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9:01 PM
just like KSP
@NickDugger no need to flag them man
I didn't flag
someone did
Hello children. I am in a boring conference talk.
9:04 PM
I'm offended that you assumed it was me
you told him to stop, he posted another, all were flagged. sorry for assuming
gonna go kill myself now
jk I'm a raccoon
i am me
9:05 PM
@NickDugger kk miley
im an albino rhino
@NickDugger I am Jack's lack of surprise
I am the walrus.
9:07 PM
I am the egg man
I am anaconda
@SterlingArcher here you go boss
"use strict";
var chat = document.getElementById('chat');

function parseNode(node) {
    if (node.classList && node.classList.contains('message') && !node.classList.contains('pending')) {
        [].forEach.call(node.childNodes, function(child) {
            if (/#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}/ig.test(child.textContent)) {
                child.innerHTML = child.innerHTML.replace(/#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}/ig, function(match) {
                    return '<span style="width:12px;height:12px;border:1px solid #222;background-color:' + match + ';display:inline-block;"></span>' + match;
I am aroused
I am Legend
@KendallFrey hey lover
9:07 PM
#f00 #c0ffee #550066
@phenomnomnominal hey lovee
@rlemon wow :D
9:08 PM
looks bad
@darkyen00 My anaconda don't want none of this fucking awful "music"
My anaconda don't want none of this fucking awful "music" son. - i was expecting that from you.
I was expecting sense from you
how stupid of me
9:10 PM
like, the hotdog kind?
hotdog buns are lame, because they only make hotdogs
hamburger buns are better
hotdog buns don't make hotdogs.
unless they're the sentient kind
@KendallFrey is love. @KendallFrey is life.
@phenomnomnominal is sexy
...this is awkward now
9:12 PM
Nah keep talking
I need more material for my javascript room fan fiction
fanfic not even once
Well now I'm gonna make your character ugly
9:13 PM
can you make mine purple?
@NickDugger sorry, I'm not that tight
That's racist
The word "racist" is racist. It should be "ethnicist".
that's offensive to racists
For that reason I dedicate the following song
to you guys
9:15 PM
Your mom is offensive to racists
and non-racists
ew, that's feminist
ew, again?
hahaha wtf
9:16 PM
ew Laurie
ew Jackman
ew Grant
ew saturation lightness
a mirror i am lonely
@darkyen00 your sense of taste in music is highly questionable
@tereško I don't like that song.
@darkyen00 you are highly questionable
9:18 PM
Anaconda is a great song
@KendallFrey your dad is.
it's this decade's i like big butts
At least I know who my dad is
also, talking about "feminism": hotair.com/headlines/archives/2014/12/07/… .. this is wither scary or funny ... since I live in he region, I am temped to go with "scary"
@Meredith lol, not really
9:20 PM
Yeah you're right
it's even better
Feminism would be so much better if everyone was dead
the article has less to to with feminism and is more about Sweden going mental
Sweden is awesome
@Meredith what exactly is better than sir mix a lot's baby got back? I don't think this is exactly a song, it's more of abomination between scratches and some rapping and some stupid lyrics on top of twirking butts
9:23 PM
@KendallFrey sweden is a "borg nation"
@ziGi better beat, better lyrics, better flow, better butts
as in "star trek"
hahaha, biggest joke I've heard today
Dude are you really defending baby got back
9:24 PM
I am not saying it is that good in general, but it is much better than Anaconda
Nah man
Not even close
seriously, people, your taste in music is terrible
@tereško I personally listen to rock and metal
I never got out of my Punk music phase...
I'm stuck in the 80's and 90's, brah
@ziGi then you will get a pass
9:25 PM
and jazz, swing
@ziGi What kind of metal?
@Kyll Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
> genres
@Kyll depends on the mood
swing is terrible, just like the rest of Java
9:26 PM
^ ahahah
Music is opinions. No music is bad, you just may not like it. But somebody does.
@SterlingArcher some people's opinions are wrong
@SterlingArcher No, nobody likes screamo music
I love screamo
9:27 PM
^ false, and fu both lol
Raein? Classic
Screamo is the shit
Actually I like many of the things Sterling listens to
I'd rather listen to screamo than rap
@SterlingArcher you're a nobody. deal with it
9:27 PM
@SterlingArcher turn on the radio, which plays the "latest hits" .. basically everything on it will be bad.
var shift = paint.shift();

