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7:01 PM
hm... how do I take screenshots in KSP?
I use Steam's F12.
Press F2 to hide the UI beforehand if desired.
F12 doesn't work for me. Found out it's F1.
@DeadMG ^
well fuck
I just realized I spent most of the remaining fuel on the ship I'm trying to rescue aligning its orbital plane with the rescue ship, but didn't notice that they're orbiting in the wrong fucking direction...
7:17 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes deadly re-entry
@jalf aligning orbital planes should not take huge amounts of fuel.
@thecoshman well, I basically have to do a 180 degree turn now
@CatPlusPlus did you take that video down, or is youtube being derpy for me
and this was on the ship that was stranded to begin with, with not enough fuel to get home :p
@jalf get your orbit VERY eccentric, then adjust plane at make height.
7:20 PM
aligning planes is easy when you just need to adjust like 10 degrees
@Xeo but the science!
@R.MartinhoFernandes dude! why no steam friends? you no like me :'(
@thecoshman Huh?
welp, out of fuel, and still 175 degrees away from orbital plane
@Xeo you have not unlocked the science differs from the lower tech tree options
7:23 PM
@thecoshman moar power
should get the science things unlocked so you can get more faster
@thecoshman I see no invites.
switching to rescue ship then
it doesn't matter in terms of delta-v whether you burn at ascending or descending node, right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes my point exactly!
@jalf no
egrh, cba to add everybody in the group
good news
I might have fucked up with the going the wrong goddamn way, but at least I remembered to retract solar panels on the rescue ship before it entered eve atmosphere for aerobrake
7:29 PM
also wow, eve's atmosphere is serious business. Glowing red even at 71km altitude
it's really thick year
Hmm, how do I enable the MechJeb windows?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm pretty sure a true kerbal would disapprove of all that automation
I just want to look at stats.
7:36 PM
Ugh, I have to put a part on the ship for that :S
Did somebody say solar power?
wtf are you guys you playing at with the chutes?
@Xeo oo, shiny
@R.MartinhoFernandes seems fair enough :S
7:37 PM
@thecoshman just for shit n giggles
@thecoshman To see stats?
I don't think I've ever used more than one chute on a ship
@jalf Wait, Eve has atmosphere?
@Xeo yeah. No oxygen though
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, something has to generate that data (role playing here)
@Xeo a few bodies do
7:38 PM
@thecoshman Works for me
@Xeo it's basically supposed to be Venus, afaik. Thick dense atmosphere, but significantly more gravity than Kerbin
@thecoshman What generates the data you look at in vanilla?
@CatPlusPlus ergh... for some reason yt has decided that some videos I have to proxy
@R.MartinhoFernandes shh :P
Hmm, cookies.
welp, we're down to just the ion drive :/
7:42 PM
attempting Mun landing and back... with no radial decouplers, no fuel lines, only the first two engines unlocked. and to make it all the more fun, high chance of death on reentry :P
Ooops, overwrote my save game.
Sooo.... why would I use the Comms DTS-M1 instead of the Communotron?
Looks cooler?
@Xeo afaik, no
@Xeo let me know if you find out :p
7:45 PM
the first one is the best by far
bar looks ofc
down to -101.6 degrees!
oh wait, apparently not
still -124 degrees
stupid steam
why you no easy to link to your images
still, this is my mad attempt at a Mun Lander... i have very little unlocked so far
8:01 PM
oooh my, that is not a lot of fuel to get to and long Mun :P
might have been pushing this one just a bit too tight :P
119.4 degrees to go :/
oh sure, 29 second burn, no problem... oh, only 190 fuel to burn... going to be tight
if I'm not carefully, this is going to be a one way mission to deep space :P
looking on the bright side, I'm not running out of fuel any time soon
used about 5% of it so far
should I start playing this game
Do you want to? :p
8:12 PM
oh god, I might just be able to do this... think I need to take some fuel from the return stage though to make sure
I finally made a real lander
@CatPlusPlus has it landed?
