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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

12:02 AM
I managed to find a scientific report to back it up.
:D :D
12:15 AM
@Graeme Found a bug in your lib. Will try to fix haha
12:47 AM
wow so I have an issue
how do tabs handle it
if I swipe a viewpager, the tabs change
if I click a tab, the viewpager changes, but then it circles and sees the viewpager moves so it tries to change the tabs again
how do I prevent this lol
1:00 AM
@edwoollard link?
2 hours later…
2:56 AM
don't have a link mate.
only a photo.
I'll send them to you tomorrow.
so busy right now lol.
final deadline tomorrow.
3:41 AM
2 hours later…
6:01 AM
6:41 AM
6:52 AM
@Ahmad i might be wrong but it could be related to prevent package loss / corruption? it's a very common problem on small bandwidths that big .rars or .exe's corrupt.
7:12 AM
7:43 AM
if everybody worked as little as some "express" package companies...
"yes, we'll recieve your package on saturday morning if it's sent today, but we only classify them on working days at 6 AM..."
gimme a pair of gloves and i'll classify them myself if that doesn't stop me from getting it tomorrow
@McAdam331 Bugs?! I don't make code with bugs!
they're hidden features
goooodmorning! o/
7:59 AM
I have like, merge requests on github. I'm like a real developer.
nice Graeme! :D
I have no PR's
maybe I should put something on github
If this app I've been working on all week but rarely work on (is that a contradiction?) is finished I'll put it on github
8:16 AM
navigaton controller and tab not being part of the interface and "overlapping" with your views.... fucking apple :/
worst framework ever.
8:28 AM
@PabloBaxter Thanks pablo! Interesting indeed.
What do you mean with overlapping with views, Eric?
instead of being elements that make the "view" / activity resize inside them to fit
they are just above
and you have to... put margins.
concretely 65px.
for the "actionbar"
ah yeah that crap!
and 55 for the bottom nav
it's a shitty shit.
Now you made me remember it =p
no problem :3
8:30 AM
And still, in the end ios apps look so fancy
because we ios devs bleed for them to look right.
Ack. Adam spent all night making a ViewPager for my BottomNavigation. Looking at the spec, you shouldn't use a ViewPager with BottomNavigation :/
but it's 100x times easier to make the same thing on android.
just android has so many devices it won't work in every one.
graeme, it should have a viewpager
Nope - Content shouldn't be side scrollable. And it should Crossfade not swipe.
don't look at the spec, google is just being asshole there. the "topNavigation" works with it, why shouldn't the bottom do it?
it's just a button placement difference.
8:32 AM
google.com/design/spec/components/… - "Using swipe gestures on the content area does not navigate between views."
Nah, their design looks pimp. ViewPager doesn't look good (which is what led me to checking)
My medieval English paper would be going a lot easier if Kings didn't keep burning stuff they didn't like -.-
Raghav - What's the point in being king if you don't get to burn the stuff you don't like?
i'd let the decision to swipe or not to the developers
Yeah, but if you're gonna burn stuff, at least burn all of it
8:34 AM
viewpager has a swipe disabling option
it's a 1-liner
Now I'm left with a professor fascinated by fragments and demanding papers
Fragments, ruining everything since the 12th Century
but if isn't there, there is no way to enable it.
Not found many simple options to change the Page change animation be crossfade and to disable swipe without overriding the class
why the fade, again? XD
8:36 AM
doesn't look good to me :/
@Graeme LOL
i'd make a fade + framelayout and a swipe + viewpager option, and let users pick, atleast.
because , F.E. , thinking as trying to sell this option in an app, none of our clients like fading things, and they "tolerate" the swipe because looks similar to IOS (and they all want both apps to look exactly the same).
