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9:00 PM
My tax is automatically taken out of my income
haha yeah its a good/bad problem to have
I don't know how to do taxes
@monners so is mine, but then you have to do taxes at the end of the year
to see if you overpaid or underpaid (here anyway)
Ah, yeah. It's always nice to get a refund :P
then you or they make up the difference
9:01 PM
I got $4k back one year
Yeah i am in the 30% and then 8.5% sales tax
heh yeah id prefer to pay or keep it at $0
13% sales tax here
because otherwise those bastards are making interest off of my money
property tax is insane as well
9:01 PM
10% sales tax
it used to be 15%
they lowered it a few years back
@rlemon you also get free* healthcare
I tend to owe 1 or 2 depending. I like to claim dependents on my payroll so that I get taxed less per month, and then file at the end of the year with no dependents
@Loktar They don't pay interest? I pretty sure they do here
9:02 PM
must watch
Stuff it all into investments. Investment income is taxed at about 50% of regular
ignore the cover picture
@AaronSiciliano "free" as in, I pay > 50% taxes at the end of it all to pay for such services
@monners heh I never got interest when getting a refund from the gov
@rlemon you only pay 50% of the taxes on the services?
9:02 PM
also I think people think our "free" healthcare covers a lot more than what it actually does
@SomeKittensUx2666 yeah I need to throw more money into investements
@rlemon Ours covers a lot
@AaronSiciliano no, if before taxes I'm payed $1000, after I spend it, only like $490 of it didn't go to taxes
@Loktar I've got just over six years to put $1,000,000 in.
prescriptions is the big one. Meds very rarely cost more than $30 a month
9:03 PM
that is after sales, income, etc. is taken off
@monners the prescription is free, filling it isn't (in Ontario)
nothing cosmetic is free.
@SomeKittensUx2666 what do you mean?
dental, optical, etc is not free.
1,000,000 by 30?
@monners here there is a medicine i was prescribed that costed >$300 a month after insurance paid their portion
basically what is free is stuff that will save your life. :P
and checkups are free ofc.
9:04 PM
@Loktar That's my personal goal
that would suck if I had to pay to goto the family dr
So I'm putting in as much as I can
ah thats a great goal
@rlemon thats why i haven't been in 5 years lol
!!afk HOME TYME!
9:05 PM
On a HTML page, can I place an element (of course I will never see it) at x=10 000px, y= 0 ? Or even x= 100 000px, y=0px ?

Will the element still exist ?

Is there a limit ? Which one ?
yeah itll still exist
that was the old trick for h1's that were used as logos
text-indent: -10000;
is there a limit ?
be nice to your visitors
9:06 PM
i imagine the limit would be based on the maximum size the global var could hold for coordinates.... how it is signed lol
probably @Basj I bet its browser dependent though
@AaronSiciliano heh yeah even more likely
Why not just use display:none?
@Basj Why should the browser care?
or opacity:0
@TravisJ yeah I agree, @Basj you should just keep track of the "virtual position" of your elements, but only ever render them within the viewport
no point in rendering outside the users view
9:08 PM
unless if they rotate the device :P
As I'm working on a (potentially) infinite map, I would like to know if it's possible that some elements are at x=1 000 000px
test it?
or do positive and negative 500000
of course it will never be shown, unless I translate the viewport to this portion
9:08 PM
dude I am going to make your infinite zooming scrolling map and charge money for it
you keep coming here talking about it
If you have elements from -1,000,000 to 1,000,000 you're going to eat the user's memory
makes me want to do it
@Shmiddty OMG
> Guys would carbon make a good filament for a light that stays on forever?
9:10 PM
@Basj - If you use an "infinite" map then it cannot be in a finite space (both on screen and in memory). As such, it must only be virtually infinite which would require the logical divide of the screen's resources. Figure out which elements are not on the screen, and detach them. Keep them logically ordered so that they can be replaced when they would need to be shown.
^ I like this guy, if he sticks around I see him being an owner
What @TravisJ said
It would be nice if the browser managed out of view elements for us, though
That is a really great idea
Might not ever happen though, I could IE implementing that next millennium
Yes of course, "infinite" is just a way of saying it shortly, I know that it's impossible to deal with *real* infinity...
About detaching elements which are off the screen, that's a good idea, but if I zoom out, zoom out, zoom out, then all elements will be on screen , so I have to be able to deal with lots of elements anyway...
9:13 PM
The Centennial Light is the world's longest-lasting light bulb. It is at 4550 East Avenue, Livermore, California, and maintained by the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department. The fire department says that the bulb is at least 113 years old and has been turned off only a handful of times. Due to its longevity, the bulb has been noted by The Guinness Book of World Records, Ripley's Believe It or Not!, and General Electric. It is often cited as evidence for the existence of planned obsolescence in later-produced light bulbs. == History == The Centennial Light is a sixty-watt, hand-blown, carb...
@Shmiddty your solution is amazing !
@Basj That's when you cluster elements
@Basj It's really just a simplification
@Shmiddty what do you mean about clustering ?
@Basj If a human can't distinguish individual elements, there's no reason to render them all.
@Shmiddty what would you do in a more complex thing ?
9:15 PM
think of it like google maps and how they handle tiles
@Shmiddty quadtrees
but I don't know at all how to do this...
Have a tile object
Tile object stores positions of all elements in the tile
Have a quadtree object
That stores the one tile as a node then the 4 tiles around it as children
too hard for me (knowing my current knowledge, and time allocated to this project)...
Controller makes the tiles visible
When a tile becomes visible, it renders the elements
9:19 PM
@Meredith would you be interested in coding a small example with this ? for this (virtually) infinite text map ?
@Shmiddty how can I thank you ?
It's pretty easy, just take it 1 step at a time
I don't see the bigpicture (I never had a programming/computer science course, so all I do is based on trial/errors)
posted on September 18, 2014 by Victor A. Rodriguez