Is there a better way of writing this?
blessthefall, the amity affliction, motionless in white, i prevail, etc
hey guys quick question is it possible to create forum which will generate an html code depending on the input?
How can you not love it
@tereško I must say that there are still new bands that produce decent rock music
9:28 PM
Prawn is great
Nickelback is the best screamo band
They're new
@ziGi they just dont get on the radio
@Jonathan you're doing a circular buffer?
!!youtube the amity affliction the weigh down
9:28 PM
@NickDugger hahahahaha
So is medications
how can you not love this either?
@KendallFrey Yes
@tereško well that's why it's not called commercial
9:29 PM
!!youtube Rise Against Paper Wings
I think medications is more like 2010 though idk if they're still together
wait, no, not really
just rotating an array
why though?
.own * { left: -100%; } #BeyonceDoesCSS
As in I should better track the index globally?
9:30 PM
@SterlingArcher hahaha the pianist of The Amity Affliction looks a bit like the guy from The IT Crowd
@SterlingArcher This is metalcore!
@Jonathan I'm not saying how, just wondering why
@Meredith I don't drown myself in genres/sub-genres, when I say screamo it's just a blanket genre
metalcore sucks
9:30 PM
@rlemon I don't get it
Screamo is a very specific subgenre of punk
everything you own...
what do I do with everything I own?
I don't listen to beyonce
9:31 PM
this is really nice
I just enjoy the music. It could be great-white-shark-tribal-boom-boom-metal and I wouldn't care lol
you put it in the box to the left.
I don't get the reference
of course not as good as Dream Theater but still good
!!youtube everything you own is in the box to the left
@KendallFrey index= (index+ 1) % paint.length; -> better?
> not as good as Dream Theater
Nah, I'm listening to good music
@Jonathan not much
Dream Theater was cool in 9th grade
9:32 PM
Ooohhh Dream Theaterrrr total throwback
If you like dream theater, I recommend porcupine tree and opeth
@ziGi lemme see .. I am getting a strong "Ayreon" vibe
@tereško well, there is a difference
@ziGi lol
Opeth is intense lol
9:33 PM
@NickDugger no, Dream Theater was for the sad kids who sat in the corner in 9th grade (but not the ones who listened to Dragonforce)
Oh wait, that's Otep
beyone jayz?
.. hmm ... ziGi knew what I meant ...
9:34 PM
I've listened to Ayreon
@SterlingArcher Otep is the popular, radio metal version of Opeth
they are quite nice for relaxation
!!youtube this dying soul dream theater
yeah ... it a "periodical" thing
9:34 PM
Probably my favorite DT throwback
Sterling, have you listened to Protest the Hero?
It's 4F here and windchill tonight is supposed to be like -15... And I have to go to the junk yard like yesterday for my truck. Fuck
Although I will admit to having listened to some Godspeed You! Black Emperor the other day with the lady friend
finding out she knew and was ok with them as super weird
I have a friend who's really into godspeed
I just can't get into that kind of post-rock
$5 says they're not a tiny cute white girl
9:36 PM
I've never met one of those before who was at all familiar with post-rock
!!urban post rock
@monners [post rock](http://post-rock.urbanup.com/751800) n.