@CptEric Thats because you know android better than ios. ios is freaking weird, but once you know it some things are quite nice. Well at least in the 2 weeks of ios I did.
been doin' it for 2 years
still hate it :p
Eric - I'm going to leave his Activity in tact and create a crossfade one
8:39 AM
But you must promise to download the repo, try it on a device, and see which one you prefer :)
will do XD
And then when you decide the crossfade one looks pimping, you must send an email to google and apologise for doubting.
yeah but clients don't want pimping apps, they want "sleek" apps. and fading (alteast on the spec page) look like a cheap wordpress transition.
8:40 AM
I'm using a FAB and I hate FABs
Your FACE looks like a cheap wordpress transition!
thanks, i paid 0.99$ for it :3
"avoid wrapping text"
a reccomendation for google : "avoid hardcodding tab paddings"
Besides - Clients are stupid and need leading to what is best for them.
8:42 AM
I think the wrapped text looks OK. maybe could use more space between the navigation bar
Very true Graeme :D
@Graeme not when they want to spend >20k on an app. if they want a cyan elephant riding a magenta unicorn as animated landing page, so be it.
Sorry If I seem to be starring a lot today. So many great things in chat!
last ios app we built, we had to materialize the whole UI because they loved material design.
now it's the other way around with this other client :/
"a cyan elephant riding a magenta unicorn as animated landing page" - i want this as my portfolio landing page.
Ah, It's the other way around at the client I was last at. First android had to look like ios, now it's the ios guys having the hard time making it look like android
there's a material lib on awesome ios UI
lemme link it for ya
8:55 AM
Ios dev seems to have gotten harder. Android devs are used to fragmentation but ios devs are not (well, many are not). Wasn't it kind of the point of ios that there are few different devices and form factors?
it's really fragmented too.
example : each version fucks up the last on how builds work.
each new swift version means refactor hundreds of lines of code because they changed "layout" for "contrain" or "println" for "print"
Eric - I'm a terrible business person. I'd tell them they don't want that, they want this, and it'll cost £5k :)
and iphones5 and older and ipad pro (2nd gen) and older don't have access to "Long" data types
because they are crappy designed 32-bit processors with limitation
on how long ints are.
so i have to parse json timestamps as strings 'cause of 'em.
That's worse than I thought =p
And I thought android was the hacky OS
imagine my face when they say my code is crashing and the line
i look at the line
"var timestamp : Int64 = json["timestamp"]
search google
"older ios devices have only up to Int16 or Int32, and when run, the code will go " down " until the most nearby valid IntX type.
9:10 AM
Guys, this is really awesome! They put color back in black and white pictures! hi.cs.waseda.ac.jp/~iizuka/projects/colorization/en
Cpt there ?
My apis are running on localhost.
And when I run my app on Android real device and access some api
it never gets connected to the localhost
I set the IP to for testing purpose.
bc you need to connect to your pc ip
and open ports
It's running already on port no 8100
...wait. PC IP ?
So I need to put the ip address of pc instead of writing localhost or to the API_ENDPOINT constant ?
9:21 AM
hmm i think so. atleast that's what i'd do
or use...
how was it?
Nice :)
Let me try
Weird, I have multiple apps with the same resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName but different resolveInfo.loadLabel
Oh Oh! I heard a joke! Want to hear it?
naruto, don't you need to do port forwarding stuff?
What's the difference between a rundown bus stop and a lobster with a boob job? One's a crusty bus station, the other is a busty crustacean.
9:28 AM
@CptEric Thanks a lot Man!
no problem-o
we use that a lot to test backends
miva2, yeah! That I had to do. tbh, I am not an expert at it.
dunno how to do port forwarding stuffs..
ngrok is made for illiterate guy like me. :P
i know how to do them (degrees, yay!) but i'm reaaaally lazy.
TLN, you just need to connect your phone with the network where your PC is connected
9:36 AM
Unless® something is wrong at the host XD
Unless® is property of the global school of engineering as part of their customer response system
it's go home time!
mr5, wakkata! (Got it)
But ...is worth posting.
