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8:01 PM
@BenCraig should just stream it and record it and then you have backups
What kind of useful information should I save into the mongoDB when using google maps?

So far, I'm saving these fields: longitude, latitude, format_address, place_id
@BlunderCode I totally would, but the internet at my house is too slow to stream
I have to upload anything at work/school
@BenCraig what's your up I used to stream to twitch with like 1 up haha it was low quality but at least it was possible
@BlunderCode I think its 3? The place im moving into in january has 100 up though
anyone here work with optimizing react code much? I am running into a problem...
8:04 PM
@BenCraig with 3 you could probably get 480p 25-30fps fine haha once you get 100 your good to go haha
@BlunderCode hmm, I might try that then
Didn't watch it but seems possible
my girlfriend was streaming league from thailand on like 3mb down dsl on a computer that could hardly run league and i actually was able to watch the stream with few hiccups
@BlunderCode - thanks man... up and running, appreciate that
bit tricky to get started, but once I realized what scenes and inputs were and how they were listed it made sense
@HatterisMad any good game streaming software won't literally stream, it will record the game state and render later.
that's pretty rare from what I've seen, because it's super complex, but is a way better method
8:10 PM
@BlunderCode neat, ill try it out
@Shane glad I could help with something I come here and can never awnser any questions feels good to contribute lol even though it has nothing to do with js/code
hah, well it was very helpful... so thanks :) Let me know if you get stuck on reactjs / redux happy to help
@ssube and when software starts incorporating modern tech like webRTC and such well see leaps and bounds in speeds and performance
nah, webrtc won't buy us much
@ssube why so?
8:13 PM
anything that would benefit from that (which is really only massive updates) is already using p2p of some sort
@ssube yeah your right and with things like periscope and all the insta stream apps coming out its getting so much better. Nothing like the good ole justin tv days
@ssube i was just amazed because she can't even watch twitch streams from over there with her connection
@BlunderCode yes, but those shouldn't be a driving force for technology, since none of them last more than a year or so
@ssube yeah especially the chinese ones haha they pump them out like none other but at least it brings attention to more a more 'real time' internet if that makes sense
@rlemon if there is interest, I can go further with that.
8:25 PM
I'll check it out later on
so does everyone avoid writing css with React? should I be migrating towards just pumping everything into style={foo.styles} ?
No, unless you use something like aphrodite
which, meh.
I think 'css modules' are where it's at, now, but I still use plain old separate css (well, 'less').
you should already be avoiding writing CSS, because it's CSS, and then just use modules
the more and more I use these component libraries the less I'm enjoying it
8:27 PM
if you use webpack right, it will mangle the rule names so your CSS only applies to the right component
don't listten to him, he just hates css.
ohh, right, antd. no idea what is does with styles.
@rlemon yeah most are really lame
especially react-bootstrap
I don't really need a div that takes a number as a prop as a component :p
so spin my own, use scss, watch the world burn?
well, react-bootstrap just puts the classnames on.. so you just do what you do in any bootstrap app.
<col> oh so complex...
more comments than code
8:29 PM
dude... ant-d does that
nothing stopping you from just using <div className="col-sm-6" or whatever.
import classNames from 'classnames';
import React from 'react';
import elementType from 'react-prop-types/lib/elementType';

import { bsClass, getClassSet, splitBsProps } from './utils/bootstrapUtils';

const propTypes = {
  componentClass: elementType,

const defaultProps = {
  componentClass: 'div',

class Row extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const { componentClass: Component, className, ...props } = this.props;
    const [bsProps, elementProps] = splitBsProps(props);

    const classes = getClassSet(bsProps);
row component....
so many of these components are a joke
well not a joke, but not what I would expect to need from a component library
joke is too strong of a word
I don't really see a problem.
it's not like you should be mixing <Col> <Button> etc, so, having them separate components follows the bootstrap stylesheet.
8:32 PM
import classNames from 'classnames';
import React from 'react';

import { prefix } from './utils/bootstrapUtils';

const contextTypes = {
  $bs_navbar: React.PropTypes.shape({
    bsClass: React.PropTypes.string,

class NavbarHeader extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const { className, ...props } = this.props;
    const navbarProps = this.context.$bs_navbar || { bsClass: 'navbar' };

    const bsClassName = prefix(navbarProps, 'header');