I don't want poopy pants dinner, I want to crash in to land on the Mun
shh, you saw nothing
Went to Mun, did some science, now going to Minmus
Dammit, I accidentally transmitted my Mun sample :<
This system is stupid
So MechJeb is trying to land on Minmus by accelerating into space
8:33 PM
Alright, time for some proper asparagus staging
9:06 PM
welp, that went as you would expect
Let's try Minmus instead... but need more fuel for transfer me thinks...
1790 science
I think I had ~160 before I launched this one :v
oh not bad at all
where did you get to?
Mun and Minmus
I wonder if Kethane is even integrated with the tech tree
Heh, nope
Time to hack it in
9:26 PM
it isn't?
well that is strange
I really like the idea of the Kethane stuff, but it seems to easy to find it
> This update doesn't integrate with the Research and Development system added in KSP 0.22. R&D integration will come in a later update.
Gah, I can't get a Duna intercept :|
Match planes
@CatPlusPlus How did you even get that much
Seems pretty matched
but matching planes is a PITA when in large orbital map
@Xeo I've put all science parts on it + crew reports + EVA + surface samples
9:32 PM
And repeated transmissions
might've been wise to get that before solar orbit
To exhaust the pool without having to go back
man, Duna, can't you just get in the right position? :|
9:35 PM
It's always really far away when I have my closest approach
I wonder if it's feasible to first tune my orbit to Duna's
@Xeo get your planes matched up, then time warp a few orbits till they are closer
Try planning acceleration/deceleration at AN/DN
@CatPlusPlus what are you showing?
@CatPlusPlus I did, still far away. Seems kinda tedious to warp and try and warp and try and warp and try
@CatPlusPlus what? an/dn is only for plane changes
9:36 PM
Also Protractor is useful for interplanetary stuff
guess I have no other choice though
@thecoshman My rocket in parts :v
not bad
Real Actual Lander (tm)
no reaction wheels of flaps really makes stuff tricky :S
and no vectored engines either yet
Think I will get some science via Mun & Minmus orbiting
9:55 PM
ooh, I think I can get an encounter~
ergh... no batteries... need to wait till I get to sunny side
10:12 PM
whee, I can get Duna Orbit from here
delicious high orbit science
also, fuck getting back to Kerbin - transmission ftw
10:36 PM
@Xeo I'm at duna no, it went surprisingly smoothly
I gave up on my Eve rescue mission for now, was taking forever and not getting anywhere
new room, eh?
I've just set up my maneuver for Duna orbit and managed to get a 1h Ike encounter as well
which is pretty sweet for extra science
got the luckiest duna approach though. Good gravity assist away from kerbin, and then after a few solar orbits to get near duna, I end up needing juuust the tiniest couple of burns to bring me on a trajectory to within 10k of duna, so perfect aerobrake
Duna has an atmosphere?
10:38 PM
But a pretty crappy one
need to go really low for it to have much effect
I shot for a 6-10k periapsis, which seemed perfect. Was enough to slow me down and get me into orbit, and without hitting the ground either
unfortunately, I forgot to pack all the useful science instruments, so pretty limited benefit from this mission
it's fun though, getting to see new stuff :D
and I just unlocked the biggest engine and fuel tank, so I could probably do some improvements on my rocket design for the next trip :)
or I could start putting up refueling stations
careful with orange tank
tends to be a bit derpy with heat
10:49 PM
Orange everything
I'm thinking of just landing on Duna and abandoning Jeb
for the science!