1. A style of music derived (obviously) from rock with heavy emphasis on dynamic contrast. Many post rock acts use singular themes in a a song and build upon them harmonically and dynamically. Several post rock bands include Slint, Mogwai, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Explosions in the Sky, and Tortoise.
^ Strongly recommend Slint
9:37 PM
!!urban steel panther
@monners Steel Panther A kick ass band who is a 80s style glam rock band who is trying to bring metal back (praise god). First album was "Feel The Steel". Tracks off "Feel The Steel": 1. Death Go All But Metal (Death To justin bieber more like it) 2. Asian Hooker 3. Community Property (I think the singer is going to get vd first) 4. Eyes Of A Panther 5. Fat Girl (Thar She Blows) (aka the annoying fat ass who rid(snip)
@Meredith have you listened to Ice Nine Kills?
Is that a metal band?
I never got into metal
lately I have music choices have been drifting apart .. I spent like a week listening to Amethistium (sample) but I tend to stick with post-rock and doom-metal in general
9:38 PM
We were definitely just chilling on the couch listening to F#A#inf
!!youtube what lies beneath ice nine kills
it was surreal, moreso than you usually expect with post-rock
You may like them
@Meredith it depends on what you count as "metal" .. some people say Tool is in metal genre
9:38 PM
@tereško they are really relaxing, I agree
Yeah tool is a metal band
@tereško well Tool is progressive, isn't it?
@tereško Tool is "oh, you're done with life? Here, let's bore you to death, very repetitively."
I never had a problem with tool
They're just kinda basic
9:39 PM
I think INK is... post hardcore?
they actually have been classified as "post metal" lately
Or like.. apocalyptic metal or something iunno
@Meredith what's basic about tool?
Idk when I think post hardcore I think bands like fugazi
@SterlingArcher dude, if somebody doesn't like metal, they're gonna hate hardcore, and especially hate post-hardcore
it's just metal in tight pants, that's why they scream so high
9:40 PM
@ziGi Everything? Go to a high school and see how many freshmen listen to tool
@ziGi their songs are incredibly similar and repetitive.
Post hardcore came from punk
and surprisingly long
@Meredith it did no such thing
@ssube Wait, what do you mean by Hardcore?
Hardcore came from punk, post hardcore came from hardcore
9:40 PM
@ssube true, you can say it for many bands, like Perfect Circle, Smashing Pumpkins etc.
I LOVE Hardcore, but not a huge metal fan
@monners not the vaguely-respectable-if-poorly-danced punk-based hardcore
I don't genre so I'm stepping away from this
the shitty screamo "post-hardcore"
The fact that basic bro's listen to tool because they know it is cool to listen to doesn't mean that the music is bad
9:41 PM
it's all shitty screamo these days
Oh... So not the Eletronica-style hardcore?
you can say the same for Purple, Zeppelin, Metallica, etc.
Plus I don't like discussing music with people who can't just enjoy what they like
Screamo is emo's answer to hardcore's post-hardcore
@monners you know the kind that's good? not that one
9:41 PM
No offense, I still love you ssube
@ssube lol
the kind those kids with straight black hair and super skinny jeans like because it's dark and edgy
/me is listening to Steel Panther
punk hardcore is just sad and brutal, so it's cool
@SterlingArcher love you too, I just like to get angry about screamo :P
To be honest, I for example like more the music than the lyrics, so if the music is really interesting I'd prefer to listen to it than to boring music with genius lyrics. I don't know if any of you can relate
9:42 PM
Good example of post hardcore
@ziGi but you like Tool? how's that work?
Maybe I'm basic as well. I just think that from music perspective the music they make is versatile and not that similar
but that's because I play some guitar I guess
Dw everyone used to listen to tool
Were I come from, not many people know them
9:45 PM
byw, if you like tool, you might enjoy:
@tereško yeah I know them :)
I used to browse similar artists in last.fm a lot
so I have listened to a lot of groups that have some similarities
also, if you like hardcore, you absolutely must listen to Jud Jud at some point. A capella hardcore band.
that's interesting :D
reel big fish or die trying
Nick, real big fish are ska right
9:46 PM
Instead of having a bass guitar, they just have a dude who stands there angrily saying "jud jud jud jud judjudjudjud jud jud jud jud judjudjudjud" all day.
well like punk ska
most ska is punky
@ssube I kinda wanna listen to that, but there's no way it sounds as good as it does in my head
I don't want to be disappointed
from the "strange list": Factory of Dreams and TesseracT are frequently in my player
does anyone know loktar/
9:47 PM
ska bands usually have brass
@Meredith it's awful, but you gotta listen to it, it's the weirdest thing
ska is just punk and reggae crossed. Fast, energetic, with brass.
Oh god
I am not disappointed at all
I don't listen to a lot of strange music
Gastr del Sol maybe
@tereško have you listened to Luna Obscura?
But they're not that weird
On the weird side of things, anyone know Cult of Luna? Vaguely post-rock, but slightly more metal sometimes.
9:49 PM
I might have heard of them? idk
yeah, I know them
not a huge fan though
Never listen to them at least
Everyone listen
They're about midway between Spektr and EitS on the weird metal/post scale.
On the black metal side, Spektr and Axis of Perdition are brilliant
Naglfar too
GY!BE and EitS and that one color-bird band on the post-rock side
9:50 PM
this is song of the year lol
credits @Loktar
Naglfar is good. Forest of Shadows has some great stuff (Eternal Autumn is a good song)
@Steve kom op man :D
don't start with dutch songs please
i dont get a word but its on repeat lol
maybe I don't like it because I understand how stupid it is
^ That's how I feel about every foreign artist I listen to
Like "this probably sounds so stupid to people who understand this"
9:53 PM
@Steve oh no not again
haha :D
@Meredith that's why metal is great. Nobody understands it. :D
any people who know Disturbed?
Aww yeah
My jam in like 8th grade
9:55 PM
ugh, yeah
well check this, it's hilarious :D
radio metal at its absolute worst
I remember my friend had the entire nervous breakdown in that one song memorized
disturbed is the nickelback of metal
haha so true
9:56 PM
@KendallFrey u remembered that lol
if you want something that reminds you of silent hill, though
Also drowning pool
9:56 PM
[~~(paint.length / 3)]
[~~(paint.length / 3 * 2)]

Why is this not evenly distributed? Brain error?
Drowning pool exists
@ziGi listened to it extensively around the time they released "Believe"
@tereško yeah, that was decades ago :D
I'm old
9:58 PM
haha not much older than us :D
Yeah I think I first heard of them when 10000 fists came out
@tereško if you are old @dystroy needs depends
We all know this is da best song ever though
@NickDugger actually that is really well done, I expected worse
@Meredith 4 sure!

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