9:55 AM
is there a way to move items in a recycler view to the bottom of the list?
yeah, you can set the RV to start from the bottom instead from the top
chat like
but i don't remember the concrete setting
well i want to be at the top, ordered by date, then when the date passes they get moved to the bottom
i've got it ordered by date already just need to understand if moving specific moves to the bottom is now possible
dat sounds harder
pretty sure there's a way
why the webview has to be so fucking slow
i don't even know what t osearch for
really annoying
10:29 AM
one feature i would like on spotify : view the song's official videoclip + lyrics
for now it's just lyrics
didn't they add something like that recently?
they kinda got like 20K $USD just seeing all those screens
so it was a profitable bug for this website
11:13 AM
Thanks Warren
"Even for a user with two factor authentication enabled, you can still access Slack with nothing else but this token. " That's what I hate about 2-factor authentication :(
Why all TV devices are unsupported for my android application ?
they don't trust the shows you like.
@miva2 you should hate slack not 2FA, they had a flaw
I don't hate two factor authentication. I just think in some cases it gives a false sense of security. And it is freaking annoying to deal with at times.
I had to write down a recovery code for my Steam account. to recover in case I can't authenticate with their app
I'm doubting it is more secure than just the password I had
11:34 AM
i get a spam mail each time i login
having to write a code o nsteam
/ web / app
11:52 AM
Yeah I had that but was tired of the notice to install the app and opening my browser again after I just closed it.
i never bother with recovery codes
don't think i'll ever be without my phone
I needed it after doing a factory reset of my phone and forgetting to disable it first
I tried Remix OS yesterday. It works well. Can anyone explain me it's raison d'être?
I don't see why running an os for a desktop/laptop built on an OS for mobile touch-based devices (in turn built on the base of an OS for desktop/laptop) would be something useful.
Sure, it lets me use android apps on my laptop. And I could finally play brave frontier which doesn't run on my phone and didn't seem to work on emulators.
It was fun to experiment with though
12:12 PM
Urgh - company just bought everyone pizza - so full and sleepy :/
Those bastards!
That doesn't sound like a problem to me
and good morning
@Johnny write access here requires a min 100 rep among other things listed in our room rules room-15.github.io
12:28 PM
I requested that the next pizza day we also be supplied with hammocks.
@billygates write access here requires a min 100 rep among other things listed in our room rules room-15.github.io
And usually a more original name
haha, graeme
I'm getting pizza next week :D
and the week after
12:46 PM
I heard the company I applied to has a pizza day every friday
Ahmad, are you leaving the big M?
Today would be a pizza day then
good ol' mark murphy
1:00 PM
that rant was funny to read
hahah petey :D
i went to a food market for lunch, and it suddenly started raining
always fun
Yea. I actually checked if this user made any other posts like this.
@codeMagic I already left MS (for 3 months)
it's for the time in-between
MS in Berlin only does semester based contracts and since I'm going to intern in the US, I can't do full 6 months wit them
Sounds good
Ah, I see. I think
1:14 PM
I was thinking maybe I should folow the material color guidelines and omg this purple-green combo is horrible and I don't even know anything about freaking colors: google.com/design/spec/style/color.html#color-color-schemes
coolors.co/browser (might help tide you over for a while)
I generally use this
It really show , how your UI is gonna like
Still don't know how to choose colors
Maybe I'll just do it monochrome
1:23 PM
this is very interesting
instead of having a field variable they just cache it with @Singleton
no, wait I completely misunderstood this
one if for exposing the push pipeline
and one is for reading only
@Graeme I made an issue for it, calling setSelectedChild or whatever that method is doesn't work completely right.
wow wait
everyone WAIT
I never tested it :)
Finally my blog is useful!
Since we're talking about colors, here are my top 5 color scheme tools.
Thank you for being useful Adam ;D
1:32 PM
Don't you have a website that says "look no further, use this color"
why five? because of The Jackson Five?
Just use the default AS templates and you'll settle with indigo and pink. done.