but if I land, I have to stage off my engine - and the tank has all the solar panels on it :(
poor design decision hey :P
aw, Nuclear Engine left
@thecoshman this thing was never really meant for landing :P
11:05 PM
You won't manage to transmit everything without solar panels
Better to send a better rocket out
Well, unless you have shitload of batteries
I got a total capacity of 650
and I need 150 for the science bay per transmission
aka, bugger all :P
@jalf I'm at 40km over Duna and can only get physics warp - aka I'm in the atmosphere already :s
You need like 10 transmissions for the science bay alone
@CatPlusPlus I noticed with the other reports
11:09 PM
@Xeo It starts at 41km, but is really thin
My periapsis is at 26
@Xeo it's too thin at that altitude to do anything though
I reaaally wonder if I can land this thing
320 fuel left for my nuclear engine
You need to land on power, parachutes won't slow you down enough
I guessed as much
11:11 PM
I highly doubt a nuclear engine is powerful enough for a controlled landing on duna
Yeah it's really crappy in atmosphere
60 thrust in vacuum :s
ISP 220 or something like that
10 mins ago, by Xeo
@thecoshman this thing was never really meant for landing :P
but no harm in trying, I guess... Well, no harm other than killing off Jeb, anyway :p
11:12 PM
so vOv
eh, I'd rather get Ike orbit than crash
@CatPlusPlus it's crappy everywhere in terms of thrust. It's just more fuel-efficient in vaccuum
It's ISP that changes (i.e. you use more fuel), not thrust
you could probably land on Ike with it
Oh but it won't be 220 on Duna, because thinner atmosphere
(if you're careful)
(and lucky)
11:13 PM
@CatPlusPlus like he said, the trust is always max 60, just in a vaume it takes bugger all fuel to get that thrust
also why hadn't anyone told me you can repack chutes after they've been used?
I know that
@jalf what
@jalf You can even repack them in space!
@Xeo true story
11:14 PM
yeah, you just need to EVA for it
on EVA, right click on it when a kerbal is near it, and you can repack it so it can be used again
nice to know
good lord! only need 1m/s to get my return from Mun sort :O
considering how I came in at nearly a polar orbit, this has worked out well
fucking atmosphere, I need to warp faster than 4x :s
accidentally right hit the decoupler!
11:21 PM
in space, no one can hear you swear
good job he has plenty of transmitters
so people can hear him swear? :p
Might aswell do the laundry while I wait
"Erm... good news ground control, back into Kerbin orbit... bad new I am now stuck in a high Kerbin... the engine may have detached some how"
(I love @jalf for giving me this idea.)
11:23 PM
how's that going to save him though?
push rocket
until periapsis is in atmosphere
@Xeo This is physics warp, careful with that
I brought mine down from 300k to 50k :P
can you use the jetpack whilst holding onto the ship?
11:24 PM
need to push from space
so just need to be really careful?
and keep your balance manually, so you don't fly past
I strongly suggest a quicksave before getting out
11:25 PM
@thecoshman yup
and right after getting back in to refuel the jetpack
also, scroll in really close
I tried to do EVA while powering away from Mun and my Kerbal didn't hold on
helps immensely with the controls.
@CatPlusPlus whoops :p
fuck, also have next to now power for the pods reaction wheel
11:25 PM
I'm guessing the ship was accelerating faster than a jetpack? :p
It immediately gained too much speed to catch up
But it was funny
o_0 it's a 3 million peri that I need to get down to like 40k
"Whoops where did my rocket go"
@thecoshman ah, hmmmm
that could take a while :p
if I get back in, and then out again, I get more fuel right?
11:28 PM
@thecoshman oha
that is... quite a ways away
Jetpack at periapsis to escape the Kerbin orbit and go into the unknown!
fuck it, kill him
he transmitted nearly all the science
can't control the jet pack well enough
5 mins ago, by Xeo
also, scroll in really close
(and up/down is shift/ctrl)
Warp to periapsis, point the rocket prograde, and then go out
@thecoshman just quickload
11:30 PM
still too hard for me to want to bother with :P
But the unknown!
well, 3 million km is quite the periapsis
or is it 3 million metres?
2 minute burn!
@CatPlusPlus stupid English
Maybe you could jetpack into the atmosphere
But it'll kill him anyway
11:33 PM
man, nuclear engine is so efficient
if only it was high power and efficient
oho, I think I'll get a gravity-assited Ike-slingshot out of Duna orbit
time for some Ike science
crew reports are so efficient and small :<
I also have a feeling that Jeb has a deathwish
He just does not want to hold onto the command pod at all
Am I alone in space now?
11:54 PM
lol, must noticed my stranded kerbal has a very high 'stupidity' stat :P

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