As a child I used to make a lot of random choices about on what path to follow for walking or to solve some issue and more often that not it lead me not only to the unknown but also to places where I wasn't supposed to arrive.  Reading about some tips for Unit Testing here and there I found myself trapped between two contradictory positions on testing about using random values and found my

@Basj A nice 15-year scotch is a good start
Take a programming course then
9:21 PM
@Meredith Too much projects / work on other topics !
For example, Lagavulin
Costco has em for a good deal
@Shmiddty I'll settle for a brand new FREE SCOTLAND
Has that been decided yet?
lol Free Scotch?
9:22 PM
@Shmiddty if you paste your example on my question here : stackoverflow.com/questions/25910500/… I can accept your answer !
Scotland is voting (or has voted) for its independence.
@Shmiddty has finished voting 23 minutes ago if I'm not wrong
@Shmiddty polls have closed
Votes are closed, results in 7.5 hrs
9:23 PM
Give or take, depending how much drinking and recounting occurs
Did they just really want to have slaves?
@Basj Meh, I don't answer questions these days.
@Shmiddty so can I post a link to your jsfiddle and credit you as author ?
Here's another rep opportunity:
Q: Protractor detect page refresh

SomeKittens Ux2666How can I detect a page refresh using Protractor? The page is displaying the results of a build occurring on the backend, and refreshes when the build finishes. Currently, my code manually refreshes the page in a loop along these lines: browser.wait(function () { browser.refresh().then(funct...

9:28 PM
@Basj You may do whatever you please.
Who's in for making this post -10?
A: AngularJS directive scope property matching

sssplease see here http://jsbin.com/xenik/1/edit app.directive('regexValidation', [function () { return { scope: { regex: "=", model: '=ngModel'}, link: function (scope, element,attr) { element.bind('change', function () { ...

Wow that's bad
Hi all, how do you achieve more than one action in a ng-controller that uses different template in angularjs web app? I have a list of clients and want to show details of a client when an anchor is clicked.
@Meredith The audacity to post such garbage after my fairly awesome answer had been posted for some time...
@Yoda that didn't make much sense to me.
Also, that sounds like something I would use my routing setup for
@Shmiddty Here I mentionned you stackoverflow.com/a/25922705/1422096
9:32 PM
<a ui-sref="client.client">View client.</a>
@m59 I'm coming from asp.net mvc background in which a controller can have multiple action with different views. Yeah I'm basically modifying my routes. But is this only possible via adding a match route like when("/client/:clientId") and just read it by $routeparams. right?
You can do things all kinds of way. i have no idea what you mean by "Action"
that sounds to me like you mean "function"
no I just want to use the same client controller but with a :clientId in url and a different template.
just wanted to know any other possible way. I know how to use by routeProvider and specifying a different template name.
@Shmiddty can I ask a last question ?
@Yoda that's absolutely what you should do and you really ought to have a different controller for that
There's no reason for 1 controller to control a list of clients and the same controller control an individual client. That is clearly two different pieces of the application.
9:39 PM
I know now what you mean Clients and client specific actions in separate controllers
@Basj Make it a good one
@m59 I've got one another requirement if you have any advice: a user should be able to download a zip file from the server. this app is a angularjs at front-end and REST service as back-end (asp.net web api). is it fine to send a zip file via service in angularjs apps?
@Shmiddty I want to enable zooming (but not only the little zooming allowed in standard by the browsers, with is 10% to 1000%, no, I mean (virtually) infinite zooming !)
What I would have done when ZoomIn : loop on each `<span>`, change their fontSize, and change their position (when you zoom in by a factor x2, all the fontSizes should be x2, but all the distances between each `<span>` should be x2 as well!)

