coded so far as an attempt @eddwinpaz
4:54 PM
Is that a fungible commodity?
ARGH "share us on twitter or facebook to get gold"
here is the code.
as you can see all the .save() are in secuence
and sometimes they not get all executed
what i want is make them on cascade order. example: if(query1){ if(query2){ if(query3) { }}}
then I can return the JSON
(A) that is a ridiculous amount of code for us to parse, (B) what is cascade order, I've never heard that term, and (C) this is probably better as an actual SO question
with PHP I can do a verification
yeah definitely make it a stack overflow question. i know the answer, but i feel like you're trying to get us to do your work for you, so i'm going to be a withholding jerk
4:59 PM
What is "a verification"?
whether the query has been executed
You are using terms I'm not familiar with, and I've written Django apps.
there is a way to check if the first query has been executed
Of course it executed, it didn't raise an exception...
so then it can execute another
and so on.
5:00 PM
You think these are happening asynchronously?
it's almost like this is covered by the official documentation
So you only want to .save() the second time if the first .save() completed?
because right now sometimes it executed and makes the update and sometimes doe snot but doesnt execute any errors.
Django raises an exception if a db operation fails, so try/catch that
If it doesn't raise any errors, why do you think it failed?
it does not fails
5:02 PM
Then what's the problem?
it just does not save the values properly
it places 0.0 instead of the calculation.
you think I should use
try and except?
@eddwinpaz please carefully read and understand sscce.org then come back to us
^^ and then post the question on stackoverflow
that should be the right context for the transaction
you know PHP?
5:04 PM
i am php
This is the Python room
i know.
just want to make a comparison
No I don't know it
@tristan be nicer
5:06 PM
okaaaay, but we have told him multiple times to put more effort into his question.
ok let me try again.
read sscce.org. understand it. put some work into writing a proper question. then post it on stackoverflow.
Who can I verificate if a queryset has been properly executed correctly so then I can execute another query based on the result of that condition
If it doesn't raise an exception, it completed successfully. Any other issues are programmer error.
5:09 PM
based on your sscce.org
haha no that's not at all. oh man, at least tell us a convincing lie
@eddwinpaz please read that page in its entirety, it shouldn't take long
I just wrote something to generate voronoi diagrams. computers are neat.
Nifty. In Python or something else?
5:20 PM
C++ -- used openframeworks to save me some time with interfacing with opengl
@tristan voronois are so 2000's
ur brekkin my <3 @PeterVaro
I'm sorry :) -- btw I really liked them, my last startup's product had a logo based on voronoi tesselation
gimme a mo' I search for it ;)
hah, no worries. you know i can't stay mad at you, you hungarian dreamboat
i'm just going through and trying to implement some fun visual algorithms so i can attach them to variable user inputs -- starting with mouse, but will be switching to video input such as points drawn on a whiteboard
5:25 PM
I think I found it:
if you zoom in, you can see, that the inner side of the B is delanuay triangualtion
while the outside has voronoi shapes based texture (the metal polishes)
The kind of detail you only see looking closely at high definition.
it is based on the positions of the seed's of the sunflower
which is based on the Fermat's spiral
That is a lot of thought into that logo. It's pretty cool.
and the circles of the B are based on the Fibonacci sequences
@davidism thanks ;)
@davidism @Peter's never disappointing at design :)
5:28 PM
@JonClements which means he is disapointing in everything else? ;)
@Peter haha.... no.... I just didn't want to say you're f*ing awesome at design stuff and get your head any bigger about it :)
@davidism here are the circles
@JonClements oh okay -- thanks then ;)
Although... new theme for sopython at some point... nudge nudge wink wink :)
I don't follow the fibonacci drawing pattern
up->1, down->2, up->3, down->5, up->8, down->13
5:31 PM
Oh. Well, I got that, but why up/down alternations?
to get the proper B ;)
OOOOooh. Okay, I understand.
because the b would be upside down otherwise
there is no other magic than that
Yes yes yes, i thought it was something inherent in the pattern, not that it was arranged to fit a B
5:32 PM
the whole thing is based on the golden-ratio btw
which is based on the fibonacci sequence
nature is fudging amazing.
yeah :)
this was the base I programmed for this
hello new background
well.. good and so good memories.. (about my startup)
Are the points arranged on some spiral pattern or am I seeing things?