    return (
      <div {...props} className={classNames(className, bsClassName)} />
idk man just stuff like that is SO COMMON in react-bootstrap
@rlemon what's "ant"?
so tiny
because it wraps a css library..
/me stops posting code
@bitten ant.design
face value, looks really nice
8:32 PM
@Luggage extra code for no real reason
started using it... don't like it much
Hey guys I made a component that adds a class!
@rlemon o okay
yay more reconciliation
well, the reason is to prevent a copy/paste of <div className="col-xs-6 col-md-10" />
8:33 PM
@Loktar i guess they are just trying to be consistent between how they create all their components
so a small component still would need the extra boilerplate to get it going
yeah but why would I include 3 components to wrap a class and make them all reconcile, just feels gross, actually ends up looking gross imo
they could just do props => <div className="row">{props.children}</div> is that what you mean?
the resulting jsx I mean
yea.. I have a slight distaste of it, but.. meh.
I'm not sure there is a better way.
without just writing it out.
I like the libraries with more complex components though for sure
not anti library, even some of react-bootstraps
just the tiny ones are kind of stupid
hell even my own on GH to be completely honest
8:35 PM
right, but they do it all for consistency.
and man so many PRs just to make it more and more complex
I'm like.. it's just a fucking component that loads shit when it's in view
you don't need a kitchen sink either lol
I actually lost control of it way back when I made someone else a contributer, they went kind of crazy with it
over accommodating?
yeah seemed like it
@Luggage glad you're using react now
and the others here
What kind of useful information should I save into the mongoDB when using google maps?

