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12:09 PM
1:07 PM
1:21 PM
@mickmackusa looks like undisclosed affiliation? John "Scooter" Morris is listed among that product's core developers.
Erm... I'm assuming it's all undisclosed, I guess. The three answers I checked didn't disclose anything.
@Chris True but (again, from looking at a couple of answers) they don't seem to be promoting the product, rather supporting it. They should still disclose their affiliation but I wouldn't say their contributions are worthy of a spam flag.
@Chris It looks like they're using SO for support. Which I think is allowed as long as they actually monitor the tag and answer the questions
Except I'm not sure the product itself is actually on topic?
reads up, reads tags Yeah, not sure it's about programming
2:00 PM
2:49 PM
@snakecharmerb @aynber I didn't flag for spam or anything like that. I did edit one answer to remove a signature. Just trying to contribute to the "hope they're a SME" thread. Maybe I should have chosen different language.
@aynber I only skimmed the tag wiki but I agree, the whole thing may be off-topic

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