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7:04 PM
@Ffisegydd: can you remember how to set date xlims?
@DSM Uhhh I don't do it very often. ax.set_xlim(date2num(dt1), date2num(dt2)) I suppose?
Where you get from matplotlib.dates import date2num
And it'll convert a datetime into the appropriate number that mpl uses.
7:21 PM
Hmm. I don't know if it's something seaborn-y, but it seems to be using days-since-the-epoch instead.
Ah you're plotting from df.plot?
Or such?
Yeah, I was lazy. :-)
Zero cabbage!
7:27 PM
Zero cabbage!? WHERE'S IT ALL GONE!?
Also: closed.
Santiago, or so the rumours say.
Santiago eh? We'll have to contact our operative over there.
Dog ate it
@DSM did you manage to sort the set_xlim? If so, how? (For interest if I get the same in t'future)
@Ffisegydd: there was time pressure for that graph so I just cropped the input data. There's got to be a better way than what I was doing (usually I work with decimal time, so I don't have much experience in this corner.)
7:34 PM
Ah ok
When you said "time pressure" I thought "Oh I wonder what that is? Some kind of crazy graph? I must know!" then I realised "Oh he was in a rush D:"
At school I inherited a graph called the Enigma graph. It was a log-log plot where every tick on both axes was labelled "0", with no words. The points on it seemed to be randomly scattered, but if you looked closely there were two slightly different kinds of points. The graph somehow managed to convey negative information.
@davidism @AnttiHaapala ok so I guess I don't understand why it is bad then, sorry
or why the programmer chose to do that
nope, there was no conscious decision to that
in the code, they write the data structure one way, then just iterate over it to change it to some other format, but it's all internal, they could have just as well written it in the final format.
the reason for that structure is that it is more logical,
the same value can be mapped to different values easier
7:48 PM
@davidism I was being subtle? really? :)
Well, you were initially.
yeah, then he got annoying
better go delete the comments
well, the last one at least
when you said thinkforme.com I thought, "think forum dot com, cool name, although strangely spelled". Took me a while to parse it properly.
Welp, he got handed the answer. Case closed.
Bite me davidism, you're all trolls — Whooperton Goldberg 4 mins ago
7:55 PM
I got labeled a troll :-(
Charming fellow.
@Kevin there you go - a starred troll.
I like the passive agressive "thank you, this was helpful [unlike those jerks in the comments]" on the answering post
@Kevin you can live under that bridge I built.
What is this, teach a man to fish dot com? I'm hungry, feed me now.
8:00 PM
rot(a,100): new synomym for laddle, stirring, ....
@Kevin well, his profile does say he was a fish monger...
This is upsetting me. I'm going to repress my memory of the last thirty minutes.
Boy, the day is really flying by :-)
that is what happens when you repress memory...
Just noticed in a 2.7 traceback:
/usr/lib/python2.7/pickle.pyc in load_append(self)
   1180         value = stack.pop()
   1181         list = stack[-1]
-> 1182         list.append(value)
   1183     dispatch[APPEND] = load_append
Bad style, stdlib writers.
I'll forgive it if it's in a tiny scope, so you're not likely to forget that you overshadowed the builtin earlier in the function. So, like, 10 lines.
Yep, it's a four line function. That's only a little sin.
8:12 PM
"I didn't know this was hintoverflow.com in hint city, hintville"
Venial, not mortal. #themoreyouknow
One might argue that stack[-1].append(value) would have been a better choice.
Eliminating the need for a new name completely
One quirk I have is that I tend not to do calculations in return statements, and so I'll write x = something here/return x, so I can't say I'm totally opposed to unnecessary intermediate variables. But I think I agree that here it would have been better to avoid it.
In the specific case of stack[-1] I'd probably pick the name top, although that only works for the top of the stack, obviously.
Ten lines later they do dict = stack[mark - 1], and top isn't really appropriate there.
Heh. So they clobber both list and dict?
8:16 PM
And they do stack = self.stack a lot... This is all rather odd.
Or did you just mistype?
They indeed use dict
If I was a github wizard, I'd link to the line. But I'm not, so I'm just looking at my local copy.
where's the canonical dup for this? stackoverflow.com/questions/26168930/…
I usually link to "what every programmer should know about floating point numbers", which is an off-site resource
I don't know there is one for that particular question. I think the Python reason relates to Mark Dickinson's work.
8:20 PM
I'm sure I read a good explanation to that recently(-ish)...
video of @JonClements family reunion found: i.imgur.com/0rlNgy3.gif
I'm so glad that decimal can give you the exact decimal representation of floats. I wonder if other languages have similar functionality.
While it's honest of this guy to admit what he's trying to do, it does make it less appealing to try to help: the whole point of captchas is to prevent automation of certain tasks, and people who try to bypass them make more complex and annoying validations necessary.
Captchas are silly. Just ask the user to make sense of some question
"what sound does the animal in the image make?"
8:36 PM
But what does the fox say?!
foxes more or less bark
"sense of some question" is not very internationalisable (better word)
In [Py_AddPendingCall], what does "on a bytecode boundary" mean?
9:39 PM
stops lurking on one computer. Look out for me at 2:30 and 6:00 when my office computer wakes up!
10:09 PM
@MartijnPieters What does that mean?
10:27 PM
@Kevin's list.remove(Snowpiercer)
(I don't know if it was already in there, if wasn't catch the ValueError)
@PeterVaro No good?
I would say terrible
it was a super concept
not genius, but well-thought
but after the first 5 minutes, it was constant suffering -- how could a movie be this dumb?
as it relates to watching bad movies
exactly.. I'm so angry.. I should go to sleep.. I hate myself I did not turn it off in the middle -- why am I always optimistic about the endings? grrr..
anyway, rhubarb ~
@Johnston @MartijnPieters it means someone is using MP's computer ;)
rhubarb again ~
10:37 PM
@PeterVaro or else "when my office computer wakes up!" refers to the singularity.
@PeterVaro Haha yes, that was one godawful piece of crap.

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