So far, I'm saving these fields: longitude, latitude, format_address, place_id
I've been using it.
about a year.
8:37 PM
I'm the only luddite in the group
I still think of you as the knockout guy
I still am. I use KO, too
with react.
@Loktar I'm still pissed about the templates and just how stupid they made the syntax.
@ssube dude fuck the templates
I'll never use templates
but that's like the only part of react I use :P
8:38 PM
I saw an example last week, they were so ugly...
er wait you mean JSX? Or react templates?
I mean JSX and the templates it compiles into
you don't like jsx?
ahhh ok, there is a whole react template thing.. which seems like they are just used because people make some giant ugly components and want to abstract the jsx even more
it's like they decided to use XML and forget about the syntax the values would have to use until it was too late
^ cc @Jhawins he saw them too
8:39 PM
so now you have what is fairly clean layout and structure, but then foo={{'{...}'}}}}}}}
ugh man so hideous, maybe they can be used better.. but I'd rather just have my jsx in the component not abstracted even further
what is that?
if I wanted to write curly lisp, I'd go talk to Florian and do just that
@ssube i agree that's crazy
8:40 PM
@ssube give me a real world example.
@Loktar lol ohh god. I'm writing garbage without that
it took me so long to figure out the syntax of some examples
        styles={this.state.items.map(item => ({
          key: item.key,
          style: {width: item.size, height: item.size},
but I'm still just learning. I can ride that train for a few weeks at least
looks like brainfuck at times
No one is forcing you to put a function inline in jsx.
8:41 PM
@bitten having inline maps and reduces is just really bad practice
learning es6 syntax with the above example wasn't fun :p
I just don't know how to indent
I inline maps in children.
needing multi-braces and the generally inconsistent style of tags is annoying
                <Menu.Item key="profile" style={{float: 'right'}}>
                    <Link to="/profile">
                        profile <FancyImage
                                                borderRadius: '50%',
                                                width: '28px',
                                                padding: '0 2px',
8:41 PM
@rlemon or to stop mixing tabs and spaces, you heathen.
yeah if you removed the inline styles it wouldn't look as bad
I need to fix ST to auto-convert the spaces to tabs
I stopped doing inline styling can't stand it, would rather use classnames and a preprocessor
yea I'm going full blown scss + classNames
8:42 PM
webpack does the pre-processing for you (or can)
I thought inline was the React way
@Loktar my example was for a react animation library
given the tutorials
complete with fancy shmancy scoping
@ssube and his is configured to.
8:42 PM
@rlemon nah, you're thinking angular :P
well. to process the sass.. not the namespacing
no, inlining is jsut as bad as it is anywhere else
some of the react css tools LOOK like inlining
and some actually are :/
oh, right
8:43 PM
and to do a hover is so stupid
even in aphrodite I don't love the syntax
yea.. I'm not in love with aphrodite like @ndugger is.
I'm trying to dump pre-conceived notions and do it 'the way of the land' or however you wanna call it. otherwise mixing all this html with js would be giving me anxiety
but I see how it could be appealing
@rlemon hah yeah I understand that
I wouldn't want it any other way now though
@rlemon you should still separate view from logic.
8:44 PM
the aphrodite stuff is insanely complicated for what it's supposed to do (and the existing ways of doing that)
like, that library is entirely boilerplate, it offers nothing new
> By default, Aphrodite will append !important to style definitions.
also, fuck those guys
dark theme does that too! 😃
they all seem great until you want to do anything complex at all, like use a real :last-child instead of doing it in JS for example
welcome to 1999, here's your jQuery, PHP, and !important
well, you are peeing in someone elses corn flakes, so you might have to
8:46 PM
or ::after or whatever.
.pipe(replace(/;/g, ' !important;'))
it's really a shame github's abuse button doesn't apply to abusing the language you're writing
8:48 PM
@Dawid Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 message moved to Trash can
@Dawid Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@SterlingArcher LOL watching this.. and I keep thinking she has great teeth
Obvious parody, but I still hate her LOL
haha yea
It's natural to hate obnoxious people.
@SterlingArcher 😞
8:51 PM
y u down leymon
it would be funnier if things like this didn't happen irl
LMAO the video at the end
her recording I mean
I would think it's just a crazy farce, but Hugh Mongous, so.. yea.
Guys, I have a problem with jquery... I am just starting an adventure with it
people like that exist.
8:54 PM
@Dawid that is a problem
if anyone can take a look a tthis codepen.io/dawidxt/pen/VmXPvZ
@Dawid jQuery is your problem
its basic swaping background image after hovering each img
@rlemon I've never seen a real life SJW
fucking lol
@Dawid what about it
8:55 PM
@SterlingArcher I've seen borderline crazy entitled kids while working retail
oh god
wouldn't call it SJW, the term wasn't really in back then
I've never seen one ever thankfully
just don't see people irl and you never will have to have that experience
> "you're just a scrub working retail"
"yea, and you're trying to refund $20 sandals which have been through hell and back, who's got more problems?"
8:56 PM
@KevinB ... I just need to add 1 option to it. While unhovered the image should back to its original, but not like direct image, but it should know what was before there. I was told that i have to use "var oldBg = $('#hero').css('background-image');" but thats a magic to me...
@rlemon that's a good come-back.
@Dawid add/remove class instead.
I got in trouble for it
no need for magic
@rlemon those are just people from the suburbs
8:57 PM
what @KevinB said.
I'd rather spend the rest of my life in a closet with a SJW and Hitler, if it was between that and talking to somebody from a suburb.
I'm from a suburb.
@rlemon well duh, you're the scrub, he's obviously in the right
@Luggage go clean yourself
Fuck you I grew up in the suburbs
8:58 PM
I grew up in an underwater breeding facility
Should I move deeper into Baltimore? or further out in banjo-territory?
@rlemon are you sure it wasn't just in maple syrup?
I grew up and then entered @KendallFrey mom
I may be in the baltimore area soon
@KevinB, so with jQuery I can't grab its previous state to return it while I unhover an image?