LOL what? No because it just seemed like a good number.
yeah but i'm too manly for pink
Let me suggest one Miva
1:33 PM
actually the pink wasn't that bad
fuck colors
I miss having a dark theme
At least when apple goes OLED, they'll go dark theme (to save battery). Maybe then android will have a dark theming again (cuz they kinda copy apple).
Just gonna look for a different icon instead of different color
huh, android doesn't have dark theme?
1:37 PM
You two have the weirdest bromance going on ever.
And I have a 6'4 pokemon fan as a husband.
you're never too old for being a pokemon fan
If I don't get at least a C in English after all this effort, I am not going to be happy
1:40 PM
C's get degrees, Raghav.
what did you do? did you actually study?
I've finished 2 papers, 2 essays, and now I'm studying for the exam
I don't usually mind English. Medieval English is getting annoying though
Medieval English
You'd probably have an easier time understanding it, since it's some form of proto German
1:41 PM
thou shalt not ask that way, Ahmad
why are you even taking that
I hate that kind of english
Satisfies 3 gen eds
Only if I pass though
3 gen eds?
We need to fulfill 17 general education requirements
Basically you end up taking at least one class in each broad type of study
Philosophy, math, history, global, whatever
Adam - I'm totes doing more work on our sample library. It's got a lion in now :D Bet you're excited to see it.
1:47 PM
ahh I see
what lib are you guys working on?
Medieval english is actually closer to Dutch (or to be more specific: Frisian) than German
Frisian eww
@Ahmad digimon is better
dragon ball is better
dragon ballz?
don't look that up
1:51 PM
i get the feeling that I don't wanna either
@Graeme A lion? O_o
Yeah :) and a Donkey and an Elephant
oh my
I am not successfully using animation in my Fragment transition. I am unimpressed by this.
1:58 PM
guys guys, i'm being noob. How do I use the default icons in android? I want a material default save icon. That should be there already right?
you have to download them
ah okay. cause @android:drawable/ic_menu_save looks horrible
man, I suck with colors and icons
@miva2 If you've got Android Studio 2.0+ (maybe even earlier), you can do File -> New -> Vector Asset... then pick from the material vector icons there
there should be a material icon library @McAdam331 @Mauker that looks like a job for ya
2:02 PM
I think there is a mega github repo of them
Or that tool
what the fuck omg what is that Jason
as 2.1 right?
design.google.com/icons if you want to be able to search
Vector Asset Studio.. it's in 2.0 also.. you can get there via File->New->Vector Asset
I need to try this tonight haha
sweet, thanks @JasonWyatt! I forgot about that
OK, looks good enough now. But on low brightness the contrast doesn't seem high enough. but whatever.
2:10 PM
if you're using the Vector assets, you can really easily tweak their color in the generated XML
I don't know what to tweak it to =p
I'm gonna throw my shit on github
You haven't been using the Android Studio Vector creation tool?
2:26 PM
I didn't even know that existed until today.
It's lovely :)
yeah with app:srcCompat you can finally just generate and use SVG as your assets, instead of 9 million dpis, i have one icon in production so far :P
That helps a ton.
I was hacked in 1996. Please understand that everything that was posted under my name for the past 20 years were not actually my posts.
2:38 PM
I don't really get the srcCompat thing - I just use my xml files?
I can't select the github repo I created from gitkraken when I want to add a remote in gitkraken :(
wtf, it works now
and i've been trying for 20 minutes
Hey I just wondered... can't you make something that checks all android projects on github, builds them and puts them on the playstore? That would be pretty cool
Will probably have tons of legal issues but still cool.
2:56 PM
> Google photos update - "Search for photos by emoji'
finally I can sift through all the snapchat images I've saved with emojis in them.
how does my website draft look: kon.to ?
@McAdam331 you're like an old man that collects stamps?
andrea says \o
and says that she collects gifs.
graeme, srcCompat just ensures you target the injected widget from the compat lib, so you can still use <ImageView... but with app:srcCompat you can point it at a drawable xml, which was created from an SVG, for example - so now you can just ship your app with one SVG, instead of 5 pngs for all the DPI levels
@cygery creepy
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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