But maybe here you have a more powerful solution ?
@Yoda I don't understand, sorry
Guys, anyone with experience with AWS and can give his opinion about it?
9:44 PM
@Loktar @Travis is a cool cat
I hope he does stick around.
@m59 There will be a wizard like steps in the web ui and the result of completing it, is a link. If this is clicked, user should get a zip file from server on file system to download.
I don't think I've talked to this Travis fellow.
@TravisJ ^
I come by from time to time
This place is a pretty sweet room
Iirc he's a c#er
9:46 PM
<button ng-click="getFile(fileOpts)">Get file.</button>
$scope.getFile = myFileService.getFile;
is that what you're asking?
@SecondRikudo It's good if you need to scale up spontaneously and are too lazy to setup your own servers, but it's going to me much more expensive than running your own servers
Do you guys think angular puts too much emphasis on inline event handling?
@copy hi
@m59 yes. so that that zip is downloaded on user's machine as result. is this possible ?
9:47 PM
@SterlingArcher hi
In angular it isn't really inline events
@Yoda I'm not sure of the semantics...somehow it is =D
Isn't it more of a two way data binding?
@TravisJ C# eh? I took a class on that in college, was rather confusing. Granted it was the least of my worries cause Software Engineering was my main focus but..
9:48 PM
@SterlingArcher o/ :)
Angular reverses the whole thought of it.
There's really no "not" inline.
@m59 ok I need to get this proof of concept done otherwise I won't be able to use angular for this project. Just need to make sure web api returns a zip file. thanks :)
It's not really an Angular question.
I don't know if it's possible (doubt it) to make an ajax request to download a file.
with anything.
I think you'd have to open a new window or something...
I'm sure someone here knows how that works.
@Loktar you have cat(s) yes?
@Shmiddty really great, once again ! the only drawback is that I cannot zoom out more than normal zoom. I would like to be able to have all these 1000 textboxes in just 1 pixel (like if you quit the Earth with a rocket, and all the Earth is just less than one pixel :) )
9:52 PM
@rlemon That would be his wife
@Yoda it seems like the problem is that you're thinking frameworks let you do things. They just help you do what you can already do anyway... A framework should never stop you from implementing a feature. It just may enforce a certain way that you must do it.
that looks promising
@Shmiddty ie to be able to be very very very far (very zoomed out)
> You know a girl is mad when she starts her sentence off saying "I just find it funny how.." because there's a 99.9% chance she did not find it funny.
@KendallFrey my cat keeps sitting on my roomba and turning it on randomly.
pissing me off
9:52 PM
@BadgerGirl can you confirm this quote? ^
@rlemon for the love of god put the cat in a costume on the roomba
they don't stay on it after it moves :P
@m59 yeah I understand that my rest service should return proper result. it cannot be done by ajax as browsers don't read headers and they won't be able to read that a result is of type zip file and it needs to be get downloaded. I think it needs iframe or similar to achieve this.
to be on the same page. Or I can just open in a new tab.
Yeah, see how that's irrelevant to Angular?
> browsers don't read headers
lol I didn't catch that.
9:55 PM
@Yoda To dynamically download a file, make sure the server sets a proper Content-Disposition header (google up on it). Then create a link to said file, .click it, boom
@Zirak I've tried giving pdf content to browser, that didn't worked via ajax.
I had to reload the page to use the chrome's built-in pdf viewer.
what's the word that starts with an e that means to extract a person from a country?
@Zirak ah no way? I was thinking it had to be an anchor tag for some reason.
not extract, not export, not expedite
or is it expedite?
I probably read some dumb answer on SO haha.
9:58 PM
@Shmiddty sorry I was wrong, it seems that it works : jsfiddle.net/qhskacsw/7/show and that very big zoom, as well as very small zoom is possible ! :)
@Yoda What'd you think would happen?
i knew it was a dite word
@m59 "Create link to said file" is the anchor tag
I may have understood incorrectly, but the goal is to download stuff
DOH, I can't read right now. I'm stuck on some weird node behavior and it's rattling my brain.
So, was I originally right in thinking that you can't download something via an actual ajax call (directly)?
10:00 PM
You can create a download with Blob
You could but that'd be weird. You have to set the response type to be a Blob, and then use some funky stuff with FileWriter (which afaik is deprecated)
yep. Gotcha.
That'd fail for large files though, since XHR loads everything into a single buffer
Just let the browser do its job
@m59 yeah nothing can be download via ajax I think because the data is read by javascript and not by browser. I had to do for binary content like images, pdfs etc. This time its a zip file.
A: Download Binary Files with Javascript