8:59 PM
@Luggage dundalk
@HatterisMad it's my fancy way of saying my parents threw me in a river.
@Luggage do you know where.. Canton is??
I'll stay of the streets near all the bro hangouts, then.
@Dawid Sure you can. you've already posted the code requied for that here
I think that's how it's spelled
8:59 PM
but adding/removing class is so much simpler
Yea, I know canton. that's the aforementioned bro hangout.
My roommates buddy lives there, I'll prolly go up there a few times
@KevinB hmm, ok I will try to put it in the right place if i can
@SterlingArcher these impressions are fucking great
hey ROs, I made an issue on the repo cause I probably won't be around much next week, what with the new job
please do not ban me while I am gone
9:01 PM
!!s/roommates/guy I'm really with when I say I'm with steph/
Canton, Fed Hill and Fells Point are the drinking places.
@rlemon My guy I'm really with when I say I'm with steph buddy lives there, I'll prolly go up there a few times (source)
@KevinB , thank You
close but fuck you
lol but fuck
9:01 PM
@rlemon and then they got too excited and it went everywhere
@SterlingArcher if you are looking for guys, Mt Vernon.
Dupont is more gay though
i can't see that area of github
these are so great damn
9:04 PM
@KevinB that would be a problem, huh
lol he's gooooood
does anyone know of alternatives to jQuery plug in 'dependsOn'?
what's your GH username, @KevinB? we should add you to the group and owner/mod repo
@erotavlas what does it do?
9:08 PM
ohh, form validation..
LOL oh god..
the timestamp where I linked it.. these filters are badass
cc @Loktar @SterlingArcher
oh god
now THAT'S entertainment
9:11 PM
@rlemon the truck is fine!
you don't bother steering if you've got your brakes fucking locked
oh my god the plow
@Luggage A jQuery plugin to facilitate the handling of form field dependencies
@ssube tentonaxe
That must have been frozen. Do they not salt?
9:12 PM
this is why you don't drive rwd american cars in the snow
because that's why you salt.
@Luggage first snowfall
the cop cars here are the same kind and have that same problem somewhat often
no salt down yet
So they don't look at the weather report?
9:13 PM
neither of those vehicles would have had to hit the bus
@Luggage no, plowing and salting happen after it snows and the city finds out because people complain
@Luggage not every road can get covered in time?
if either driver had known how to drive
unless that street is more angled than it looks in the video (quite possible)
it's a city.. those are first.
it takes 2-3 days for your average road to be salted
9:13 PM
@Luggage it's Montreal. they're backwards over there
roads don't get salted down here
unless they have snow emergency budget to burn, then it's ~2 hours
@ssube Not here
they just get lined with stranded cars
@KendallFrey main roads are usually salted by end of day, side streets can take a few days
9:14 PM
Quite often our road is plowed before I wake up
our roads are pre-salted
@KendallFrey you live in a city with 5 roads.
But anyway.. I was saying, that's too slipper for jsut snow. must have froze.
9:15 PM
because fuck your budget canada
I don't live anywhere near a city
@Luggage ohh black ice for sure
African-American ice
white ice is just as dangerous
9:15 PM
@SterlingArcher nah, you can see it coming
@KendallFrey not in the snow
what about red ice?
uh yeah
when the road is white you slow down
9:16 PM
@rlemon after a fall.
red ice means a moose just birthed a puckling
doesn't matter if it's snow, ice, or semen
@KendallFrey right, you slam on the brakes just before you want to be at a full stop
semen is salty, so it should be safer.
9:16 PM
@KendallFrey when the road looks wet, and it isn't sunny, you try to slow down and hold the holy-shit-handles
Does this mean I have to start jerking off in the roads again
The court was pretty clear I had to stop
Can't touch yourself
top kek
9:19 PM
"0.47K ms" thank you datadog for that formatting
@SterlingArcher no TV, lifes more boring
@SterlingArcher because they can't take their dogs out for a run, they might crash into something going that fast.
fuck I am way too excited for Touch
@ssube k ms?
9:28 PM
@MadaraUchiha 470 ms or 0.47 seconds
@ssube Yeah, no, I get that
47 hundredths of a thousand ms
Why would you have units that cancel each other out?
or really bad localization
It's like "Yeah, I travelled 500 millikilometers today!"
9:29 PM
I earned 0.46 megadollars
@ssube that's a lot
@KendallFrey I win
user image
My entire meeting just saw @rlemon's message to me on hangouts
lol, I'm crying
sexual activity, or activity in general?
9:38 PM
he had his screen shared
They only saw the barnacle message
ohh god... I'm dying
It seems excessive to have anal sex 10 times as much as eating
9 times
i mean you say that
9:39 PM
10 times would be too much, but 9 seems ok
there's also non-eating non-sex things like sleeping
@KendallFrey strongly disagree
@SterlingArcher Have you ever gotten a sore throat from overeating? mic drop
Most toilets flush in the key of E flat.
> So aside from Jordan's friend's fun facts, let's get back to this AWS architecture doc..
My PM.. right now
I hate you
9:41 PM
😃 😃
that is fucking amazing
that made my day
and this, kids, is why you use different work and personal chrome accounts :P
!!afk dentist
I have both :(
@ssube I don't think I can 6* 2 mons in 12 days :(
@SterlingArcher it's gonna be tricky. If I wasn't already 2/10 on 5* feed and 6/20 on 4*, I would be worried, but I've been prepping to evolve Vero and Bella anyway.
9:48 PM
I have 3/5 5* for a 6* ready but I don't have enough energy to farm all those 4*s in 12 days
I'm hoping to pick up a premo pack this week sometime, that ought to be enough food and maybe a couple extra 4s.
lol no 4*s i bet
shits hard enough to get lightning on
dunno, I get one every couple weeks from the crystals I get farming giants
usually get lightning every other pack, so a couple times each month if I don't put in any real money
da fuq
I never get crystals from giants
weird, you should get 0-3 ish crystals from giants 4+ and the occasional couple from story
so running both for runes and XP should net you at least 200 crystals/week
9:56 PM
Jesus I don't think I've ever gotten crystals from giants
@SterlingArcher well that's just broken, then
On the bright side I'm about halfway to max skill Lushen
where do you get your crystals, then?
how do you refill your energy?
I still have no idea what game this is :(
9:58 PM
Unless I buy a pack.. maybe twice a month? TOA, TOAH, and my crystal farm things, and the occasional event
@KendallFrey the anime pokemon math mobile one
the hwut

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