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2:00 PM
!!youtube Symphony 2808
<3 Nero
Hey all, what's the best way to calculate download speed over an XMLHttpRequest? I'm firing off call after call retrieving x bytes of data. I have the size of the file downloaded so far, how many bytes I downloaded this request, and the size of the overall file. Should I be setting a timer before each call and substracting the difference from another timer after the call?
is Caprica automatically editing video-posts after some time?
@GNi33 all oneboxes
90 seconds and she un oneboxes them
2:07 PM
!!unonebox enable
@rlemon Functionality is enabled
@rlemon un-onebox disabled
@Jimbo If you manage to calculate download speed without a timer, let me and the rest of the world know.
@rlemon un-onebox enabled
@GNi33 make sense?
2:08 PM
makes total sense
I am going to edit to not unonebox youtube and quotes
images were the main target
well idk about quotes now
@KendallFrey E_ANYONE_ELSE
I would like that to go after 90 seconds ;)
2:09 PM
hahahahahahahahhahahaha, should tag @Wes in it :P
thousands of years from now I will only be known as slidepoop thanks to @BenjaminGruenbaum
he is making sure that gets google index'd at least once a week
I'm writing a maintenance nightmare right now. no separation of concerns and horrible design between the server and client
Can you add a command to unonebox that disables it for only the next message?
(see sandbox)
@KendallFrey I am pretty sure why that wasn't working - I'll likely have a PR ready by tomorrow
need to get back to work now
@rlemon yes, yes you will.
Probably will be known as the slidepoop.
What were you thinking about when you pooped on that slide?
the poopinator
how badly he needed to go
> I'll be back. With TP
2:30 PM
@rlemon did you clean it up?
@rlemon Should Caprica unonebox quoted text chat messages?
@SomeGuy I dunno really.
I'm going to make an issue discussing what she should and shouldn't unonebox
youtube -> probably . quoted text.. not so much.. quoited images -> probably.
images -> for sure
I say the majority should be left alone
pizza: yes wikipedia: no
well yea. like I said we can discuss it
most if not all images should unonebox
but there are some (like youtube, and wiki, and say xkcd) that should not
posted on February 13, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Stacy Farina had the best graph at BAHFest 2013! Don't forget to

2:34 PM
ohh yea and as much as I love SMBC -> whenever I tweet them to tell them their comic is borked and how to fix it they never respond with a "thankyou"
fucking assholes.
@rlemon That's what gay people are doing.
Have you tried tweeting at ZachWeiner?
today I don't know the fix.
@rlemon What do you mean "borked" ?
@dystroy Look at the feed oneboxed above
2:36 PM
@SomeGuy now back to me
@SomeGuy it seems they got off their ass and quickly uploaded the file
image shows now for me
404'd for the first few minutes
@SMBCComics Todays image is one year off (http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20130124.png should be http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20140124.png)
from jan. not even a damn thankyou
Hahaha, I love the red button on this one
@rlemon They probably didn't see it and realized it themselves
var key = 'foo'; var arr = [{ a: 1, b: 'foo'},{a: 2, b: 'bar'}];
var ret = arr.filter(function(obj) { return obj.b === key });
@SomeGuy yes, they obviously do a lot by hand without a proper build chain
is there a better way to search an array of objects pulling out a single value based on its unique property?
2:41 PM
"better" ? You mean faster ?
eh, speed isn't an issue
so what ?
just making sure i'm not missing an obviously better solution
I'm always in when you want a reduce or regex solution. But I have the decency not to call them better...
Probably how I'd do it
Using ES6 tech already?
you want the first match or all the matches ?
@dystroy 'b' is unique
there will only ever be one match
so find is better, if your browsers support it
I structured this all wrong. but deadlines are approaching so i'm making it usable then i'll re factor
and this is on node
so as long as node supports it
2:45 PM
yes! find!
@SomeGuy Array.prototype.find is available in chrome and ff
@FlorianMargaine :D
2:47 PM
@ThiefMaster around?
lounge has a flag troll
all invalidated now
nvm they are still doing it
uhhhh what?
@FlorianMargaine Oh, neat. I wonder when arrow functions will be here
Dammit... accidentally clicked a w3schools link
@SomeGuy already in FF
2:50 PM
srsly what is with that SO error message
and someone is working on chrome for that code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2700
@rlemon Happens sometimes. Just refresh
(Happens more often for me because I have a shitty connection)
you saying I have a shitty connection?
huh punk?!
@FlorianMargaine Sweet
2:54 PM
@rlemon You're in Canada... so... yes?
Doesn't your Interwub run on, like... Loons or something?
an Amaan in canada
Aww, misclicked :-(
that's like the indians saying "hi my name is james"
2:55 PM
Hahaha, that'd be fun
My middle name is Jack
the reaper?
I prefer reaper.
Ugh... hate it when my headset battery dies. The charger, it seems, does not provide enough power to run the headset and charge the battery.
@FlorianMargaine Russell Peters
2:57 PM
@RyanKinal hahahahahahahaha I think it is funny that the MURICAN is saying Canada has shitty internet.
your country has horrible infrastructure (outside of the limited Google coverage)
our infrastructure is slightly better -> but way more expensive as well.
Define "shitty"
> of or pertaining to fecal matter.
!!define shitty
@KendallFrey [shitty](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=undefined) (vulgar, colloquial) Very bad; unpleasant; miserable; insignificant.
The television I bought there was so shitty that I will never shop there again.
I'm feeling shitty today; I don't want to go out.
1988 November, Byron Coley, Underground, Spin, page 101,
It's a well-known fact that reading is about the shittiest thing you can do for your eyes.

2006, Everett True, Nirvana: The True Story, 2009, unnumbered page,
The difference is they usually have a shittier singer, and no originality.
@rlemon Yeah, I know. I'm just jealous.
2:59 PM
@RyanKinal any hope in you getting Google?
lol, no
because I hear that service is awesome and affordable.

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