5:37 PM
@davidism I said above: it is based on the Fermat spiral
wait a sec
@davidism the sunflower's seeds:
are arranged based on the Fermat spiral
so you're saying that our robot overlords took shortcuts in procedurally generating our environment?
everything in nature has algorithms
although those pure algos are "distracted" by environmental variables
sorry, the puppy overlords couldn't be bothered to spend much more time doing work on the robot overlords... too busy chasing cats and eating biscuits... we apologise :)
like the rain, wind or sun shine, etc.
that's why there are so many variations out there
but all could be programmed
no, it's because god wanted there to be variations
5:41 PM
multivariable problems are so much easier when you can short circuit them with "because god"
have you heard of them: algorithmicbotany.org ?
now they do amazing things..
they "grow" virtual flowers based on the algorithm of the original one
@tristan they are, yes ;)
good thing that the witchhunts ended before programming really picked up as a field
@PeterVaro it's not exactly design, but you might be interested in this post about arranging grass in a game.
My most recently learned "nature is amazing" fact is: "Sea lions appear to hunt sunfish for sport, tearing the fins off, tossing the body around, and then simply abandoning the still-living but helpless fish to die on the seafloor."
... What? They can't all be inspirational.
Nice to know that humans don't have the monopoly on senseless cruelty.
5:44 PM
It's not senseless -- sea lions have fun doing it
@Kevin orcas are doing the same as well => that's how they teach the youngsters the art of killing
I thought it's how they taught them how to hate
Like Java for incoming CS students
@davidism wow;) it's like how the guys at Pixar worked on the forest appeared in Brave
(I think there is a very thin boarder here between design and development)
(which is btw for me the most interesting field!!!!!!)
@PeterVaro I totally agree. I'm trying to make my way into creative coding/experiential art and it seems like a hard industry to break into, but omg fun and interesting
5:48 PM
I'm coming from the other direction ;)
but it's totally worth the extra work and learning
What, coming into development from design?
it is amazing how simple things like conditionals, loops and assignments can build large and complex worlds in 3D, just by using them a zillion times, abstracting them in encapsulations..
I think the hardest part of becoming successful for me is that I'm not talented.
@tristan yepp, I'm coming from the design side
Re: experimental art, my hypnotic zooming fractal gifs are usually more rewarding to make than anything "practical" I've made.
5:51 PM
Oh yes, totally @Kevin. It's amazing to be able to show people what you've coded and only had to explain why it's difficult to do.
well it is way easier than explaining memory management to someone who has no idea how computers are working
-- there you go, look at that, isn't that a beauty?
@Kevin but if you are interested in those kind of things why aren't you moving on to CG?
build system that runs and deploys based on a node classifier from a git push? *crickets.*

check this hack out, when you open your mouth, a meow sound plays! *omg how did you do this? this is the beeest*
I mean that part of the industry is not "full filled" -- you have to be good at several things at the same time
It's a fun inversion on the usual reaction. Spend six months writing a Facebook competitor and they'll say "I bet my nephew could do that, he's a real computer whiz". Show someone this thing and they'll say "are you a wizard?" despite it being a fairly simple mathematical system.
@tristan :D:D:D:D
5:55 PM
@PeterVaro any advice on how to get into the design/dev field? i was thinking about taking up some work with a design agency
@PeterVaro I have little design sense; I only know what I like, and only when I see it.
@tristan well, it depends: strictly graphics OR real physical design?
both! i want to get into graphics and physical interactions
i'm seriously not picky because everything is awesome and interesting
@Kevin but CG as a programmer is not about good or bad taste IMO
5:56 PM
i don't really have much interest becoming an animator or full-time CG artist FWIW
@tristan well, if it comes to physical, real life, then you have to go to some architecture studios
they are the most well-known organic-designers
thanks for sharing +100
all of their works are made with mathemticians and programmers
if i could do stuff like this for a living: youtube.com/watch?v=7cem71cR0S0 i would be so happy
they even has a small (for zaha that is even large) team, which is only working on the algorithms
@tristan now that is another thing -- do you know this site: creativeapplications.net ?

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