Jo DavidHave a look at the MDN article on XMLHttpRequest. If you set the response of the XMLHttpRequest to ArrayBuffer you could do the following: var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", requestUrl); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.onload = function () { if (this.status === 200) { ...

10:02 PM
@copy that's cool, I didn't know that
@copy any idea about the browser support?
@copy I've tried all these mishmash methods. They break apart when you want to download a 2gb file
Yeah, but who would download 2gb over HTTP
If xhr could be used as a stream that'd be great, but alas...
And if you don't want to do anything with the content, it'd be much better (both practically and conceptually) to let the browser do it
^ yeah right
10:05 PM
Good morning
So there's a Telstra (phone) store right next to the entry of my building. Big line of people getting shitty that I needed to cut through their line to get to work
I'm glad they've caught up to 2012
looks like a lot of txt record lookup tools are xss vulnerable :o
Aww not cool man. The problem I had was that when I was accessing my REST api in the browser /api/whatever I would get the data back, but the request would never complete. I finally stopped blaming my code and restarted the browser and all is well...
I don't understand how that could even happen..
@RalphWiggum faceplant
10:24 PM
@Shmiddty Do you know how to have a "smooth zoom" effect (ie like when we mousewheel on Google Maps : the zooming effect has a smooth "transition") ?
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
Oh maybe you're gone, I'll try find this later ! (you can send me offline message ;) )
@rlemon yes
@Basj maybe Google does
3 besides my wife
@SomeKittensUx2666 of course, I know, but I have spent the last days struggling with some dirty code (and using Google to help me) for at least 25+ hours ... and finally @Shmiddty found a nice solution in < 100 lines.... That's why, if he had still been here, I would have preferred to ask his advice ..
@RyanKinal & @ircmaxell you guys also share a birthday with the USAF
@SomeKittensUx2666 Neat!
@SterlingArcher No
@Zirak Basically my js13k entry - but hosted on Runnable!
10:34 PM
Aww, heck. I've got a heisenbug.
@SomeKittensUx2666 you think you had a recruiter fail? "Hi Tim, We are currently looking for a Front-End Developer to work for Ministry Sync on our new web-app."
Just got that ^
@SomeKittensUx2666 Gotta love dem scrollbars and the space key working together for a horrible ux
@DJDavid98 oh hush.
10:36 PM
could use some body, html, #stuff { height: 100%; width: 100% }
Looks fine on my massive monitor
@DJDavid98 That screws up the multiplayer
@SomeKittensUx2666 Multiplayer? How to control the second ship then?
Definitely not WASD, I tried
Try opening another tab
dafuq it became self aware
and now I'm ded. gr8
space to respawn
10:39 PM
Welcome to the Internet era
9/10 needs more jquery
Lol I win
keys[39] = true;
keys[32] = true;
@SomeKittensUx2666 Did you end up borrowing border detection/handling from that example I showed ya?
So I have a little textarea and with jquery, I added a click event where it changes the html of the selected element to summerNote (external JS plugin). Except, after that, when you click on textarea, it continues to execute that same function.
and keeps trying to focus on the textarea.
@monners I did not (yet)
could you do me a big favor and file an issue with GH?
a more pressing issue is that people explode after they're dead.
As in TODO: refine border handling?
10:53 PM
inb4 scottish border joke
@SomeKittensUx2666 Can you send me the link to the repo?
@monners and a link to the CodePen
@TomW did the vote happen?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Done, though I linked to the actual example from the book's repo. Probably a little better documented
ah just finished
10:57 PM
@monners cool, thanks
@SomeKittensUx2666 Side note, starting to get used to this keyboard. I honestly don't know why I put off switching to mechanical for so long. This things a dream to type on!
Can only imagine what the more clicky (green?) switches feel like.
Ah, right. Is that what you use?

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